Home Categories Thriller The World (Volume II) · Easter Night

Chapter 2 Chapter One Fighting for Yourself

September 19, 2009, night, 20:31. Shawshank State Prison, Arslan, USA, Cell 58, Block C. My name is 1914. One year and three months ago, my name was Gao Neng. Three years ago, my name was Gu Hero. who am I? Although, I have been troubled by this question for a long time, but now I know who I am better than anyone. The lamp in the prison illuminated the narrow bed, and old Marcos was looking down at a book.The cold moonlight shines through the barred window. I have already changed to the fourth small book. Where are the stories in the first volume of this book recorded? The answer is a choice.

Just like the choice I had to make tonight, I had to make a decision more than a year ago, whether to complete the mission of the Blue Shirts, go to the United States as a high-powered person, and meet Gao Siguo, the boss of the Sky Group? Before I faced this choice, I had already discovered many amazing secrets, which almost cost me my life——When I was still called Gu Hero, a mysterious car accident in Hangzhou made me comatose for a whole year, and I was deprived of my original face. The last face of the dead. Waking up from a long slumber, I didn’t realize that my name, family and everything had been transformed into another person——Gao Neng, a salesman of Sky Group’s Chinese branch, and the 49th generation of Lanling King Gao Changgong Sun, his family was originally my worst enemy.Although more than a year has passed, Gao Neng's name is still printed on my passport and all identity materials, and his mother still regards me as her own son. I also love Gao Neng's parents deeply.

Currently no more than three people know my true identity. Now, it's time to tell you how I came to America, how I became a murderer, and how I was imprisoned in this prison...
2008, summer. After the long exam under the dead tree at night, I have made a decision. Who is the Blue Shirts? Changqing from Las Vegas, Duanmuliang, Huajinshan and Nangong from Shanghai, and now add me, the ancient hero. I will go to the United States as Gao Neng to meet Gao Siguo, the boss of the Sky Group. How will he treat my "nephew" who has never met?Should I take care of me like a real uncle and let my nephew enjoy the glory and wealth, or should I be thrown into prison as a liar?Or is it a trap?

Fortunately, I am a poor boy who is unemployed. I have no family ties or worries. At worst, I will have nothing again and return to the slums for the rest of my life.As for everything Duanmuliang gave me, it is just a bait for small favors, and I may lose it anytime and anywhere. But assuming it is a fluke—don’t forget about the secrets of King Lanling and my misty life experience, even if you give me 1% of Sky Group’s property, it’s enough to live like a fairy. Having everything I could dream of...whether it's high energy or ancient hero, what difference does it make to me? My fate has already been completely changed, and I am not afraid of being changed a second time.

Before that, I want to go to see a person, the person who changed my face - Dean Hua. At dusk, with drizzle, dark clouds covering the sun, and wind and rain all over the city to disperse the summer heat, I came to the suburbs, Pacific Chinese and American Hospital with a restless heart. Eight months ago, I was lying on the bed of this hospital as a comatose vegetative state. I don’t know which millennium to wake up? I had a phone call with Dean Hua Jinshan in advance. It was he who transplanted a high-energy face for me, and it was he who woke me up after a year of coma. member. As soon as I walked downstairs to the hospital, there was a whistling sound above my head, and I instinctively dodged to the side.

In a tenth of a second, a black shadow fell in front of my eyes, almost touching the tip of my nose, and there was a dull impact sound. What splashed on my face? Not rain. It was another liquid with a fishy smell—blood. The thing that fell in front of me was crawling and twitching on the concrete floor, a large amount of blood was gushing from the back of its head, spreading wantonly with the rain.His face was looking up at the sky under the dark clouds, with a pair of terrified eyes, as if reflecting the last face I saw, and that face would often surface in my nightmares in the future.

"Hua... Jin... Shan..." Slowly calling out his name, and he couldn't close his eyes anymore. The rain washed my face—President Hua's blood turned into streams and dyed my shirt a strange pink. There were screams behind them, and the two little nurses ran away in fright. Need to explain again?When I walked towards the hospital building, Dean Hua flew down from the top of my head and fell to his death in front of me. If I don't dodge in time, I'm afraid it will hit me on the head!It is very likely that Dean Hua did not fall to his death, but I was killed by this human bomb!

suicide?He killed? Looking up at this five-story house, dense raindrops fell in my eyes, and the sky was so gloomy that it was close to night. Like an unpredictable face, it roared coldly and laughed at me. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a shadow. I widened my eyes reflexively, and across the dense rain, a black figure shot into my world like a bullet. A second later, the black shadow slid into the woods like the wind. Without having to think about it, the black shadow commanded my legs, quickly crossed the flower bed, and sank into the forest in hot pursuit. "stop!"

