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Chapter 5 Chapter 3 In Kafka's Burrow

The World (Volume 1) Mind Reader 蔡骏 10164Words 2018-03-22
The volcano that shook the world? I know this volcano is going to erupt soon. At six o'clock in the morning on September 19, 2009. Shawshank State Prison, Cell 58, Block C. It is said that this cell was once haunted. And I'm sure I've seen it before, in this space of less than nine square meters. But I'm not afraid, I'm even eager to see—"it", or "he", in short, definitely not "she".Since the day the prison was established in 1895, no female prisoners have been held. Sitting under the high iron window, the small book has been densely filled with words, and my story has just begun-the memory of rebirth.

If he can get out of this prison alive, he will definitely treasure this little book and all his memories. There is a secret buried here. Can you get out alive? I smiled bitterly, because my sentence is life imprisonment. lifetime?how long?fifty years?Seventy years?a hundred years? Imagine the process of getting old slowly, from youth to gray hair, from childlike face to orange peel, to a withered bone, all in this small iron house? Looking back at the sleeping inmates, this double cell is not enough to turn around and stretch, just like the burrow described by Kafka. There was a sound of footsteps like iron hooves in the corridor, and the notebook was quickly hidden-although this did not violate the prison regulations.

A face flashed in front of the iron gate, with a prison guard's cap on it, and a black uniform and electric baton handcuffs underneath. It was a special face, unique in the prison—a new guard who had arrived a month earlier, with a North American Indian face. The new prison guard is called Apache, a cool name for a helicopter gunship, and it is said that it also has an origin with the Indians.People say he is an aborigine from Arsland, but I don't think so. "Hi, 1914!" "Good morning, Apache." The eyes of this Indian are a bit like Chinese, but he is dressed in a black prison guard. He smiled at me strangely, but stood in front of the iron gate and said nothing.

Like his nose, his eyes are also very eagle-like. It is not the bald eagle, the national bird of the United States, but a bald eagle that specializes in picking dead bodies in the mountains of Arsland. Although separated by the iron door of the cell, Apache's eagle eyes let me smell the smell of death. I began to wonder if he was not alive? "goodbye." His corpse-like mouth finally spoke, and then floated away from the iron gate like a shadow, and then even the footsteps were no longer heard. Taking a deep breath, I took out a small notebook from the drawer and continued to write my story——

water. Water again. The water was dark green, turning lake blue, then deep purple, then pitch black, blacker than this dead night. it's me again. It's me standing by this pool of water again, the mysterious lake is so quiet, there is no life in the dark night.The lake was surrounded by black forests, and many birds were sleeping, except owls with shining eyes. Suddenly, an owl hooted mournfully, not because it had discovered any nocturnal animal, but because it was frightened by my presence. Am I that scary? Looking at the black lake water under his feet, it was as quiet as the ink in an inkstone, which was about to stain his bare legs and could no longer be washed away...

When I opened my eyes, I saw the morning light, it was half past five in the morning, and I was lying on my little bed. Just had a dream. It was this dream again, walking alone in the dark night, facing the silent pool of black water.In the six months since waking up, I have had the same dream almost every morning.My brain is like a video recorder, playing the same picture every morning, and it is out of control.This dream has a life of its own, forcing me to see it every day, to see this mysterious lake. where is this lakeHave you seen it before?It cannot be described in detail, so it is impossible to find it, if it exists.

I got up from the bed with sore body, only to find that the screen saver was still running on the computer, why did I forget to turn it off last night?I walked over and touched the mouse, and a webpage appeared on the screen with many Chinese characters on it, the most striking one being "Lanling King". Last night, I searched the previous webpage records and found a large number of webpages related to the Lanling King in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, but I don’t know when I fell asleep—did I lose part of my memory again?
In the morning, my computer was sent back, and the Public Security Bureau said nothing special was found.

