Home Categories Thriller The World (Volume 1) Mind Reader

Chapter 3 Chapter 1: Memories of Rebirth

The World (Volume 1) Mind Reader 蔡骏 12526Words 2018-03-22
who am I? From the great darkness of chaos. That was the "singularity" before the Big Bang, where there was no time and no space. Suddenly, a white light hovered above my head, highlighting the dark and winding road, which was the constricted birth canal during childbirth, squeezing me painfully.The amniotic fluid has already broken, and the body is full of fishy smell. I can no longer find the umbilical cord when I look down, maybe it is still wrapped around my neck?Trying to open my eyes wide in the white halo, looking back at the warm pockets that gave birth to my past, it is already another world.Struggling forward helplessly, the wet birth canal violently convulsed and squeezed, pushing me out to the unknown heaven or hell without hesitation.

White light, still white light, white light, getting stronger and stronger, like the rising sun piercing through layers of thick clouds, emitting rays of light like thousands of sharp swords. That's an exit. There is nothing I can do but to be squeezed forward by the birth canal of fate, facing the deadly white light, and piercing through the dampness of endless darkness. That light!That light! The light became stronger and stronger, as if the sun was right in front of him, until it completely tore the pupils of fear, and the tenacious heart that fell asleep throughout the spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Finally, I came out. But, I feel like I'm already dead. open one's eyes. The white light turns into a white world, the white sky that makes people feel distressed, the walls with painted stains, and the windows with soft light. Then I saw a pair of eyes, the eyes of a young woman, and my reflected image—not a newborn baby, not a dead body, but a man just waking up. From her eyes, I saw my own eyes, ordinary eyes, mouth and nose, all so strange, including my whole face, as if I had never seen it before? I saw her eyes talking, and although I couldn't hear any sound except breathing, I heard the words in her eyes clearly——

"Oh my God, he's awake! Wow! Still blinking! Miracle!" But these eyes quickly disappeared, turning into a white figure, and Ana rushed out of the room in a graceful manner. What should her name be?Trying to search my almost blank brain, it took me a long time to think of a word: nurse. You can also add an attributive: female nurse. Actually knowing this shows that I am not a baby, nor an idiot, at least I have some IQ. This is where? You can roll your eyes, this is a white room with green leaves outside the window.There are some strange utensils in the pink cabinet by the wall.I can feel the soft bed under my body, and the bright red blood circulates in the blood vessels, flowing out from the left ventricle, passing through the aorta to the capillary network throughout the body, and then returning to the right atrium through the superior and inferior vena cava.

He knew that he was lying on a bed, his limbs and body felt, and his body was covered with a thin white quilt.Slowly turning my head and neck, I saw an infusion stand hanging beside the bed—infusion, this is another term I know, but unfortunately there is nothing on the shelf, otherwise the body should be full of tubes. Now, know where this is. hospital ward. Maybe you already know the answer, but it is too difficult for me, I don't know anything about myself, the biggest question in my mind is—— who am I? White light, another white light flashed through his mind, but after the white light passed, there was no answer.

Such an important question, but in a state of confusion, frowning in pain, trying to think of one word—me? I? damn it! no... no... no... "I" has nothing, or there is no "I" at all, what absurdity!In my not-so-big head, I couldn't find anything related to the word "I". The door of the ward opened again, and the excited female nurse rushed in.Then came a man in his forties, wearing gold-rimmed glasses and a white coat with a tie hidden in his collar.There was also a man and a woman who were also dressed in white, carrying several instruments, and came to my bedside with different expressions.

"You finally woke up!" A man in his forties bent down to speak.Just as I was about to make a sound, I felt my throat dry out like a fire. "He can't talk yet," he told the others with unconcealed excitement, "but there is no doubt that he understands me." "Miracle!" "Yes! After being in a deep coma for a whole year, I woke up without warning!" They took out a set of blood pressure measuring equipment, grabbed my arm and tied it up.I clearly felt the pressure on my arm, and I was able to clenched my fist in coordination, which also surprised the doctors.

