Home Categories Thriller Haunted House Notes 2

Chapter 20 Chapter 20 Unknown Words

Haunted House Notes 2 贰十三 1984Words 2018-03-22
I followed by and glanced at it. This is the company's internal magazine, so I didn't run away.I saw that Qin Yiheng had already got his hands on it, and it seemed that there was no danger, so I picked it up and looked through a few books, and found that these things are quite comprehensive, one issue per month, this stack contains Hongda Real Estate's internal corporate magazines for several years. I am getting more and more confused, what is the purpose of the person who sent this thing?I thought to myself, do you want Qin Yiheng and me to learn about the history of Hongda Real Estate?It's possible.

I asked Qin Yiheng what he thought, but he didn't express his opinion. He just put the internal magazine back to its original position, sat on the sofa and lit a cigarette, and said, "Our situation is worse than I expected. It's being monitored." As he spoke, he took out a small object from his pocket, which was dark and put it on the coffee table. I picked it up and saw it was a pinhole camera.Qin Yiheng said: "Since the wardrobe appeared, I have also developed a memory. I installed a sneak-camera device at home and connected it to a computer host that is also hidden. It can record images for a long time. Every time I go out, I will take this device. The purpose of enabling it is to see what the process will be if there are still things sent in. But I didn't expect that this time the things were delivered to your home."

I'm not stupid. When he said that, I felt a chill down my spine.The co-author was because the other party knew that Qin Yiheng had installed a sneak-camera device at home, and the next best thing was to send the things to me?If so, is this person watching us all the time, day and night?Regardless of occasion?And monitoring two people at the same time?Do they have a team or something? Thinking about it carefully, this is really more frustrating than hitting a ghost. Anyway, I don't understand whether this is helping us both, or the other party is designing a path and trying to lure us down.

My head was a little big, so I lit a cigarette and took a sip vigorously, recalling all the previous experiences, that feeling of uneasiness began to surge from the bottom of my heart again. Guessing that Qin Yiheng was also thinking, for more than ten minutes, neither of us made a sound.In the end, he moved all the books to the tea table, and said to me with some comfort: "We can only be led by the other party temporarily, after all, no one can guarantee that what is written on the coffin board is true." False. There are too many incomprehensible things in this world, and one or two things are not bad, let’s see if we can find anything before we talk about it.”

Qin Yiheng's words made sense, so I slapped my face and started flipping through these internal magazines.This kind of books and magazines are different from magazines. They look smelly and long, but you still have to calm down and read them one by one, which is really a torment. The two saw the second half of the night, but got nothing.Originally, I planned to go home and have a good sleep, but now that I stayed up so late, I was extremely tired, so I had to keep smoking to refresh myself.In the end, I simply went to wash my face with cold water, and then I became more energetic. I went back to the sofa and was just about to continue studying hard when I heard Qin Yiheng say "huh".

As soon as he made a movement, my drowsiness disappeared immediately, and I hurriedly asked him what was wrong.He pointed to the publication in his hand and muttered, "There is a typo in it." At first, I thought he had discovered something important, and the co-authorship was a false alarm.Not to mention this kind of publication, even the high-end magazines on the market cannot guarantee that there are no typos, because the proofreaders are all human beings.As a human being, there will be times when mistakes are made, not to mention that this kind of corporate journal is usually just a formality, and there are not so many people who are serious about a typo.

I wanted to blame Qin Yiheng for making a fuss, but when I turned around, he frowned.I leaned over and took a look, only to see that he was pointing at the typo with his fingertips.I was also a little dazed when I saw it, I didn't know the word. Ordinarily, I can be regarded as a genuine university graduate, so I don’t even know a word. This is not a professional academic magazine. What rare words can be used in an internal company magazine. I want to ask Qin Yiheng what the word reads. Before he could speak, he seemed to have thought of something, opened several books in a row, quickly searched a few times, turned to me and said: "Not only is there a typo in this book, but also many books, and... ..." As he spoke, he picked up another book and pointed it out to me, "These typos seem to be in the same place."

When he said this, I still didn't turn the corner in my mind. I didn't understand until I saw a few typos he picked out. Let alone these typos, I didn't know them. The location of the typos is very obvious. Surprising.Because no matter what the topic of the internal magazine is, or the content of the article on that page, there will always be a typo in the bottom left corner of the fourth-to-last page of the internal magazine. How is this going?A typographical error, or what went wrong with the typesetting?But it's not like every book has a typo in the same place, right?I looked at Qin Yiheng, and he was also helpless.

After a long while, he said "hmm" and said, "These typos are probably the meaning of these books appearing here." After finishing speaking, he asked me to turn all the company's internal magazines to that page, and read them one by one. Check it out and write those typos on a piece of paper. While he was transcribing, I was watching from the sidelines.I did the math, and although there are typos in every book, there are only five words back and forth, which appear in rotation. I thought to myself, isn't this fucking proof that aliens are lurking on Earth?Unless this is oracle bone inscription, I can only believe that it is alien writing.Although every character looks horizontal and vertical, but no matter how you look at it, you feel that these characters are uncomfortable.

After Qin Yiheng finished transcribing, he looked at the paper for a long time, and finally shook his head and said, "This doesn't seem like a word that would be used on Taoist talismans. Some Taoists do write some ancient characters on Taoist talismans. Stick figures or totems are very similar, but in the end there are only a few of them, so it’s not that I haven’t seen them all.” Even his eyes were smeared, let alone me. I took the paper and looked at it. I didn't even know which direction to guess, so I had to put the paper down and ask Qin Yiheng what to do now. Qin Yiheng was also tired, so he yawned and said, "This is all we can do now, let's take a rest first, and when we have recovered enough energy, I will take you to an expert I know to see if I can help you. " After finishing speaking, he got up to say goodbye, and took two ham sausages from my refrigerator.

I was indeed exhausted to the limit, and I didn't bother to pack my things, so I just fell asleep on the bed.
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