I also checked it carefully. They are all documents and materials from work. There is not much personal information. I really don't see any value. How could Lu Haikong die for this?Or important files were deleted by him before committing suicide? Now, every time I hit the keyboard of this computer, it feels like touching the fingers of the dead, and I feel like I'm getting an electric shock.An electrician was called in to check it carefully, but there was no sign of leakage.The entire keyboard, including the mouse, must be full of Lu Haikong's fingerprints. Will his soul still remain?When the screen saver flashes, it first creates the illusion of a dead person's face jumping out of the screen, or a reflection of a dead body hanging from the ceiling.I yelled out in fright, causing commotion among colleagues around me, only to realize that it was just a false alarm.

Some people say that my computer stole the soul of Lu Haikong. The company organized donations to the earthquake-stricken areas. I went to the bank to get some cash and put 1,000 yuan into the donation box.The old money guy actually only donated 50 yuan, blushing and said: "Hey, I gave all the money to my wife last night, and I only have 150 yuan left with me, you have to let me take 100 yuan with me. money back home?" Yan Han, who sells six volumes, came over, and before I avoided his eyes, the eyes of the two collided. In less than half a second, in an instant, I heard a sentence directly from Yan Han's eyes——

"You! It's you! Terrible person! Lu Haikong died because of you!" There were many people at the donation site, everyone kept quiet and solemn, Yan Han's lips did not move at all, the only thing that could communicate with me was his eyes, which were transmitted into my brain. That's right, it's not what he said, but what he thinks in his heart. Lu Haikong died because of me? The scene of him hanging on my desk is like a frame of a movie, playing repeatedly in my mind. I followed Yan Han closely, and he turned his head and gave me a disgusted look.Instead of going back to his office, he slipped outside into the stairwell.Fang Xiaoan, who sells three volumes, is waiting for him. Both of them are about the same age as me, but they avoid me with strange expressions.The way Fang Xiaoan looked at me was exactly like the strange eyes of Lu Haikong from the day before yesterday.They whispered to each other for a while, then took the elevator downstairs.

Back in my seat, chin resting in bewilderment - how did I do that?Can you actually see the words in Yan Han's heart?I pulled my ear hard, and I almost cried out in pain. It seems that my hearing has nothing to do with it, and my eyesight is not much better. Could it be my brain? Write down three names on a piece of note paper - Yan Han, Fang Xiaoan, and Lu Haikong. Put a big cross on the last name, the person who belongs to this name is dead, right here, on top of my head. What about the first two names? Just almost a month ago, those three names did go together. Although I lost all the memories before the car accident in 2006, but after waking up six months later, all the memories are clear—— A month ago, the company sent me to participate in employee training. On a sea island in Zhoushan—Sky Group bought a resort on the island as a base for employee training.Everyone takes turns to go to the island for training every year. The US head office specially sends marketing experts to appraise our working ability. I heard that I went to the island in 2005 and 2006.The company sent more than a dozen people, and Lu Haikong, who had just returned from the gold plating of the US head office, turned into an instructor this time. The resort is by the sea, and I live with Fang Xiaoan, who sells the third department, and fall asleep to the sound of the waves every night.On the last night of the training, Lu Haikong knocked on my door suddenly, and behind him stood Yanhan, who sold six parts.I have been annoyed by Lu Haikong a few days ago, and it seems that he is going to ask me about my past again. Lu Haikong sighed: "Gao Neng, and Fang Xiaoan, we are leaving the island early tomorrow morning, shall we go out for a beer tonight?" Yan Han held a case of beer in his hand, and there were many special seafood on the island, which immediately aroused everyone's appetite.Life on the island was quite boring, there was no mobile phone signal, and I wanted to get some fresh air outside, so the four of us walked out of the resort together. All the way out for a long distance, it was a silent night, only a crescent moon hung in the sky.The air on the sea is particularly clean, and the moon is also surprisingly beautiful, with two small stars beside it, forming a poetic picture of the stars and the moon on the sea.Walking to the highest point of the island, there is a cliff, and tens of meters below is the dark sea. The waves roar and beat the rocks, as if they are far away from the world, and the only sound in the ears is the sound of the sea. Lu Haikong sat down on the