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Chapter 6 Chapter 5 Mom is on a business trip

Qimen Dunjia 周德东 4630Words 2018-03-22
On Friday, my mother was fully dressed and ready to go on a business trip. Before going out, she carried Tiao Tiao away.She knew Sangya didn't like it.In fact, Sangya likes small animals quite a lot, but because Tiaotiao is her mother's pet, she rejects her mother, so she also rejects her "companions". My mother said: "I won't be back until three days later. I will send Tiaotiao to grandma's house and let grandma take care of it. You should study hard at home." Sang Ya said flatly, "Yes." Mom frowned, obviously dissatisfied with her attitude: "Mom dragged you by herself, and taught you for so many years, and this year you will go to the battlefield! Why are you still so tepid? You can only get good grades in the exam. Only by going to a good university can you have a good future, this is the last word!"

Who would have known that in less than a year, that is, on April 23, 2007, on that thunderstorm day, Sangya died in that dead-end alley in Beijing. She has no future. Tiaotiao writhed in her mother's arms, as if she was about to come down. Sang Ya smiled and said: "Mom, you see that Tiao Tiao is in a hurry to leave." Mom gave Sangya a white look and said, "I know you bother me." Then, she talked about the precautions for life, and then went out. Sangya walked quickly to the window, seeing her mother walking away, she sat down and turned on the computer.Lou Xiaolou is not online.Without Lou Xiaolou, the world loses a direction and becomes incomplete.

Although Sangya has never seen Lou Xiaolou, his posture, appearance, smile, and smell are becoming clearer and clearer.And Dad seems to be getting more and more vague. She writes to her father once a month. She knew that she became the only spiritual support for her father in the deep prison.Lou Xiaolou is her spiritual pillar. She browsed pornographic websites for a while, and before she knew it, it was already noon.She went around the kitchen and was too lazy to cook, so she took some change and went downstairs. She came to the nearby Yoshinoya, bought a medium bowl of beef rice, a side of kimchi, and a cup of Coke, packed them up, and went home.

It is about one kilometer from Yoshinoya to her house.She was walking on the sidewalk, keeping her head down, looking at the pattern of paving bricks.A red ant is crawling.If she walked with her head up, she might have trampled the ant to death.But now that she saw it, she carefully walked away. As she walked, she felt the invisible man again, and this time he seemed to be closer to her, about ten steps away from her. She looked back, no one was there. But she didn't move, her eyes searched.Finally, she stared at a bulletin board she had just passed. There is a pair of feet under the bulletin board.

Sang Ya observed for a while, then suddenly shouted: "Zhu Xi!" The feet did not move. Sang Ya shouted again: "Zhu Xi, come out!" The feet still didn't move. She stopped shouting, turned around slowly, and continued walking. The person behind seemed to continue to follow, still about a dozen steps away from her.Sang Ya turned her head again, her feet were still under the bulletin board, it seemed that the other pair of feet was walking! She knew that the nightmare was coming again.If it wasn't for the delusion in her ears, or the nerve problem, if there is indeed a person behind it, then she concluded that the person a few days ago and the person today are definitely the same person.

This person has a vague image in Sangya's mind: She didn't look back, but walked much more lightly, her ears closely capturing the voice behind her. Those feet seemed to keep treading on hers, so that the sound of her own footsteps was an intrusive noise. A blind man walked towards him. He was holding a bamboo stick and walking forward while beating.He heard Sangya's footsteps and stopped.Sangya immediately hid aside and stopped walking, and the blind man continued on. Sangya turned to look at him. He walked a dozen steps on the empty sidewalk, stopped again, waited, and then moved on.

Sang Ya's scalp suddenly went numb as if it had been electrified. There was that alley in front of her, and she didn't dare to go any further, so she turned into a roadside clothing store. The boss is a middle-aged woman. She came up to her and asked enthusiastically, "Little girl, what kind of clothes do you like?" Sang Ya said, "Just take a look." The boss surrounded her and started to introduce, the sky was full of hype, and the rain was colorful.It seems that the business of this store is too deserted. Sang Ya looked at the clothes absently while turning her head to look out.She felt that the man's face seemed to be against the window, staring straight at her insincere behavior.

Sang Ya said to the boss: "Help me see, is there a person standing outside the window?" The boss froze for a moment, looked outside, and said, "No." Sangya said, "Thank you." The boss said: "Meet a bad guy?" Sangya said, "It seems so." The boss said: "Don't be afraid, where do you live, I will send you!" Sang Ya said, "It's okay, I can do it." She then left the clothing store apologetically. When turning the quiet alley, she couldn't help turning her head again, her eyes widened suddenly - she didn't see the tall and thin man, but saw the baby carriage!It reappeared, it was still rolling forward from left to right, and the baby was still watching her vaguely through the gauze curtain...

