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Chapter 9 Chapter 7 Longjing and West Lake

The World (Volume 1) Mind Reader 蔡骏 18814Words 2018-03-22
September 19, 2009, at 9:30 am. Shawshank State Prison, Cell 58, Block C. In my notebook, I just wrote that I am going to Hangzhou tomorrow—that was in May 2008, so what about tomorrow in September 2009? Tomorrow, my tomorrow, will have a new plan. Looking up at the sky outside the iron window again, Shawshank State Prison covers an area of ​​tens of hectares and is under the jurisdiction of Arsland State in the western United States.This is the poorest and most remote state in the United States, sandwiched between the Colorado Mountains and the Rocky Mountains, with an average altitude of 2,000 meters, and more than 90% of them are mountains and deserts.The highest temperature here in summer can reach 50 degrees Celsius, while the coldest winter is only minus 20 degrees Celsius. In such a harsh environment, almost no grass grows.In the era of the gold rush in the west in the 19th century, a large number of desperadoes poured in, and this Arslan state was established-the root of this word comes from the Turkic language, which means lion.

There is an old cemetery in the corner of the playground, and everyone dare not approach it when they are out in the wind.In the more than 100 years since the establishment of this prison, every prisoner who died here will be buried in that cemetery.It is said that when there is a strong wind at midnight, there will be miserable cries from the cemetery-the mysterious dead souls want to occupy the bodies of living prisoners. Only one man, who disappeared forever in prison many years ago, was not buried in the cemetery. Nobody knows where he is, except the man. Therefore, people die here for no apparent reason every year. Although there are also people who have committed the most heinous crimes, even sitting on the electric chair a hundred times is not enough to pay for the crimes they committed.But I still have a fear of it, for fear that in the middle of the night when I am sleeping soundly, a hand will suddenly drag me into hell.

I don't want to die in Shawshank State Penitentiary, let alone die here. Because, I didn't kill anyone. Sorry, I don't need to defend myself in front of you guys, let's just get on with my story. Pencil wrote "tomorrow" more than a year ago in a small notebook——
Saturday. I got on the long-distance bus to Hangzhou. Before going out, I lied to my parents that the company asked me to go to Suzhou for a two-day business trip.Seeing that my mother was a little worried, I said that I went with my colleagues from the sales department, and I had to negotiate this business, otherwise I might be laid off at the end of the month.In order to keep my job, my mother had no choice but to let me go—if I told her to go to Hangzhou, she would do her best not to let me go.

That's right, I'm going back to the place where the car accident happened a year and a half ago, as I wrote in the blog: "I have made a choice, I believe in my own courage, and that is my true destiny." In the autumn evening of 2006, with such courage and forgotten secrets, I quietly went to a certain corner of Hangzhou.This irresistible temptation - which led to my accident, and the death of another, wiped all memory from my mind.But I still go to the other side of time, back to the deadly place, back to the hour of destruction.I am no longer the person I used to be, I have encountered all kinds of incredible things, and I have an unbelievable ability: mind reading.

At noon, the bus arrived in Hangzhou from Shanghai-Hangzhou Expressway. I had no time to visit places of interest such as the West Lake, so I ate some fast food near the station, then took a taxi to Longjing.I don’t have this city in my memory, it looks so strange through the car window—except for going to the island for training in April, I haven’t left Shanghai in the past six months. You can see the West Lake from a distance, but soon you drive out of the city, and there are hillsides and forests on both sides - Longjing is a mountainous area with many small villages, which are now part of the West Lake Scenic Area. The most famous one is "Longjing Wencha ".I asked the driver to stop at the exit of a road tunnel and cross a steep mountain called "White Deer Mountain Tunnel".

The car accident happened at the exit of the tunnel, with dense forest on one side and hillside on the other.On the right side of the tunnel exit, a huge rock protrudes from the mountain, and normal driving will not be dangerous.But at night one and a half years ago, the taxi I was riding in deviated from the direction and hit this rock the moment it rushed out of the tunnel entrance.The car bounced to the other side of the road, and I was thrown out, my head hit the ground, and I was unconscious on the spot.The passenger on the other side was thrown down the hillside and died in the hospital after rescue efforts failed.The driver of the black car is missing, so far there is little news.

Eighteen months later, when I returned to the place that almost killed me, goosebumps appeared all over my body, and a chill ran through my head to the soles of my feet.I ventured across the fast-moving road and came under the huge rock. There was no sign of a car accident. I could only touch the grass growing in the crevice of the rock—is it the crack caused by the car?It seems to see fresh blood oozing from the roots of the grass. Is that my own blood, or is it left by the ancients? There were no pedestrians or bicycles at the entrance of the tunnel. The car rushed out quickly, and the sound of wheels whistling filled my ears, with a gust of cold wind whirling across the face, like the bitterness of the twelfth lunar month.

No, it's not just the wind, but—the murderous aura. A sense that doesn't need eyes and ears, just a sixth sense. Many fragments flashed in my mind, as if the traffic was rolling in, rolling over my chest.I lean on that deadly rock, keeping my balance and not falling. The murderous aura does not come from this cold space, not from that cruel time, but from myself. Fleeing from the tunnel in embarrassment, he climbed up a steep slope along the grass on the side of the mountain.The feet seemed out of control, leaving the road far behind.Walking into a forest path, there is a sloping tea garden below, and some roofs can be seen faintly below, probably the teahouses of Longjing villagers. There must be many tourists tasting and buying tea.

But on the mountain a hundred meters away, it is another world. There are no people in the deep forest, only the startled birds.Going deeper and deeper in the forest alone, I can't even see the tea trees, and the road under my feet is becoming more and more barren, just like stepping into a hermit's manor. Is it the hidden West Lake Meizhuang? I am not Linghu Chong, let alone Xiang Wentian, but there is indeed a mysterious visitor behind me. It was footsteps, ghostly footsteps, following me through the dense bamboo forest.When I walk quickly, the steps are also running fast, and when I stop suddenly, the steps also stop abruptly.But as soon as I took a few steps forward, it sounded behind me again.