highest point of the cliff, and Fang Xiaoan asked tremblingly, "It's midnight, is it dangerous here?" "There is only one resort on the island, and they are all from our company. What danger can there be? Are you still afraid that I won't succeed?" Everyone sat down, opened beer and ate seafood, looked at the moon with the sea breeze, and listened to the sea in the dark, as if sitting on a rough sea ship, it felt really amazing.The four of them were about the same age, and among the companies that joined almost at the same time, only Lu Haikong managed to get ahead and became the manager of the sixth sales department. I ate the freshest oysters and asked coldly, "Mr. Lu, did you call us here just to watch the moon and drink beer?" "Why do you call me Mr. Lu? It's so strange! We are all brothers here." He took a sip of beer, pointed at me suddenly and said, "Gao Neng, do you still remember the night of October 11, 2006? Then In the evening, the four of us also ran to this place on the last night of company training, facing the bright moonlight, drinking beer and eating seafood." "I'm sorry, I can't remember. How many times do you want me to repeat it? The car accident caused me to lose my memory. All the previous memories have been completely forgotten!" Lu Haikong stood on the cliff by the sea, the moonlight shone on his thin face, he shook his head and said, "Severe cold, do you remember?" "Of course I remember!" Yan Han also took a big sip of beer, "It was the four of us that night. At that time, we felt that work was not going well, so we went to the beach to have a drink together. I remember drinking a total of two boxes of beer." Lu Haikong pointed at Fang Xiaoan and said, "What about you?" "I will never forget it. At that time, I had just broken up in love, and I happened to drink away my sorrows under the moonlight. The worst drinker was Gao Neng. If I didn't drink, I would pour my glass." After Fang Xiaoan finished speaking, he patted my shoulder and poured me another glass of beer. In the salty sea breeze, I stared blankly at Lu Haikong, Yanhan, and Fang Xiaoan—the three of them formed silhouettes under the moonlight, and gradually projected into my eyes, as if turning into the scene they said, the same It is also the same cliff, the same moonlight on the sea, and the same life is unsatisfactory. No, these are just my imagination, the real memory is still blank, no, no, nothing they said! "Lu Haikong, I don't know what you want? But I did lose my memory, I only remember what happened after I woke up, please don't pester me anymore, I don't know anything, okay?" The sea breeze messed up his hair, and he approached me step by step and said, "No, I don't believe it, I don't believe that a person can completely lose his memory, leaving no trace in his mind. Find your past." "Enough, don't I want to get it back? I want to restore the memory more than anyone else!" "So we are helping you, let you go back to the environment that happened that year, and retrieve your lost memories. Please look at the moonlight, look at the sea in the dark night, look at the four of us, everything is like time Going back, back to that downcast night. We all told each other the secrets in our hearts. I said that I lied to a girl’s feelings in college. Yan Han said that he stole a classmate’s watch when he was a child. Fang Xiaoan said that he had killed A cat, remember?" Both Yan Han and Fang Xiaoan shook their heads in shame. It seems that these are all true?Every sentence he described is like a movie screen, but it can only arouse my imagination, but cannot recall the real memory. "Please stop talking, I can't think of anything, my brain is going to explode!" But Lu Haikong chased after him: "As for you, dear, Gao Neng, you were the first to get drunk. At that time, the depression deep in your heart was hundreds of times stronger than all of us. You shed tears in pain , told the secret about your family. This secret is so bizarre, but so important, it involves thousands of people, it involves an ancient legend, and it also involves a huge empire!" "What? My family's secret?" Both Yan Han and Fang Xiaoan nodded, and almost said in unison: "That's right, the three of us heard it that night, you told us yourself." "Are you crazy?" I shook my head violently, not daring to drink beer anymore, "What secrets can my family have? I grew up in an ordinary family. My father was the head of the publicity section of a state-owned enterprise. There is nothing of value at all. My family and I are very ordinary, where is there any secret?" "Yes, we didn't believe it at first. We thought you were drunk and talking nonsense, and quickly forgot about it. However, not long after that training ended, you suddenly had a mysterious car accident and turned into a vegetative person lying on the ground. In the hospital. This makes me wonder, is the accident that happened to you related to the family secret you mentioned?" "Maybe, but I've forgotten them all. These secrets are buried forever, so don't waste your