Home Categories Thriller god is watching you

Chapter 47 Chapter Forty-Six

god is watching you 蔡骏 2817Words 2018-03-22
To find the truth beneath the earth, one must go back to the grave. Ma Da was walking towards the grave, and he was driving the car, heading for that nightmarish resting road.At 14:10 in the afternoon, he stopped at his destination. Anxi Road was still deserted. When he walked out of the car, he saw the old house lying in front of him like a huge mound of earth on an ancient tomb. This time, he was fully prepared, and he brought a large travel bag full of various tools to ensure his own safety.He entered the house with his travel bag, and in the dark hall, the old man reappeared, as if emerging from the ground, startling Ma Da.Ma Da looked suspiciously at the old man in front of him, and he suddenly became alert.

But the old man said very politely: "Young man, why are you here now? I have been waiting for you for several days." "Old man, are you familiar with this house?" Ma Da suddenly thought of something. The old man smiled and replied: "Of course I am. I have lived in this house for 50 years." Ma Da nodded and asked: "Old man, last time you said that this house is haunted, is it true?" "I never lie." The old man's expression suddenly became serious, "It's absolutely true, this house is haunted, especially—" The old man stopped suddenly, he looked around mysteriously, and finally fixed his eyes on the dark and bottomless corridor.Ma Da followed his gaze, but couldn't see anything, Ma Da continued to ask: "What is it in particular?"

"Especially the room you rented." "Old man, what's in that room?" The old man sighed and said slowly: "That's a long story. This old house was a barracks built by the Japanese soldiers during the Anti-Japanese War. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, it became a residential building. More than 30 years ago, In that room lived a young couple. The man was handsome and the woman was gentle and pleasant. Although the living conditions were relatively poor at that time, the couple loved each other and supported each other to get through the difficult years , and lived happily ever after, they are a couple that everyone envies."

"What happened next?" Suddenly, a phantom of a young couple appeared in front of Ma Da's eyes, coming from the corridor wearing clothes from more than 30 years ago.He was startled and rubbed his eyes, but what he saw was still an old man.Ma Da touched his heart, as if some ghost really appeared in this house. "Later, it was the Cultural Revolution. That man was an actor in some theater troupe. He acted in a play, but that play was labeled as a counter-revolutionary. He was also involved. Every day, a large number of people They ran to his house and ransacked his house in large numbers. In short, his family suffered a lot from the world. Over time, he was driven crazy."

"Crazy?" The old man nodded and said, "That's mental illness. But, how can a person like him go to the hospital? He just stayed at home, and gradually, he began to suspect his wife, thinking that his beautiful wife had done it behind his back. What kind of infidelity. Finally, one night, a tragedy happened. He went crazy in the middle of the night and hacked his beloved wife to death with a kitchen knife. When he woke up, he saw his dead wife regretted it. He hanged himself." "It's so tragic." Ma Da heard his back whizzing coldly, and took a few steps back.

"That tragedy happened in the room you rented." Then the old man lowered his voice and said, "Since then, this house has been haunted." Ma Da suddenly remembered a classic horror film "The Shining" starring Jack Nicholson and directed by Kubrick, and his lips murmured: "The ghosts are still alive?" "That's right, young man, you have to be careful when you live here from now on." After the old man finished speaking, he retreated into the shadows. Ma Da wanted to ask a few more questions, but he could no longer see the old man, as if the old man himself was a lingering ghost.He trembled again, looking at the dark corridor, he hesitated for a moment, but finally walked in.

Finally, he found the room and opened the door with the key.The stale smell in the room still made him uncomfortable. He looked around carefully and found that the room was no different from when he left last time. The rope that saved his life was still there, but there was a hole hidden on the floor. The hinged flap has been restored to its original state, which is hard to find unless you look carefully.The motor squatted down, carefully opened the flap, and then took the tool from the travel bag, and fixed the opened flap firmly so that it would not fall again to cover the exit.Now, an opening about one meter square appeared in front of his eyes, and the light coming in from the window entered the basement through the opening, illuminating a white square space.