Suddenly, I felt real danger, because I was so lost that I couldn't even see the way I had come.That guy is hiding in a corner that I can't see. If he suddenly attacks now, then I can only sit and wait for death. I turned around and yelled at the silent bamboo forest: "Hey! Who are you? Come out quickly! You coward!" The densest part of the leaves shook for a while, and indeed a figure flashed out. It's him again! In just a few days, I saw him face to face for the third time. The first time was at a ramen restaurant in Lanzhou, and the second time was in a crowded subway car. Both times, I saw his innermost thoughts, but he timidly avoided me—and even made me faint from excitement in the subway past.

Did Lu Haikong also die because of him?There are also the missing Yan Han and Fang Xiaoan.Now that he appeared for the third time, he actually followed and chased him to Longjing, Hangzhou, in the deserted mountains and forests. "Who are you?" I rushed forward with my fists clenched, and the man turned and ran away, never giving me a chance to look directly in the eyes.In the mountains with dense forests and rugged terrain, start a fierce chase.It is difficult to run here, and you will hit the bamboo if you are not careful. "stop!" Shouting and cursing loudly in the back, but feeling farther and farther away, made me anxious. After finally catching up to a mountain trail, the adrenaline was secreted violently, and the throbbing blood rushed to the top of the head again, and the figure gradually blurred, as if the black sky had fallen down. I can't see anything anymore, sinking into the bottom of the endless black water...
Longjing. I am resurrected. Opening my eyes again, I saw a face of mixed race. Are you dreaming?I subconsciously raised my arms and rubbed my eyes—it was indeed the face of that young mixed-race woman, with bright lips on fair skin and deep black pupils staring at me. "Meng-ge?" He hesitated to call out her name, but felt a burning pain in his throat.She picked up a cup of herbal tea and carefully fed it to me.The tea nourished me, and I gained some strength. When I turned my head and looked out the window, there were still tea trees everywhere, like terraced fields stretching up to the mountain.This is the private seat of the tea house, which is isolated from the outside by a curtain. I am half lying on the seat, and across from me is a mixed-race Meng Ge in a skirt, whose English name is Monica. "Please call me Monica, feeling better?" "I'm sorry, Monica. Why are you here? Me? How am I here? What is this place?" A series of questions made me confused. She frowned and said in Taiwanese Chinese: "Hangzhou Longjing. Today is my first weekend working in China. My colleague said that the nearest resort to Shanghai is Hangzhou. I will take the train." Come play." "Then why am I here?" "In the afternoon, I came to Longjing to drink tea alone. I ran to the tea garden on this mountain and saw you lying on the forest path. I couldn't wake you up no matter what. I thought you were drunk again, so please come down the mountain. The villagers carried you back to the tea house." "Drunk?" I smiled wryly, "Even if I was really drunk, I would never be in Longjing. By the way, how long did I sleep just now?" Monica looked at her GUCCI watch: "It's three o'clock in the afternoon, and I found you half an hour ago." I shook my head, thinking of the mysterious man in the bamboo forest. In the process of chasing him, I passed out—as long as extreme emotions and violent movements would make me unconscious intermittently. How could it be such a coincidence?Met her again - the new assistant to the company boss.On the huge Longjing Mountain, there are so many tea gardens, so many forests, and so many tourists at the foot of the mountain, why did she find me?The odds of this happening are extremely slim! But I didn't dare to express my doubts, and I didn't dare to look directly into her eyes. I could only look at the forest outside the window: "When you found me, did you see anyone else?" "I went up the mountain alone, and I saw you lying there, and there was no one else. The villagers said that no one went to that mountain road, and I just walked around and found you. You are lucky!" "It's...what a coincidence." I took a sip of the freshly brewed Longjing, "We meet again." "Gao Neng, I remember your name correctly, right?" "Yes, of course I remember you. I was just dispatched from the US headquarters, and you are the biggest besides the general manager. I am just a small salesman, and many colleagues can't pronounce my name. Thank you for remembering me .” The assistant to the general manager is a fat job that many people snatched up, but unexpectedly, it was taken by this little girl in her early twenties. Many senior directors were outraged, and some people speculated that she had some high-level background. "It's break time, we're equals." "I hope so." When talking to Monica, I became much more courageous, and I said some things that I usually dare not say.She is too unlike a company executive, more like a college student who has just graduated. "Gao Neng, I found that you have a bad habit." "what?" "I was born and raised in the United States, we have to look into each other's eyes when we speak, otherwise it is considered impolite." Only then did I realize that I never dared to look directly into her eyes. As long as she stared at me, I would panic to avoid it. This is also a habit I have developed in the past six months.Forced himself to turn around and look into her dark eyes. Monica smiled: "Don't mind too much, this is our habit in the United States, and we speak more directly." When she said "we are America," I felt a little uncomfortable.But she has a face of mixed Chinese and Western, and she no longer feels awkward. She is originally an American. "By the way, you came here by train. How was the train station in Hangzhou today?" Since she likes to look into other people's eyes, why not just look at her directly to see what she is thinking? "There are too many people in China's railway stations!" The answer on her mouth was very natural, but her eyes were saying another sentence—— "Why did he ask me about the train station? Although I came by a tourist bus, it is always true that the train station is crowded." My eyes and brain accurately captured her true thoughts—she was lying! Monica's half-breed eyes gave away the secret, she didn't come by train at all, but the tour bus, maybe the one behind me, the buses were only a few minutes apart, she could easily follow me at the bus station. But I asked calmly: "Yes, I'm afraid you are not used to traveling in China." "No Problem! I'm not afraid." "Have you been to the Bailushan Tunnel near here?" "White? Deer?" Monica frowned and shrugged. "I've never heard of it." However, I saw something in her eyes saying—— "What is he trying to do? I saw him at the exit of the tunnel, but I absolutely cannot admit it." Sure enough, he was playing stupid again! She clearly followed me all the way to the entrance of the White Deer Mountain Tunnel, and then followed me into the depths of the dense forest, only then did she find that I fainted on the ground. It was not a coincidence at all. Could it be that she and that mysterious man were accomplices? "Oh, I mean, I went to the Bailudong tunnel in the afternoon, and then I climbed up this tea mountain, and I met a man who was following me. After