time." Under the moonlit night, Lu Haikong took another sip of beer: "Actually, I didn't take this matter to heart before, so after you resumed work, I didn't ask you again. However, last month I trained in the United States At that time, an unexpected thing happened, and this thing is actually related to your secret." "What? About me?" "I wouldn't believe what you said here when you were drunk that night. But after experiencing that incident in the United States, I began to believe your words." "What did you encounter in America?" Lu Haikong made a fool of himself: "Only when I know your secret, can I tell you what happened." "Enough, I didn't deliberately hide it from you, and don't talk to me about any conditions, I don't know anything at all." "No, you should remember, remember." He's like a paranoid!He kept murmuring near me, as if as long as he said I remembered, I would remember. Suddenly, I realized that the situation was not good. On the high night cliff, the three of them had surrounded me.And behind it is the abyss, as long as you take half a step back, you will fall into the sea tens of meters below. Lu Haikong, Yan Han, and Fang Xiaoan—the faces of these three people under the moonlight are as terrifying as beasts. They lost their minds and approached me step by step. Are they going to force me to tell the secret, or push me into hell? The sea was still roaring in the middle of the night, and my heartbeat almost stopped. I had passed death once, and I didn't want to get close to it again. "Look!" Impatiently, I pointed to the back, and the moment they looked back, I quickly passed between the land, the sea, the air and the severe cold. A gust of sea breeze blew to the back of the head, and the sound of their pursuit came from behind.I spread my legs and ran towards the resort. Anyway, it is right to run towards the place where there is light. Finally rushed to the resort, I didn't dare to go back to my room, for fear of being caught up by the three of them again.It happened that some colleagues were playing cards in the meeting room. I pretended to be playing cards and walked in, so they didn't dare to come in and arrest me. The next day, we ended this training and left the island by boat together.Along the way, Lu Haikong didn't speak a word, and faced the sea with a livid face, while Yan Han and Fang Xiaoan looked at me from time to time.And I have greatly increased my vigilance, not giving them any chance. After returning, Lu Haikong apologized to me in private once, I accepted his apology and asked him not to harass me anymore.But within a few days, he began to ask about my past again, and even followed me secretly a few times, and I almost beat him after I found out—I told the police about these things after Lu Haikong committed suicide. effect? Now, I saw Yan Han and Fang Xiaoan again. The two of them have been inseparable recently, whispering to each other from time to time, like two voles who worry about eagles all day long. I concluded that they and Lu Haikong were in a gang, and the three conspired to obtain the secrets about me, but Lu Haikong's death must have made them very frightened, perhaps in response to the old saying: the mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole follows.
Weary squeezed into the subway after get off work, no longer pay attention to shirt collars and hair, it is lucky not to be squeezed into human meat cans.Among the crowded men and women, I saw the blind girl again. I often see her on the subway at this time. She looked like she was in her twenties, and she was sitting across from me with her eyes closed and a walking stick in her hand.No matter how noisy she is, she can find the door exactly, and people will give her way and seat.I held the pull ring tightly to support my body, so as to resist the squeeze on my back by a woman weighing three hundred catties, and I couldn't let that fat body get close to the blind girl, in case the three hundred catties didn't stand firm and sat down. In the noisy and noisy carriage, only the blind girl kept quiet, her body was straight and her guiding stick was in her arms.Her skin was almost transparent, and she was beautiful overall, especially the contours of her cheeks, which were exceptionally clear and beautiful.My irritability gradually disappeared, imagining how she would open her eyes—assuming she wasn't blind, what beautiful eyes would she have? Too bad he is blind. Walking out of the subway station, a couple of young men and women approached me and kissed without seeing me.I dodged shyly and went to a small restaurant nearby.Last night, I found one of my best classmates from the address book in middle school - I urgently need to understand myself and learn more about the real past.My parents can't really understand me, especially when I was young, every child is rebellious and hides many secrets, which only the best classmates can share. "Gao Neng, don't you recognize me?" I froze for a moment, the other person looked slightly shorter than me, and his