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Chapter 55 Chapter Fifty-Four

curse 蔡骏 1935Words 2018-03-22
As soon as she opened the door, a gust of cold wind hit Bai Bi's face, causing her to shiver. She couldn't remember whether she closed the window tightly before going out.However, in the cold wind blowing from the window, she smelled a strange smell, which was so alluring, but made her a little uneasy.It was dark in front of me, and I couldn't see anything clearly in the room, but vaguely, it seemed that there was a shadow shaking in the living room.Her heart beat immediately faster, and her fingers found the switch on the wall, and she turned on the light. The white light illuminated the room, and in the center of the room stood a woman, and Bai Bi could clearly see her face——

blue moon.In other words, it was Nie Xiaoqing. Bai Bi immediately took a step back, she retreated to the wall, her mind was in chaos, she wondered if she should open the door, and screamed loudly towards the corridor, Ye Xiao who just went down must not have gone to the end Lou, he can hear it. However, just when she was hesitating, Lan Yue finally spoke: "You are finally back, I have been waiting for you for a long time." "This is my home, how did you get in?" "Do you think this question is important?" Lan Yue stared at her blankly, that gaze seemed to have penetrated Bai Bi's entire body.

Bai Bi looked into each other's eyes, finally gave up, gave up the right to scream, maybe now Ye Xiao has returned to the road, walking further and further. She lowered her head, not daring to look into Lan Yue's eyes, another gust of cold wind blew, she shivered, hugged her shoulders and said, "I'm sorry, can you please close the window." Lanyue smiled slightly and said, "Are you so afraid of the cold? You see, these winds from the northwest actually carry dust from that distant place." She walked to the window and stretched out her hand as if grabbing something. He grabbed the air like something, then spread his palm in front of his eyes, and blew gently.But she then closed the window anyway.

The room returned to silence.They looked at each other, and Lan Yue gradually approached her. "Nie Xiaoqing." Bai Bi suddenly called out the name aloud. Lan Yue nodded and said, "So, you already know." "Why did you kill Xiao Se?" Bai Bi finally got a little angry. "What are you talking about? I didn't kill Xiao Se. If I said she was killed, it was the script that killed her. I just followed the plot and lines in the script exactly. I didn't even think about it. When the curse on her is said, it will become a reality, obviously, this is an ancient and eternal curse." Lan Yue's expression was a little regretful.

"And what about your director Luo Zhou?" "Then you have to ask about the painting you drew. It was the painting you drew that killed Luo Zhou. More precisely, it was the woman in the painting that forced Luo Zhou to jump off the stairs. That has nothing to do with me Actually, on the contrary, this matter has a lot to do with you, because the woman in the painting was created by your brush." Bai Bi shook his head in pain and said, "Stop talking, I don't understand, I don't understand anything." "You should understand." Bai Bi lowered his head and thought about her words, and then asked her: "Have you ever gone to see my mother? She is dead now."

"I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose." Lan Yue said softly, "Actually, she can see me, and it's a matter of her mind." "What did you say to her?" "I didn't say anything, your mother said she was sorry for me. She said that now that I am alive and well, she can go to your father with peace of mind." She sighed softly and said, "Actually, your mother is a good person. She should have lived longer, but she loved your father too much. But is she really your mother?" "I don't know what you're talking about?" Bai Bi tried to hide his panic.

Lanyue didn't care about this, she continued: "Now, she has gone, you should be able to know everything." Bai Bi took another step back, and leaned against the wall again. She looked at Lan Yue's face and eyes, almost unable to control herself, and some tears were slowly hanging in her eye sockets.She is not stupid, until now, she has already understood who the person in front of her is.She closed her eyes to keep the fluid that indicated vulnerability from dripping onto her face. But Lan Yue was already face to face with her, their faces were only a few inches apart, and Bai Bi could even feel the other's gentle breathing.Lan Yue suddenly called her softly and said, "Bai Bi, Bai Bi, open your eyes quickly."

"No." Although Bai Bi still had her eyes closed, she still shed tears. Her body was leaned back, and her back was leaning against the wall. "You look like a 6-year-old girl now." Lan Yue stretched out her cold hand, and gently wiped away the tears that were slowly flowing on Bai Bi's face, "Look, your tears are still steaming. " Bai Bi finally despaired, she still closed her eyes, and said willfully like a little girl: "Why did you come here? What are you doing here? Do you know that I took my fiancé away, and you completely ruined me?" I just want to be an ordinary person, an ordinary woman named Bai Bi, marry an ordinary man, have a child, and live my life peacefully, just like all women do. But your appearance broke all of this, you know, I hate you." After saying the last sentence, she continued to sob softly.

"You poor child." Lan Yue stretched out her hand and put Bai Bi on her shoulder, then gently stroked her hair. Bai Bi didn't resist, she leaned her head on Lan Yue's shoulder docilely, and then she finally said: "Sister." At this moment, time seemed to freeze, and Bai Bi felt that he had left the ground, rose high into the sky, and came to another world.She felt that the surroundings were still surrounded by the tide-like night, she could not see anything, and there was some voice calling her in front of her.An ancient voice reappeared in her ears, that distant woman in red dress with many braids was slowly walking towards her.The beautiful woman smiled and stretched out her hand, and said lightly, "Come on, my child."

Bai Bi took a step forward, and then fell into the bottomless abyss. In the boundless darkness, she knew nothing.
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