Home Categories Thriller 13th hour

Chapter 13 Chapter One

13th hour 理查德·道许 21556Words 2018-03-22
Everything in the world is normal, at least temporarily.The lights are bright everywhere, the plane has not yet fallen from the sky, the robbery has not yet occurred, Julia is alive and well, and the shoppers still have smiles on their faces.As usual, people are looking forward to a good weekend. No one except Nick knew what was about to happen, and no one knew what horrific life would turn around in an hour and fifty minutes.He looks at the scenes of Barry Hill's daily life and knows what will happen from now until dark. However, he has an ability that neither fictional characters nor historical characters have. Fate is in his hands. He can change the future, His actions can change the course of time.

Julia stood in the stationery and gift shop looking at a stack of picture frames.She didn't know how big the ultrasound image would be, so she didn't know what size photo frame to buy, so she took three styles, thinking that it shouldn't be a problem.Then she went to the books section and picked up her favorite copy of Dr. Seuss' Fox in Socks, and on the way out to check out, she picked up another roll of teddy bear wrapping paper. As her friend Angela helped her with the check, she was excited for the night ahead.Just like looking forward to Christmas as a child, Santa Claus will make her dreams come true.The excitement she feels now is not the joy of receiving a gift, but the joy of giving.Giving and sharing, she wanted to see the look of surprise on Nick's face when he got a child (and the product of their love) as a gift.

She got back in the car, drove out of the parking lot, and headed for the airport.Although check-in and customs clearance at Westchester Airport were quick, she hoped to arrive earlier this time instead of rushing to the boarding gate as in the past. Her cell phone rang as she was driving onto Highway 684. "Hi, Joe." Julia hit the speaker button after seeing the caller's identity. "I'm sorry to be calling now," said Joe Varan, Julia's secretary. "Mr. If the children's trust fund is not properly handled when they divorce, the merger will not stand."

Julia smiled and said, "One of his children is five years old and the other is seven years old!" "Maybe their parents can see the future! I don't know. Anyway, Mr. Reiner said you have to deal with this conference call while they're away." "Are you kidding me? When?" "Now. Mr. Lehner said on the phone that Collier's twelve million bill was worth taking the next flight." "I'll go back," Julia said.She felt a tightness in her chest, as if Christmas had been cancelled. "I don't think so," Joe replied. "I've already arranged the conference call, and I can connect you up. You'll still have plenty of time to get on that flight with this lucky little thing in your belly."

Julia laughed. Joe was indeed a formidable character. "I'll pull over first, so that the signal will not be interrupted. You can turn all their calls over." "I wish you a safe journey, dear." "Thank you, you are the best." "Okay, guys," said Joe, "I've got you connected to Julia Quinn." "Good morning." Julia pulled over to the side of the road.Joe is a shrewd man.She always helps her get her life in order. The sudden delay forced her to run to the gate as usual, but she was able to catch the flight.She couldn't help smiling when she saw the teddy bear's wrapper popping out of the bag, and Nick was sure to be amazed.

"I understand your concerns about your children's trust funds," Julia said, leaning back in her chair. "Let's look at how we can protect their future."
Shano walked out of the bagel shop with only half a can of sports drink left.He ate the bagel quickly, hoping to eat it all before getting into the car.He hated crumbs, and the poppy seeds on the bagels would stick to the carpet for weeks and run into little corners. After eating the last bite, he came to the front of the car, patted his body clean and jumped into the car. At this time, the phone vibrated.There are text messages.

He looked at his phone, but didn't recognize the number.At this time, another text message came again, one after another.He found the text messages on his phone and found a total of five photos.He was about to open the first photo when he was interrupted by a call from the number. "I'm Detective Shano." He picked up the phone. "Did you see the picture?" the caller asked. "Who are you?" "I'm on the private tarmac at Westchester Airport. I drive a blue Audi. And, detective, don't trust anyone, especially your partner." Then the phone hung up.

Looking at the phone, Xia Nuo felt that someone was playing a prank on him.He looked at the number again, still couldn't recognize it, and started looking at the first photo. It was a green Ford in the photo, Danse's crappy car.Shano didn't understand at first why Dans wanted to drive the car, which, despite its increased horsepower, still looked like a broken car someone had left on the side of the road.Shano later learned that Dans had done a lot of illegal part-time jobs in the south of the county and in the Bronx, New York, and choosing a broken car like that would be less conspicuous, not as eye-catching as Shano's black Ford.

Xia Nuo's eyes moved to the next photo.This is the back of Danse's car, with the trunk open.Shano couldn't help laughing.This must be a joke on him.The photos are like the sort of car photos from all angles that someone puts in the back of a magazine when they sell a used car.He couldn't think of anyone who would want to buy Dance's wreck. But when he saw the third photo, he realized it was no joke.Here's a close up shot of Danse's trunk, filled with treasures, including golden swords, jeweled short swords, several fine pistols, and black velvet pouches gleaming in the sun in open black velvet pouches. Shiny diamonds.

Shano immediately became serious. If this was a joke, it would be too much.And when he saw the next photo on his phone, something seemed terribly wrong. The door on the right side of the back seat of the car was open, and a passenger wearing a seat belt sat in a pool of blood, blood covering his body.Xia Nuo looked closer, but couldn't see the man's face clearly.But no matter what, he knew he was seeing a dead body, a murder scene. He finally opened the last photo, the one that left him delirious and almost heart-stopping.Here's a close-up shot, this time from the left side of the back seat of a Ford Taurus.

He could see the face clearly. The deceased's face was pale and blue due to excessive blood loss, his mouth was slightly open, his jaw was loose, his eyes were lifeless, lifeless, and he lost his soul. Xia Nuo raised his head, and suddenly felt that this was some kind of delusion that he had never felt in his life. He looked down at the phone again, thinking he might have seen a strange vision. But there is no doubt that the person Xia Nuo saw was himself.
