Home Categories Thriller The World (Volume 1) Mind Reader

Chapter 17 Chapter Fifteen Father's Secret

The World (Volume 1) Mind Reader 蔡骏 8389Words 2018-03-22
treasure in me. In fact, everyone has a treasure, even in prison. This is Shawshank State Prison, Cell 58, Block C. On September 19, 2009, it was almost evening outside the bars. It's dinner time. The black prison guard opened each cell door in turn, and I put the notebook back in the drawer, and old Marcus walked out of the cell.After passing through the corridor and three iron gates, he crowded into the prison restaurant with hundreds of people. We sat with Bill and Washington, Washington's bulky black body blocking the guards' view.Taking advantage of the noisy restaurant environment, he said in a dull voice, "That person is coming tonight."

Old Marcos paused for two seconds, and continued to drink his soup with his head down. Bill's eyes shone with fear, but he immediately pretended to be nonchalant. Only I didn't respond at all, as if I had become a deaf man. In fact, we all understand who Washington is talking about—— gravedigger. To be more precise, the gravedigger is not a human being, but an evil spirit. The gravedigger has been gone for many years, but he seems to be with us all the time, like a shadow in the dark night, maybe hanging upside down from the ceiling of the restaurant? No one at the dining table spoke any more, and the prisoners finished their lunch quickly and nervously, and the prisoners were driven back to their cells by the prison guards.

I met Lao Jin in the long corridor back to the prison area. He squinted at me maliciously. From his eyes, I could hear: "Really! It's true! It's really coming! The gravedigger has returned !" The iron gate was firmly closed again, and the prison guards called us again to confirm all the prisoners in Area C, and a long night fell. I opened the drawer and took out a small book, and a thick stack of letters. On the envelope is the stamp and postmark of China, and on the back is the postmark of Arsland, USA.Prisoners here are not allowed to make phone calls, and the only way to communicate with their loved ones is to write letters, except for prison visits.I write to my mother every month, and my mother writes almost every week, every time by registered airmail.If it is an ordinary sea mail, it will have to float in the Pacific Ocean for at least a month.My mother often sent me food and clothing, but most of them never reached me.Touching the Chinese characters on the envelope, I slowly clenched my fists.

Actually, I am not the only Chinese in Shawshank State Prison. There is also a Chinese here, his name is Tong Jianguo. Open the third booklet and continue to recall my story, and then you will see my father's secret——
Today is Sunday. Mom - Gao Neng's mother is also my mother. She tidied up her father's clothes at home and burned them to the dead according to local customs, so that he would not be hungry or cold in another world.My mother shed tears while arranging, holding a lot of clothes like holding my father's body.I also helped my mother and carried the clothes downstairs together.There is an open space with neither greenery nor parking, and usually there is a lot of construction waste, and burning it here will not affect others.

A small ball of flame rose from the ground. I took the clothes from my mother and stuffed them into the fire one by one. They used to wrap my father's body, and now they were reduced to ashes and sent to the underworld. When I took an old overcoat, an envelope suddenly fell out of my pocket.Suspiciously picking it up from the ground, he found that the envelope had been torn, and took out a few pieces of yellowed letter paper from inside.Quickly stepped back from the fire, and unfolded the beginning of the letter—— "Sizu my son..." My father's name is Gao Sizu, and the one who can say "Sizu my son" to my father must be my grandfather!

My fingers trembled subconsciously, I quietly stuffed the envelope into my arms, took the coat and said, "Mom, I want to keep this dad's coat." "Okay, let's keep it as a souvenir." My mother touched the coat and said, "Your father was never willing to wear it in his life. This is his most expensive piece of clothing. About seven or eight years ago, he took this coat off the hanger. I took it off and carefully stacked it at the bottom of the closet. He repeatedly told me not to touch this dress, and said that after he died, he would burn this dress to him.”

"Burn it to him after he dies?" Touching the thick coat, I understood my father's good intentions, and said bitterly, "I will burn it." After burning all of my father's clothes downstairs—except the overcoat—my mother and I went upstairs. Lock yourself in a small room, take out the mysterious envelope, the recipient has his father's name written on it, the address is here, but the sender's address is blank. What's more - it's an American envelope. There was a US postage stamp on the front, a New York postmark, and it was a registered letter, and the back was the postmark of the local post office.