"Dean, the blood pressure is normal! He is fully conscious and can move his body." It turned out to be the director of this hospital, and he didn't dare to look into his eyes anymore. Another doctor stuck many small things on me, and the screen of the instrument flickered with strange curves. "Dean, there is no abnormality in the heart wave and EEG, and his brain has basically recovered." The dean stared into my eyes again: "Yes, he is fully awake." A fuzzy face was reflected in his eyeballs - I am definitely not a handsome guy like Andy Lau! I actually know Andy Lau?The scene of "Infernal Affairs" floated in my mind, before imagining Hong Kong gangster movies, I forced myself to go back to the most important question, swallowed hard, watered my already dry vocal cords, and uttered those three words in pain——

"who am I……" Then, like a ignited cannon, I exhaled a burst of hot air from my chest, and opened my mouth wide to breathe. The doctors and nurses were all taken aback, and the dean showed joy: "It really is a miracle, I was able to speak just after waking up." At the direction of the dean, the nurse brought a small glass of purified water.I try my best to suck the water in the cup carefully so as not to choke the trachea, like a newborn baby, grabbing the mother's breast to suck. The dean asked patiently: "You don't know who you are?" How ingenious and philosophical this question is: I don’t know who I am——I stare blankly at my not-so-big eyes: “Who am I?”

A small glass of water moistened my throat like a desert spring, and finally made me speak fluently.There is no doubt that my mother tongue is Chinese. I think and communicate in Chinese. I may also master some other languages, but it cannot replace the status of Chinese. "Then what else do you know?" The damn dean hasn't answered my question yet, but continues to deepen the distress in my heart. What else do you know? "I know this is a hospital, I know you are the director of this hospital, I know I just woke up, I know I am a Chinese, and I know the earth is round!"

Maybe, I know everything, but I don't know who I am? "Do you know what your name is?" I closed my eyes and thought for a long time, countless white fragments brushed my mind, but I still couldn't remember those two or three words. "No!" "Do you know where you come from?" "No!!" "Do you know why you're lying here?" "No!!!" My three "nos", one louder than the other, seem to have fully recovered my throat. The dean turned to the two doctors and said, "My guess is correct, he lost all his memory." "Loss of memory?" Almost getting up, the young nurse grabbed my hand and let me continue to lie on the poor hospital bed. "Remember your parents?" parents?I know the meaning of the word "parents", but the connection to "parents" in my mind is blank, and I can't even leave a drop of ink. "Then do you know how old you are? What year were you born?" This is a very simple math problem. Unfortunately, I can't even do this kind of addition and subtraction. I don't know how old I am?Maybe teens, maybe decades?Let's hope it's not too old. He knew that I couldn't answer this question, so he continued to ask: "Do you remember your occupation? Study or go to work?" "I don't know, at least I have graduated from middle school, otherwise I won't know some knowledge." "That's right, you've forgotten everything, the memory of yourself - your own name, your parents, your family, your school, your workplace, everything about yourself, you know absolutely nothing about yourself. More precisely, your I no longer have myself in my brain." The dean's description terrified me: "Have I lost my memory? Will I become an idiot?" "You have amnesia, but you won't become an idiot, please trust my judgment." "Please tell me who I really am?" begged him desperately, "if you knew." He smiled bitterly: "Mr. Gao, it's a miracle that you can wake up. I'm so happy for you! Of course I want to tell you." "My surname is Gao?" "yes." The female nurse took out a card hanging beside my bed, with a photo of my ID, but I couldn’t remember myself in the photo, and my name—Gao Neng was printed on it. "My name is Gao Neng?" This name is too unfamiliar to my brain, who is Gao Neng?Is it me? The patient's age was printed on the bottom of the card: 24. "24 years old this year?" "This card was filled out when you were admitted last year, so you are 25 years old this year." Still sounds young, thank goodness! "You said I was admitted to the hospital last year, so you said I have been lying here for a year?" "That's right, at about this time last year, you have been in a deep coma on this bed for a whole year!" "So my waking up was a miracle?" The dean also seemed a little excited, and stroked my hair: "Yes, child." Why use the title "children"? "Gao Neng, you suffered a serious car accident a year ago. That disaster caused you to be hit on the head. Although your life was saved, your brain fell into a deep coma. I thought you would become a vegetable, but you Woke up and got a second life. Believe me, you are a miracle." "A car accident? A narrow escape? A coma? A vegetative state? A miracle?" Everything was so foreign and yet so familiar like a Hollywood movie—fuck Hollywood, I forgot my last name and name, and I can remember far away Hollywood!A sense of sadness welled up in my heart, why did a miracle happen to me?Why do you forget when you wake up?So why wake up again? "I even forgot the time, what year is it today? What month and date is it?" The female nurse quickly brought a wall calendar with the cover of 2007. She turned the wall calendar to November and drew a circle on the 24th with a ballpoint pen. "2007?" Only then did I remember that it is the 21st century, and the parentheses are after AD, "November? 24th?" November 24, 2007. This is the day when I suddenly woke up after being in a coma for a year, and it is also the time when this book really begins, but it is by no means the beginning of this long story. The real origin is thousands of years ago...