Nick sat in the car, waiting for Shano to come over on the private helipad.He couldn't waste any more time explaining, so he had the perfect way to get the detective's attention. Before the last time rewinding, he rushed to Dans' car, opened the door on Shano's side, and took the mobile phone from Shano's belt.He entered Xia Nuo's number into his mobile phone, quickly circled around Dan Si's car, took the five photos he just sent, and sent them in order according to the tension.He devised an invitation Shano couldn't refuse. Beside his seat was the Colt pistol he had brought back from the bushes, its chamber empty of silver bullets.It was the same gun he'd seen in the interrogation room twelve hours earlier, the one that Dance had put in his trunk after killing Julia and blaming him.It has become a symbol of death and greed, however, the inscription on the barrel and stock of the gun has now become closely associated with him, and also reflects Nick's dedication to justice: As the American Airlines jet took off from the runway into the blue sky, it rumbled like a constant muffled thunder that shook Nick's car.Aircraft took off and landed frequently without incident, and the air traffic this morning was as usual. Nick looked out of the windshield at the wide runway of the main terminal of Westchester Airport. There were six mid-size jet airliners preparing to take passengers to various parts of the country; a white AS300 parked on the outermost edge, red and blue The colorful circular trademark is extremely eye-catching.The Northeastern Airlines jetliner sat quietly to refuel and prepare for takeoff.Food and drink restocked, hallways cleared, and pillows and blankets replaced.These pre-boarding preparations take about an hour.It was assigned to temporarily take on Flight 502 on a one-hour jaunt to Boston's Logan International Airport.The very plane that would take Julia up into the air, with so many unsuspecting passengers on board, crashed two miles into the air, burning everyone in flames. Nick has been trying his best to stop the robbery. He wanted to save Julia, but he ignored the two hundred and twelve passengers who died in the crash.And now, Julia has also become one of the victims. It took him ten hours to save Julia from her imminent death and remove her killer from the world.Yet, despite his best efforts, he pushed her back to the first death she had avoided in the first place.Because of the mistakes he made, she had no reason to get off the plane; because of his actions, she experienced the most terrifying death method, and it was also the death method he feared the most in his life.He couldn't imagine what was going through her mind as the plane flipped and fell from the sky. He now finally understood where the beating minutes of the pocket watch were leading him.The pocket watch was for him to save the two hundred and twelve passengers who lost their lives, not just Julia. Although he initially thought that keeping Julia alive, he just needed to stop the robbery, but now he knows that his actions may lead to more serious consequences. He couldn't expect to just take the keys to Paul's plane, or send a text message to Julia not to get on Flight 502.He couldn't call the airline or the air traffic control bureau and tell them he had a premonition; he considered threatening them with a bomb, but decided against it.He knew that if he wanted to prevent the crash and keep Julia alive, he would have to do more, and at the same time, he would have to avoid the robbery. All his actions have consequences, and it makes no difference whether his intentions are noble or not.He'd seen Marcus's death, Manus's death, Shano's death, and in the end, he'd even put Julia on the death flight.Every change he makes has ripples and, over time, leads to a thousand different outcomes. If Nick takes one wrong step, one wrong decision, it will affect the future.His erroneous actions could have exacerbated the tragic events of Flight 502, perhaps causing it to crash in the densely populated downtown area of ​​Barry Hill, or in a children's camp instead of an empty sports field. Can people really change their destiny?Whether she was shot, died in a plane crash, or otherwise, was Julia destined to die today?Were the passengers on Flight 502 doomed to die in the crash?Was it the same no matter how hard he tried to keep the Cessna from taking off? Nick shook off the pessimistic thoughts immediately, trying to keep himself hopeful and in his best mood.He brushes away fears, dispels doubts, and instills confidence in even the most unlikely of successful situations.He's already here, and all day long he's been turning back time in ways he can't even comprehend; this last hour is his last chance to save Julia. Nick is full of hope and focused on finding a way. He wants to find the way that can change everyone's future.He wants to change the future of Julia, Marcus, Shano, Drovers, Manus and himself.He didn't know what the method was, but he knew he would find it before the hour was up. Nick picked up the phone and tried calling Julia again, but the call went to her voicemail again. "Julia," Nick said, "it's me. Do me a favor and don't get on that plane to Boston. I don't care what you're going to do or if you get fired, I have bad Premonition, I can't explain it clearly, anyway, you just listen to me. Call me immediately after hearing this message." Nick turned his attention to the Cessna, which sat amidst a long line of small jets and other aircraft, with its sleek, streamlined shape that felt like an artificial bird of prey. A blue Chevrolet parked behind the small plane, the trunk lid open.Paul took out a suitcase and a small bag of things and put them on the ground.He was wearing gray slacks, a blue tie, a sport coat slung over the open car door, and gray hair combed neatly as if heading to Sunday mass. Nick watched him for several minutes as he paced around the plane, talking on the phone.At this time, a dark green BMW with a shiny shell drove up the one-way street.The car drove through the almost empty parking lot and parked on the other side of the plane, with Paul waiting. A man in a blue shirt and pleated pants got out of the car and shook Paul's hand with both hands.The man had an elegant and dignified air, and he seemed to be in his late sixties, but his strong shoulders and tight waist showed that he was very strong; his perfect dark hair was mixed with gray, mostly concentrated at the temples. The two were chatting enthusiastically, gesturing and nodding, and finally, the noble gentleman opened his trunk, Paul squatted down to open the black bag, took out something with great difficulty and carried it to the BMW, put it in the trunk, Close the lid. Nick immediately recognized the mahogany box, and a chill suddenly appeared in his heart.It was the two-by-two wooden box, with the three sterling silver keyholes gleaming in the morning sun, and he couldn't be mistaken. Then, the man in the blue shirt turned around, the sun shining on his profile.Although Nick was spinning and dizzy from the past twelve hours, he knew exactly who he was seeing now. He was the European who showed up in the interrogation room, the one who gave him the watch and set him on a journey that twisted history.However, he now takes the mahogany box that Sam will steal an hour later. This box has caused many terrible incidents and killed many people. Julia's two tragic deaths are indirectly related to it. Flight 502 crashes. Nick was puzzled by Paul and the Europeans, his allies, and it never occurred to him that there was a connection, that he might not have been sent on this journey just for Julia.He saw the box only as a target for thieves, a loot Sam desired, and never thought about what was in the box or what it was worth.He thought it was just an old man's precious