I found out, I went back and chased, and just passed out on the path, you Have you seen that man?" I didn't express my doubts about Monica, I just asked the question out of my plan, trying to find out the secret in her heart.I didn't expect myself to become so cunning, haven't I always been honest, introverted and shy?How come facing her is like a different person? "No, as I said just now, when I found you, there was no one else around." But at the same time, her eyes revealed what was in her heart—— "I found a man following you, but I don't know who he is? He ran away immediately, so I had to ask the villagers to carry you down." Strange, this is what Monica really thinks in her heart. The mouth can lie, but the eyes can't deceive me.She didn't know that mysterious man?It seems that there are more than one group of people who are interested in me, and the situation is even more complicated. I bowed my head and remained silent for a moment, when the phone rang, and it turned out to be a call from my mother.I said a few perfunctory words casually, saying that I was negotiating with the client in Suzhou, don't worry if everything is normal. "Gao Neng, why did you lie to your mother?" Monica's expression and eyes did not match her age at all, more like a mature woman. I took a sip of tea anxiously, "She doesn't want me to come to Hangzhou." "Why? You're an adult." "No." I stared into her eyes, but found nothing unusual, "There is no reason." "Because you had a car accident here a year and a half ago." She said this out of the blue, and I jumped out of my seat in panic: "You? How did you know?" "Yesterday, the sales director told me—he said that your car accident was very strange, and no one knew what caused it. You were in a coma in the hospital for a year, and when you woke up, you completely lost your memory. You still remember it now. ?" Damn it!I looked into her eyes. This time, what she said in her heart was almost exactly the same as what she said on her mouth-it must be Monica asking on purpose, otherwise why would the sales director say it to more than a hundred people in the company? Think of me as a small employee. "Yes, what he said is correct, and my memory has not recovered yet. Well, I admit that it was to find out the truth about a year and a half ago that I sneaked to Hangzhou without telling my parents." "Did you find anything?" "No, the Bailudong tunnel I mentioned just now, the car accident happened at the exit of that tunnel, but now there is no trace of it, only that mysterious man, he has been following me recently." "Strange, why did he follow you? Who is he?" Monica's eyes told me that this sentence was also in her heart, which disappointed me: "I want to know the answer too!" "Your experience is so bizarre, can I help you?" Her bold plea puts me in a bind, I never thought of asking for help from others, and she's so hard to trust me, why did she lie to me in the first place? Seeing that I was hesitant and unable to answer, she simply asked directly: "Do you know why you came to Hangzhou a year and a half ago?" "No, I forgot everything." "Then you must have stayed in a hotel in Hangzhou." "That's right, I've been missing for many days, at least I stayed in a hotel for the first night." "Do you know which hotel you're staying at?" "No, I don't remember—why are you running after me?" Do you really want to get her involved?I'm afraid she has already been involved?Monica smiled slightly, and added hot water to my teacup. The mixed-race face was extremely attractive, and she opened her dark eyes and said, "Because of my curiosity. I heard that Hangzhou is a tourist city, and hotels usually have to wait in advance. Reservation, through what channel do you usually book your room?" This sentence reminded me that a year and a half ago I set off on Friday evening, and the room must be reserved for the weekend, but I shook my head: "I said I forgot, maybe through the Internet." "If you booked online, you should have an email confirming your order in your mailbox." "Email?" I still scratched my head, "I forgot all the passwords before, and I have re-applied for the email I use now." "Although I have only been in the company for a few days, I found that you like to register with the company email address. I can help you retrieve your password." Monica turned on her laptop and logged in to our company’s server through wireless Internet access—only the authority at the director level, and quickly found my two mailboxes, one registered in 2004 and the other registered in 2007 . Tapping her fingers quickly on the keyboard, she found out my earliest registered password: 82free00hero. This is the password I forgot? 82free00hero——82 represents my year of birth, free is the life I yearn for, 00 may be the year when I first registered my email address, hero may be the person I wanted to be back then—did I ever want to be a hero? She pushed the computer in front of me: "You can enter the password to enter the previous mailbox." Looking into Monica's exotic eyes, I hesitated with my fingers, and lightly entered this set of forgotten passwords to enter this mailbox registered in 2004. I haven't logged in for at least a year and a half, and my mailbox is full of all kinds of spam. I directly flipped to 2006 when the accident happened.There was a "Forum User Activation" email in the inbox, which was received in October 2006.I noticed that the sender was "Lanling King's Secret BBS". King Lanling's secret? This email informed me that I registered as a forum user of "Lanling King's Secret BBS" on October 7, 2006, and my registered name was "Lanling King's Successor". I looked into Monica's eyes and asked, "Do you know King Lanling?" "WHAT? LAN—" She shook her head and said blankly, "My history class is the worst." But her eyes told me - she lied again. She knows King Lanling, and she wants me to ask this question.But her answer is not smart. If you really don't understand history, it is difficult to immediately think of ancient times when you hear the pronunciation of these three words for the first time. I stopped asking, but she leaned her head closer and said, "Prince Lanling's secret? What is it, open it and see!" Click on the forum address in the email, and enter a BBS page. The webpage design is very strange black, dotted with some red patterns, and a hideous mask hangs on the top of the webpage. It may be the Lanling King imagined by later generations. mask. But when I clicked on the next page, a line of text appeared on the screen: "The secret of King Lanling is an internal forum. Only registered users have the right to enter. Please log in or register first." Click on the login page, enter "Lanling Wang Chuanren" in the user name, and enter the email password I just recovered - 82free00hero. Most people will use the same password to register different email addresses and websites, and I hope I did the same back then . That's right!Successfully logged into the forum.There are not many posts on this BBS. In the last month, there were only a dozen main posts in total.The only top post is a comprehensive introduction about King Lanling, most of which I have read online.The rest are basically irrigation, and there are many stickers - but most of them have nothing to do with Lanling King. They are nothing more than pictures of humor and beauties. They are all boring passers-by. They don't even know who Lanling King is?But