My name is Gao Neng. Thanks to the Creator, I didn't fall asleep again. The silent room was surrounded by darkness, like the birth canal experienced before rebirth.The body is a little numb, perhaps staying in one position for too long.Starting from the movement of the neck, then the wrists and ankles, although the muscles of the whole body are weak, at least the car accident did not cause me to lose an arm or a leg. Sit up for the first time. The toes touch the ground, but there are no shoes-of course, patients who have been in a coma for a long time do not need any shoes.The soles of the feet have no strength, and they struggle against gravity staggeringly, and must rely on their hands for support.I fell miserably at the first step, and my knee hurt so much, but I insisted on getting up and taking the second step. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven... Thinking of Cao Zhi's seven-step poem, it seems that he has learned classical poetry well.Gently flipping up the blinds, the desolate and quiet moonlight shines through the glass and into the long-sleeping pupils. Seeing the moon for the first time after being reborn——The breath of a magician blows into the bottom of my heart, and I can't open the big rusty lock.The past years, complete memories, are firmly imprisoned in it.The line of sight passes through the panes and glass, through the broad branches and leaves of the sycamore, and through a void of cold air. People today do not see the moon in ancient times, but this moon once shone on the ancients—I can’t remember myself under the moonlight back then, only that piece of A blinding white light.But tonight's vicissitudes of moonlight must have illuminated the tears of those years. Next to the wall is a small bathroom, which is equipped in every single ward. Although it is meaningless to me who has been in a coma for a year, the mirror in the bathroom is meaningful to me. Mirror. Seeing his own face clearly for the first time. Again, sorry to say, I'm not handsome, and certainly not ugly.I have a pair of medium-sized eyes, thick eyebrows, a bridge of the nose that is neither straight nor slumped, and a mouth that is a bit too big, but the outline of the whole face is relatively correct, at least there is no weird shape.His face was extremely pale, his eyes were lifeless, his hair was disheveled, and his chin was covered with thick stubble.The dean said that the car accident a year ago was serious, but luckily no scars were left. "You—is me? Gao Neng?" I don't have the slightest memory of this face in my mind, but I must remember this face from today on.When this plain face is closely combined with the concept of "I", the word "high energy" has to be added. I = high energy = this ordinary face. Taking off the hospital gown and being naked, and staying in bed for a long time made my muscles atrophy, neither strong nor thin.Tried to do bodybuilder moves and found the naked man in the mirror really ridiculous.He also took off his pants, and his whole body was exposed in the mirror. There is no doubt that I am a man. To be able to save one's life is already a miracle, but to wake up after sleeping for a year is even more a miracle among miracles, God's outcast or darling? Touching his soft belly, he felt a squirm inside, and then thought of a long-lost word—hungry. After not eating for a year, I finally feel hungry, which is a sign that I am about to recover.This feeling became extremely powerful, thinking of delicious meals, all kinds of meat and aquatic products, from hairy crabs to sizzling steaks to vegetable pickled rice and instant noodles... At least the hospital has a cafeteria, and if you are lucky, there are sick meals? The little nurse on the night shift was terrified when she saw me like this: "Oh, why did you come out here? Didn't the dean tell you to take a good rest?" "I'm hungry."
just before dawn. Getting up from the bed felt much easier.I opened the door but there was no one there, and I yelled a few times, but there was no response—did everyone else, including the nurses, fall into a coma after I woke up?Hesitantly walked down the three flights of stairs, and pushed open the spacious and luxurious door of the hospital. Outside was the last darkness before dawn, covering the paths among the green trees, and all the birds were still sleeping soundly.Walking along the path, letting the body get wet with dew, I didn't realize until I reached the end that there was a dark green lake under my feet. Standing barefoot on the wet soil, it doesn't feel cold at all.The lake water almost rushes to the toes, still staring at the green water in a daze.With the dim light from nowhere, I found that the color of the lake gradually changed, from dark green to lake blue, then to mysterious deep purple, until it turned into asphalt-like thick black. Black as pitch... It's a dream.