secret, but now... It is closely related to Julia's death and the crash of Flight 502, and too many people want what's in this wooden box.He never thought he'd be here - at this moment - and see this mahogany box, which he thought was still in the vault in the basement of the Hannik's house, which meant the real thief was standing on the tarmac right in front of him superior. Nick jumped out of the car in a hurry and ran wildly on the asphalt road.Seeing Nick running towards him like a maniac, the European hurried into the car and drove away.Nick ran across the fifty-yard wide parking lot, past Paul, and followed the exit-bound car, tapping on the driver's window.The European glanced at Nick, stepped on the gas pedal, and left a cloud of smoke, and finally Nick had to stop and watch the man go. However, fate finally sided with him.A black Ford came from the front entrance and pulled into the one-way street of the parking lot, the black front with blue and red lights on.When the car stopped on the side of the road, there was a loud siren, which just blocked the BMW's way. Shano jumped out of the car and raised his hands to prevent the European from driving out.He drew his gun and stood ready. "Please get out of the car." Xia Nuo said loudly. But the Europeans have gotten off the bus. "Did you send those photos?" Xia Nuo continued. The European looked at him puzzled. "I passed it on." Nick ran to Shano and stopped beside him.Paul also ran over panting, and exchanged an unhappy look with his companion in the blue shirt. "What kind of bad joke are you making?" Xia Nuo scolded through gritted teeth. "Detective, I promise you," Nick said, "this is no joke." "Where did you find those photographs?" "Please listen to me patiently," Nick pleaded, throwing up his hands, "there is a stolen mahogany box in the trunk of this car, and that box is the property of Shams Hannicott, Washington House, Barry Hill. .” Shano looked at Nick for a moment, then turned to the man standing next to the BMW. "Would you mind opening the trunk and showing me?" Without saying a word, the man immediately pressed the button to open the trunk lid.Xia Nuo walked over and saw only a two-foot-square mahogany box in the trunk. "That's right, there is a mahogany box in his trunk," Xia Nuo said, "What's in it?" "My name is Paul Travers." Paul walked towards Shano.He took out his wallet and showed his driver's license, "I work for Shams Hannik, and my company is responsible for Mr. Hannik's security system, including the Washington House." Shano picked up Paul's driver's license, looked at it, and compared his face with the photo on the driver's license.He turns to another person. "Then you are?" "Sacria Nash, I am Mr. Hannikel's personal assistant, and I am in charge of his estate." "Then who are you?" Shano finally asks Nick, who's a little grumpy over the bewildering situation. Nick was speechless for a moment when he heard that the European Nash who gave him the pocket watch was actually working for Hannik. "Do you two know this guy?" Shano pointed at Nick. "I don't know," Paul said. Nash shook his head. "I'm Nick Quinn." Nick turned to Paul after regaining his composure and concentration. "In an hour, your brother will go to Hannik's house to steal his collection of weapons, diamonds, and this box." Paul, Nash, and Shano all stared blankly at Nick, exchanged glances, and thought he was a lunatic daydreaming. "Not this," Paul said softly.He took a step closer to Nick, as if amused by his crazy idea. "It's the box Sam stole from Hannickle's vault," Nick said. "I'm sure." "The box in the Washington House vault," Paul said, as if speaking to a patient, "is a replica, an empty box with only a shell." "What?" Nick's eyes were full of anger. "My brother will never have access to this box or its contents, I promise you." "Then why didn't you tell him you stole it?" Nick's voice was unusually tense.Everything Paul said made no sense at this hour before the robbery took place. "What did you say?" Paul said, "I didn't steal this." "So the box in the vault is fake?" Nick asked, but already knew the answer. "Who are you?" Paul's eyes were very confused. Nick is on the verge of collapse. He has a plan in place, and it is a foolproof plan.But now, he heard that both Paul and Nash worked for Hannik, and the box in the vault was fake again... Nick looked back at him, wondering how much to reveal, too much and all credibility would be lost. "Just because your brother wanted what was in this box, the two hundred and twelve passengers on Flight 502 would have died this morning and my wife would have died on that flight. Why didn't you tell him about the box Is it empty?" Nick could no longer tell the future from the past. "What the hell are you talking about?" Paul asked. "I'm sorry." Shano looked at Nick as if he were a patient who had escaped from a madhouse, "Mr. Quinn, please come with me?" Shano took Nick's arm. "I'm not crazy." Nick shook off Shano who was holding his arm, and walked towards Paul, "Has anyone seen the weapons in Hannik's collection? You are in charge of his security work, you designed this system to protect his things, right? ? Has his collection of weapons been made public?" Paul looked at him and said, "No." "In one hour the security system you designed will be hacked." "Impossible." Paul shook his head. "Spanish long sword, Sri Lankan short sword, Ottoman saber; and that unknown Colt pistol, which was specially made by Sultan Murad V. It is also engraved with the words of various religions, including Catholicism, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism. That gun's in a display case in Hannik's basement." Paul looked at Nick with an unfathomable expression. "You were there just now, Paul." Nick called him by name in the tone of an old friend. "Is that display case still in good condition?" Paul nodded. "what do you want to say in the end?" "There are fourteen specially made silver bullets, each of which is different, and Arabic characters are engraved on them..." "...forbidden to heaven." Paul said slowly. Nick reached into his pocket, and when he took it out, he clenched his hand into a fist, held it out in front of Paul, and then spread it out, revealing a handful of silver bullets. "What's going on here?" Shano asked. "Look me in the eyes, Paul," Nick begged, ignoring Shano, "I'm not crazy, I trust you, I know you feel betrayed by your own brother, but someone has to stop him before the robbery happens .He killed everyone. He came here looking for you, stole your plane, and caused this tragedy." Nick reached into his pocket, pulled out Marcus' letter, and opened the Wall Street Journal to show Paul. Holding the printout of the news page, Paul was momentarily lost in the charred sports field in the photo, printed with the smoky tail wreckage.He quickly scanned the other items, the stock market numbers... Finally, he saw the date and time.At four fifty-eight on the twenty-eighth of July.He kept staring at it, as if the content would change if he looked at it for a long time. "Did you see that?" Nick asked. "Time?" Paul seemed to be trying to understand the impossibility. "No," Nick pointed to the Northeastern Airlines jet parked on the runway ready to take off, "it's the aircraft number on the tail." Paul looked at the red and green logo on the white tail of the AS300 jet parked on the runway of the main terminal, and moved his eyes down to the registration number, which is the certification number that all aircraft have, and it says N95301. It took a long time for Paul to turn his gaze back to the paper in his hand. On the scorched black wreckage picture, there were clearly visible trademarks and serial numbers on the white tail. N95301. "Your brother thought it was the real box he stole from the Hannik's house, and then he came here to find