appearance was not particularly outstanding—is he my best middle school classmate?But I don't even feel the slightest reunion. "Oh, I'm Tang Seng!" He said and pulled me to the seat, but I asked suspiciously, "Aren't you Tang Hong?" "Oh my god, you even forgot my nickname? What kind of good brother are you?" He had already ordered all the dishes and poured me a glass of beer, "Gao Neng, you have to punish yourself! Look This restaurant has not changed from ten years ago. We often sneaked in to order two small dishes during the summer vacation, and used up our pocket money for a week. You won’t pretend to be confused, will you? Even if I am burned to ashes, you will never forget me Yes—everyone has been calling me Tang Seng since I watched "A Chinese Journey to the West"." I no longer doubted his nickname at all, and sure enough, he was full of nonsense, and even his appearance was somewhat similar to Luo Jiaying. "Why don't you talk? I haven't contacted you for so many years. Thanks to you calling me, I still think of my old brother. I'm so moved that I want to cry!" He took a big gulp of beer while talking, "Are you What's the matter, I didn't respond at all when I talked to you, could it be that I have amnesia?" Knowing that he was joking with me, he just said it right: "That's right--amnesia, I do have amnesia." I told him about the car accident a year and a half ago, Tang Seng was dumbfounded for a long time before recovering his talkative function: "Did you really lose your memory? Don't you remember me anymore? So you came to me to find out the past?" "Yes, tell me, what kind of person was I in the past?" "To be honest, Gao Neng, you used to be very ordinary, like a blank sheet of paper, never showing off in class, unlike me who bluffed all day long." "Am I the most inconspicuous? The one who is most easily forgotten?" In fact, how I long for Tang Seng to tell some horrible times, such as fighting or meeting dead people, even if it is for a certain girl to turn against someone-but I am more mediocre than I imagined. "Almost." Tang Seng paused, "Actually you only have one friend like me." "Did I ever have a relationship in middle school?" Tang Seng frowned: "I told you, don't be unhappy, brother. At that time, you were not popular with women, and few girls paid attention to you. However, you still had a crush on it." "Who?" That's the only thing I'm excited about tonight. "Ma Xiaoyue." Tang Seng paid attention to my expression, "Do you still remember?" "No, I don't remember." "She was our monitor and class belle. She was considered a great beauty back then. Ma Xiaoyue was a good person and beautiful. Naturally, many boys chased after her. But she looked down on everyone. No one could win her heart. It was the most difficult thing. You gnawed the bone. You never dared to confess, you only liked her silently in your heart, and sometimes you dragged me to follow her." "Then she is the only woman I know that I have ever liked?" Tang Seng suddenly showed an ambiguous expression: "Gao Neng, at the class reunion half a year ago, I heard that Ma Xiaoyue is not married yet, do you want to contact her?" "No, I dare not think about it any more." I shook my head resolutely, feeling inexplicably sad in my heart.
When I got home, I didn't talk to my parents. I immediately locked myself in the room and turned on the computer irritably. Enter the system folder that was searched last night, and find those webpage records about King Lanling.I also found a blog address, which was opened more than a hundred times in 2006, and there was a login page almost every time, but no password was left. Definitely my own blog! After a year and six months, I finally returned to my own blog - called "In Kafka's Burrow". As soon as I opened the blog, Zhao Chuan sang from the speaker: "Sometimes I feel like a little bird, I want to fly but I can't fly high, maybe one day I perch on a branch but become a hunter The goal, I flew to Qingtian and found that I was helpless from now on..." "I am a small bird"?It turns out that besides being a fan of Michael Jackson, I also liked Zhao Chuan's songs. I closed my eyes and listened quietly to Zhao Chuan singing the little bird, and found that this song was about me—the little bird who wanted to fly but couldn’t fly high. Is happiness just a legend that I will never find? It's strange that I made the background of my blog black, it looks very uncomfortable, like reading a book in an ancient tomb, I must have been depressed before.The number of clicks on the blog is only a pitiful 619. If it is calculated over two years, the average traffic of less than one person per day is probably all due to my own mouse. Turn to the last page of the blog (in fact, there are only three pages in total), and at the bottom of the third page, I see the first article, which was published on January 19, 2006, and the title of the blog post is "The Hole"—— The first article on my blog turned out to be the beginning of Kafka's novel "The Hole in the Ground".Immediately, I found