The postmark was in September 2000, and my father received a letter from the United States, but he hid the letter under the closet, and told his mother that when he died, he would burn it to him along with his coat? What's the secret in the letter? The letter paper was full of beautiful Chinese pen characters, and I read it tremblingly—— Seeing the last word, the end of the sixth letter, I let out a long sigh! Unexpectedly, the story of Gao’s family turned out to be such a twisted and bizarre family secret history—Sky Group was actually founded by Gao Neng’s grandfather, and my mother certainly didn’t know about these things. She said that my grandfather had already died, and this was also a secret that my father had always buried. .

The current big boss of U.S. Sky Group is naturally Gao Siguo, the second son mentioned in the letter, who is Gao Neng's uncle. I remembered the email that Gao Neng wrote to the chairman of the Sky Group in the previous work mailbox. Two years ago, Gao Neng occasionally found this letter from the United States under his father's closet while there was no one at home.He must have been extremely shocked when he read the letter, but without telling his father, he stuffed the letter back into his coat pocket.He quietly investigates King Lanling, and even emails his uncle in the United States, the current big boss of the Sky Group.

The letter mentioned in Gao Neng’s email, I thought it was written by the current big boss to my father, but now I realized that it was the deceased former big boss—Gao Neng’s mysterious grandfather, the real founder of the Sky Group—Gao Guo, A suicide note left to his son before he died. No matter what the purpose of Gao Neng is, in short, the uncle in the United States has not responded - the big boss probably didn't have a chance to see the employee's email, so he was intercepted by the secretary.It is also possible that the uncle abides by his grandfather's last words and does not want the next generation to be involved again, and wants Gao Neng to be self-reliant and not to rely on the uncle in the United States.