you, robbed your plane, and it happened." Nick pointed to the wreckage, "He died just like everyone else for this air crash." "What is this?" Xia Nuo pointed to the piece of paper. But Paul didn't answer.His eyes flicked back and forth between the photo and the plane parked on the runway, and finally handed the paper back to Nick without a word. Nick stuffed the paper back into his pocket, knowing he had secured his first ally. "Your brother's plane just landed here from Philadelphia," Nick said. "Somebody's going to pick him up around this time." Nick turned to Shano. "Your partner Ethan Dance ganged up with Sam, Burnahart, Randall, and a cop named Elio, and they're going to rob the Washington mansion today. He also killed my wife .” Nick paused, and mustered up the courage to tell Shano about his future, “He killed you too.” "Enough!" Shano yelled, grabbed Nick and turned him around, handcuffed him immediately, then turned him back, looking him in the eyes, "You're absolutely crazy." "I'm not crazy," Nick said. "Really? Where did you get those pictures you sent to my phone?" "The picture I sent you has the time. It's an hour and fifteen minutes later. Dance is going to shoot you in the stomach and drag you to the back of the car and leave you bleeding to death." "Detective?" Paul tried to interrupt them. "How do you know such a thing?" Shano just yelled at Nick, completely ignoring Paul. "I know Dans is not a good cop, and I know about that St. Christopher's medal in your pocket." Nick said, "You and Dans both graduated from St. Christopher's High School in Brooklyn. You are Cousin, he also helped you find the job." "Why..." Shano glared at Nick. "Did you see the time on the photo?" "Why do I have to check the time when I'm fine?" Xia Nuo was very angry, but after thinking about it again, he took out the phone from his pocket, opened the cover, and found the first photo. After a while, he finally looked at Nick. "How is this possible?" Nick turned to Paul, giving him a pleading look. "You know what your brother wants to do, that's why you changed the box. Now you see the number on the tail and know what happened...Damn it, let him know about it!" Paul looked at Nick with anxiety in his eyes, he looked at Nash, who nodded in agreement. Paul turned to Shano. "My brother will be flying over from Philadelphia and it's almost here..." "And your partner," Nick put in, "he's going to pick him up." Shano looked at Nick and Paul with confusion in his eyes.He looked into the distance, thinking seriously.After a while, he reluctantly went to get the walkie-talkie in the car. "Lena." Xia Nuo said into the intercom. "Good morning, Shano." Lina's sticky voice came from the other end of the intercom. "Did you see Dance this morning?" "He just left not long ago, not long after you left." "Do you know where he went?" "Xia Nuo, did you get separated from your partner again? Why didn't you call him?" "I don't want to call." Shano said, "Can you help me find out where his car is?" She paused for a moment. "Are you kidding me?" she finally replied. "No, I'm serious." "He's at the airport like you! Aren't you there too?" "Where is the airport?" "God, Shano, you're within half a mile of each other. He's in the main terminal. Shall I go over and introduce you?"
Dans sat in his car in the main terminal at Westchester Airport, ready to go.He woke up this morning knowing that he was finally free from the weight of Lukai.However, after he got rid of Burnahart and Elio and paid off the ransom, he would still have fifteen million.Randall survived because he regarded him as his uncle. He knew what he had done, but he never reported him.He is one of the few people he can trust, and others are just tools to help him achieve his goals. Then, he will disappear from here, and Amsterdam will become his new home.He will get away from here and start a happy and fulfilled life again, without worrying about money or his own safety for the rest of his life. He had procrastinated to the point where he couldn't procrastinate any longer, and Lukai's men kept harassing him on the phone, visiting him in person, and constantly reminding him that if he couldn't raise money by midnight, he would die. He and Sam have rehearsed countless times, and they have long thought about what to do if something unexpected happens or goes wrong.They did paper walkthroughs, discussed details, and Sam even did computer tests.They counted every second and it took less than fifteen minutes to complete. Everything is ready and safe, and nothing can stop them from moving. Sam stepped out of the main terminal at Westchester Airport into the warm sunshine.His mood was very complicated, because he was on a road of no return, but he tried his best to focus on the crimson wooden box, and let his thoughts lock on the loot he was about to get.He walked straight to the green car parked in the pick-up area, his neatly combed brown hair fluttering in the breeze. "Everything is going according to plan, right?" Sam asked with a smile after getting in the car and closing the door. "My three companions will join us there at ten past eleven," said Dance. "Is everything I need ready?" Dance nodded. "I have to make sure everything is in the right order," Sam said. Without saying a word, Dans drove directly out of the pick-up area and parked the car in the parking space reserved for the Traffic Safety Bureau and the police.Then Dance opened the trunk, and both of them got out to check the contents of the trunk. Sam opened the first bag and took out a silver box with a red half-dome lid.He opened the box, checked the lights inside, and made sure that the high-spectrum and wide-angle lasers were working normally, and the battery could last at least fifteen minutes.He made this himself according to the design drawings in Paul's file, a total of twelve.He doesn't know who created these special designs, but he knows that Paul wants to make something that can resist these functions and use it in future security. Sam checked eleven other boxes as well, followed by three black laser machines.This machine is placed on a five-inch-high tripod, which looks very similar to the laser scope on a gun. It emits a high-intensity beam like sunlight, which is concentrated on the monitor outside the house. In addition, there were two matchbox-sized instruments that could emit electromagnetic interference signals. He checked them over and over in his hands, and flipped the switches up and down. Finally, he examines the glass cutter, the simplest tool in the bag, but also the most reliable.It has no mechanical construction, requiring no electricity, lasers or high-tech circuitry, just a tiny diamond-cut blade at the top and suction cups mounted on a metal rod. Sam's cell phone rang, and he quickly picked it up and pressed it to his ear. "Sam," said his brother Paul, "don't talk yet." "Okay." With a smirk, Sam closed the trunk and got in the car. "I'm on the private helipad right now," Paul said. "I've opened the Hanico's safe, and the box is in my hand now." Sam said nothing, but his blood began to boil. "The man with you is Detective Ethan Dance, right? He'll shoot you and kill you when everything is done." Paul's tone was very cold, "Think about what you're about to do What the hell do you want? I know you don't want antiques or diamonds, you want what's in this box. You picked the wrong partner, the box is now in my hands, come find it if you want it I." Sam hung up without saying a word.Danse was back in the car and driving the car onto the road. "I have to go to the private helipad." After a long time, Sam finally spoke. "Why?" Dance asked. "We're in trouble." "Damn it!" said Dance, drawing his pistol. "We haven't even started yet!" "What are you doing with that gun?" Sam looked at Danse's nine-millimeter pistol. "Solve the trouble!"