She quickened her pace, trying to avoid the entanglement of a nightmare. As she was walking, the baby's cry suddenly came from behind, and it was clearly for her.She didn't look back, and walked directly into the Miyun community. climb the stairs. Take out the key and open the door. It was extremely quiet in the building.At this time, Sangya suddenly thought that she should leave Tiaotiao at home and see if it still barks like last time, so that she can test whether there is really something behind her.She is an ordinary girl, a mortal, blind to what is outside of nature.And jumping can lend her a pair of eyes.In addition, when mother is not at home at night, jumping at home can also strengthen your courage.

After she opened the door, there seemed to be a force that pulled the bag in her hand, and it fell to the ground with a bang.She froze for a moment, then looked back, no one was there.She squatted down, picked up the beef rice and Coke again, then hurried into the house and locked the door behind her. She came to the window and looked out.There were two kids playing football, a girl roller skating, and three old ladies chatting. Nothing out of the ordinary. She calmed down her heartbeat, went into the bathroom and washed her hands, then sat in front of the computer, continued to watch QQ while eating.

The strange thing is that she couldn't find Lou Xiaolou after searching for a long time. He disappeared in her QQ.She didn't delete him! However, she remembered his number firmly, so she added him again. At this point, he was online and quickly passed her. Lou Xiaolou: What's wrong? Sang Ya: I don't know either, I can't find you in QQ. Lou Xiaolou: Is there a virus? Sangya: I don't understand computers. Lou Xiaolou: Me too. Sang Ya: Today I feel that someone is following me again... Lou Xiaolou: If I am proficient in Qimen Dunjia, I can help you predict whether this person exists or not. Sangya: I just want to know if he is a human or a ghost. Lou Xiaolou: Let me give you an idea, next time you bring a VCR, put it in your schoolbag, and shoot all the way with the camera pointing behind you.When you get home, look at what you took... Sangya: Thinking about it makes me afraid. Lou Xiaolou: Wouldn't it be more terrifying if you could never see his face? Sang Ya: Mom is away on a business trip again today, and I am the only one left at home... Lou Xiaolou: It’s okay, I’ll chat with you. Sangya: Thank you. After eating, Sangya asked Lou Xiaolou to wait for a while, she had to clear the table.She bagged the lunch box and Coke cups and threw them in the kitchen trash can.Bring a rag again and wipe the table clean.I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth before returning to the computer. She was stunned—Lou Xiaolou disappeared from her QQ again! She searched up and down in QQ many times, but there was still nothing, so she had no choice but to add him. After Lou Xiaolou passed, he returned to Sang Ya's QQ. Sang Ya: You disappeared from my QQ again! Lou Xiaolou: It must be a virus. Sang Ya: I suspect that God is against me and won't let me talk to you. Lou Xiaolou: Impossible.Our acquaintance was arranged by God. Sangya: Since it arranged for us to get acquainted, then bless me to pass the exam in Beijing. Lou Xiaolou: Do you still want to go to the University of Chinese Medicine? Sangya: No matter what university, I just want to go to Beijing. Lou Xiaolou said: Because I am in Beijing? Sangya: I have longed for the north since I was a child. Lou Xiaolou: I'll wait for you. Sangya: In your heart, do you feel that I am a daughter or a woman? Lou Xiaolou: Between a daughter and a woman. Sangya: Do you prefer daughters or women? Lou Xiaolou: Your heart is very mature.After I met you, I have been chatting with texts, and I have been talking to your heart, so my feelings for you are more... women. Sangya: That's the answer I like to hear. Lou Xiaolou: But, after all, you are only sixteen years old. When we meet, I will feel like a daughter to you.Let me be your godfather. Sangya: People say that the daughter is the lover of the father in the previous life. Lou Xiaolou: This statement is very romantic. Sangya: I don't want that to be the case. Lou Xiaolou: What do you hope? Sangya: I hope my daughter will be my father's lover in the next life. While chatting, Sang Ya raised her head and saw that the lights of thousands of houses were already lit outside. Sangya: I'm so sorry I delayed your dinner. Lou Xiaolou: Let's eat together.Let's talk again tonight. Sangya: OK. After leaving the computer, Sangya went into the kitchen, ordered some noodles, and ate.At this time, her cell phone rang. It's Zhu Xi. "what are you doing?" "Learn." "Learning online dating?" "Zhu Xi, you are becoming more and more mysterious now." "It was you who became mysterious, and I became mysterious." "Have you been following me?" "No." "Just keep your mouth shut!" "You have to trust me, Sang Ya! If someone is following you, I can ask my father to send someone to investigate this matter." "No, I can handle it myself. Hang up." "Hey……" Zhu Xi didn't keep Sang Ya's voice, she hung up. Zhu Xi called again, but Sang Ya didn't answer. When she returned to the computer and was about to continue talking with Lou Xiaolou, she discovered that Lou Xiaolou had disappeared in QQ again!A great panic welled up in my heart—there must be another person in this room, who repeatedly prevented