there have also been some odd posts, stamped with rows of meaningless numbers and letters that look like cipher codes. "Have you ever spoken? Can you search for a username?" Monica reminded me, I clicked on the search function and entered my ID "Heir of Lanling King". A few seconds later, the posting records of "Heir of Lanling King" popped up on the webpage, and there were dozens of them densely. First, I looked at the publication time of those posts. They were all concentrated in October 2006. In just one month, there were 26 main posts and 103 follow-up posts. Arrange the posts in chronological order, and I clicked on my earliest post, and the title was "I am the 49th grandson of Lanling King Gao Changgong"!The content of the post is only two words - "such as the title". That's when Monica squinted at me and said, "You?" I? The 49th grandson of Lanling King Gao Changgong? The only thing I have in common with King Lanling is that we have the same surname Gao—but there are too many people surnamed Gao in the world, how could it be such a coincidence? "Who is the King of Lanling?" Facing Monica's questioning, I didn't answer, and I didn't care about her question, because I could tell from her eyes that she knew who King Lanling was! Continue to read my second main post in the forum, the title is: "Who can tell me the secret of King Lanling?" The content of the post is still two words "such as the title". The next dozens of posts were published almost at a rate of one post per day, and they were nothing more than asking for advice from the real King of Lanling in history.However, due to the limited historical records, even if someone replies and speaks, the content can still be found online. For example, to my question "The Brilliant Martial Arts of King Lanling", there is an answer with the ID "Martial Soul of the Northern Dynasty"—— "Lanling King Gao Changgong, the most valiant general in the north during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, 'courageous and good at fighting', 'courageous to crown the three armies, victorious in every battle'. We all know that most of Lanling King is because of his handsome appearance and fierce mask, but in the battlefield Who is not vicious? Who cares what the opponent looks like when killing red eyes? He became a famous general because of his wisdom and courage. The most famous battle of King Lanling was the "War of Mangshan" in 564 AD. With a ferocious and ferocious mask, he led five hundred elite cavalry into the Northern Zhou army, killing several generals of the enemy army. When he reached the city of Luoyang, he took off the blood-stained mask, revealing his well-known handsome face, The morale of the officers and soldiers defending the city was greatly boosted, and they rushed out of the city to defeat the Zhou soldiers. "Northern Qi Book" records: "In the defeat of Mount Mang, Chang Gong was the Chinese army. , the people in the city are unrecognizable, and Chang Gong exempted him from showing his face, so he rescued him with a crossbowman, and he won a great victory. The warriors sang a ballad together, which is "The Song of Lanling King Entering the Battle".'" Monica watched from the side and said, "Oh, so it turns out that King Lanling is such a person. Gao Neng, are you really his descendant?" I can't answer such a question at all, maybe a thread in the forum will have the answer.I saw my other question: "Who knows "Lanling King Enters the Battle Song"?" An ID called "Facebook" replied—— ""The Song of Lanling King Entering the Battle", because of the illustrious military exploits of Lanling King, Northern Qi warriors imitated his heroic posture of wearing a mask to kill the enemy, singing and dancing with masks to celebrate the victory, becoming a solo dance of a man wielding a sword and stabbing. "Lanling King Entering the Battle" is full of the heroism of war and the spirit of a man. It was widely circulated in history and was performed in the court of the Tang Dynasty many times. It was gradually lost after the Song Dynasty. This song was introduced to Japan in the Tang Dynasty and has been passed down for thousands of years. "Kasuga Taisha", the annual Japanese classical music and dance performance, "Lanling King Entrance Song" is still used as the first solo performance. Japan regards it as Gagaku, and has strict "success" and " The inheritance system of "secret biography". On September 6, 1992, organized by the Chinese cultural relics department, the Ya Orchestra in Nara, Japan performed "The Song of Lanling King Entering the Battle" in front of the tomb of King Lanling in Ci County, Hebei." My ID continued to follow the post below, and actually posted a poem by Xin Qiji——
I ask this kind of question a lot, and once someone replies, I'm very active in following the thread and discussing it with people, no matter what the content is.Turning to October 25, 2006, this is my last forum thread: "Is Prince Lanling a devil or an angel?" Clicking on it turned out to be a short speech: "Why? Why do you say that King Lanling is a devil?" The following thread is: "Heir, in this world, there are still many secrets that you don't know." Obviously, this "successor" refers to my ID in the forum, "Lanling King's successor", it seems that I am already familiar with the people in the forum. Then came my reply: "Please tell me, what other secrets does King Lanling have?" The other party's reply was: "Do you think King Lanling is an angel? No, he is a devil. He wears a mask to kill people, killing countless people, because he is eager to kill, but he doesn't want others to see his face So he used that mask—not an ordinary mask, not even a man-made mask, but one given to him by the devil, and he became a devil's face, to taste the blood of the world instead of the devil." I immediately retorted in a follow-up post: "You are not allowed to insult my ancestors. I have the blood of Lanling King Gao Changgong on my body. I don't believe that he is the devil you said. The records in history are very clear. He was a brave man. The general is also a humble gentleman. According to the Northern Qi Dynasty, "For the sake of the general's hard work and meticulous work, every time he gets sweetness, even if a melon counts, he must share it with the soldiers." Plain and gentle, just like his handsome face." "GOD!" Monica stared at the screen and gave a sigh of admiration. She had already taken a new look at me. I said awkwardly: "This is the first time I have heard of it. It seems that I read a lot of materials about King Lanling at that time." But this long BBS post is not over yet, and the other party is still arguing with me: "Lord, I want to remind you that Chinese history books can only represent the recorder's point of view! Rather than saying that history is recorded, it is better to say that it is created! The truth is always a fog. Your theories about the angels of King Lanling all come from these records, but I don’t fully believe them. The real history is often another version. One more reminder, don’t think that as a descendant of King Lanling, How glorious you are. In fact, Gao Changgong's blood and genes in your veins will become the greatest tragedy in your life! If you don't harm yourself, then you will surely harm the whole world!" This passage shocked my heart. It is not unreasonable to think about it carefully. No one has seen history with their own eyes, so no one can