Gao Neng is the nephew of the big boss of Sky Group. No one knew this secret, and Gao Neng didn't dare to tell it after he found out.There was only one time when he went to the island for training, he got drunk under the moonlight and accidentally leaked the secret.However, Lu Haikong, Yan Han, and Fang Xiaoan didn't believe it either, thinking that Gao Neng was talking nonsense after drinking.It wasn't until Lu Haikong went to the US head office for training, that he accidentally met the big boss of the group - Gao Neng's uncle!It is possible that the big boss was very angry and thought that Gao Neng had leaked the family secret, so he simply admitted it in front of Lu Haikong.This directly led to the madness of Lu Haikong, eager to get more secrets from me, but ruined his life, hanging on my desk. I kept the content of the letter in my heart, and then put the suicide note left by my grandfather, together with the envelope, back into my coat pocket.I took my coat and went back to the open space downstairs, put it on the ashes of the burnt clothes, and set it on fire again... Father, I burned the letter to you.
on Monday. I started working again, squeezed the subway that was crowded every day, got off at the original station on time, rushed to the office building diagonally opposite the Sky Group, and sat in my new office. In the morning, Duanmuliang drove me to a luxurious office building in Lujiazui. The client who invited us to dinner that night was already waiting for us.Not the client's office, but the headquarters of a large public company.The client has prepared 80 million yuan and entrusted Duanmuliang to invest in the company's stock.If the business is done, it will not only make a net profit of tens of millions within five years, but also triple the stock price of the company.I am worried that this is insider trading, will it be suspected of breaking the law?The customer said to talk to others first. Then, the three of us stepped into the office of the CEO of the listed company. The boss looks gentle and polite. He used to be a university professor, and later went into business to get to his current position.It was only when I saw this face that I thought of him. He often appeared on the financial channel of the TV station. He was a frequent guest of a well-known TV program and a well-known bigwig in the domestic IT circle. He received us warmly, retrieved the company data from the computer, and explained each item in great detail. He seemed to be a very reliable person.He has asked a lawyer to do research. Our investment in his company's stock is a long-term behavior, and we will not fast in and fast out. It does not belong to insider trading or manipulation of stock prices, nor does it violate securities laws and regulations. The client was very moved: "If there is no legal risk, then this business must be done." "Okay! Believe me, I won't let you down." The boss poured four glasses of red wine from the wine cabinet, "Cheers to a happy cooperation!" "Wait a minute!" But I put down the wine glass, grabbed the Duanmu and whispered: "Don't agree so quickly! I think there is a problem here." "what is the problem?" "Go out and talk!" The customer couldn't hold back anymore: "Mr. Gao, what are you doing, I'm going to make a capital injection tomorrow." "Listen to me, go out and talk." I stubbornly looked at Duanmuliang and the client, and glanced coldly at the CEO of the listed company. Unexpectedly, the boss was quite calm, and said with a smile: "It's okay, you go back and discuss it, and I will wait for your news tomorrow." Walking out of the building of the listed company, the customer was a little angry: "Mr. Gao, what do you mean? What went wrong?" Where is the mistake? I can't say it with my mouth, but my eyes see it. When the boss of the listed company was blowing his mind, I saw an amazing secret in his eyes - the company's capital chain has long been broken, and now it is completely dependent on outside investment, but he has no ability to pay back the money. You can only deceive more people with lies.This sanctimonious bastard prepared a passport from a small Caribbean country and secretly remitted hundreds of millions of dollars abroad. After a few days, he would abscond from the country, and then the company went bankrupt, and all investors lost their money... His sharp tongue can deceive everyone, but his eyes can't deceive me! However, neither Duanmuliang nor the client could believe it, and they asked me to name the source of the news.But I couldn't tell them that it was seen from that guy's eyes, let alone my secret of mind reading. I can only stubbornly insist: "Whether you believe it or not, you must not invest your money in him, otherwise you will regret it!" "But now that we have talked about this step, I have prepared all the money, and I have to send it!" "Okay, although I can't tell the source of the news, please wait for another week! Just wait for a week, okay? If there is nothing wrong with this company by then, then I will leave here and never come back!" Duan Muliang patted me on the shoulder: "Gao Neng, you are too persistent, and you can't give a reason. How can you make customers trust you?" "No, please listen to me! Trust me!" I yelled in the street, my throat was almost torn by myself, and my temples were so bulging that they were about to explode!Both Duanmuliang and the client thought I was crazy, and passers-by walked around me one after another. Suddenly I couldn't see the sky, only the dirty ground was left, sticking to my lips. I fainted...
