Home Categories Thriller Qimen Dunjia

Chapter 32 Section 12 They

Qimen Dunjia 周德东 2519Words 2018-03-22
Zhu Xi has a classmate from Shanxi whose father owns a coal mine. He and Zhu Xi have a close relationship. Zhu Xi intends to ask him to help with some explosives. Zhu Xi wants to put explosives in Lou Xiaolou's car, and as soon as he starts to drive, he will be blown up to the sky.Zhu Xi hoped that he would not come down and fly directly into heaven.After all, he has no enmity with him, he just wants him to disappear. That night, Zhu Xi went to that classmate's dormitory to look for him, and the dormitory said that he had gone out to play disco.Zhu Xi immediately called him and said, "I'm in your dormitory, come back right away."

The classmate said: "Boss, what's the matter?" Zhu Xi said: "Human life is a matter of heaven and earth, and I need your help." The classmate said: "You wait for me, I will be there in five minutes." After hanging up the phone, Zhu Xi lay down on that classmate's bed, and picked up a book, which was "Give Your Seat to a Beauty" by Han Haoyue.As he flipped through the pages, he thought, now he's going to let this Lou Xiaolou give up his seat for himself. He waited for half an hour, but the classmate still didn't come back.This kid has never been reliable in speaking, maybe he was too happy to play and forgot about it.So Zhu Xi called him again: "Did you fall into the sewer?"

The classmate said, "I'm on my way, and I'll be there in five minutes." Zhu Xi continued to watch "Give Your Seat to a Beautiful Woman".Looking at it, a burst of drowsiness hit him, and he closed his eyes.Yesterday, he played cards with some Huadu fellows. He played all night and lost 300 yuan.Three hundred yuan is Sangya's monthly living expenses.In Zhu Xi's concept, three hundred yuan is equivalent to his father buying him a lady. Zhu Xi fell asleep. He slept for about ten minutes, but had a dream.It was because of this dream that he reversed his original plan.Otherwise, everything may have changed accordingly.

He dreamed of Huadu Prison. He got a approval note for Sang Ya, and she was going to visit her father.Zhu Xi was waiting for her outside the gate, the scene was just like before.It was very desolate outside the gate of the prison, and there was no pedestrian.Only an old man in the opposite shop was watching him. He waited and waited, but Sangya never came out.It was getting dark, and he was a little anxious, so he walked directly into the prison gate. Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered, the prison door closed with a bang. He looked back blankly, not knowing how to get out. At this time, a policeman came over, and Zhu Xi asked, "Have you seen Sangya?"

The policeman said coldly, "She's gone." Zhu Xi was very surprised and said, "Why did she leave? She came to see her father." "His father also left," the police said. Zhu Xi said, "Gone? Where did you go?" The policeman stopped answering him, but pulled out a pair of shiny handcuffs from behind his hips and said, "Now you can't go." Zhu Xi said, "I'm here to find someone!" The police quickly put handcuffs on him and said, "You bring it to the door yourself, so that we don't have to arrest you. You are doing well."

Zhu Xi said, "What did I do?" The policeman said, "You blew up Lou Xiaolou." Zhu Xi was startled. At this time, he saw a row of prisoners passing by, among them was the student from Shanxi.He glanced at Zhu Xi, then hurriedly lowered his head, took small steps on tiptoe, and followed the row of prisoners away. Zhu Xi said, "I didn't do it!" The police said: "The victim came to sue you in person, and you still want to deny it!" Zhu Xi said, "Isn't he dead?" The policeman laughed: "How do you know he's dead?" Zhu Xi was dumbfounded, and suddenly shouted: "I have an approval note!"

The policeman's expression suddenly became stern: "I have the approval to arrest you." Zhu Xi yelled, "Dad! Help me!" The policeman was very angry, kicked Zhu Xi into a dark room, locked it with a "bang", and then said to him through the small window, "No one can hear you except the mouse." It closed with a "crash", and after the last ray of light disappeared, the world was darkened. Zhu Xi was frightened, sad and desperate. At this time, countless fleshy, hairy and sneaky things climbed onto his body from all directions.They are undoubtedly mice!