With a violent roar, the field of vision was occupied by dense leaves, only the violently shaking branches and leaves left the trace of the "person".My whole body was soaked by the rain, my eyes were blurred along my forehead, and my chest was cold.The face of Dean Hua kept flashing before his eyes, eyes staring at the sky in horror, the person engraved in these eyeballs was the fleeing black shadow. Even if the darkness takes my life, it cannot stop my pursuit.When I rushed out of the woods, the world was completely dark, and I was completely abandoned.Behind the hospital was a large paddy field, my legs were soaked in deep muddy water, and I even felt the crayfish biting my socks.

I can't see it. Except for the rice fields under my feet and the woods behind me, that "person" has completely escaped my sight. Only rain, cold rain, shot in my face like arrows. Has he (she) left? Trekking hard through the rice fields on a rainy night, my eyes have lost their function, and I experienced the feeling of a blind girl looking at me for the first time. No, I feel it again, through the body, through the skin, through the heart, through the panting mixed with the wind and rain, through the gaze hidden in the darkness.That person is by my side, like a piece of transparent glue, which I can never see clearly, but is always inseparable from me.

"Who are you?" Vigorously but feebly shaking his fists in the rain, as if he was fighting himself. Gradually, that shadow has gone away, like an illusory wind blowing through the rice fields, hiding in the distant fields, hiding in the starry sky behind the dark clouds.
"Hua Jinshan is dead!" "Last night, I already knew." Duanmuliang spoke to me unhurriedly, with a calm expression as if it was just a stranger who died. In the morning, the rain just stopped. Returning to the office for the first time in a few days, he rushed to Duanmuliang and stared into his eyes unceremoniously. "Aren't you afraid?" "I heard that it was a suicide, jumping off the roof of the hospital - I'm not surprised. He studies psychology and the brain all day long, and sooner or later he will go insane and go crazy to kill himself." "But isn't he a member of your Blue Shirts?" "Yes, but it's not 'Your Blue Shirts Club', we should say 'we', our Blue Shirts Club." He stood up straight, "Gu Hero, I can call you by your real name in private, you are also a member of the Blue Shirts Club." member, the most important one!" Strange, I can't see that this sentence is a lie: "I'm really the president of the Blue Shirts?" "After your father left, you will naturally inherit as the only legal president of the Blue Shirts Club." "Chang Qing said that in the video that night, how can I trust you?" "You have lost all your memories. If I tell you all at once, I'm afraid you won't be able to accept it yourself." "Then please tell me, how did Hua Jinshan die? Who is the shadow that killed him?" "Kill him?" Duanmu Liang frowned, "Didn't he commit suicide?" "I'm a witness! He fell to his death right in front of me." Suddenly squinting his eyes, the phantom of yesterday's rainy night shaking in the woods appeared in his mind... "A black shadow escaped quickly, it was raining, the sky It was dark, and I didn't catch him." "Why do you say that Hua Jinshan was killed by him?" "Except for me, no one has ever seen that black shadow. But I'm sure, it's a murder! It's that black shadow, and I sensed that aura when I was ten meters away from him." "murderous look?" "Yes, but I can't tell whether this person is male or female, old or young. There is only a vague black shadow that disappears like the wind." Duanmuliang pondered for a long time, and said a word meaningfully, or a warning: "He is not from our Blue Shirts Club." Looking into his eyes again, the mind reading also told me again that this sentence was not a lie. It's normal for the situation to exceed my imagination, but what I can't believe is that the situation has exceeded the imagination of the Blue Shirts Club, and there is another person outside the Blue Shirts Club! Who is he (she)? Suddenly thought of Monica, but this mixed-race beauty is far away in the United States, it is impossible to travel back and kill people. My mind is all messed up, and there is another maze in the endless threads. "Don't think too much, this is just an episode." Duan Muliang stood up and smiled slightly, and made me a cup of coffee, "Hua Jinshan is acting strangely, and we don't rule out that there are enemies we don't know. It doesn't do much either." "So you're not at all sad about his death." Duanmuliang's attitude reminds me of two idioms - the bird is dead and the bow is hidden, and the rabbit is dead and the dog is cooked. "I'm sorry, but don't think that the Blue Shirts are indifferent. In fact, we are all passionate people for that common purpose." "Prince Lanling's secret?" I felt my shoulders trembling violently: "In order to discover this secret, you can do whatever you can! You even transplanted the face of a dead person on me, tricked me