conclude that what is written in those ancient books must be true? But the following posts were endless, and I couldn't accept the other party's point of view. I tried my best to refute him, and started a dark debate.You say what you say, and you actually build a tall building with dozens of floors, and a post is divided into several pages.The speech time is from 8:00 pm to 4:00 am, and lasts until 7:00 am the next day, which shows that I am undoubtedly an otaku who burns the lights at night. I noticed that the ID of the other party, that is, the guy who was arguing with me fiercely, was registered as "Blue Shirt Club". "Blue Shirts?" This name sounds familiar, and the last comment on this post was also sent by this "Blue Clothes Club": "Chuanren, I sent you a text message on the site, please check it." I clicked on my inbox on the site, and found that, in addition to some messy forum messages, on October 27, 2006, I received a message on the site from "Blue Clothes Club"—— "Do you have time next Wednesday night? I want to chat with you face to face about the secret of King Lanling. The place is up to you." Fortunately, there is still a record of my sending letters in the station's SMS box, and my reply reads: "November 1 at 8:00 p.m., Tianxiang Pavilion, Shanghai, seat by the window, I'll wait for you." This is my last entry in the "Lanling King's Secret" forum. November 1, 2006? It's a big date, and something immediately comes to mind!Open my blog page, at 23:55 on November 1, 2006, I said this on my blog—— "Tonight, I finally met the Blue Shirts, a person who made me shudder." Blue Shirts! This is the person, my blog has verified the information on the site in the forum, I did meet the mysterious netizen Blue Shirt Club that night, and it made me shudder. And in the next one, on November 2, 2006, I blogged: "Yes, I have made a choice, I believe in my own courage, and that is my true destiny. Tomorrow, tomorrow !" The "tomorrow" written here is November 3, 2006, the day I went to Hangzhou, and it is also the day when my memory is blank, the day when the deadly danger begins, and the day I am looking for when I come here today. "Well, there is indeed progress." Monica rested her chin and looked at it with relish. "At that time, you must have met the Blue Shirts Club. You came to Hangzhou two days later." "But what's the reason? What made me fear the Blue Shirts Club? And what prompted me to come to Hangzhou? Would it be a turning point in my life?" Thinking about it, I got a headache, drank a big mouthful of Longjing, and the tea gardens all over the mountain were already in the dark, so I chatted all afternoon. "Sorry, I didn't buy a ticket for the return journey, I have to go to the bus station now." When I stood up in a hurry, Monica tugged at my sleeve and said, "Are you going to give up on the clue you just got? Anyway, I don't go to work tomorrow and Sunday, and I've already booked a hotel for tonight." "this……" I was so embarrassed that I didn't dare to look her in the eyes anymore. "Don't think about it! I will book another room for you. This time, I must find the hotel you stayed in Hangzhou! Go back tomorrow." This time it was Monica's turn to pay the bill in a hurry, take me into a taxi, and leave this tea mountain that was gradually sleeping.
At night, seven o'clock. The car drove into the bamboo forest at night, and the hotel was surrounded by green bamboos, with hardly any city view, but only a few hundred meters away from the West Lake. This is a boutique business hotel. Monica was very generous and booked an additional business single room for me. The room rate was 880 yuan without discount. I have never stayed in such an expensive hotel, so I bit the bullet and took out my credit card. Monica smiled and said, "It's a company treat. I have an reimbursement quota every month, and I have a lot left this month. Woolen cloth!" Monica asked me to go to her room and continue using her laptop.She called the hotel reception and asked room service to bring up dinner.This made me even more uneasy. It was the first time I sat alone in the girl's hotel room, scratching my scalp cautiously: "I'm really sorry, I don't need to trouble you anymore, I can go to the Internet cafe outside to surf the Internet." "Gao Neng, do you want to run away alone?" She opened her big black eyes and blocked the door, "If it wasn't for my help, would you be able to retrieve your password and enter that BBS?" "I appreciate you, Monica. But it's all my business, why are you helping me like this?" "Of course, no one will help you out of nowhere. I think you know very well that there must be a reason. For example - I heard that a week before I came to the Chinese branch, someone in your sales department committed suicide in the office." Her expression was unexpectedly mature, and I timidly replied: "Yes, Lu Haikong, the manager of the sixth sales department." "The place where you committed suicide was selling seven copies, standing on your desk and hanging yourself!" "That's right." I lowered my head like a child who has done something wrong, "It has been spread in the company for a long time, and before Lu Haikong committed suicide, he used my computer." "Do you think you have any doubts?" "Yes, I want to know the reason myself." Monica said coldly: "Recently, two salesmen have disappeared, Yan Han, who sold six volumes, and Fang Xiaoan, who sold three volumes. I am the assistant to the general manager of the company, and these situations must be mastered. And There is every reason to suspect that the suicide and disappearance of these three people may have something to do with your secret!" "How did you know?" "Sorry, I have to keep track of every employee's movements. As for how to know? I will tell you when the time is right, OK?" I don't know how to answer, since the day she appeared, like a depth bomb, she dived into this endless dark seabed. "Okay, I will take it as your default." Monica used my password to log into the "Lanling King's Secret" forum, and re-read my forum posts, especially the long post where I debated with the Blue Shirt Club at the end. Even I didn't have the patience to read all of them carefully: " GOD, it’s like taking Chinese lessons.” Room service brought dinner, she put down her laptop, and greeted me with the cheerful grace that many American girls do.She watches satellite TV while she eats and drank a large cup of espresso, and I wonder if she's going to stay up tonight? Dinner was settled in ten minutes, and she opened my company mailbox with coffee. When I hesitated, she said bluntly: "Don't worry, I won't peek into your privacy." In the company mailbox that has been dormant for more than a year, there are many regular emails from Ctrip.com. "What is this Ctrip?" "A website for booking hotel flights." In fact, it was the first time I discovered that I was a Ctrip user.In the six months since I woke up, I have never booked a hotel or air ticket. "GOOD!" Click on the homepage of Ctrip.com, use the user name you see in the mailbox, and enter the previous password: 82free00hero. That's right!I used to be such a lazy person, I used the same password for all. After successfully entering the user page, you can check all the reservation records - the most recent one was on November 2, 2006. I booked a hotel chain in Hangzhou for the next day. 次日就是2006年11月3日,我从上海抵达杭州接着便失踪的时间。 我瞪大了眼睛盯着笔记本屏幕:“你太棒了,莫妮卡!” “还等什么!Let's go!”
