Home Categories Thriller Qimen Dunjia

Chapter 3 Section 2 North

Qimen Dunjia 周德东 4022Words 2018-03-22
Flowers are all in the south. Sangya is studying in Huadu Key High School.She was raised by her mother alone. Her father was originally a cadre of the Finance Bureau. He was sentenced to fifteen years in prison for embezzlement and bribery. Sangya was only six years old when her father was arrested.She still remembers that some police officers came to her house to search and took all the cash and passbooks.Sangya didn't know what happened, she hugged her knees, huddled at the head of the bed, watching all this timidly. A policeman picked up the piggy bank on the table and fiddled with it in his hand.

That is Sangya's piggy bank.The appearance is a stupid pig, purple, very cute.It contained the coins she had saved for a year or two. She said softly: "Uncle, that is mine, can you keep it for me?" The policeman froze for a moment, put down the piggy bank, patted her little face affectionately, and left. At that time, mother did not tell Sangya the truth.She just said that Dad's job was changed and he went to work in a new unit. It was a far away place and it would take a long time to meet each other. Sangya misses her father very much. Compared with my mother, my father is like a big child, taking her to play after get off work every day.If she wants cicadas, dad will climb the tree; if she wants fish, dad will go down the river.When it rained, she wanted to go out to play, so her father put on a raincoat, hid her inside, and went outside to play in the mud. In the end, both father and daughter turned into mud monkeys.When the weather is fine, she wants castles, princes and princesses, and elephants that can fly. Dad buys colored chalks and takes her to draw on the concrete corridors of the community.Once, Dad drew a beautiful tower.

Sangya asked, "Father, what is this?" Dad said, "This is Tiananmen Square." Sangya asked, "Where is Tiananmen Square?" Dad said: "In Beijing." Sangya asked, "Where is Beijing?" Dad said, "In the north." Sangya asked, "Where is the north?" Dad smiled: "Behind you is the north." Sangya turned her head to look north, and said, "Why can't I see Tiananmen Square?" Dad said, "It's far, far away. Do you see the farthest cloud? It's almost down there." Sangya said, "Beijing is too remote."

Dad smiled and said, "One day, Dad will take you to see it." Sangya asked, "Then how do we go?" Dad said: "Take a plane or take a train. Of course, we can also drive the donkey cart of grandpa's house, but there are too many people in Beijing, and it is difficult to find a parking lot for the donkey cart." In Sang Ya's heart, Dad is omnipotent, even if the sky falls, Dad can still stand up with a smile. But now my father is gone.Mom said it very implicitly - it will take a long time to see each other.Sang Ya didn't ask in detail. In those days, she had been wondering how long "a long time" was.

When Dad was at home, the three of them were lying on the bed once. Dad once said to her: "Dad is the sun, mother is the moon, and you are the little star." Now, only the moon and stars are left at home, and Sangya feels that it is always night. Mom is indeed like the moon.Her character is very rigorous, in Sangya's view, her face is always cold.She doesn't accompany Sangya to play outside very much, and she doesn't seem to be very good at playing.The year her father left, she sent Sangya to school.Most of the time, she was teaching Sangya how to write and count.Although she tried to have fun, Sangya still felt bored and missed her father even more.At night, my mother said: "It's time, go to bed." Sangya must sleep.She thinks mom is like a computer and dad is like a game console.

One day, she couldn't help but asked her mother, "Is Beijing the place where Dad went?" Mom thought about it and said, "No." She didn't ask any more.In those days, she began to wonder again, how far is "very far away", is it farther than ten schools? On this day, my mother finally said, "Sangya, Mom will take you to see Dad." The news didn't make Sang Ya jump up with joy, she was stunned.For some reason, happiness came suddenly, and she was a little scared. Mom watched her and asked, "You don't want to see Dad?" She asked in a low voice, "Is it... the original father?"

Mom said quietly, "Yes. You'll only ever have one dad." Mother took Sangya on the bus and walked a long, long way in the opposite direction to Beijing, and finally came to a very high wall, the iron gate was closed tightly.Mom dragged Sangya through the checkpoints and finally walked into a cold room. Dad is already waiting there.A policeman stood aside expressionlessly. Dad was wearing a weird suit, gray with stripes like a zebra crossing.He seemed tired and his beard had grown a lot and was matted.However, he was still smiling. When he saw Sang Ya, he immediately hugged her, kissed her on the face, and said, "Ah, do you miss your father?"

Sang Ya looked at her father and nodded vigorously. Dad said: "Dad works hard here to take you to Beijing." Sangya said, "Are you making money here?" Dad said: "No, Dad is making time." Sang Ya said, "Do you still have to earn time?" Dad said: "Without time, we can't do anything." Since then, the word "time" has been seared in Sangya's heart. When leaving, Sangya saw her mother crying.This validated her sense of desolation after entering the big wall, and she already suspected that her father had become a bad person.When she got to the door, Sangya turned her head to look at her father, who was bending over to tie his shoelaces.

Back home, Sangya couldn't sleep at night, thinking about the time with her father in the past. Once, my father took her on the street and chatted about the time. Dad said: "Sangya, think about it, what would happen if time stopped at this moment?" Sangya was very interested in this topic and said, "All cars will stop." Dad said, "Also, everyone stops moving like they've been pinned." Sangya said: "There are still airplanes, and the airplanes are also hanging in the sky!" Dad thought about it very maturely, and then said stupidly: "I'm afraid the plane will fall down..."

Sangya said, "It won't fall!" Dad said: "I think about it, I think about it, will they fall..." Sang Ya said, "It takes time for the plane to fall." Dad was so excited at the time, he called Mom right away, and happily told about Sangya's wisdom. Later, Sangya also thought that maybe time often stops, but we don’t know, because when time stops, people have no memory.It's scary to think about it deeply. Maybe the time between our second and the last second stopped for 100 million years.But we know nothing.Because there is no reference, time stops, the grass does not grow, the water does not flow, and the environment will not change in the slightest.