for so long, and let me live in the place of another person!" "Sorry, if you didn't lose your memory, you would have chosen to do so." "So what's my choice now?" Duan Muliang approached my eyes: "Are you hesitating? Are you going to America or not? You have already made up your mind, but because you witnessed Hua Jinshan's death, you are afraid again?" I stepped back noncommittally, not wanting him to feel my fear. "Not only Hua Jinshan, but also Lu Haikong who committed suicide on my desk, the missing Yanhan and Fang Xiaoan. I hope to know the truth about what happened to these people." "I'll tell you later." This sentence is tantamount to admitting that the accident of my three former colleagues was indeed related to the Blue Shirts Club. "Duanmuliang, you really let me down!" "I also feel very sorry for you saying that." He walked to the window and turned his back to me, and sighed sadly, "Although I am a few years older than you, since middle school, when you were still called Gu Hero, we The two are best friends, which can be described as brotherhood." "Unbelievable, I had a friend like you! Does my mother remember you? Gu Hero's mother." "No, I have never been to your house. About the Blue Shirts, your father has always kept the family secret, and your mother has never known anything. However, your father often took you to my house, and we were inseparable for a while. Squeeze together in the same bed and sleep, chatting all night long." "Unbelievable!" However, Duan Muliang's tone became more nostalgic and sad: "Hero, when you have an accident and become a vegetable, I am the saddest person! I look forward to you waking up every day, returning to this world, and taking on the responsibility of the Blue Shirts Club. President's mission." I actually shuddered a little. When Duanmuliang talked about the past of the two of us, he was full of feelings that only a man and a woman can have. Could it be that we are still young comrades?No wonder mom said I've never had a girlfriend before?Quickly interrupt his lyrical: "No, no matter whether it is true or not, please stop talking." "Okay, don't talk about the past, just talk about the present, what you said that night, have you decided?" "Go to the United States as a high-powered person?" "Don't be stupid, I know you are still struggling, afraid of falling into deeper danger, but you don't want to give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity-if you give up the choice, it is tantamount to giving up the life of a billionaire! Give up your last The future! You will always be an unemployed clerk, live in the contempt of others, live in my contempt! My dearest brother!" Damn Duanmu!Why every word is like a sharp knife, piercing my heart accurately! "Enough! Please give me a few more days and I will make a decision." "Okay." His offensive was successful, and he accepted it as soon as he saw it. "Gu Yingxiong, I will wait for your news. I will help you with the formalities in the next few days, and the United States will send you an invitation. I hope you don't let us down. the president." "goodbye!" I exited the room in disgust, never wanting to see that face again.
For the next few days, I kept asking myself silently—— go? Still, don't go? Still TO BE OR NOT BE? I didn't go to work again, and I didn't see Duanmuliang again. They seemed to have a plan in mind and never came to harass me. Recently, the full length of my hair has recovered, and my original hairstyle has been restored. In order not to worry my mother, I go out every morning and take the subway home in the evening.I often sit on a park bench and take advantage of the cool shade to spend the long hot summer days.When I was bored, I picked up a book, Stephen King's "The Other Half of the Darkness", there is such a sentence at the beginning of the novel—— "People's real lives began at different times, as opposed to their primitive bodies." My life named Gao Neng began in November 2007, which is exactly the opposite of my ancient hero's original body.The ancient hero's life ended in November 2007, and since then his soul has become another person. As for that beloved BMW Z4, I never had a chance to drive it, and I sold it even with the license a few days ago.Although it has shrunk a lot as a second-hand car, I still cashed out 500,000 yuan in one lump sum-the most money I made when I lived to be twenty-six years old. I didn't get the cash to work on myself like many people do, and I didn't indulge in extravagant drinking and drinking, and I didn't even buy a new dress, and I still maintained the old standard of living.I didn't invest this money in any way, let alone dabble in stocks and funds.Although it is said that now is a good opportunity to "buy the bottom", but it is not yet known who was "copied". 