In the evening, at six o'clock. Back on the subway, I breathed in the breath of others in the crowded carriage as I used to get off work every day. At noon, I fainted outside the high-end office building in Lujiazui, and fell into a coma intermittently.But soon after waking up, Duanmuliang and the client promised me to temporarily postpone the capital injection for a week. If there is no accident, the investment will proceed as usual. After a few stops on the subway, I met a blind girl again. "Looking!" I squeezed in front of her, and she recognized my voice: "Is it you?" "Yes, I want to thank you!" "no need thank me?" "Last time you read my letter on the radio, I am that Lan Ling." "Oh, it's you, that letter was very touching." But her expression became serious again, "How are you doing now? How is your family?" "At least it's much better than when I wrote the letter. Thank you for what you said to me on the radio, and thank you for the song you played for me." Qiubo nodded knowingly, but stopped talking. The subway opened a few more stops, and when she was about to get off, I hurriedly said, "Let me take you to the radio station." When I walked out of the subway station, the lights were already on, and I didn't need my help, so I arrived at the entrance of the Broadcasting Building. "Do you have something to say to me?" "Oh——" I was a little embarrassed, and I summoned up the courage to say, "I'm sorry, I heard your story on the radio last time, and I want to say sorry to you again." "Why? Did we know each other before?" "When I was twelve years old, I lived in my grandmother's house. A fire broke out suddenly. My grandmother died in her sleep while holding me. I was almost suffocated to death by the smoke. It was the little girl next door who saved me. However, she herself Blind in both eyes in the fire." "It's you!" She "looked" at me in horror. "Yes, you saved me. I'm sorry, if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't lose your light." Although I am not a high-energy person, I am living as a high-energy person now. If this blind girl hadn't sacrificed her life to save her, I wouldn't have the face I wear today. Qiubo shook her head and remained silent for a while. When I broke out in cold sweat, she said softly: "So it was you, so it was you——no, you really don't have to apologize to me. At that time, I was alone at home, and there were flames outside the door." , I could only climb to your house from the window, and saw you lying on the bed with your grandma. I couldn’t drag your grandma, but I could barely drag you with all my strength. I dragged you down the stairs hard, and you kept shutting your eyes. Sleeping with my eyes closed, I had to keep my eyes open in the smoke to see the way out. My retinas were damaged by the toxic smoke and never recovered." "If you were sleeping with your eyes closed and I rescued you with my eyes open, then I should be the one who is blind now." "What's the use of saying this?" She smiled bitterly, "At that time, I was only a ten-year-old girl, and I was terrified of fires. I didn't even know what you looked like, so I just thought I should do this." "Sorry, I don't remember thanking you then." "No, I don't need your thanks, everything is my own choice - well, from now on, you owe me." Now she really laughed, but I still said seriously: "I owe you my whole life." "Actually, in the years when I just lost my eyesight, I couldn't accept this fact-I said it on the radio. When I was thirteen years old, I did a stupid thing. I wanted to dive into the water to end everything, but was caught by a brave boy. Saved. I will always remember that boy, probably two or three years older than me, wearing a blue sweatshirt, very thin, with an ordinary face." Two or three years older than her?Blue sweatshirt?Very skinny?Isn't that what I dreamed about myself? "You...do you remember his name?" "Of course I remember, his name is very special - Ancient Hero." "Yes, it's a very special name." I suddenly blushed, but fortunately she couldn't see it. "A few months ago, I went to see Gu Yingxiong, only to find out that he had passed away in a car accident more than a year ago." "No! The ancient hero is not dead." "How did you know?" "Oh?" I thought about it in embarrassment and said, "I think lucky people have their own nature." She laughed again, and walked to the entrance of the Broadcasting Building: "I'm going in, but I don't know your name yet?" "My name is—" I almost said Gu Yingxiong, "My name is Gao Neng." "Goodbye, Gao Neng." Watching her walk into the Broadcasting Building, I stood outside for a long time.I have mind reading skills, although I can see through everyone's heart, only one person's heart can't be seen through, because I can't see her eyes.
A long week. I go to work on time every day, but Duanmuliang is rarely in the company, and I don't have a special job.There are less than ten people in the company, and I keep asking people for advice about finance and securities investment when I have nothing to do. During the restless week, the client would call me every day, and I still persuaded him not to inject capital for the time being.But on TV, I often see the boss of the listed company, talking to the camera, and becoming a guest on many well-known talk shows. The media reports on his company are also very positive. It is said that a new business is about to start, which will give this company The company brings in billions in profits.Many continued to invest in his company, seemingly a lone entrepreneur amid the economic crisis.I also started to care about the stock price of this company. It went up and down for several days in a row. The customer complained that if he didn't buy the shares in time, he would have to spend tens of millions more than the original plan! I live like a year, and the pressure on my shoulders is getting heavier and heavier. Is this the new job I am looking forward to?In the Sky Group, you can still mess around, but if you make a mistake here, it will be related to tens of millions of losses. It is not as simple as