Mo Da tied the climbing rope on his body, fixed the end of the rope on the window rail, and then he jumped down from the basement with his travel bag on his back.It was still the feeling of entering the grave, but this time he was no longer afraid.The motor turned on the traveling flashlight, and the intense beam illuminated the entire space in the basement, allowing him to see clearly.The four walls and the ground of the basement are all made of concrete. He couldn't believe that he had spent a full 24 hours in this kind of place. Where is the ghost? Ma Da raised his head and looked at the blindingly white light above his head, but his heart was still a little hairy. He took a few steps back and pressed his back against the cold concrete wall.Suddenly, he felt some discomfort in his back. He turned around and shone the flashlight on the wall behind him. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes wide and looked at what he found—writing on the wall.

The handwriting is a little fuzzy, but it can still be seen under the light of the flashlight.It seems to be Japanese, with dozens of crooked pseudonyms mixed with a few Chinese characters, which Ma Da couldn't understand.He remembered that the old man said just now that this house was a barracks built by the Japanese army during the Anti-Japanese War, and this must be the basement of the barracks. Ma Da saw that there were several Chinese characters such as "dark", "dao" and "secret" in the Japanese written on the wall. Could it be that it meant a secret passage?Curiosity made Ma Da carefully illuminate the wall with a flashlight, and at the same time beat the wall with his hands. Suddenly, he found a small protruding thing above the concrete wall, some distance away from his head.

With all his strength, the motor jumped up a few times, reaching for the protrusion.When his hand finally hit the thing, he seemed to hear a "click".Next, he heard the sound of the mechanism turning from the ground. Finally, the wall in front of him with words was slowly opened, and the motor looked at the scene in front of him like Ali Baba looked at the treasure cave. .It turned out that there was a secret door hidden here. Da Da touched the door with his hand. It was very strong. If he didn't touch the mechanism above, he would never be able to tell that it was a door. Inside the secret door is a secret passage.

Ma Da walked carefully into the dark passage, the light of the flashlight shone ahead, making people feel like traveling into the underworld.The secret passage was about two meters high and more than two meters wide. He guessed that it was probably a secret passage used by Japanese soldiers to escape in an emergency when the house was built.The motor walked forward tens of meters, and the rope tied to his body came to an end. He simply untied the rope and walked forward with only the travel bag on his back. After walking a few more steps, it seemed that something was stepped on under his feet, making a strange noise, and the motor used a flashlight to shine on the ground. As a result, what he saw was a pile of dead bones. The skeletons of two dead men! Ma Da felt sick and almost threw up, but finally he held back.His heart beat wildly, and he boldly looked at the two snow-white skeletons again. The light of the flashlight was getting dimmer, and he couldn't see clearly, as if there were still some pieces of cloth left on the skeletons.This house has been built for more than 60 years. God knows which year the dead people stayed. Maybe these are also two souls who died unjustly.Da Da didn't dare to stay longer, he bowed to the two remains, and then walked forward immediately. When he was still in shock, he found that the secret passage seemed to be rising gradually.Finally he reached the end of the tunnel, the exit was just above his head, a heavy cement slab, and the motor pushed hard the cement slab above his head.Immediately, a lot of soil and leaves fell from above and fell on the face of the motor.At the same time, Ma Da also saw the light of the sky. He crawled out of the secret passage with all his might, only to find that it was a quiet small garden surrounded by bushes, and the old house was tens of meters away.After taking a few breaths, the motor covered the cement slab to the exit of the secret passage. It was covered with some soil and fallen leaves, and there were no traces of it.He didn't know if he had found the truth underground, but at least he figured out the secret of the tomb where he had been imprisoned for 24 hours.Ma Ma left the garden with his travel bag on his back. He didn't touch the main entrance of the house, but walked out through a small door next to the garden, and came directly to Anxi Road. Ma Da quickly got into his taxi, took a long breath, and took a sip of water.Then, he took out his mobile phone and quickly dialed Rongyan's phone number.
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