So, will it happen that one person's time does not stop, but another person's time stops? Sangya asked her mother, and her mother said: "If time does not stop, you are a living person. If time stops, you are a dead person. Stop thinking about these inexplicable things, and think about the new words that your mother taught you during the day." Her mother loves her, and her mother puts all her love into her studies. The management is very strict, and she must get the first place in her studies. For this reason, she signed up for several extracurricular remedial classes for Sangya.She also has clear requirements for Sangya's behavior and speech, not to fight with boys, keep her knees together when sitting, and not make a sound when eating... As she grew up day by day, Sang Ya found that she became more and more resistant to her mother, and her heart became more and more rebellious. At the age of fourteen, she secretly smoked; at the age of fifteen, she secretly kissed girls; at the age of sixteen, she fell in love with a 33-year-old man whom she had never met... First of all, she doesn't fit in with her mother. Then, she gradually became out of tune with the world. As she grew older, she gradually understood what her father meant by "earning" time.Her father became the eternal pain in her heart.This year, the American "Prison Break" entered China.Michael Scofield in it always reminds her of her father. He looks a lot like her father, but Michael Scofield doesn't like to laugh, and her father always loves to laugh.However, Michael Scofield escaped from prison for family affection and justice, but what about his father? — Corrupt officials. She has never given up thinking about "time".At the same time, her focus shifted from Hawking's science to his philosophy. In her sophomore year of high school, she tattooed a picture of Tai Chi on her wrist. One day in the third year of high school, Sang Ya came to an Internet cafe to surf the Internet. Originally, she had a computer at home, but her mother strictly controlled her from going online.She works in the district cultural center and is now promoting the issue of Internet addiction among young people. Sangya came across an article on the Internet: The author narrates a strange experience - one night, his fax machine spit out a fax, which contained the content about Qimen Dunjia.Feeling baffled, he unplugged the phone line.On the second night, the fax machine still spat out a fax about the contents of Qimen Dunjia.He couldn't figure it out, so he had to give the fax machine away.Unexpectedly, on the third night, the fax machine still spit out a fax about the content of Qimen Dunjia, and asked the new owner to hand it over to him... Finally, the author said: After much deliberation, I feel that Qimen Dunjia and I are the same. The ancient numerology has a kind of inexhaustible fate. At this time, Sangya was particularly interested in Qimen Dunjia. She thought that if she learned this prediction technique, she would know when her father would be released from prison. The author left a QQ number: 200826414.According to this number, Sangya inquired about his information: Nickname: Qimen Dunjia. Real name: Lou Xiaolou. Age: thirty-three. Sex: Male. Country/Region: Beijing. Personalized signature: I will take you to the past and to the future. Personal homepage: http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1253263117 She likes his signature, the word "go" and the word "come". An image appeared in her mind: a man with well-rounded features, mature and refreshing, he gave her all-round sense of security.This person is extraordinary and refined, travels through time and space, jumps out of the three realms, is not in the five elements, and comes and goes as freely as the wind. One of his arms wrapped around her, tender and strong, and he carried her all the way southward.For some reason, in her heart, the South is the past.The wind was whistling in my ears, and he took her to fly through high school, junior high, and elementary school... She saw a chalk-drawn castle on the ground, and said, "We land here, let's play!" Just a minute, okay?" Sometimes, he stands in the far north, and that direction represents the future.White clouds floated past him gorgeously, against a blue sky in the background.He waved at her: "Come here." She was surprised and said ashamedly: "I can't fly..." He laughed, and his smile was also blue, and Sangya suddenly felt that he was very much like her father.He said: "It's very simple, I will teach you. Just think three times in your heart-I want to fly, I want to fly, I want to fly. Then, you put your feet together, arms spread, eyes looking at In front of you, it will fly. You try it. In fact, everyone can fly, but they don’t dare to think that’s all.” She did as he said, and sure enough, her mortal body lost all weight at once. The heavy heart was also unloaded at that time and place, and I flew up lightly. That feeling was really wonderful.She smiled happily and shyly, and flew towards him little by little.That is the north, the north, the north of Sangya. His number is easy to remember, and 2008 is an Olympic number.She only needs to remember 26414. Sangya added his number.Add a sentence: I am your past, you are my future. He wasn't online, maybe he was invisible, so she didn't add any more and waited patiently.After a long time, he still did not see him pass.She wasn't disappointed, and she trusted that he would pass herself, by instinct. She put on her earphones and continued to wait while listening to Tao Zhe's song.I looked outside, it was dark, no, it was a bit cloudy.She took off her earphones and heard thunder roll by.She has been afraid of thunder since she was a child. It seems to be a huge executioner, holding a sharp machete, running around impatiently in mid-air, searching for the death row prisoner's neck.It was cloudy and rainy, which was the weather for execution.It has weapons of mass destruction that can kill people, it is the irresistible force of human beings, it comes without any signs, it is condescending and has control, it will make people die ugly... As a child, whenever thunder struck, she would crawl into her father's arms and seek shelter.After her father was imprisoned, whenever there was a thunderstorm, she would hide deeply in the bed alone, plug her ears, and never took refuge in her mother.I don't know if it's a year old, or I still feel that my mother can't protect her. The text message on the mobile phone rang, she picked it up, it was from her mother, and she had sent three times, but she didn't hear it just now when she was wearing earphones.Mom said: "It's raining, go home early." She looked at the computer screen again, QQ was flashing.Her heart jumped violently with excitement, and Lou Xiaolou passed herself!
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