firing the squid and leaving. I think of a person—the days without Monica, and I feel a little lost. It's been a week since she flew back to the US and I haven't heard from her.I calculated the time difference with the United States, taking into account that the two hemispheres are reversed day and night, and I often wandered late at night holding my mobile phone, as if the ringtone would ring at any time, and then I heard that unique accent. However, she seems to have disappeared on the other side of the world, and I worry if there is a chance to see her again? Her face, mixed-race and deep eyes, chestnut long sexy hair, and the little secrets in her heart that are revealed from time to time come to mind constantly, such as - "Fool, I like you." Is this her sincere words?In my only memory of seven months, I don’t have much experience with women, let alone true love. I don’t know anything about women’s psychology, and the only knowledge I have comes from the Internet.She was born in the United States, studied in Taiwan, graduated from Harvard, and is now the assistant to the general manager of the Sky Group in China. She is so outstanding in all aspects.What's more, I'm so beautiful, why should I fall in love with a poor boy who has neither money nor good looks?If I'm really high-powered and the nephew of the big boss of the Sky Group, maybe I still have some value.But the real me is an ancient hero. I came from a more ordinary family than Gao Neng. I was just an insurance salesman who graduated from a pheasant college. If I have a heart for Monica, it's like a toad wants to eat swan meat. However, when the swan really landed in front of me, it flapped its wings in an instant and flew back to that distant continent—a world beyond my reach. Also, I remembered that I hadn't contacted the "Blue Shirt Club" on the Internet for a long time. Could it be that he also disappeared with Monica? One late night I went to MSN, and after waiting for a long time, I finally saw the Blue Shirts Club. I immediately typed to talk to him: "I haven't contacted for many days." Blue Shirts: "Yes, because you don't surf the Internet very much." "I remember you replied to me in the forum - 'I'm sorry, the heir of King Lanling is dead'." Blue Shirts Club: "That's right, I said it." "Now I have confirmed this sentence, 'the descendant of King Lanling', that is, the former Gao Neng, is indeed dead." Blue Shirts Club: "Congratulations! Finally, I made another step forward and discovered this secret by myself." "Actually, you already knew that when I thought I was Gao Neng, you knew that Gao Neng was dead long ago, and I was another person." Blue Shirts Club: "Yes, but I can't tell you the secret, you have to discover it yourself." "I'm just wearing a high-energy mask, you bastards! I'm on the same team as Dean Hua of Sino-US Pacific Hospital?" The Blue Shirts: "As I said, the Blue Shirts are not alone, and I am not the Blue Shirts either." "Then you have acquiesced that Dean Hua is also a member of the Blue Shirts Club? Otherwise, how would you know this secret?" Blue Shirts: "I know everything." "Do you think you are a god?" Blue Shirts: "No. Now do you know who you are?" "Yes, I already know who I am." Blue Shirts Club: "Great! Goodbye!" I still wanted to talk to him, but the Blue Shirts disappeared from MSN. Sighing for the rest of my life, I fell back on the chair for a long time, and then looked at the calendar—tomorrow, the deadline agreed between the client and me, was about to inject capital into the company that was suspected of being a fraud. Tomorrow, tomorrow...
the next day. After squeezing the subway in the morning, I came to the new office with my head down. The first thing I did when I sat down was to write a letter of resignation. I lost my bet. Up to now, all the news shows that the listed company is in normal condition. Today, the client will deposit 80 million into the other party's account, and I will no longer have the face to stay here.Maybe mind reading is sometimes inaccurate, or that guy is too smart to weave lies not only with his mouth, but also with his eyes?Or did he realize his conscience in the past few days, put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately? When Duan Muliang walked into the company, I handed him the resignation letter, but he smiled and tore the resignation letter into pieces. "Gao Neng, the client called me just now. He got inside information early this morning that the boss of that bastard listed company was missing! Many people rushed over to check the accounts in the morning, only to find that the company's cash flow had long since dried up. Only two hundred yuan left!" I was completely stunned: "My God! Is it right?" "That's right! You are really amazing! There was no sign of this incident at all, and you are the only one in the world who predicted it! The client said that you were a lifesaver, and you helped him save 80 million yuan from a precipice. Thank you very much! " Duanmuliang patted my shoulder vigorously, opened another bottle of red wine to congratulate, and said that he would give me a half salary increase.But I was a little at a loss, as if I had a dream, and the hand holding the wine glass kept shaking. Tonight, the headlines of all the financial news are all about the disappearance of the CEO of this listed company.The company declared bankruptcy that afternoon and suspended trading in the stock market.The more than one billion funds absorbed recently either suffered serious losses or disappeared quietly, leaving only a few thousand employees who were suddenly unemployed and did not even receive a penny of compensation.Countless investors have lost their money, and the worst one has become impoverished in an instant from the richest man in the local area. There are even reports of suicide