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Chapter 6 chapter Five

curse 蔡骏 3313Words 2018-03-22
Bai Bi didn't know how long she had been wandering outside, she even forgot whether she had dinner or not, and how she got home.When she walked up the dark corridor and climbed the stairs of the 6th floor, it took a long time to find the door key in the dark. After opening the door, she found that it was already 11 o'clock in the evening. She closed the door heavily, and fumbled with her right hand to turn on the light. The soft light shone on her pale face. She took off her shoes and walked into the room with bare feet. A black suit.She turned on the water dispenser and took a big gulp of cold water. The cold water entered her body along her thin throat, and her stomach was cold.She took a deep breath, then looked at her room - this was supposed to be her and Jiang He's new house.

The walls of the room are painted with light yellow paint, and even now you can smell the faint smell of paint; the white ceiling is decorated with patterns; the floor is smooth and flat, and the door frame is shining with the luster of fine wood; It was bought by Jianghe when a furniture and home appliance conglomerate opened for sale. The wall expanded the area, and a large bathtub was placed on the innermost side, which created many associations; in the bedroom, the big bed shrouded in pink lights seemed to imply something attractive, but now, she It is no longer needed. All of this was renovated 3 months ago, and Jiang He took care of all the decoration matters. He used up almost all of his savings, and even borrowed tens of thousands of dollars from his friends to prepare for a month. Future weddings and wedding banquets.Jiang He's parents lived in a remote village, so they could hardly help their son get married.And Bai Bi's father had died a long time ago, and she also didn't have much savings, which made them have no money to buy a new house. This house was the one assigned to Bai Bi's father by the Institute of Archeology more than 10 years ago. Therefore, the so-called The new house is actually the old house, but it's just a redecoration.Although, Jiang He is a bit taboo about the word "marriage", but until he has no more money, he can only be a groom at Bai Bi's house, because he doesn't have his own home in this city, he just lives next door to the Archaeological Institute. University postgraduate dormitory building.During the renovation period, Bai Bi lived in the home of her best girlfriend, Xiao Se.She just moved back a month ago, and then quietly waited for the day of her wedding, but her groom didn't wait until this day.

Bai Bi took another sip of cold water, she needs cold water now.She came to the dressing table and looked at herself in the mirror. A month later, she probably wanted to dress up as a bride in front of this mirror.The eyes were a little red, as were the eye sockets, and the corners of the eyes were a little dirty, probably because the air in the funeral parlor was not very good, and some tears flowed more or less.The nose is not bad, but the pores are slightly enlarged, so I need to prevent acne.Her lips were a little purple, probably because of the cold water she drank just now.The line of the chin is very beautiful, she thought maybe this is what attracted Jiang He.She touched the skin on her face with her hands again, it was still tight and generally healthy, but today may be the atmosphere of the funeral, the skin is paler than usual, and the original rosiness of the cheeks has disappeared.She took a step back, untied the hair that was coiled behind her head, and let it hang loose. The window was open, and the night wind blew in, and the hair swayed slightly behind her.

There was a group photo of her and Jiang He on the dressing table. Maybe it was because Bai Bi didn't like to take photos. There were not many photos of them together, but this one was the only one.The background of the photo is a field in the south of the Yangtze River. In fact, it was a field archaeology. Jiang He and the others went to excavate an ancient settlement site from the Liangzhu culture period, and they went there with Bai Bi.Naturally, Bai Bi regarded that trip as just a hike, and the scenery there is not bad, the small bridges and flowing water in the south of the Yangtze River, the ground is covered with wave-like golden cauliflowers, but there are many bones of dead people and pots and jars of clan society buried in the ground .In the photo, Jiang He is smiling. He is really handsome when he smiles. His hair is parted, clean and well dressed. He doesn't look like someone from the countryside at all.But Bai Bi next to Jiang He didn't show any expression. She felt very sorry for this. Maybe at that time she was looking at the smoke rising from the distant fields and was lost in thought. The shutter is pressed.Yes, this photo was taken by Xu Anduo for them. Now that Bai Bi thought about it, he suddenly felt that Xu Anduo was a pretty good person.She stared blankly at the smiling Jiang He in this photo, and began to lose consciousness again.