the "Kafka Novels" from my small collection of books, and turned to the page of the novel "The Burrow".I found this book in my room after waking up half a year ago, but I no longer remember what it said, so I reread it a few months ago. "The Burrow" is the one that impressed me the most. It was written before Kafka's death. At that time, the unknown author lived in Berlin temporarily.The "I" in the novel is just a small animal, living in a burrow on the verge of death, guarding against the invasion of natural enemies day and night-I understand the meaning of the blog name, and my life is hidden in a burrow. The following articles are all about trivial matters in life, such as the second article of the blog—— "It has been two years since I went to work. I have long lost the enthusiasm I had at the beginning. I have to look at the faces of my boss, colleagues, and customers all day long. I can't show my true expression like a zombie-I hate them, I hate them. Every one of them, but I was forced to look at them with a smile on my face, even though my heart was full of grievances, even if I secretly cursed them for cutting off their children and grandchildren, I still had to force myself to smile, like a butcher whore, always wearing a mask... ..." The third blog - "I had a quarrel with my dad yesterday. He asked me to sit down and talk to him, but I didn't know what to talk to him at all. Two days ago, I was on the phone with my college classmate. He was very envious of me entering the Sky Group, a Fortune 500 company. And I envy him that he doesn't have to go to work at all, because his father is a boss and has prepared for him a future industry. My father is a mediocre man, he can't give his family a good life, and he can't let his Son adores him like a hero..." The fourth blog - "What I hate the most is myself. When I graduated from college, I set goals for myself: buy a car at the age of 25, buy a house at the age of 28, get married at the age of 29, have children at the age of 30, and live in a house at the age of 35." A villa (preferably a detached one). However, according to my current working income and the current house price, even if I am forty-five years old, I can’t afford a house at all, and at most I can buy a bathroom. I will not let My parents gave me money for the down payment, and I also know that my father doesn’t have much savings. I often stand under our office building, watching those sports cars coming in and out, watching the beauties on the cars, and the smell of perfume is left behind along the wheel tracks. I can smell the smell in a daze, I really want to dig a hole to hide in..." The next dozen blog posts are all boring daily life. Two years ago, I was a depressed young man, eager to buy a car and a house to live a decent life. This desire is full of my blog, but the reality is nothing but failure. Can't see where is the hope?Although he is an employee of the world's top 500, under the clean white collar, there are bruises all over his body with swollen faces and fat people. The back is cold - yes, I was, and I am!A small person, or a small animal, like a little mouse, crawls around in a dark hole forever, and the only thing waiting for me is a mousetrap. Turning back to the first page of the blog, the bottom one was written on September 19, 2006, with only one sentence including the title and content—— "I found that I am not an ordinary person, and I have a mission on my shoulders!" Seeing this, my heart moved. Why did I, who was living in the ordinary and depressed, suddenly find myself extraordinary?Did something special happen?Quickly look up, September 23, 2006—— "Yes, it is him, King Lanling, this magical and great man, he left me a secret, he is the beginning of everything, and I will be the end of everything. I know my mission, I am destined Will be an 'end of history'!" What is "The End of History"?Arnold Schwarzenegger first floated in front of my eyes, and then was quickly wiped away. Finally, what remained was a black figure, but I couldn't see the person's face clearly. Is it me? The next blog post is September 28, 2006 -- "Last night, I dreamed about him. It's unbelievable that he looks so beautiful! Just like in the legend, he has a pair of bright eyes like moonlight, with slightly raised sword eyebrows, a moderately straight nose, and a black The hair is scattered around the ears, the skin is as white as solidified suet, and there is not a single blemish on the whole face. He saw me, and smiled slightly at me, even his lips were full of luster. Wearing a dark robe with a long sword around his waist, he danced in the gorgeous palace hall, making everyone around him admire with envy. After the dream broke, I found myself still lying on this small bed, and wept in despair." Apparently I dreamed about King Lanling.But why in the six months after waking up, I never had this dream?But now in the dream, there is only that mysterious black lake. The following blog post was even more surprising, September 30, 2006 - "In the early