At seven o'clock in the morning, when Paul found out what Sam was going to do, knowing that it would implicate his brother, he called Shams Hannikel at once to explain what was about to happen. Shams said nothing to worry about except the box, which he had to get before it fell into Sam's or someone else's hands.Shams said it was okay to let them take the weapons and diamonds, since those things meant nothing to him anyway, and they were all insured. Paul has known Shams for five years, designing security systems for Hannik's residences around the world.There’s the Washington mansion at Barry Hill, his wife’s cabin off the coast of Maine, his chateau in Nice, France, the occasional bungalow on his private island in the Maldives, and his summer home by the sea in Massachusetts.Paul and Shams become best friends, sharing their thoughts, talking about lost loves and some private parties.Shams gave him wise career advice, pointed him in the right direction, and gave advice only when he asked. Paul used to tell him about Sam, about the never-ending troubles and the troublesome things that happened because of him, but Shams always reminded him that family was the most important thing, the bond that could never be severed.Family members teach us our true worth, what we want and need, our fragile selves and our mistakes, not who we show the world to be.He reminds Paul that he is Sam's only connection to boyhood, the only person who knew Sam before he was hit by harsh reality, drugs, alcohol and rebellion. Two years ago, Shams asked him to make a box to keep the family secrets locked up in a place no one could get them, but at the same time the contents could be easily moved. Paul didn't ask him what he wanted to store, what that object he didn't want the world to know, but Shams insisted on telling him the secret, and asked Paul to be one of a trio, along with himself and his personal assistant Thackeray Ya Nash, the three of them jointly oversee the box.Only the three of them know what's in the box and have access to it. Paul spent a year designing the box, making prototypes, testing how badly it could withstand conditions, and finally bringing the finished product: a titanium box wrapped in fireproof Nomex paper and three layers of Kevlar Fiber, which is an idea from NASA spacesuits.The box is resistant to various temperatures, pressures and attacks.这套锁则是八角形钥匙的第二代设计,三个插槽可供三把八角形钥匙插入,每把钥匙都得对应特定的字母。插孔、钥匙和八个位置,总共有超过三千种相对应的可能性。这个非洲红木做成的盒子外表看起来就像某种精致家具,但它的绝缘耐压和不可穿透性等同于那栋白色屋子里最安全最隐秘的保险箱。 保罗一跟夏姆斯讲完电话就冲到机场,不到一小时便飞到威彻斯特。他的私人小飞机可以低飞,避开繁忙的空中交通。 他有进入机场的许可,也不需要担心监视器,跳上等在一旁的计程车,直接开到华盛顿大宅,从汉尼寇的保险柜里拿出那个盒子,以他在设计过程中做的空模型取代。
