Home Categories Thriller Adventurer's Notes: Resentment of the West Night

Chapter 16 Sixteen, Princess Zhaoling

The crowd erupted, with shock and ecstasy on everyone's face. They didn't expect that the ancient tomb they had been looking for for so long was found by a little girl by mistake.Is this a miracle, or irony? However, a strange feeling surged in Yin Li's heart. She looked at the deep tunnel, and a chill ran up her spine like a snake, making her take a step back. Why?Why does she feel this way?Like a fear lurking deep in her memory, she couldn't go down, couldn't go down.Down here, there will be very scary things waiting for her and everyone in the archaeological team! "Professor, shall we go down?" Guo Tong looked into the tomb passage and said excitedly.

Professor Li was also very excited, even the wrinkled skin on his face was shaking constantly: "The inside has been sealed for so many years, and a lot of poisonous gas will be generated. Wait for the wind to blow first to disperse the poisonous gas inside." go in." Qin Wen seemed to have thought of something, turned her head, looked in the direction of the stone forest, and faintly saw a white light flickering slightly.Everyone suddenly woke up, and their excited hearts suddenly cooled down, as if someone had poured cold water on them. It's the gang of grave robbers! Everyone became quiet again, the original joy of finding the entrance to the tomb was replaced by a burst of fear and worry.The young man whom Professor Li called Xiao Tan had a trace of uneasiness in his eyes, and said in a low voice, "Professor, they seem to have discovered it too. What should we do?"

"Everyone, don't panic." Qin Wen said calmly, "There is no other way now, but to wait for Brother Chen to bring the police back. Let's just pretend we don't know, and go down to the ancient tomb first. At least take pictures first, it's been a long time , antiques like clothes will rot quickly." Everyone looked at each other, but they didn't speak. Even Zhang Yuanyuan, who always liked to be sarcastic, agreed. An hour later, Professor Li lit a torch, hung it with a rope and slowly lowered it into the cave.The scorching flame jumped a few times, but did not go out.He nodded to everyone, took back the torch, and was about to go down, but was stopped by Qin Wen: "Professor, I don't know what traps and traps are there down there. I have practiced Taekwondo, so let me be the vanguard."

Professor Li glanced at her, hesitated for a moment, and agreed.Qin Wen took the torch from him and walked in. "Xiaowen!" Yin Li suddenly called out.Qin Wen turned her head, looked at her in surprise, and said, "What's wrong?" "Don't go down," Yin Li's face was pale, with deep worry and uneasiness on his face, "Down below, it's dangerous." "Don't worry." Qin Wen gave her a reassuring smile, and said, "I'm agile, I'm fine. If there is any trick, I'll be right back." Yin Li couldn't refute, and could only watch her gradually disappear at the entrance of the tomb, and everyone followed her.She bit her lip, feeling even more uneasy, her feet felt like they were covered with lead, and she couldn't move a step.

No, Xiaowen cannot be allowed to take risks alone! She gritted her teeth and followed in.As soon as she stepped onto the long tomb passage under the stairs, she felt as if she had entered a huge ice cave.The bone-chilling cold spread to her toes through the casual shoes, and then spread throughout her body along her blood, with a sharp chill leaking out of every pore. At the moment when her toes touched the stone floor of the promenade, a series of muffled sounds suddenly sounded in the air, and several groups of flames suddenly burst into flames.Group by group, from near to far, countless flames burned one after another, illuminating the entire tunnel like daylight.