500,000 yuan lay quietly in the bank until I took out 50,000 yuan and anonymously remitted it to my mother—Gu Yingxiong’s mother. As for the other mother who lives with me—the high-energy mother, I keep her secret, which is safer for her, just like my father thinks: she doesn’t need to know anything, and stays away from evil in peace. For more than seven months, I have considered them as my parents, and they have considered me as their son.Their love for me is selfless and sincere, and it is the love of parents in the world from the heart-this is what I can see from their eyes. She couldn't tell the truth to her mother, she was suffering from the loss of her husband, and if she knew that her son had died long ago, she would undoubtedly have a nervous breakdown.Even for comfort, I have to continue acting. In the scorching heat of August, I suddenly received a registered mail—an invitation letter and a letter of guarantee from the US Postal Service, inviting me to conduct a 40-day business investigation in the United States.The US Postal Service is one of the few state-owned companies in the United States. It ranked 64th in the world's top 500 in 2008. The invitation letter issued by the US state-owned department is extremely unlikely to refuse a visa. A few days later, I accidentally discovered tens of thousands of dollars in my personal account. At the same time, Duanmu's company sent a proof of income, saying that my annual salary was 300,000 yuan. Holding these hot materials and U.S. dollars has nothing to do with me at all, and I can't sleep for a few days and nights. I decided to go to Duanmuliang.
"You really came to find me." Duanmuliang beckoned me to sit down with a smile on his face, and made a cup of coffee courteously. "Sorry, I haven't decided whether to go to the United States or not!" "If you have to wait for your decision to prepare these materials, it will be delayed for several weeks." I don't know whether to be angry or afraid. This seemingly gentle and scheming man in front of me is actually my best friend when I was a boy? "How did you get the invitation from the U.S. Postal Service?" "That's Mr. Chang's ability. He has many friends in the United States, including some mysterious big shots. Not to mention the US Postal Service, even the invitation letter from the White House is not a problem." "evergreen!" Speaking of this name, I think of my father who committed suicide, and my heart seems to be stabbed. Duan Muliang took out an envelope from the drawer and carefully handed it to me: "Here is your air ticket, flying from Shanghai to Los Angeles in a month. There is also a high-value travel insurance, including hotel reservations in the United States, All expenses shall be paid by Mr. Chang." "Have you prepared everything for me to go to America?" "Gu Hero, I will do what I say, as long as you hand over your passport—Gao Neng's passport, and go to the US consulate to apply for a visa." I was silent for a moment, but didn't answer directly: "You guys are really thoughtful." "These materials can ensure that your visa is safe." "Even my hotel in the United States is booked? Whether I go or not, can you tell me what itinerary is?" "Sorry, the itinerary has not been confirmed yet. I only know that your first stop is Los Angeles, and you will have to listen to Mr. Chang's arrangements. As for the hotel reservation in the envelope, it is purely for visa procedures." "Los Angeles?" Thinking of the city of angels and Hollywood full of jewels, "what if the second stop is hell?" "What if it's heaven?" "No, as long as it's in the world!" "Ancient hero, my best brother, you will get a better world in America." "It could be worse." Duanmu Liang didn't want to play with words anymore: "I hope to get your answer——YES OR NO?" "Wait a minute! Wait a moment!" I lowered my head to avoid his gaze, and the nerves in my temples ached again. Countless fragments passed through my brain, turning into a strange phantom in front of me... No... It's coming again... Dean Hua... Intermittent coma... Lost Memory...Who am I...Black figure...exploded...
After the explosion. Fortunately, I am still alive. It was an explosion of the brain, an explosion of consciousness, an explosion of fear, an explosion without sound or smoke. After waking up, he found himself sitting on Duanmuliang's chair, and the office was safe and sound.It was already dark outside the window, and everyone was off work, including the so-called best friend from childhood. What is wrong with me?Another intermittent coma?The mission that makes me difficult to choose, everything is ready, as long as I hand over my passport to apply for a visa, "Gao Neng" will fly to the United States... Shaking his head suddenly to regain his sanity, he saw a note on the table in Duanmuliang's handwriting—— Outright threats. Angrily crumpled the note into a ball, but spread it out again in an instant.Looking at Duanmuliang's crumpled text, I touched it with my fingers several times and then retracted it. Finally, I folded it carefully and put it in my pocket. This is not my world, and the former Sky Group does not belong to me either.Suppose I agree to go to the United States, what about the Sky Group in the future?Where exactly is my world? He took out a photo from his bag, not