丹斯开着车从单行道驶进私人停机坪的大停车场。这个与机场平行的停车场位于一大堆飞机旁边,方便飞机的主人出入。这些喷气式飞机全都面向小机场的旁线道,也就是开往主机场跑道的道路。 丹斯将车停在宝马和蓝色雪佛兰中间,旁边是一架白色小飞机。宝马的车顶上放着一个深红色的木盒,宛如奖品般展示着。 一位身材壮硕、灰发梳理得十分整齐的男子站在宝马车旁,把手搁在盒子上。他的肩膀异常宽阔,目光炯炯有神,紧盯着坐在乘客座的山姆。第二个男人个子较高,穿着乡村俱乐部风格的精美服饰,坐在德国制的车子里,车门敞开,脚踏在柏油路上。 “你在这里等一下。”山姆下车后将车门关上。 这两兄弟无论在任何方面都南辕北辙。山姆相当消瘦,站在体格健壮的哥哥面前,两人的差异更加明显。保罗已经有白头发,山姆的头上还看不出来;一个人事业成功,充满自信,另一个则毛躁不安又神经质。山姆知道他的完美计划已经曝光,看到自己最想要的东西摆在宝马车顶上,这就是最明显的证据。 “你到底干了什么好事?”山姆以一种近乎野兽般的声音低吼。 “你在开玩笑吗?”保罗驳斥,“你盗取我的文件,还打算抢劫我的客户。这个人是我最好的客户,更是我最亲近的好友。” “去你妈的!”山姆用充满血丝的眼睛愤恨地瞪着他。 “回答得还真好。” “别把我当成小孩子。”山姆顶嘴。 “我从来没有这么想。”保罗说,“你有没有想过,也许是你对人生有着错误见解才会做出这种结论?” “不要跟我讲什么人生大道理。” “对,没错,你的人生够糟糕了……”保罗的肢体动作比他说的话还要夸张,“……所以你要把别人都毁掉才高兴吗?” “滚开!”山姆的脾气爆发。 “又来了,你老是用这种强烈的字眼,你不但懒惰愚蠢,还莽撞得要命。你知道要查出你想做的事情有多简单吗?你知道要在你靠近这盒子之前把它拿走有多容易吗?”保罗摸了摸木盒光滑的盖子。 山姆焦虑得开始喘气。 “听着,告诉我你到底要什么。”保罗拍着盒子,“你要钱?要得到别人的认可?还是纯粹只要这个盒子?” 丹斯下车走近山姆。“你能不能告诉我这是怎么回事?” “到车里等我。”山姆说。 “这个人是谁?”丹斯指着保罗问。他看着宝马车上的盒子。“这盒子又是怎么回事?” “没什么。”山姆说。 “最好是没什么。”丹斯回答。 “这是我跟我哥之间的事情。” “你哥?”丹斯惊讶地说,“这到底是怎么回事?” 两兄弟都没回答,两人都在盛怒之中。 “你是谁?”丹斯看着坐在车里的人。 突然有一辆黑色福特开进停车场,在开到丹斯面前时紧急刹车。 “嗨,丹斯。”夏诺下车,平静地说。 丹斯转身,突然看到自己的搭档,于是开始四下张望,装出在等人的样子。 “一切都好吗?”夏诺顺着丹斯的目光望去。 尼克从夏诺的乘客座下来,绕过车子。 “我有点小麻烦,不过可以自己处理。”丹斯换上一脸虚情假意,“你怎么会来这里?” “有人提出了一些非常奇怪的控诉。” “谁?”丹斯望着尼克。 尼克也回望他。 “我不喜欢毫无证据的控诉。”丹斯顿了顿,“质问上司是很不应该的。” “快告诉我你到底在这里干什么?”夏诺用手顺了顺黑发,“这样我就可以赶快回去处理更重要的事。” “这是私事,夏诺,你少管,免得我们闹得不愉快。” 尼克安静地站在一旁,看着这个把他人生搞得一团糟的人。 “他说你想杀他老婆。”夏诺以质问的口吻说,“你知道他在说些什么吗?” “听着,夏诺。”丹斯的口吻好像在对小孩说话似的,“警察内部监察机构已经盯上你了,只要我一通电话,你不仅会身败名裂,还得去吃牢饭。那些犯人最痛恨警察。” “老天!你以为这样就能吓唬我吗?”夏诺往前走了一步,愤怒得挺起胸来,“我很清楚自己光明磊落。我知道你手脚不干净。所以少跟我废话。” 丹斯大笑着嘲弄夏诺。“我们晚点再聊吧,我跟朋友约好了要去别的地方。”他向山姆挥手示意,要山姆跟他一起上车。 山姆瞪着他看了好一会儿,回头看看那个盒子,又看看拿着那个盒子的哥哥。 “丹斯,”山姆低声说,“我们不去了。” “什么?”丹斯立刻转身,好像背后突然被人刺了一刀。 “我要取消整个行动。” 丹斯走到山姆面前,犹如一只暴怒的公牛般往他脸上猛喷气。他的目光到处游移,看看保罗,又转回来看着山姆,接着望向车顶上的那个盒子。 丹斯毫无预警地拔出手枪,左手迅速伸过去抓住保罗,扣住他的脖子,把九毫米口径的枪抵在他的头上。 夏诺也以迅雷不及掩耳的速度拔出手枪对准丹斯的头。“伊森,你在搞什么?” 丹斯不理会夏诺,把枪管伸进保罗的耳朵大喊:“山姆,盒子里到底是什么?” 山姆看着保罗,惊慌失措。 保罗保持一贯的镇定,他上过战场,知道在战场上冷静是最重要的。 “我今天早上醒来的时候可没打算在晚上空手而回。回答我,盒子里装的到底是什么?” “不管是什么都跟你想的不一样。”山姆说。 “它甚至足以打乱我们的计划,这东西价值能超过两千五百万吗?够换你哥哥一条命吗?” “把枪放下,伊森。”夏诺低声说。 “你最好在我杀了你哥之前打开那个盒子。”丹斯扳开手枪的保险。 “丹斯!”夏诺大吼,“该死!快放下武器!” “夏诺,你敢让自己的双手染上鲜血吗?”丹斯扭转保罗的身体,把他当作自己跟夏诺之间的盾牌,“你只会说大话,但你能开枪吗?你有自信杀我吗?万一你失手,你有办法忍受间接伤害别人的罪恶感吗?” 尼克依然静止不动,在这场混乱中,他继续当沉默的旁观者。 夏诺注视着保罗的眼睛,他看到的是一个一点也不惊慌、冷静寻找解决之道和逃命方式的人。 一辆克莱斯勒急速驶进车道,在大家僵持不下的地点后面紧急刹车。艾利欧跳下车后拿枪瞄准夏诺,兰道尔从驾驶座下来,缓缓地拔枪,从另一边瞄准夏诺的头。 “花钱就买得到朋友。”丹斯说。 夏诺握紧九毫米手枪。他知道,如果他投降,丹斯抓住的那个人随时有可能被杀。 “我告诉你要怎么做,”丹斯说,“放下武器,丢到别的地方,这样我就不会杀死这里的任何人,就从我手上这个人开始。” “你不能……” 丹斯对着跑道开了一枪,把大家吓了一大跳,情况一团混乱。 