morning, I dreamed of him again! My King of Lanling. This extremely handsome man walked out of his magnificent palace, looking like a woman about to leave the court, so charming and heroic. However, he was wearing He is wearing heavy full armor, which is the famous Mingguang armor. The two breastplates are like a mirror that can reflect a person's face, but they look like a woman's breasts from a distance. Even the armor is so ecstasy. He rode Get on a steed outside the Great Wall, grab an iron gun that weighs tens of kilograms, tighten the spurs, and run towards the battlefield. Everyone was stunned by this scene. The handsome man who seemed as weak as a woman rode his horse and charged To the ferocious enemy army. His equestrian skills are outstanding, and he quickly came before the army, and bravely faced the enemy general. However, the enemy general, who is like a devil, is a feminine man under the shining iron armor. The beautiful man laughed contemptuously. King Lanling also responded with the same contemptuous gaze, and took out a mask and put it on his face. The most venomous curse scares the enemy out of their wits. What is more terrifying than the mask is King Lanling himself, holding an iron spear without fear, leaping into the enemy's formation alone, and piercing the enemy's general with one shot. Heart, pulled out his sword and took off his head. He chopped off the heads of those enemy generals who laughed at him one by one. The hundreds of thousands of enemies were all defeated. Northern Qi won a complete victory. King Lanling killed All the enemies are covered in boiling blood. His horse's neck is covered with human heads, and all of them are terrified eyes. That's right, he has become a bloodthirsty murderer, no—he is a A machine, a machine that kills, a machine that kills..." This dream was as wonderful as a novel, and I realized that my writing was really good. Why didn’t I become a writer?But this blog post is full of blood, and the killing to the end makes people shudder! In the next few blog posts, I repeatedly described my dreams, and every time I would dream of King Lanling, that extremely handsome face, that ferocious mask, and the battlefield full of corpses. October 12, 2006—— "After four days of training, I returned from the island of Zhoushan today. I got drunk at the beach last night. I don't know what I said. Now I still have a headache." That's right!This blog post confirms what Lu Haikong said—shortly before my accident, I was drunk and uttered the truth after drinking on the night of attending the company training in Haidao, revealing part of the secret, and what is the secret?And finally led to the death of Lu Haikong? Until 23:55 on November 1, 2006—— "Tonight, I finally met the Blue Shirts, a person who made me shudder." Seeing this, I couldn't help being startled, who is the "Blue Shirts Club"?The one who makes me shudder?Looking at the time again, it was late at night on November 1st, just a few days before my accident in Hangzhou. Sure enough, on the eve of my disappearance and accident in Hangzhou, weird information appeared on my blog, and there was even a weird name "Blue Clothes Club". Before I had time to think about the cold figure in the blue windbreaker, I saw the next article—the last one of the blog, which is located on the headline of the first page— "A choice has to be made, and I know that if I take this step, my life will change forever and I will probably pay a heavy price for it. This is a huge gamble for me. Is it worth it? No , of course it’s worth it! Because I have nothing now, if I don’t take this step, all my dreams will never come true, I will always be a small clerk in the sales department, I will always be looked down upon by my colleagues, customers, friends and even my parents, and I will never be able to find A woman who loves me will always be a toad sitting at the bottom of a well and looking at the sky! I can't, I can't face such a future! Yes, I have made a choice, believe in my own courage, that is who I am True destiny. Tomorrow, tomorrow!" Look at the publication time of this blog post: November 2, 2006. The "tomorrow" mentioned at the end of the article is the day when I went to Hangzhou!Just two weeks later, there was a serious car accident, and he was in a coma for half a year in a hospital bed. The last blog post has clearly revealed—that year, that month, that day, that moment, I was in extreme contradictions, and I probably found some kind of huge temptation, which led me into a dilemma——Hangzhou, I will go to This city of paradise on earth, to do a very secret thing, and this thing may completely change my sad fate, get the bright future I dream of, and may pay a great price or even my life for it?But I can't be content with mediocrity, I have to seize this opportunity to change my destiny, even if I gain everything about myself. In the end, I chose to go to Hangzhou on the evening of November 3, 2006. What is that fatal temptation?
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