My name is Gao Neng, I am twenty-five years old, and I know nothing about myself other than that. Just woke up from a year-long coma, unable to remember my past, my name, my age and everything, have to be told by others.All memories of the past have been forgotten, and he has become a "hollow man" without himself. Fortunately, there are mom and dad. "Yes, you are finally awake!" My parents rushed to the hospital and hugged me tightly, crying, but I couldn't think of these two faces at all. Being held in the arms of my mother in a daze, no matter for the rest of my life after the catastrophe or the loss of memory, this scene made me feel sad, and my eyes turned red all of a sudden. "Can you, don't cry, you should be happy, be happy!" Can can - I have a strange nickname, if I add eight points of water, wouldn't it become a raging bear? "Yes, do you still know me?" My father looked at my face so excitedly that I lowered my head in embarrassment, and my mother gave him a twist: "Damn old man, why did you ask such a stupid question!" I really don't have any impression of them: "If I guess right, you are my father?" "What's wrong with you?" Mom looked at me inexplicably, "Do you still need to guess? Of course it's your father, you don't even recognize your parents?" The mother anxiously tugged on the sleeve of the head of the hospital, "President Hua, you must cure our son." The dean surnamed Hua frowned and said, "This... I'm not sure, but your son's health has recovered." "Thank God for waking up safely!" My father took me into his arms and trembled uncontrollably: "Son, as long as you are well, as long as you are well..." Feeling the warmth of his father's hands, although he couldn't reappear the figure of his parents in the past, he shouted emotionally: "Dad, Mom, don't be sad, I will be fine."
Three days later, the director approved me to be discharged home. The expert consultation unanimously determined that my body has recovered, and the limb weakness caused by long-term bed rest will improve in a short time. But the memory is blank, when can I recall the past?Dean Hua couldn't give an answer, so he could only say ambiguously—maybe it will be restored tomorrow, maybe next year, maybe when I retire, maybe on the day I enter the grave: the memory before the age of 24 is still sealed in my brain in the grave. However, the dean believes that this amnesia problem will not affect my health and normal life.Because in the few days after waking up, everything I saw and heard around me was clearly remembered in my mind.Unless there are special circumstances, the memory after waking up will no longer be lost. This is a high-end foreign-funded hospital - Pacific Chinese American Hospital. Presumably my parents did not give up hope and sent me to receive expensive treatment. Fortunately, their money was not wasted. If I had been in a coma for decades, I would have been killed by this hospital. A bunch of snobs throw it out. My parents took me out of the hospital, got into a chartered car, and drove towards the city. My mother held my hand all the way, wishing to see up and down, I really look like my mother.Dad has good facial features, especially his eyes are bigger than mine, he must have been handsome when he was young.Now he looks very old and seems to have no energy. He must have been worried and worried during the year I was in a coma. An hour later, the car arrived at the gate of my community, but it was completely unfamiliar: a large black iron gate, a green belt polluted by smoke and dust, several rows of six-story old-fashioned public houses, and many old people basking in the sun.Originally expecting to be taken to a villa, at least it should be a high-end apartment, no matter how bad it is, it must be a better community.The reality is indeed crueler than I imagined. I am not a celebrity who has been in a coma for a year, nor am I the son of a high-ranking official or a rich man, and my father is not some big boss.All illusions have been shattered, and I am living in an ordinary market after all. Walking into a unit, there are several bicycles and mopeds parked on the dark ground floor, but I never remember the narrow corridor. 301 - my home. This two-bedroom, one-living room house is at least twenty years old in terms of room type and decoration.The furniture is also the style of more than ten years ago, and some flowers and plants are planted on the balcony, which must be Dad's biggest hobby after get off work. But I still can't recall the slightest trace of this home in front of me.My mother took me to sit down and brought me a cup of hot water.I was also a little uncomfortable, as if I was a guest at someone else's house. Suddenly, I asked a stupid question: "Mom, what's your name?" This is "my mother's surname" which is a step up from "your mother's surname". My father's name is Gao Sizu, and my mother's name is Xu Liying. Another two unremarkable names, but I am basically satisfied with my name Gao Neng. As expected, Dad is the head of the publicity section of a state-owned enterprise. Although he is the head of the section, the efficiency in the factory is very poor, and the salary is only a few hundred dollars more than ordinary