尼克站在原地,看着保罗以及丹斯的枪,那把枪已经又转回去瞄准了保罗。山姆惊慌得不知所措,消瘦的手臂抖个不停,眼神发狂似的四处转,寻求他人协助。 “下一枪就会射到人的身上。”丹斯说,“你最好相信我,夏诺。” 夏诺看着丹斯,知道他所言不虚,终于屈服,把枪放到地上,踢到十英尺外碰不到的地方。 “喂,兰道尔,”丹斯说,“我后备厢里有警用塑料绳,拿出来把这些人绑起来。” 艾利欧挥手叫尼克和纳许过去在福特车旁站好。兰道尔拿着从丹斯后备厢取来的塑料绳把两人的双手绑在前面,让他们靠在车子旁坐着。 艾利欧转向夏诺,枪口抵在他胸前。 “你们犯下大错了。”在他们绑他手腕时,夏诺眼里燃烧着怒火。 “你乖乖合作就是了,夏诺,快坐下。”艾利欧怒斥,把警探推到尼克旁边坐下。 “山姆,你到底是怎么回事?”丹斯先看看那三名囚犯,又把注意力转回被他扣住的保罗,然后才看着山姆。 “你不可以反悔。”丹斯的口气中透着一丝恐惧,“我答应了别人,就要信守承诺。” 他已经控制住场面,现在兀自站在那里思考着。 “这是你哥哥的飞机吗?”丹斯看着左边的塞斯纳飞机,“你会开吗?” 山姆不情愿地点点头。 丹斯又将注意力转回保罗身上,把枪管抵在他的脑侧,直戳进他的耳朵。 “现在我们有个选择。一个能决定这里每个人生死的选择。这一切取决于卓弗斯兄弟,你们的命运掌握在他们手上。” 这时,一只黄色的拉布拉多不知从树林哪里冒出来。它停下来,左右转着头看着每个人。 “我们的第一个选择是那个盒子。”丹斯朝宝马车顶上的红木盒撇撇头,不理会那只好奇的狗,“我带着那东西飞走,这样你们大家都可以活命;另一个选择是,我们按照原定计划到华盛顿大宅抢劫,但可惜的是,如果是这个选择,我们就得在出发前先把你们都杀死,再到汉尼寇家去拿古董和钻石。” 那只狗突然开始吠叫,仿佛能嗅到危险似的以四只脚倒退,不停吠叫,中间夹带着低吼声。 所有人的眼睛都盯着那只狗,突然间,丹斯毫无预警地朝它开了一枪。 那只狗发出一声痛苦的惨叫,转身逃走,但不到二十英尺脚步就逐渐慢了下来。它摇摇晃晃,眼神困惑,露出哀求的表情,倒在地上死了。 “你这个残酷的禽兽。”纳许大吼。 “我可不想延误我们出发的时间,”丹斯转向山姆,“现在,除非你们这些人想像那只狗一样没命,不然你们两个中间的一个就快点给我打开盒子。” 山姆和保罗都保持沉默。 “打开它。”丹斯大吼,扭住保罗脖子的手臂收紧。 “我没办法打开。”保罗说,“那需要三把钥匙。”他指着三个钥匙孔,“但我只有一把。” “另外两把在哪里?” “在夏姆斯·汉尼寇那里。”保罗说。 "Where is he?" “你不可能从他那里拿到钥匙的,他宁可让我们死光,也不愿让你打开那个盒子。” “既然这样,那表示他已经帮你们做好选择了,我无所谓,只要现在杀了你们,再到他家去拿古董和钻石,就能解决这些破事。” 丹斯用枪管抵住保罗的太阳穴,扳开保险—— “你这个狗娘养的,不要把他牵扯进来。”山姆冲到丹斯面前。 “你走上这条路之前没想过后果吗?”丹斯对山姆大吼,“你自己说要走出他的阴影,现在却要保护他?” “那个盒子是我要的东西,跟我哥无关。” “既然需要三把钥匙,那你要怎么打开它?” 山姆无法正视丹斯的眼睛。 “你是你们家唯一的笨蛋是吗?你根本不知道要怎么打开它对不对?” “我会想出办法。” “那就现在想出来!”丹斯吼着,怒气使他脖子青筋突起。 山姆转头看着那个盒子。 “里面到底是什么鬼东西?”丹斯说,“可恶,这玩意儿最好价值百万,否则我保证你们今天都会死得很难看。” 山姆突然转身,手臂挥过去,一拳打中丹斯的脑侧。 不过这一拳对丹斯没多大影响,他迅速反击,用九毫米手枪瞄准山姆。山姆惊骇地后退,丹斯则毫不迟疑地扣下扳机。 子弹从枪管中飞出来打中山姆的膝盖,他摇晃着倒地。 “你真是太蠢了。”丹斯说,“算你幸运,我还需要你,否则子弹就会射中致命部位。” 山姆抓着流血的膝盖在地上打滚。 丹斯勒紧保罗的脖子往后退,手枪对准宝马车顶上的盒子开了一枪。 那个沉重的盒子沿着车顶滑动,但却一点都没有裂开。 “省省子弹吧!”保罗说,“那盒子是我设计的,材料可是防弹防火的钛合金。” 丹斯再度把枪管塞到保罗的耳朵里。“你设计的?那你马上给我打开,不然就得死。” "I can't do it." 此时,尼克起身喊他:“丹斯。” 尼克瞪着丹斯,他在未来见过他,知道他什么狠事都干得出来。他已经杀了茱莉亚、马库斯、保罗和马纳斯,谁知道这家伙还杀了多少人。当尼克在棋盘上移动棋子、摆弄命运时,没有任何事能改变丹斯邪恶的心。这个贪婪的警探必定会继续杀人,随心所欲地结束别人的性命。 “你要钱对吧?”尼克说,“但你杀了他也打不开那个盒子,我有比那个更好的东西,比你想得到的东西更有价值。” 丹斯盯着他看。 保罗告诉他的“价值观”在尼克脑中回响,还有马库斯说的,“贪得无厌的人就像爱赌博的人,翻倍加注、赢双倍或输光、赢了一千想要两千,就是这种心态”。 “先放他走,”尼克说,“我可以证明给你看。” 尼克举起被绑住的双手走向丹斯,直视他的眼睛。 “放他走,让我代替他,我会给你一辈子都想象不到的财富。” "Fuck you!" “如果你不满意大可以杀了我。” 丹斯继续瞪视着尼克。 “你办公室的鞋子里塞着一枚圣克里斯多夫奖章,你的母亲在上面刻了一行字:奇迹将会发生。” “你怎么会知道这些?”丹斯问。 “丹斯,你相信奇迹对不对?”尼克问,“那就为我松绑,”尼克举起绑着塑料绳的双手,“我会让你看见奇迹,让你成为一辈子都想象不到的富豪。”