Frightened by the sudden change, everyone retreated quickly and gathered tightly together.After looking carefully, I found that there was a big lamp every ten steps on the wall, which looked a bit like a brazier.Made of bronze, it is still brand new after two thousand years. I don't know what kind of mechanism is installed in the brazier. After two thousand years, it can still burn again.Such a design has to make people admire the wisdom of their ancestors. As the fire lights came on, everyone couldn't help but exclaimed, excitement and excitement replaced fear and doubt.His eyes were fixed on the wall, not moving away.

mural!It's a mural! Someone shouted happily. As far as the eye could see, the walls were covered with extremely exquisite murals, and even the ceiling was covered with paintings.Most of them are based on noble life and Buddhist legends.The ceiling is full of dancing girls Feitian. The beautiful Feitian is wrapped in a colorful cloak and dances gracefully.It makes people feel as if they are really in the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, and perceive the ultimate Buddha way. Everyone dispersed immediately, some took pictures, and some took notes.The murals from 2,000 years ago are still so well preserved, which is really due to the confined space and the dry climate of the desert.Even so, when the door of the tomb is opened and the flowing air from the outside comes in, it won't take long for the colors of these murals to dim, and there is even the danger of disappearing.

Professor Li led the people to do some rescue work, and Qin Wen excitedly ran to help.Yin Li is a layman in archeology, so he had to appreciate those murals. She looked at them one by one, and they were all Buddhist allusions.When she saw the fourth picture, her expression froze suddenly and she stopped in her tracks. It was a picture of a wedding, and in the center of the picture were two larger portraits of a man and a woman.The man was wearing Xiye's national costume, which looked similar to Hanfu, only slightly different in details.The woman is wearing a set of red curly train with exquisite patterns painted on it.A head of black silk coiled on the top of the head, with a few jade hairpins inserted, looks refined and elegant.

Yin Li looked at the painting quietly, with a strange emotion surging in her chest.Her eyes gradually moved down, and there was a line of Chinese characters written in ink on the right side of the painting: The wedding picture of King Xiyezihe and Princess Zhaoling of Han. Princess Zhaoling? Yin Li was startled.It turns out that this is Princess Zhaoling! She leaned forward and looked at the woman's face carefully.The paintings of various ethnic groups in China have always been based on freehand brushwork. Even portraits often do not match the face of the owner of the painting, and even have a thousand-faced vulgarity, which is extremely inconsistent with the aesthetics of modern people.Even so, the princess in this painting is still picturesque, elegant and beautiful.One can imagine how beautiful and beautiful she was when she was alive.

"Zhaoling." A low call, as if from the underworld, soft and distant, full of tenderness.Yin Li was startled and turned around abruptly.The tomb passage in front of him was empty, and no one from the archaeological team could be seen.She gasped, what's going on?Where did everyone go?Could it be that this tomb passage can still devour living people? At this time, she suddenly remembered a horror novel she read a long time ago.It tells about a group of tomb robbers who heard that there is a mountain in a distant place, and a famous emperor in ancient times is buried in the mountain.When the emperor was buried, he almost moved the entire treasury into his mausoleum, hoping to enjoy the glory and wealth forever after death.This group of tomb robbers became malicious about this huge wealth, and after all kinds of hardships, they finally found the mountain and the tomb.But when they entered the tomb passage, the members disappeared one by one.The captain wanted to escape, but at the entrance of the tomb, he realized that he was in the body of a huge monster, and this mountain was the body of the monster!

She felt a strong fear spreading in her body. Could it be that the horror story fabricated by the novelist actually came true in her body?If so, then she was really transported to the canopy, and there was no hope of living. Suddenly, she heard footsteps.His whole body shook, and he took two steps back, trying to find a place to hide, but there were walls all around, so there was nothing to hide.The man's pace was very fast, and when she was hesitating whether to run into the depths of the mausoleum, a tall and tall figure had already arrived in front of her. When she saw the man's appearance, she couldn't help but exclaimed.It turned out to be a young man in a white dark coat with a sword in his waist.Although his appearance was not very handsome, he was heroic and majestic, making people dare not look at him closely. She had seen this person before. Just the night before yesterday, when she went to Shilin alone, she had hallucinations.In that hallucination, the young man was standing on a stone pillar in the stone forest, silently looking at the princess tomb standing lonely between the sky and the earth in the distance!
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