workers.Mom and dad work in the same factory and retired at home last year. As for my room - opened the door and there was a Michael Jackson poster on the wall.There are a lot of gunpla in the cabinet, and it can take at least several years to collect this level.On the other side is an assembled computer, domestic color TV and DVD, and books and discs are placed under the TV cabinet.Nothing of value, just a neatly made bed.My mother said that during the year when I was in a coma, she would clean this room every day, but she never dared to touch my things. There is a photo of me on the computer desk, taken around the age of twenty, a silly-looking young man with long hair, a little shy in front of the camera - there is a small mirror on the wall next to it, absolutely There is no doubt that he is me in the mirror, and he looks not much different from now. "Yes, yes, you used to rarely go out except for work, and you basically stayed in this room. Every day when you go home, you either surf the Internet or watch DVDs, and you don't even go out on weekends." Terrible!I'm probably an "otaku", "tramboy", "otaku" - how come I haven't even forgotten these words! "Okay, can you rest for a while, mom is going to make dinner for you, and prepared some of your favorite dishes." "Wait! Mom, can you tell me more about the past, how did I get into a car accident a year ago?" "Son, have you really forgotten all about it?" Nodding in despair, he sat down on the old bed and murmured, "I forgot... I forgot everything... everything about me... I forgot everything..." "Yes, my poor son, then don't think about it anymore. There is nothing to remember about the past." Mom put her arms around my head again, like the ten-year-old boy next to her. "No, I have to tell my son!" The silent father said suddenly, "About what happened to you a year ago." However, just as Dad was about to speak, the phone rang and his memory was shattered. He frowned and picked up the phone, and quickly opened his eyebrows again, nodded repeatedly and said: "Yes! Yes! Okay! Mr. Hou, thank you!" Dad hung up the phone and said excitedly: "Gao Neng, go to work tomorrow!" "work?" My eyes widened in surprise, as if going to work had already been cut off from me. "That's right, it was your company's Mr. Hou who called just now. He heard that you have recovered and been discharged from the hospital, so he asked you to go back to work tomorrow!" "My company? Mr. Hou?" Never remember what company you work for?As for "Mr. Hou", I have some impressions, but I can't remember it for a while. "Yeah, Mr. Hou is really a good person! You haven't been to work for a year, and the company hasn't dismissed you yet, but you're only on long sick leave. Now I'm asking you to go back to work at your original post. It's a good company and a good leader." Which company do I work for?
the next day. I officially went back to work in the company, wearing a new suit worth 800 yuan, polished my leather shoes, and carrying the new bag my father bought for me. At 8:15 in the morning, I left the house on time after breakfast.Walk for five minutes to the subway station, squeeze into a car that looks like a can of sardines, and fight hand-to-hand with countless strange men and women in the turbid air. Half an hour later, I squeezed out of the subway covered in bruises and rearranged my clothes and hair.This is the center of Shanghai, full of various high-end shopping malls and office buildings.According to the address my father gave me, I walked towards the skyscraper near the subway station - the magnificent East Asia Financial Building, although I didn't have the slightest impression in my memory. Guided by the security guards, I found the elevator shaft, and along with nine other office workers in a hurry, squeezed into the elevator covered with mirrors.The floor lights kept jumping up, and the heartbeat also accelerated.When the indicator light jumps to "19", escape from the metal coffin in a hurry. Wipe off the sweat on my forehead, and then look at the watch my father gave me, it's 8:59 in the morning. Looking up, I saw a poster—under the blue sky, a blond boy was holding a paper airplane, trying to make it fly to the other side of the world. A line of Chinese is printed on the poster: Sky Group - Our Future! This is my company: the China branch of the Asia-Pacific headquarters of the world-renowned multinational company Sky Group. To be precise, the China branch is the Asia-Pacific headquarters of Sky Group. When I saw this brand, I couldn’t help raising my head. After all, I’m still a white-collar worker in a foreign company. Sky Group is one of the world’s top 500—according to Forbes’ data this year, it can be ranked among the top 50 in the world. A rising star in the American financial industry. In 2004, I joined this company after graduating from university. My mother said that many of my classmates envied me very much for being able to work in a Fortune 500 multinational giant. But the company in front of me was still so unfamiliar to me, several fashionable girls passed by me without paying any attention to my existence.I timidly walked into the wide hallway and stood blankly in front of the front desk lady. The lady