half an hour later. 我和莫妮卡坐着出租车,来到杭州东方之星连锁酒店。根据携程旅行网里的记录,我预订了2006年11月3日这家酒店的一个单人房。 路上按捺不住兴奋,仿佛那个秘密已唾手可得。莫妮卡却格外冷静,混血的脸在夜色中越发清晰,下车就直奔连锁酒店的前台。 前台服务生当然不会再记得我,虽然亮出了我的身份证,但时间已相隔一年半,服务生无法查询当年的入住记录。 正在僵持的时候,莫妮卡趁着四周没人注意,从包里掏出一百美元,悄悄塞到服务生手里,又说了一连串美式英语。这服务生见多识广,立刻低声说:“酒店办公室的电脑里,大概能查到往年的记录。” 他找来别人临时替班,带着我们来到酒店办公室,打开电脑很快查到2006年11月3日的入住记录——我看到了自己的名字,当晚21点30分入住。 That's right!就是这里,但电脑并没有我的退房记录,服务生也有些奇怪,再一查才知道:原来我在入住之后,就消失得无影无踪,没有再来办理退房。根据酒店的规定,他们在三天后清理了房间,把我遗留的物品收到酒店地下室的仓库里。 服务生又带我们来到地下室,好不容易找到一个积满灰尘的箱子。我用身份证做了登记手续,才得以打开这个尘封的箱子。 地下室昏黄的灯光下,我忽然有些激动,箱子里会有什么秘密?抑或什么可怕的东西?像一具无人认领的尸体,在这墓穴般的地下室埋葬了一年零六个月。 我让莫妮卡后退几步,小心翼翼地从箱子里掏出一条毛巾,一套牙刷牙膏,几件内衣,一台手机充电器——没有了,就只有这些东西! 失望地把整个箱子倒过来,还是什么都没剩下,只有这些个人日常用品,莫妮卡看到那条发臭的男士内裤都笑了:“这个倒是可以送给警察去检验一下。” “该死!”我满脸羞愧地把这些东西又塞回箱子,转头对服务生说,“抱歉,我不需要这些东西了,请把它们扔出去吧!” 回到酒店前台,我仍不甘心地问了一句:“服务生,你还认得我吗?假如那晚是你接待我的?” “对不起,我是今年才从其他酒店过来的。”服务生看了看前台替班的人,“不过你可以问问小王,他已经在这里干了三年。” 替班的小王仔细看着我的脸,拧起眉目肯定地说:“对,就是你!我想起来了。” “你可要认认清楚哦!”莫妮卡又强调了一句,“一年半过去了,这里每天来来回回那么多客人,你怎么可能还记得他呢?” 但小王确信无疑地说:“就是他,在入住以后就失踪了,没有再回来过,我们只能把他的物品清理了出去,所以对他的印象就特别深。” 我凑到他眼前,想再让他认认仔细:“你还记得其他事情吗?能不能说得具体点?” “嗯——”小王低头想了想,“那晚我一直在前台值班,记得你是晚上入住的,到了大约午夜的时候,就来了一个年轻的男人,他到前台给你打了个电话,就去了你的房间。直到凌晨三点多钟,我看到你和那个男人一起出了酒店,从此再也没有回来过。” 一个年轻的男人? 总算有了进展,我着急地问:“你还记得那个男人长什么样吗?” “对不起,早就记不得了。” “不用再问了,他能记得你已经非常好了。” 莫妮卡当着其他人的面,给了小王一百美元的小费,她何必为了我花费那么多时间和金钱呢?一定带着某种目的甚至阴谋,我不禁越发对她提防。 她拽了拽我的衣袖:“走吧!” 可我还舍不得离开,仿佛这酒店还残留着我的气味,莫妮卡不客气地把我拉出去,轻声说:“你是想去看你住过的房间吗?早就被打扫过几百遍了,不可能留下什么的。” “这条线索又断了!”我无奈地看着杭州的夜色,“一个年轻的男人,他究竟是谁呢?” “这不是很明显吗?” “你是说蓝衣社?嗯,他是最大的可能性,现在可以确定我和蓝衣社在上海见过面,两天后我就去了杭州,毫无疑问与蓝衣社有莫大的关系。也许他以某种诱饵让我来杭州与他见面,又在凌晨带我一起离开酒店,然后就绑架或袭击了我?” 莫妮卡却闪烁着一股奇怪的表情:“还有另一种可能性,一个男人在半夜跑到另一个男人的房间,隔了三个钟头又一起出门,你觉得他们会干什么?” “你什么意思啊?” “每个人心里都有一座断背山。” “呸!呸!呸!” 我第一次对莫妮卡的话感到生气,虽然我承认自己缺乏女人缘,但我只会喜欢异性,也绝对没有断袖之僻! “SORRY!”她一脸坏笑地吐了吐舌头,“干嘛生那么大的气?在美国这种事情很正常,我不会歧视同性恋的。” 简直要被她气疯了,我盯着她的眼睛:“再说一遍,我不是!” “哦,其实我也只喜欢异性。”
回到竹林深处的精品商务酒店。 接近十点钟了,我和莫妮卡来到房间外的走廊,她揉着眼睛说:“哎呀,周末还那么累啊,我们该睡了吧。” "us?" 低头不敢再看她的眼睛,没想到美国女孩那么开放随便,混血儿身上或许有更多的野性基因。又想起与田露的那个倒霉的晚上,就更加紧张起来。 忽然,莫妮卡在房间门口大笑起来:“高能,你想到哪去了?我是说你到你的房间去睡,我回我的房间去睡,谁想和你一起睡了?” 又是我自作多情,想想也是怎么可能呢?我这颗敏感的心羞愧难当,匆匆回房关紧了门。 这间酒店的客房很宽敞,摆设也精致奢侈,是我住过的最好的酒店。疲倦地躺倒在床上,窗外响起竹叶的沙沙声,回想一天来发生的事,最不可思议的就是莫妮卡的出现。她像一台飞速疾驰的牵引车,突然闯入我的世界,带着我这辆迷路的破车,开入通往秘密的高速公路。 