The first time she met Jiang He was at Xu Anduo's birthday party. That night, she always felt someone's gaze was watching her, but she couldn't catch that gaze.It wasn't until after the party was over that she refused Xu Anduo's request to take her home with a motorcycle, and when she went home alone, Jiang He's gaze reappeared in front of her eyes.She agreed to Jiang He's request to take her home, and the road was not far away. They walked on foot, hardly saying anything, but Jiang He's eyes were constantly flickering, as if he was communicating with her with his eyes.The next day, Bai Bi called him and invited him out. She didn't know why she called him at that time, but it was an intuition that no one could explain.From the moment Jiang He picked up the phone to talk to her, she knew that she was done with Xu An and started with this silent man named Jiang He.She remembered Jiang He's eyes again, his eyes were always flickering, hesitating, as if there was something deep in his eyes, or maybe it was caused by a deep-seated inferiority complex.People with a deep sense of inferiority usually also have strong self-esteem, and Bai Bi knew that he was such a person from the first moment he saw him.Although he never said it, Jiang He never wanted to fall behind others, and he always had his own way to surpass others.This city has always had the habit of discriminating against rural people, which makes Jiang He live with a sense of humiliation.Bai Bi deeply felt the humiliation hidden in Jiang He's gaze, she knew that this was a kind of unreasonable inequality, so Jiang He needed her to comfort him.

Bai Bi took a shower, the hot water poured over her body, and the bathroom was filled with steam. In the mist, she seemed to see Jiang He's eyes.Is he looking at his body?Bai Bi's mind was a little messed up, Jiang He had never seen her body, never even kissed her, at most he only touched her shoulder through the clothes, this was simply unbelievable among newlyweds who were about to get married.Looking at her body in the bathtub, she felt a little regretful, maybe she should let him take a look, it's okay to take a look, even if he touches it, it doesn't matter.And now, he has become a pile of ashes.

She hurriedly took a shower, turned off the light, and lay down on the bed.She began to recall the day two months ago when she went to the train station to send Jiang He off. The sky was gloomy like a piece of iron, Jiang He was expressionless, and he was standing at the front of their group with his luggage, The archaeological institute didn't have much funding, and most of the group trips were by train. Bai Bi only knew that they were going to another place for an archaeological excavation, and the destination was Lop Nur in Xinjiang.Bai Bi doesn't remember what he said that day, but only remembers the crowd on the platform, the noisy voices, and the small red flag of the Institute of Archeology, Director Wen holding the flag, and Xu Anduo also there There.Jiang He nodded to her, she also took care of Jiang He, waited until the train was about to leave, Jiang He got on the train, he waved to her, then the train started slowly, she watched the train go west.

Bai Bi waited for Jiang He for a full month, but Jiang He didn't call her, and there was no news for a month. Bai Bi also called the Institute of Archaeology, but was told that they hadn't returned yet.Until one night three weeks ago, Jiang He suddenly knocked on her door.Jiang He's sudden arrival surprised Bai Bi. He was travel-stained, his face was tanned by the western sun, his skin became very rough, his hair was messy, and his body gave off a strange smell. Maybe he hadn't bathed for a long time.He looked at Bai Bi with a very strange look, and stared blankly for several minutes, almost stunned.It wasn't until Bai Bi hugged his shoulders that he took a few steps back, not daring to approach her, as if he was afraid of something on her body.

Jiang He told Bai Bi that he just got off the train with the archaeological team and rushed here directly.He didn't say much else, just yelled that he was thirsty, Bai Bi poured water for him, Jiang He drank several big cups in one go, the appearance of a hungry tiger was very scary, as if he had just come out of the desert, the water flowed smoothly Jiang He's mouth dripped down, and his clothes were also wet.More importantly, Bai Bi noticed that his expression was in a trance, more erratic than before, the focus was always on a far away place, he seemed to be looking out of the window behind her instead of looking at her.Bai Bi was startled at that time, thinking that there was something behind her, she turned and looked out the window, only the dark night outside the window, mysterious and unknown.

"What are you looking at?" Bai Bi asked him. Jiang He shook his head, fixed his eyes on the ground, and did not answer.Bai Bi felt that he must be hiding something from her, so she grabbed his broad shoulders and shook him vigorously, but Jiang He's body remained motionless like a sculpture.Bai Bi sighed, and said to him: "You must be very tired, take a bath here, and stay here tonight." Jiang He shook his head: "No, no." Bai Bi said in a tone that was almost suggestive: "You will live in this house sooner or later, I don't care." Then, she held on to Jiang He tightly, as if she was afraid of losing him suddenly, her hands were like vines Wrapped around Jiang He's neck, she could feel that his body was cold and rough, as if it could tear her skin.Her body was heating up slightly, but the hotter she got, the colder she could feel Jiang He, how much she wished Jiang He could stay, she wanted to give him warmth and not be cold anymore.However, Jiang He was in some pain, he broke free from her grasp, and said guiltily: "I'm sorry, I have to go." After speaking, he left the new house he had prepared by himself, and never came back again. .

Now, Bai Bi's cheeks were finally dripping with tears, it was hot and warmed her skin, maybe a woman's frequent tears would help her skin beautify, but she didn't know where it came from In conclusion, maybe thinking this way can make you feel more comfortable.Her mood actually eased a little. That night, her pillow was wet.
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