at the front desk was in a hurry to put on makeup, she probably thought it was a courier or a salesman, and asked coldly, "Who are you looking for?" "I...I..." Why did you stutter suddenly?After some difficulty, he continued, "I'm here for work." "Go to work? Our company hasn't hired anyone recently?" The lady at the front desk looked up at me, either she was a new employee or she had completely forgotten about me. I don't know how to explain, and I don't know how to introduce myself, so I can only look into her eyes in a daze. Soon, I found her eyes saying: Huh?Could it be... Could it be that fool? I nodded unconsciously, and the receptionist put on a pair of red glasses: "It's really you?" "It's me, I came to work today." "Your name is Gao... Gao... Gao... Bear?" Sweat! "No, my name is Gao Neng." "Oh, yes, yes, sorry, Gao Neng, I haven't seen you for a year." The fluent front desk lady sometimes couldn't speak clearly. I guess she must not be able to call me by my name before. Every time she can only look at the list to call someone, so she calls Gao Neng Gao Xiong, sweat again. "Hello, Mr. Hou asked me to come back to work." "Boss Hou? It's Manager Hou from Sales Department 7, then go in by yourself, he must be waiting for you." Just as I was about to walk in, I heard the front desk lady say embarrassingly again: "Oh, Gao... Gao..." "High energy." "Yes! Gao Neng, welcome back to the company!" Try to be confident, this is where I work, and you shouldn't be frightened like an interviewer.But as soon as I entered the company, it was messed up, at least a few hundred square meters, divided into hundreds of work areas, like a pigeon cage or a mouse nest, or a maze.There may be hundreds of people sitting and working, which is indeed the style of a large company.A lot of people were walking around in a hurry, a few women were using the coffee machine in the hallway, and some guys who were late checked in regretfully. After a few rounds like a headless chicken, I could only ask a girl who was buried in typing: "Excuse me...excuse me... where is the seventh sales department?" She probably just opened QQ to chat, and raised her head reluctantly, but was completely stunned when she saw me, staring into my eyes: "You? You? Are you Gao Neng?" "Yes! I am! Do you know me?" Thankfully, I met another person who knew me. This female colleague was quite pretty, with a sexy black low-cut collar. "Of course!" She jumped up from her seat, "Gao Neng, don't you know me?" Shaking his head blankly. "I'm Tian Lu!" river snail?Or screw? This female colleague who might be named Tian Luo immediately turned her head: "Old Qian, do you see who is here?" A middle-aged wretched man in his forties stood up behind him, put on his glasses and looked carefully: "Oh my god, you are high-energy! You are finally back, we all miss you to death!" I looked at them blankly, and tried my best to search in my mind, but I still couldn't remember them.Many people around raised their heads, and some people came to watch the excitement, and pointed at me in whispers, as if they were looking at a giant panda—— "Oh my god, it's Gao Neng. Didn't he die a year ago?" "No! I heard that he lost his lower body in the collision, why is he back to work now? It must be a prosthetic leg, modern science is too advanced!" "Let me see, darling! Damn it! Help!" When I looked at those unfamiliar faces in embarrassment, a man in his thirties came over, tall and thin, with almost no flesh on his face.Lao Qian and Tian Lu made way for him respectfully. He had a pair of piercing eyes and looked straight at me sharply: "Gao Neng, Welcome back from Sales Seven." "You are—Mr. Hou?" I only remember Mr. Hou shouting "Rolls-Royce in watches" hoarsely on the TV, but I don't remember the immediate boss who has worked with me for more than two years. "Don't you even know me?" He patted my shoulder, "It seems that your body has recovered, congratulations!" Mr. Hou took me to a small cubicle with a sign of Sales Seven. It seemed that the surrounding area belonged to our department, and this Mr. Hou should be the department manager of Sales Seven. "Gao Neng, during the year you were hospitalized, we haven't changed much here—including sales performance." He pointed to a dusty workbench and said, "Even your desk and computer are intact. keep it." This is where I work, I wiped the table excitedly, sat on the computer chair and turned around, touched my computer screen, like a primary school student getting a pencil case for the first time: "Thank you, Mr. Hou, I'll work hard." "Our Sky Group is one of the world's top 500—no, it's a top 50 large multinational company. We are very responsible to our employees. Although you haven't been to work for a year, it's not your own fault. We still welcome you Come back to work. You have to remember - what did the company do for you? And what should you do for the company?" Mr. Hou praised his company like he praised his watch on TV shopping. "I understand, Mr. Hou, I will not disappoint the company's expectations of me." "Okay, after all, I haven't been to work for a year. You should familiarize yourself with the working environment these few days. If you have any questions, ask Lao