Sangya and Lou Xiaolou from chatting! Sang Ya looked around and seemed to smell that strange hospital smell again. She turned her head, her eyes fixed on the computer screen, motionless, in fact she was listening to what was going on behind her. She felt that that person came home with her... But when did he come in?Sangya's family lived on the seventh floor, so it was obviously difficult to climb up... Thinking about it, she suddenly remembered that when she entered the door just now, the bag had dropped to the ground.Without this detail, she opened the door, came in, and then closed the door, even if the invisible man was right behind her, he would have no chance to squeeze in.Maybe, just as she knelt down to pick up something, that person stepped in from the side. He is in this room! Today, Sangya is at home alone, and she will live in the same room with this invisible person and spend a long night... The more she thought about it, the colder she felt. The electrical current of the computer creaked, which affected Sangya's hearing.She slides the mouse slowly and turns off the computer.The music that shut down the phone was very loud, which made her shiver in shock. The computer was turned off, and Lou Xiaolou suddenly became far away. He was thousands of miles away in the north.The world fell silent, you could hear a needle drop on the ground. Sang Ya seemed to notice that the quieter the room was, the more cautious the person behind him was. She turned around abruptly, reached out and touched back, but found nothing.She groped forward like a blind person, went straight into the kitchen, picked up a kitchen knife, and then walked slowly into the bedroom. She stuffed the kitchen knife under the pillow, closed the bedroom door, locked it, and lay down without taking off her clothes.After lying down for a while, she took out the kitchen knife again and put it next to the pillow.Then, turn off the lights. It was a dark night. Sangya moved in quietly, leaning against the wall, her heart beating wildly. She started thinking wildly: Perhaps, many years ago, there was a girl named Sangya in the key high school she attended, who failed the college entrance examination and committed suicide, and now she is in love with another girl named Sangya... Perhaps, a man falls in love with a girl, the girl disagrees, and the man dies in love.That girl looks exactly like Sang Ya... Maybe, Mom killed someone, and that person was probably Dad's colleague back then, and he reported Dad.After mother dismembered this man's body, she hid it piece by piece in the refrigerator... Sang Ya felt that this man was sticking upright outside the bedroom door, and she seemed to hear his suppressed breathing through the door. If it was a different person, maybe he would not be aware of the existence of this person, but Sangya could.Lou Xiaolou told her that human beings have three kinds of thinking: logical thinking, image thinking, and intuitive thinking. She belongs to the intuitive mind. Time passed minute by minute. When it was midnight, Sangya still didn't fall asleep.She has been tensing her nerves to confront the man outside the door.She didn't know if he was doing it for sex, money, or life.Or for nothing, he just wants to stand beside her... Everything has to have a result.Sangya didn't believe it, so he just stood like this forever without further action. Maybe, after she fell asleep, he would crawl in through the crack under the door little by little, like a flat worm, then stand up, recover his original shape, and slowly climb onto the bed... Suddenly, there was a sound in the living room. It seemed that someone was walking in the dark and accidentally bumped into the chair. Then, he quickly supported the chair and slowly returned to its original state. Then, there was no more movement. Sang Ya clutched the quilt tightly, so frightened that she wanted to vomit.Finally, she couldn't stand it anymore, and called out tremblingly: "Who?" There was no sound in the dark living room. She no longer dared to speak out.She realized that as long as the other party knew that she was not asleep, she would not expose herself.As a result, Sangya gradually let out a disguised snoring sound, subtle and even. She believed that the people outside the door were listening to her closely. Sure enough, after a while, she seemed to hear someone eating in the kitchen again. In this deep night, the sound of chewing seemed extremely terrifying. At this time, Sangya was extremely sleepy, her head was like paste.Usually, my mother is very strict, and I have to go to bed at half past ten.And it was at least two o'clock in the morning.She wasn't sure if the sound of eating was a hallucination. Listen, listen, the voice disappeared again. She vaguely heard the creaking sound from the sofa again, as if someone was sitting gently on it... After dawn, Sangya, who hadn't closed her eyes all night, got out of bed, opened the bedroom door, and looked vigilantly at the sofa in the living room, and there seemed to be nothing unusual. She walked into the kitchen slowly, looked at every corner, and there seemed to be nothing unusual. She opened the refrigerator and her eyes fell on the bag of bread—the bread was bought by her mother for her breakfast.She hasn't touched it yet, but now, the plastic bag has been opened, and the bread inside is missing three slices.
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