她才二十来岁,居然成了天空集团中国分公司的总经理助理,那是许多人奋斗十几年都坐不上去的位子。她那双神秘的眼睛,还有混血的皮肤和脸庞,都像一个异域的谜——为何偏偏要来帮助我? 也许,我身上的秘密价值连城,所以她不惜一切代价接近我,甚至还要取得我的好感?我知道有几个问题她在说谎,谎言背后真相又是什么?我要不要继续听她的谎言,还是干脆就戳穿了她?她现在确实对我有用,大概她心里也是这么盘算的,我们不过是互相利用罢了。 窗外,风雨交加,尽是竹林之声。 窗内,辗转难眠,心底冒起无数个问号,那些白色的光芒又射入脑中。 一年半前的夜晚,我夜宿杭州,却在凌晨跟着一个男人失踪,数天之后发生车祸,我足足昏迷了一年,并丢失了全部记忆。一年半后,我还在杭州,这个充满疑惑的夜晚,又会发生什么? 我到凌晨才睡着,仿佛沉入不远的西湖之底,被黑暗的湖水紧紧包裹…… 午夜凶铃。 像一根针直刺耳膜,又刺穿了脑子,让我从湖底一跃而出。 睁开眼睛是漆黑的酒店客房,耳边响着急促的电话铃声,是谁半夜打电话进来? 迷迷糊糊地接起电话,只听到一个陌生男人的声音—— “我知道你来了,但你想起来了吗?” 这句话如一盆冷水从头顶浇下,猛然间睡意全消,我颤抖着抓住话筒:“什么?你说什么?” “欢迎你回来,你一定会想起来的。” 我确信从未听到过这个声音,躲藏在电波的另一端,语气冷静沉着,像久违了的老朋友。 "You... who are you?" “看来,你真的丢失记忆了,连我的声音听不出来了。” 窗外的风雨声摇晃着竹林,我忽然大胆地问道:“你是蓝衣社吗?” 但对方并没有回答,听筒里只传来沉重的呼吸声,让人听着后背心发凉,仿佛那呼吸就在你身后。 对方却把电话挂断了。 我仍举着电话许久,双手已被那个男人的声音凝固,时间是凌晨三点多钟——正是一年半前的秋夜,我和神秘人离开杭州连锁酒店的时间。 还来不及时光倒流,门外就响起了急促的敲门声。 我跳下床缩在门后,犹豫着不知该不该开门?是电话里那个人来了?他要再度将我带走?这一回是哪个深渊? “高能!是我啊!开门!” 门外响起莫妮卡的声音,我才松了口气打开房门。 她风风火火地闯进来,也不管我还穿着内衣,就指着电话说:“我在隔壁听到你的电话铃响了,还听到你说话的声音,是谁打来的?” 没想到她会如此警觉,我只能把刚才的电话如实相告。 莫妮卡皱起眉头想了想说:“快点穿好衣服!谁要看你拉!快!” 我尴尬地穿起衣服,被她拖到酒店前台,着急地要服务生查询来电显示。 前台查到一个电话号码,是杭州本地的固定电话,莫妮卡让我打114查询。结果却很意外,居然是个公共电话,在酒店与西湖之间的小路上,距此不过两百米之遥。 莫妮卡向酒店借了两把雨伞,带着我冲入无边的夜雨。 凌晨三点半,我和这个并不熟悉的混血女子,穿行在茂密的竹林小路中。四周不见人影,只能借助昏黄的路灯,雨点不时打在脸上,眼前晃动的竹影令人心悸。我转头看着莫妮卡,伞下她的长发飘舞,犹如另一个世界的幽灵。 沿着小路走了好几分钟,迎面看见一道横马路,路边就是公共电话亭,再往前笔直通往西湖。 凄风苦雨中的电话亭,却没有任何人的踪影。绕着电话亭走了一圈,借助路灯观察周围,并无什么异常现象。我拿起公共电话打给自己的手机,确认这就是酒店前台查到的电话号码。 当我挂下电话的时候,才发现电话亭的玻璃上,贴着一张小小的便签纸。 莫妮卡小心地撕下这张纸片,用手机照亮上面的文字—— “只有你知道兰陵王面具的秘密。”
the next day. The rain stopped. 我和莫妮卡直到中午才从酒店退房出门,凌晨实在折腾得不行,在上午补睡了一觉——不要又想歪了,当然是在各自不同的房间。 凌晨三点,我接到一个神秘的电话,然后查到一个公共电话号码,等找到这个电话亭,却发现了一张小纸条,上面手写着一行文字:“只有你知道兰陵王面具的秘密。” 显然这句话是写给我的。 只有我知道兰陵王面具的秘密?这是我在一年半前,受到诱惑来杭州并出事的原因?也是现在我重新陷入漩涡的原因?是这个混血的莫妮卡孟歌要接近我的原因? 该死的秘密!我的大脑已丢失了全部记忆,干嘛还要我承受这些痛苦? 今天是周日,莫妮卡一出门就拉着我游西湖,我可是一点游玩的心情都没有,她却对我发号施令:“高能,我是来杭州度假的哦,你不要扫了我的兴致!” 在她的美国式淫威下,我只能忍气吞声,就当给总经理助理做跟班吧。我陪她重走了凌晨走过的小路,虽然竹叶上还带着雨水,却丝毫感受不到恐惧。 笔直走向西湖,路过那座电话亭,到这里就全是游人了。穿过一条林荫道,便是柳丝正长烟波浩渺的西子湖。相比西湖的几个热门景点,这里的人还不算太多,我们就在西湖的柳荫下散步。经过一夜风雨的湖水,轻轻扑打到脚边,暂时缓解了紧张的情绪。看着诺大一池湖水,还有对岸的山水风景,难得放松地深呼吸了几口。 走进湖边的一家餐厅,自然专宰莫妮卡这种洋葱头,坐下来点了些小菜,我忽然问:“这是你第一次来中国吗?” “我中学是在台湾读的,但大陆是第一次来。” “怪不得你中文说得很好。” “我爸爸是华人,我妈妈是苏格兰人。从小爸爸就和我说中文,就连我妈妈在家也学中文,所以我是用中文思维的。爸爸把我送到台湾读中学,他说那里的中文教育很好。后来我考回了美国的大学。” “刚毕业?” “去年拿到哈佛的经济学学士。” 