Qian. My office is right in front." He pointed to a separate cubicle, like a big room. A small cell in a cell, "Remember to knock before you come in." Although it is as small as a screw shell, this is my world.There is a small fish tank in front of the computer screen, and there are actually two little turtles living there.The two little guys really surprised me. They have tenacious vitality. They seem to recognize me and keep climbing up, and they stick out their little heads to say hello to me. "This is the little pet you used to raise." The old Qian next door walked over and said, "During the year you didn't come to work, I was the one who changed the water and fed them every day, otherwise they would have died a long time ago." "Ah, thank you, Teacher Qian." "You're welcome, Gao Neng, we are old friends." old friend?I can't remember this middle-aged wretched man at all. "When you were not around, I was thinking about you every day. I knew you would be blessed if you survived a catastrophe! Don't you come back to work properly now? You are really a blessed person. Three years since you I saw it the first time I joined the company before, auspicious people have their own appearance!" Lao Qian is a talker, maybe he used to talk to me endlessly.He introduced every colleague in the seventh sales department, including Mr. Hou and me, a total of seven people, four men and three women - the most beautiful is Tian Lu, and the whole company looks up, she is the only one who can be seductive. Sitting anxiously in front of the computer, it was full of things that I couldn’t understand at all, such as customer contact forms, sales records, project financial statements... I don’t know anything about these, and people come to say hello to me from time to time. Can respond with a mechanical smile. At noon, Mr. Hou invited us to go out for dinner, counting as the sales department seven to clean up the dust for me.In the Cantonese restaurant on the second floor of the building, I booked a private room, which made me feel flattered. I became the center of everyone, and everyone asked me in a hurry—about the car accident a year ago, there were many rumors about me, some said that I was kidnapped and disappeared, and some said that I committed suicide because of a broken relationship , the closest thing is that I lost both legs in a car accident. Of course, these are groundless rumors, but to be honest, I don’t know myself. What happened in the car accident a year ago did not leave even the slightest trace in my mind. What I know now is what my parents told me. Well, let me repeat it again, this question confuses me so much, it’s like the beginning of a mystery novel, and the incident that almost killed me——
A year ago, in the chilly autumn, I suddenly told my parents that I would travel to Hangzhou alone on weekends.Although Hangzhou is so close, self-guided travel is not new, but it was the first time for me.I have always been an otaku, except for going to work, I don’t leave the door and never leave the house. I have never traveled alone, not even with friends.My parents felt very strange, but they thought it was a good thing for me to go out for a walk, maybe there would be some kind of affair to bring my girlfriend back. I left Shanghai on a Friday evening and hurried to take the subway right after get off work—this was confirmed by a colleague of mine who watched me squeeze into the six o'clock subway.But then there was a blank, and I never called my parents again, nor did I contact my colleagues.No one knows where I went on the subway?Maybe the train station, maybe the bus station, in short, I must have gone to Hangzhou—because after more than ten days, the police called my home and informed my parents that I had an accident in Hangzhou. In fact, on Saturday, my parents were so anxious that they kept turning off their phones, and they found nothing from my colleagues.When they heard that I hadn't gone to work on Monday, my parents hurriedly called the police, and I was missing for two weeks. The car accident happened at night, at the exit of a tunnel in the outskirts of Hangzhou, with forests on one side and hillsides on the other.A taxi hit the rocks outside the tunnel, unfortunately I was thrown out of the car, my head fell into a deep coma, and I was sent to a nearby hospital immediately.There was another passenger in the car, who was also thrown out of the car—but unfortunately, he was thrown out from the door on the other side, just facing the steep hillside, and he was seriously injured in many places. The hospital died shortly after. 不过事情还是很蹊跷,出租车上两个乘客一死一重伤,司机却肇事逃逸了。后来警方发现那辆出租车竟然是套牌的,也就是一辆“黑车”,就更难追查司机下落了。 至于与我同车的死者,据警方调查与我毫无关系,我以前并不认识他,很可能是共同拼车的陌生人——“黑车”通常用拼车载客的方式赚钱,有时同车三四个人彼此互不相识。 因为我身上带着身份证,警方很快找到了我的父母。他们看到我的时候,我已经深度昏迷,医生说我很可能变成植物人。父母把我送到上海的一家外资医院,并在那躺了整整一年,最近才奇迹般醒来。 但我究竟什么原因要去杭州?父母怀疑我根本不是去旅游,而是另有原因,但我丝毫回忆不起来。究竟何时抵达杭州?在杭州住在什么地方?又遇到了什么人?what's going on?为什么会坐上这辆黑车?又是怎么会发生车祸的? 这些完全没有任何头绪,至今依然是巨大的谜,宛如一团黑暗的迷雾——只要我一天不能恢复记忆,这个谜底就永远无法揭开。
“你是个牺牲品!一定有阴谋!”听完这番故事,一个沉迷于推理小说的同事拍案而起,“这绝对不是一起普通的交通事故,而是故意谋杀!故意谋杀!” “但现场找不到证据,我也不知道之前发生了什么。”我拼命给自己夹菜,“昏迷一年后醒来,又回到公司来上班,我已经觉得非常幸运啦。” “好拉,不要再谈过去了。”侯总做总结性发言,“高能,从今往后你要开始新的生活,我很看好你哦。” “谢谢侯总,也谢谢各位同事,我会好好工作的,把公司当成我的家!”