茱莉亚看着手表,现在是十点五十五分。她把时速提到八十英里。虽然她想多留一点时间,但还是迟到了。感谢上帝,幸好威彻斯特机场只是个地区性的小机场,冲过去说不定可以赶上十一点十六分的飞机。 这个电话会议比她预期的还要长,对方的律师总想做些无意义的争论,以便多拿到一个小时的费用。茱莉亚讨厌这种律师,就是这些人的行为导致全球都讨厌这一行的。 她按下手机上的扩音键听语音信箱。尼克打过两次电话给她,她相信他打来一定是为了今天早上吵架的事情道歉,后悔让她不高兴。 当然他也可能是打电话来谈晚上跟莫勒斯吃饭的事情,他想做最后一次尝试,看今晚能不能不去吃晚餐。 “茱莉亚,”尼克的声音在车内响起,“是我。帮个忙,别上那班飞往波士顿的飞机。我不在乎你要去做什么,也不在乎你会不会被开除,我有很不好的预感,我无法解释清楚,反正你听我的话就对了。听到这个留言后马上打电话给我。” 茱莉亚听着这段留言,尼克的声音很急切,近乎哀求。他不是要为今天早上吵架的事情道歉。倒也不是说这件事有多重要,可是…… 她不明白他怎么会知道她要去波士顿,除了她、寇弗医生和乔之外,没有别人知道,而且这几个人都不会告诉尼克。 这不是尼克第一次劝她不要坐飞机。她二月曾取消过一次出差,就因为他担心中部的暴风雪,但后来当然没什么问题,所有的飞机都准时又平安地抵达。他不是故意要发布假警报,这只是他表达自己不能没有她的另一种说法。 即使尼克生她的气,他的爱意、关怀和担忧也不曾减少。 他这个月工作很多、很辛苦,她可以从他说话的声音中感受到压力,他需要一点惊喜,一个能再次确认生命意义的时刻。他们两人将共进浪漫晚餐,她会跟他解释,以后晚餐很快就会变成三人共餐,还有什么惊喜比这更好呢? 所以,就算她必须以破世界纪录的速度冲向航站楼也无所谓,她一定要赶上这班飞机。
“跟我到车子那边去。”尼克指着五十码外、停在停车场入口旁的奥迪,“我不但可以给你更有价值的东西,还可以让你在没人知道的情况下离开这里。” 丹斯拿出刀子割断尼克手腕上的塑料绳。“把那盒子拿过来。” 尼克从宝马车顶上拿起盒子,这东西出人意料地沉重。 丹斯用枪抵着尼克后背,示意他走向蓝色奥迪;保罗蹲在大腿流血的弟弟面前,夏诺和纳许仍被绑着,坐在地上,由兰道尔和艾利欧监视。 来到奥迪车旁之后,尼克把木盒放在车顶上,高举双手,表示他无意反抗。 “先看看我的前座。”尼克指着车内说。 丹斯打开车门,看到座位上有一把镶着珠宝的柯尔特手枪,他拿起来仔细检查。 “我想你应该知道那是什么东西,也知道它是从哪里来的。” “你有其他的东西吗?”丹斯震惊地问,“那些钻石也在你这里吗?” “我的外套口袋里有两封信。”尼克指向口袋。 “动作慢一点。”丹斯示意尼克拿出那两封信,并将枪管抵在尼克的额头上。 丹斯把枪放在车顶上,尼克先把第一封信交给他,他看了看上面的蓝色纹章,打开来,迅速读完两张信纸。 尼克缓缓地从口袋里拿出怀表递给他。 “怀表?”丹斯的眼神在金表和信之间游移,“你是在跟我开玩笑吗?你以为我是笨蛋吗?” 丹斯又浏览了一下纳许的那封信。“这是什么鬼东西?”他用力把枪抵在尼克头上。 “再读下一封信。”尼克平静地把马库斯的信交给他,同时把纳许的信塞回外套口袋。 丹斯开始读了起来。 “你看最后一页,”尼克说,“这是今天的《华尔街日报》。” 丹斯读着它,困惑地皱起眉头。 “看看上面的日期和时间,”尼克说,“这是八小时后。” “连小孩也知道怎么用制图软件搞把戏。” 尼克慢慢将手伸进胸前口袋拿出手机,掀开手机盖。 “你在做什……” “别紧张。”尼克说完后打开手机,找出拍到丹斯车子的那张照片,把手机交给他。 丹斯翻着那几张照片,在看到后备厢时停了下来。他盯着那些镀金镶珠宝的武器、刀剑和钻石,最后眼神落在那把柯尔特手枪上,这把枪就跟放在尼克车顶上的枪一模一样。 “这是什么伎俩?那东西不在我的后备厢里,我几分钟前才看过。” “这不是什么伎俩,”尼克平静地说,“你看到的是未来。” "How is this possible?" “耐心听我说,如果信上说的事情是真的,想想你能做什么。” 丹斯开始思考。 “你在知道乐透号码和赌马结果后,可以回到过去。”尼克顺着他贪婪的念头诱导他,“若能善加利用,你就可以得到大笔财富。” “那你为什么要放弃这块怀表?你怎么可能愿意拿这一切去换那个人的命?”丹斯用枪指指身后的保罗。 Nick nodded. 丹斯突然笑了。“不对,”他想通后摇着头说,“原来这就是为什么夏诺要说我杀了你老婆,这两封信上说的就是这个意思。我在未来做了那件事,所以你回来阻止我。” 丹斯先望着四周,然后凝视着那块怀表。 “我的天!”丹斯突然恍然大悟,“我知道你老婆是谁了。她是汉尼寇的律师对吧?” Nick said nothing. “就算我拿走这块表,”丹斯对尼克露出冷酷的笑容,手指摸着金表,“谁又能断定我将来就不会杀了她?” 尼克的心脏怦怦狂跳,血液沸腾,心中充满愤恨。 丹斯又看着手上的那块表。所以这就是尼克的目的,他要借着金表分散他的注意力。 尼克突然从车顶上拿起那把柯尔特手枪对准丹斯的太阳穴打下去。同时他用左手抢走警探的手枪,趁他还来不及反应把枪丢到一旁,然后再次拿起柯尔特手枪对准丹斯的鼻子砸下去。 尼克把枪丢开,愤怒地朝丹斯身上狂打,把所有的怒气和挫折都发泄出来,以怒意满满的拳头拼命捶打着眼前这个邪恶的家伙。 尽管丹斯力气很大,在道上也混了很久,斗殴和杀人的经验都很丰富,但遇上恨意强烈的尼克,他也难以招架。数不清几次,尼克看着妻子死亡,经历失去她的痛苦,这一切全是因这个恶人而起。 终于,尼克站了起来,任由被打得鼻青脸肿、浑身是伤的警探在地上打滚。 尼克拿回那块在阳光下闪闪发亮的金表,这是他今日的通行证。他把它拿起来塞进后面的口袋里。 之后,他拿起那把精致的手枪,把手伸进口袋拿出一颗银子弹。他扳开手枪轮盘,放入一颗.45的银子弹,推回弹匣,转一下。 他看着那把枪和它复杂精细的设计,镀金的外壳在阳光下闪耀光芒,这把武器有种神圣的感觉。尼克想到刻在上面的阿拉伯文字,禁入天堂。他希望这个句子真有某种魔力,能把人的灵魂打下地狱。 他把枪抵在丹斯头上。 “你为了报复我尚未犯下的罪行,所以打算杀了我?” 尼克扳开保险,准备就绪。 丹斯无奈地望着尼克的眼睛。 尼克瞪着这名该死的警察。这个男人杀了他的妻子,杀了他最好的朋友,杀了保罗和马纳斯,还害502号航班坠毁,尼克知道,他注视的这个人极度邪恶、黑心,这人把人性作为工具,毫无道德或怜悯之心。 但在这个瞬间,他感觉到命运三女神的阻拦。似乎所有的事情、所有的死亡都尚未发生,那些都属于未来——一个不存在的未来。这一切似乎只能留给机遇去做决定。 然而,丹斯的眼神灼烧着他,尼克看
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