The mouse said: "We have never used guns to carry out executions here. We have always been entrusted to carry out the execution. It not only saves bullets, but also feeds our stomachs. It kills two birds with one stone." Then, they bit Zhu Xi's flesh from all directions... Zhu Xi sat up abruptly. It turned out that someone was rubbing against his chest with a fluffy teddy bear. It was a girl, and Zhu Xi felt very familiar, but for a moment she didn't remember who she was. The girl said: "Your classmates told me that you were here, so I came here. Don't you know me?"

Zhu Xi suddenly remembered that she was Pari.He tentatively asked, "Why are you here?" Pari said, "What? You don't want me to come?" Zhu Xi said: "I've been waiting for you!... How are you lately?" Pari said, "Not good." Zhu Xi said, "Why?" Pari said, "After I broke up with you, I was not well." Zhu Xi said, "Where's your painter?" Pari sighed and said, "It's over." Lin Yaoyao was lying on the bed, holding the phone tightly in his arms. She is waiting for news from Lou Xiaolou. The dim moonlight shone on her face, making her look even weirder and uglier.

Someone's stereo was playing songs, and it came intermittently—it was my fault for confessing, it was my fault for being silent, it was also my fault for crying.It's my fault to love you, it's my fault to hate you, it's my fault at the beginning, it's my fault at the end... The text message rang suddenly. Lin Yaoyao's heart jumped wildly, and she waited for a long time before slowly raising the phone to her eyes—it was an inexplicable text message: I am tall, handsome, a senior student, high-quality, specially for lonely ladies Provide services with reasonable charges and quality first, known as "Duck King"...

Lin threw the phone on the floor when he asked for it. The sky outside was cloudy, and the moonlight gradually faded. Lin was going to disappear into the darkness. After an unknown amount of time, there was a sound of sharpening a knife in the darkness: "Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!..." Sangya slept soundly. She is dreaming. She dreamed that the sun was shining brightly and the sky was blue. Today is Lou Xiaolou's birthday.She bought a lot of vegetables at the vegetable market south of Haohong Community, and went home through a dead end. When we came to the fifth turning, an old man appeared. He was in good health and kind-faced, a bit like the birthday star in the painting.Sitting in front of a vermilion gate, he said to Sangya with a smile, "little girl, why do you buy so many vegetables?" Sangya said, "Today is a special day." The old man said: "Come on, sit down and drink some tea, I made it, try it." Sang Ya said, "I'm still in a hurry to go back and cook, thank you." The old man said sadly: "Well, seventeen people have already passed by, and no one wants to drink my tea..." Sangya stopped, smiled, and said, "Why do you insist on others drinking your tea?" The old man said: "When you are old, you will be lonely, and you always want to do something for others." Sang Ya said, "Master, let me taste it." The old man said: "Great, I finally have some use." Sang Ya put down the dishes in her hands, sat down, picked up the teacup and took a sip lightly, a fresh fragrance refreshed her heart, the old man smiled brighter, the dead end suddenly took on a new look, the pigeons on the eaves flew into the sky... Sang Ya thanked the old man, picked up the vegetables and walked home quickly. After drinking a cup of tea, she felt as if she had been reborn, extremely relaxed.Many passers-by looked at her. On this day, Sangya's craftsmanship was surprisingly good, and the dishes on the table were full of color, fragrance and taste.Cooking needs ingredients of love. Candles flickered and music blared.Lou Xiaolou put on a colorful hat with a happy face. Dad even arrived - he was released early and didn't go home, so he came to Beijing to see Sangya.He attended Lou Xiaolou's birthday dinner.Mom didn't come, she was too busy with work.Dad's face was full of spring breeze, without any haggardness.He looked at Sangya and Lou Xiaolou with blessings in his eyes... Sang Ya said: Dad, how did you come here? Dad said: "Guess." Sangya said: Airplane? Dad shook his head and said: No. Sangya said: Train? Dad still shook his head and said: No. Sang Ya said: Grandpa's donkey cart? Dad still shook his head and said: No. Sangya said: Then how did you come here? Dad said mysteriously: I, yes, fly, come, yes.
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