我真把公司当成自己家了。 除了该死的记忆,我已彻底康复,双手双脚有力,身体也不再是一块平板。每天七点半准时起床,八点一刻前必须出门,挤上贴面舞似的地铁,最晚8点55分走进公司打卡。 我仍是销售部最不起眼的,税后两千多块工资——天空集团的最低标准,此外就是每月一千多块各种补贴。但老钱光车帖就有两千块,他已在这干了十年。销售员主要靠业绩提成,有人最高能拿十几万年奖。我的业绩为零,奖金也是零,但只要足够努力,一定会赚到更多的钱。我成为公司最勤奋的员工,别人聊天吃零食打瞌睡时,我拼命搜索客户联系表,一个个重新认识以前的同事,尽量与每个人搞好关系。 刘德华、张学友、郭富城和黎明——也许四大天王老了,但我还知道周杰伦、蔡依琳、章子怡,甚至记得和“馒头血案”。我看新闻完全没有障碍,看见尖嘴猴腮的就知道是小布什,遇到不时要秀肌肉的就知道是普金,连贝克汉姆、罗纳尔多、姚明、刘翔,全记得清清楚楚,车祸丝毫没有影响这些记忆。 大脑丢失的只是自我,关于“我”的一切,我的名字和家庭,我朦胧的童年时光,我叛逆的青春岁月,我无聊的大学生活,还有我碌碌无为的职场生涯。我的同学、朋友、同事、上司、客户……全忘得一干二净。再也记不起邮箱和MSN密码,只能各自重新申请注册。虽然已做过两年销售,但面对公司电脑里的表格,各种产品性能和数据,怎么也搞不明白,被迫经常去问侯总和老钱。 说到销售七部经理侯总,与“手表中的劳斯莱斯”的侯总有异曲同工之妙,尤其是意气风发地下达销售指标,说起天空集团的创业过程,免不了激情澎湃一番。但他平日阴沉冷静,谁都猜不透他心里想什么,不是坐在电脑前发呆,就是去销售总监办公室开会。每天开着一辆尼桑上下班,直接从B2层坐电梯上来,有时我在电梯里遇到他,他亲切地和我打招呼,又一言不发地继续站着。 回到平凡的工作中,生活恢复原来的轨迹,但有一件事让我恐惧—— 那天我到侯总办公室,他通常对人说话很不耐烦,对我的态度倒不错,耐心地跟我解答:“高能,我发觉你越来越认真敬业了,不错!不错啊!” 侯总难能可贵地面带微笑,让我无法逃避他的目光,在我们四目相对时,奇怪的事情发生了! 我竟然看到他的眼睛里在说话,我确信这并不是幻觉,他的眼睛本身在说话,而我的大脑清清楚楚地听到了。 两个汉字,非常熟悉的两个汉字——傻逼。 就在侯总的嘴巴里说:“高能,我发觉你越来越认真敬业了,不错!不错啊!”的同时,他的眼睛里却在说:“傻逼!” 毫无疑问,我听到了! 这两句话是同一时刻说出的,只不过前一句话通过嘴巴让我的耳朵听见,后面两个字“傻逼”则通过眼睛让我的大脑直接感觉到——极其准确的感知,并非猜测或臆想,没有通过我的耳膜与听觉系统,而是由我的眼睛接收,传递到大脑深处! 我下意识地低头羞愧难当。 侯总依然亲切地说:“怎么不好意思了?我确实很少夸奖别人,不过你算一个例外,我很看好你成为公司的后起之秀。” 然而,无论他怎么说好话,我的脑中却反复回荡着“傻逼”两个字。 你是傻逼!你是傻逼!你是傻逼!你是傻逼! 仿佛有无数人说着相同的话,带着冷漠与嘲笑看着我,而我把身子趴到地上,想在地球上钻一个洞,变成一只老鼠不要再被看到。 “高能!你是不是身体不舒服了?” 我赶紧从地上爬起来,不敢再看侯总的眼睛,仿佛两个眼珠子里写满了“SB”。额头已布满汗水,面色涨得通红,不知因为恐惧还是耻辱? 傻逼……傻逼……傻逼……傻逼…… 这两个肮脏的中国字不停地萦绕在脑中,几乎要把我不大的脑袋挤爆,落荒逃窜到洗手间,找了个单间大口喘气。 经过这件怪事,我再也不敢直视别人的眼睛了。 我的人间才刚刚开始,依然没有任何自己的记忆,所有认识过的人,经历过的事,包括以前的自己,都是别人告诉我的,我宁愿相信这一切就是命运。然而,我的命运早已被彻底改变,再也不是原来的我了。而我的整个生命,还有这个人间即将天翻地覆! 你感受到人间的变化了吗?
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