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Chapter 57 Chapter fifty-six

curse 蔡骏 1062Words 2018-03-22
She saw Jiang He's face. In the darkness, white lights suddenly lit up, illuminating the surrounding walls. This is the funeral parlor.There was no one in the empty hall, only white biscuits and a glass coffin.Jiang He was wearing a suit, lying quietly in a glass coffin.Bai Bi looked at him, touched the cold glass with her hands, she wanted to open it, but she couldn't.So, her tears slowly rolled down her cheeks and dripped onto the glass coffin.Suddenly, Jiang He who was lying in the coffin opened his eyes. He smiled at Bai Bi, stretched out his hand, opened the glass coffin from inside, and then walked out of the coffin.He came in front of her, gently wiped the tears from her face, then he hugged her, stroked her, kissed her, and finally, possessed her.

She finally got what she wanted. Bai Bi suddenly opened his eyes, they were all white, where is this?She looked at the ceiling blankly.Is it a funeral home?She didn't know whether she was alive or dead, maybe she was lying in a glass coffin, maybe she was playing mourning, and relatives and friends were passing by, watching her silently. However, there is no glass coffin in front of my eyes, and no mourning music in my ears. This is not a funeral parlor.She suddenly exhaled a long breath, and only then did she realize that she was still alive. Then, she saw a face. That face was too much like the one that had occupied her in the dream just now, but unfortunately he wasn't.What she saw now was Ye Xiao's face.

"Bai Bi, you finally woke up." Ye Xiao called her softly. Bai Bi looked into his eyes blankly and helplessly, she wanted to speak, but couldn't speak, her breathing was a little short, and she pursed her lips. "Are you thirsty?" Ye Xiao took a glass of water and put it near her mouth, then he stretched out his hand and raised her head slightly. The rim of the glass rested on her chapped lips, and she took a sip. It was hot water, flowing warmly in her throat. She took another breath, and finally spoke, she said softly: "Who am I?" "You are Bai Bi."

She nodded, and then continued to ask: "Who are you?" "I'm Ye Xiao, what's the matter with you?" Ye Xiao looked into her eyes, feeling a little uneasy. "Where am I?" "You're in the hospital." "What am I doing in the hospital?" "You have been in a coma for three whole days and three nights. I found you in your home, and you were lying on the ground, unconscious." Bai Bi suddenly tried to prop herself up with her hands, Ye Xiao supported her and let her sit on the hospital bed.She looked out the window at a large bush, but the leaves were all withered.She smelled a scent of flowers again. It turned out that there was a vase beside the bed, and a bunch of unnamed flowers were inserted in it.

"Where is Lanyue?" She asked him suddenly. "You remember at last. I was afraid you had forgotten everything." "Tell me, where is she?" Bai Bi stared into his eyes. Ye Xiao said slowly: "Lan Yue died. Just that morning, she jumped from the rooftop above your house." After Bai Bi finished listening, she stretched out her hands, covered her face, and sobbed softly. "Why did she have to die?" "I don't know, she jumped down by herself." Ye Xiao shook his head and said. Bai Bi didn't speak anymore, she lay down again, looked at the ceiling quietly, her eyes were wide open, almost motionless, her expression made Ye Xiao's heart beat faster suddenly.

The ward was still silent.
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