她说得轻描淡写,但里面不知埋藏着多少秘密。我始终紧盯她的眼睛,却并未发现有何异样,至少这几句没有说谎。 “莫妮卡,你知道吗?公司里有多少人在羡慕你,在嫉恨着你。” “当然知道,但我不在乎别人怎么想。” “可我在乎。”我无奈地苦笑了一下,“大多数中国人都很在乎旁人对自己的看法。” “那你知道别人怎么看你吗?” 我也不需要掩饰了:“在同事们的眼中,我就是个可有可无的人,如果我在他们就从我身边绕过,如果我不在也完全不影响他们。我好像是公司里的隐形人,所有人都对我视若无睹,一转眼就会把我忘记。” “高能,别去在意那些人,如果他们忽视你的存在,那你也可以忽视他们的存在,每个人都只能让自己满意。” "Maybe……" 午餐过后,我感觉自己不再那么警惕莫妮卡了,虽然几次都盯着她的眼睛,但发现她说的都是实话。为什么她有时向我敞开心里话,有时又故意对我撒谎呢? 这个美国来的混血儿,相较阴郁的我明显活力四射,让我的情绪也开朗许多。沿着西湖跨过西泠桥,经过小小的孤山踏上白堤,眼前就是著名的断桥。 不知哪来的勇气,我大胆地问:“你知道白娘子的故事吗?” 莫妮卡瞪大眼睛:“是什么?” “一个中国古代的民间故事,也可以算是中国人的爱情童话,一条白蛇变成了美女,爱上了人间的男子,他们就在这西湖上相逢,后来结为了夫妻。” “真有趣,人和蛇结婚?快点和我说说!” 她一下子挑起了我的兴致,最近半年我也难得如此健谈,把我所知道的白蛇故事,完完整整地说了出来,直到许仙与白娘子的断桥相会。 说着说着已走上断桥,四处都是拍照片的人们,被迫做了别人的背景,莫妮卡摇摇头:“这里的人们真是怪,那么好的景色干嘛非要拍人?” 突然,有个人影从桥栏上飞了出去,“扑通”一声坠入了西湖。 有人跳水自杀了? 我正好也在桥栏旁边,看到水里有个六七岁的小男孩在挣扎,显然不会游泳。 桥上响起一对夫妇的哭喊,原来那小孩不是自己跳下去的,而是因为桥上拍照片的人太多,被身边的人们挤下了断桥。 水里的孩子拼命呼救,眼看就要被湖水吞没,而桥上虽然聚集了许多人,却没有一个人敢跳下去救人,孩子的父母看来也不会游泳。 刹那间,我毫不犹豫地跳下了断桥。 我感到自己飞了起来。 短暂的飞行间隙,回头看见桥上莫妮卡的脸,她那深邃而乌黑的眼睛里,不知在惊讶地闪烁着什么? 然而,最最糟糕的却是——我不记得自己是否会游泳?至少最近半年从没下过水! 假如我不会游泳? 后悔都来不及了,冰凉的西湖吞没了我,整个人浸入水的世界,宛如回到胎儿的母体。 四周充满绿色的水草,我的胸腔中憋足了气,四肢条件反射地摆动起来,像一只热带鱼在水里游,谢天谢地我的水性还不错,没有像个秤坨直接到底。 我很快抓到那个小孩,他也憋着气没吃到水。救落水者是非常危险的,救人者常被遇险者拖入水底淹死。我小心地用胳膊夹紧他,费劲全身力气将他带往水面。 在绿色的西湖水底,忽然觉得自己变成了另一个人,一个我完全不认识的人——他的名字叫英雄。 当肺叶里的最后一口气即将用尽,我终于带着男孩浮出西湖水面。 头顶就是断桥,两个人都大口呼吸起来。 桥上响起一片掌声。 不知谁伸下一只长长的竹竿,我抓住竹竿带着男孩往岸上游,爬上了断桥边的湖岸。 男孩被他的父母紧紧抱着,我则浑身湿淋淋地喘气,莫妮卡也不顾我身上的水,冲上来抱了我一下:“高能,你太棒了,你是HERO!” 旁边围观的人群,纷纷给我以掌声,孩子的父亲惊魂未定地走过来,抓着我的手说:“太感谢您了!太感谢了!” 他一边说一边掉眼泪,从皮夹子里拿出一叠厚厚的钞票,我尴尬地摇头:“不!不要这样。” 就在孩子的父亲执意要给我酬金时,人群中冲一个记者,后面还跟着摄像师。记者面对镜头说:“救人的英雄就在我们眼前。” 接着镜头对准了我,而我像个落汤鸡,浑身上下滴着水,还不停打着冷战,赶紧用手遮挡住自己的脸:“对不起,我要去换衣服了!” 还没等记者抓住我,我已低头冲出人群,莫妮卡也紧跟在我身边。一路跑过断桥,脱离了摄像机的视野。莫妮卡一边跑一边笑,从此对我刮目相看。其实我也看不懂自己,怎么突然有如此大的勇气,变成了救人英雄? 逃进西湖边的一条小路,有许多小服装店,我随便买了一套衣服,在更衣间擦干身体换了上去。莫妮卡带我走进一家美容院,并排躺在两张台子上,请服务员给我们洗头吹头。她的一头栗色长发很是显眼,连服务员都夸奖她的漂亮,我转头看着她躺下的样子,闭着眼睛宛如童话里睡着的公主,却又带着二分之一东方血统,像迁徙在丝绸之路上的古典女子。 忽然,她转头看着我的眼睛,会心地笑了起来:“高能,你太让我吃惊了。” “我自己也很吃惊。” 她眨着诱人的大眼睛说:“我现在都有些崇拜你了,你从小就喜欢游泳吗?” “不,这是我第一次发现自己会游泳。虽然遗忘了记忆,却无法遗忘游泳的技能。” 躺着洗头的感觉很舒服,我不禁也闭上眼睛,想起那个困扰了我半年的梦——最近的梦里我跳到水中,一度怀疑自己是否有自杀倾向?但现在看来不可能,那个梦绝不是跳水自杀,因为我水性极好,本能会驱使我在最后时刻浮出水面,所以我即便决心自杀,也不会选择死在水里。 那梦中的情景代表了什么? 在美容院里躺了一个钟头,出来时焕然一新,不再是昨天灰头土脸
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