by jumping off a building.The government has ordered the arrest of the boss of the company, and applied for the assistance of Interpol and the Anti-Money Laundering Organization. However, according to analysis, this person has already changed his identity and left the country, so it is very difficult to catch him. The next day, as soon as I went to work in the company, I received a call from a client: "Mr. Gao, please come downstairs." Could it be that there are some heavyweights visiting?I hastily tidied up my clothes and hurried downstairs, only to see the client open his hands to me.I was still a little embarrassed, but Duanmuliang next to me said, "The customer wants to hug you!" I hugged the client embarrassedly, and he said loudly: "Mr. Gao, thank you so much! Eighty million! Eighty million! I didn't get cheated by that bastard! If it weren't for your persistence, I'm afraid I would have Go jump off the building!" "You're welcome, it's just what I do." "No, I said that I would like to thank you again. Look at the gift I gave you." I walked around the back of the client and saw a silver BMW Z4 sports car parked at the entrance of the office building. No, it can't be Z4! When I was looking at what kind of "gift" was, the customer took my hand, came to the Z4 sports car, and put a key in my palm: "This is my gift! This car belongs to you, I Your savior!" I am silly. "What did you say? This Z4 sports car? Is it a gift for me?" "That's right, accept it with peace of mind. Compared with 80 million yuan, this car is really nothing." "But...but..." "Don't refuse! Be sure to accept it!" "Thanks, I like the car," I finally said awkwardly, "but I can't drive."
Now, I have money. Sky Group's layoff compensation has finally reached my account in the past two days.Duanmuliang gave me a one-time bonus of 20,000 yuan.As for the BMW Z4 sports car, it is temporarily parked in the company's parking lot. Anyway, I can't learn a driver's license recently. I plan to sell it to the second-hand car market first, and it can be exchanged for hundreds of thousands. Duanmuliang asked me to take charge of a project alone, and if it is successful, I can withdraw 10% of the proceeds.He must have some kind of purpose, I can see lies in his eyes.But I do bring benefits to the company, which makes me feel very fulfilled. If you have money, you have to spend it first. I booked a cemetery for my father, where many celebrities are buried, and it is said that it costs tens of thousands of yuan to register.I also issued a fitness card for my mother, hoping that she can exercise regularly to prevent aging and help her get out of the shadow of her father's death as soon as possible. Then, I'm going to see someone - Gu Hero's mother, my real mother. I have had a headache for a long time to prepare a gift. After all, I can't let my mother know the secret. Even if I tell her, she won't believe it. It can only be regarded as a gift from my son's classmate.In the end, I bought several thousand yuan of Cordyceps sinensis, which can at least nourish my body. Knocking on the door of her house again, seeing her mother, she put the gift in front of her, but she firmly shook her head and said, "No! No! Take all these gifts back? You and Hero are just classmates in primary school, we You can't accept such a heavy gift." I had expected my mother's reaction a long time ago, and I said the prepared lines: "Auntie, there is a reason why I did this. When I was in elementary school, the hero saved my life. Although I haven't contacted her for so many years, but I have never forgotten his life-saving grace." "How come I never heard him say that?" "If I said it at the time, I would be criticized by the teacher. The hero kept the secret for me. No one said anything. Auntie, you should accept these. I came too late." My mother didn't say much, just thanked me all the time. I carefully observed the furnishings at home, but found no photos, especially nothing belonging to my father, so I carefully asked: "Auntie, the hero's father, what was it like before?" What about people?" "Hey, he has been missing for five or six years, and there is no news until today. The hero's father is a mediocre man. He has been a worker in a shipyard all his life, and he has left nothing for this family." "Then how did he disappear?" Mom gave a wry smile: "No one knows, he is an honest man, he is usually quiet and never has any enemies. One day he went out in the middle of the night and never came back." Dad's situation is the same as the disappearance of Yan Han and Fang Xiaoan. He ran out in the middle of the night for no reason, so there is little news about it. I looked into my mother's eyes stupidly, and I knew that everything she said was true.She is really the most pitiful mother in the world. Even though her son is standing in front of her eyes, she still thinks her son is already dead.But what can I do for her?In an instant, I really want to hold my mother and cry, and tell her all the truth, but will she believe it?If she asked me to share my childhood memories, I would not be able to recall them at all. After sitting at home for dozens of minutes, I reluctantly left.This was the place where I grew up, and it seems that every corner has its own smell, and even every piece of air has my former voice. Before I left, I said to my mother: "Auntie, can you give me a picture of the ancient hero? I want to miss him all the time." Mom found a photo, which was taken at home three years ago, and it was considered the most photogenic photo.I stood at the window and smiled. Although I was neither handsome nor unrefined, I was calm and unhurried, with firm and powerful eyes, not like an ordinary insurance salesman at all. Yes, this is the ancient hero, and this is me.
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