the current face, but another young man who looked ordinary but had power in his eyes.What is hiding in his eyes?Blue Shirts' evil conspiracy?Or a thousand-year-old secret? This is the face of an ancient hero, but my own face three years ago was so strange and so far away. Now this face has long been reduced to ashes, lying in the grave with Gao Neng, and in the memory of his mother. When I first knew that I was not high-powered, I imagined for no reason that the real me should be a young talent, with a good family background, good character and good learning, and a personable personality. I was the prince charming in many girls' dreams. The reality is so cruel. Although I am called Gu Yingxiong, I am far from being a hero in reality, except that I saved a girl at the age of fifteen. I'm a seemingly ordinary insurance salesman, but in private I'm the new head of the Blue Shirts, heir to a secret family, dreaming of some dirty scheme, some shady deed.And who are my accomplices?The perverted doctor Hua Jinshan, the insidious profiteer Duan Muliang, the stalker and voyeur Nan Gong, and the mysterious man Chang Qing far away in the United States, I am the same person as them, and I hide deeper and more filthy than them. I hate myself! What is "self"?own face?own name?own family?Is it still the word in my heart - me?Ancient heroes, who were the ancient heroes in the past?Devil, hero or mortal? Subconsciously turned on Duanmuliang's computer, not expecting to find any valuable clues, otherwise he wouldn't have left me here. I just went online and searched for three words - ancient heroes. Turning to the second page of the search engine, I found a webpage called "Ancient Heroes Blog". The three characters "Ancient Heroes" are not like the names of people in real life, but they are very suitable for screen names or titles. However, there is a photo on the homepage of the blog, which is—— He picked up the photo in his hand with wide eyes, yes, it was him! That's me, to be precise. The photo hanging on the homepage of the blog is exactly the photo of the ancient hero in my hand. This is the real blog I used to be—the blog of ancient heroes, not the high-energy "In Kafka's Burrow". Fingers trembling moving the mouse, only 91 visits to the blog.The last article was published on October 25, 2006—three weeks later, Gu Yingxiong and Gao Neng were involved in a car accident in Hangzhou. Since then, Gu Yingxiong has become a revived Gao Neng, and Gao Neng has become a dead ancient hero. That's right, this is me, the ancient hero. Even this photo is my favorite, so much so that it hangs on the homepage of the blog, and it is so undisguised on the Internet. You only need to search for my name to find it, and wait quietly for the owner to visit again. Rebirth. Gu Hero’s blog has only seven articles in total, the earliest one was published on July 14, 2005, and the content is very short—— "Today, it's my 23rd birthday, I started my own blog. I know no one will come here to read it, the only reader is myself, a little insurance salesman, wish me good night!" The second blog post was July 30, 2005—— "Damn summer, it's terribly hot. I ran on the street for a whole day under the scorching sun. I went to five companies, but all of them were shut down. My clothes were soaked in sweat, and it would take me another day to run." Heat stroke! Is this my fate?" The third article of the blog, suddenly jumped to December 1, 2005—— "I haven't seen it here for many days, and the number of hits hasn't changed (with a wry smile). I'm sorry, I'm still looking for my father. It's been a year and six months, but I still don't have any news about him. It's like he disappeared. The night is so mysterious. Is father dead already?" The fourth blog post has spanned to February 14, 2006—— "Valentine's Day, I'm wandering alone in the street, no girlfriend, no boyfriend, who would like me?" It seems that ancient heroes and Gao Neng really have many similarities. Blog Article 5, April 5, 2006 - "On Ching Ming Festival, I followed my mother to visit my grandfather's tomb. I suddenly asked a serious question: Mom, when will my tomb be finished?" This sentence is simply desperate. What makes a 24-year-old young man think of his own grave? Next Blog Sixth, September 19, 2006 - "Dream, I had that dream again, when I was fifteen years old, I jumped into the black water and rescued the blind girl. This is the first and last time I feel like a hero." Ah, that dream, since I woke up, I have often sat in this dream. Dreams are the only memory that is not broken. Before and after amnesia, this dream can never be erased. The strange thing is that when the blog saw this, there was no mention of King Lanling, nor the Blue Clothes Society, nor any mask-related content.Maybe, I used to hide it too well, even this blog that I just wrote for myself didn't reveal any secrets. The seventh and last blog, October 25, 2006, is getting closer and closer to that fatal time—— "If I die, please engrave these lines of lyrics on my tombstone:

This is "Don't Cry, My Favorite Person" by Zheng Zhihua. I hope that when I die, someone I love the most will come to my grave and sing this song for me. " Don't cry, my favorite person?Did I ever have a favorite?Are there any more? Immediately downloaded this song by Zheng Zhihua and played it on Duanmuliang's computer. No one turned the volume to the maximum at night, and the whole floor sang "Don't cry, the person I love the most" in the middle of the night... This vicissitudes and hoarse singing voice, accompanied by despair, almost went to the end of destruction.But between the lines of each sentence, it reveals the infinite nostalgia for life, "flowing water and falling flowers, spring will go, heaven and earth".The ancient hero blog on the screen illuminates my replaced high-energy face, listening to the passion of life and death, as if saying goodbye to the world. Suddenly, the phone rang, and a familiar voice was heard—— "HELLO! I'm Monica! I'm back in Shanghai, and I want to see you now!"
half an hour later. I met Monica. The presidential suite on the forty-eighth floor of the five-star hotel stands beside the luxurious floor-to-ceiling windows, overlooking the 90-degree turn of the Huangpu River, facing the world financial center as sharp as a saber.The whole of Shanghai is crawling under the feet, the mysterious fog surrounds the night sky, the night lights are much softer, and the milky way is spread on the concrete forest.There is only one giant electronic screen, which is still stubbornly flashing car advertisements. The red light pierces through the night fog and reflects my face from bottom to top—the face of high energy. There is another face beside the floor-to-ceiling glass, the face of a beautiful mixed race, the face of Aryans and Chinese people on the Silk Road a thousand years ago, a face more mysterious than the fog at night. Her Chinese name is Meng Ge, and her English name is Monica. She just flew to Shanghai from the United States three hours ago. The first thing she did when she checked into the hotel room was to call me. The clock ticked to eleven o'clock in the middle of the night. Such an ambiguous moment brought me to her room in a hurry, with the luggage that came across the Pacific Ocean piled up on the floor, and her tired and anxious eyes. She hugged me from behind. At a loss, I struggled forward, probably because the window was wiped too clean, my forehead hit the glass hard, and I couldn't help but yelled out. "Be careful!" Monica rubbed my forehead, and I shrank back in embarrassment, trying to hide my panic: "It's okay! I'm okay!" "Liar! If you are stronger, I think this window will be smashed by you. When we fall together, tomorrow's newspaper will say-"The Bizarre Murder Case of a Five-Star Hotel, A Pair of Mandarin Ducks Die in Love "!" I finally smiled wryly: "I didn't expect that your Chinese level has not deteriorated, but you can even edit news headlines." "Gao Neng, no—ancient hero, I always think of your face, whether it's your own face or not, during my days in America." "I know my face, no, Gao Neng's face, it's not that pretty, and it's not worth your miss. Besides, I haven't heard from you for so many days, and you even said my name wrong." The 22-year-old girl anxiously defended herself: "Does it matter what your name is? Whether it is high-energy or ancient hero, in my eyes, it is your face. Although it is not very good-looking, at least your eyes are very beautiful." Especially—these are your own eyes, eyes that will not be replaced by others." "You like my eyes?" "First it was the eyes. Later, it was your whole being." "Even if I recover my memory, you are probably the first person to tell me that." Reminds me of the ancient hero's blog I saw just now. "Your eyes can read people's hearts, which made me have a strong interest in you, instead of the original task. Then I found that your eyes are very real, sometimes as real as a little boy. In this world, everything is very real. A fake world, an era where everyone lies, a city where no one’s eyes can be trusted. Only you—a high-energy or ancient hero, only your eyes, make me feel real, make me believe, let me not have to go everywhere beware." She said so much in one breath, which made me wonder if she had Chinese tutoring recently? I did, however, feel a little moved. reality? This is an evaluation that has never been done before, perhaps the highest evaluation of my life. Put your head down and ask yourself, am I a real person? Suddenly, I flashed to the mirror in the presidential suite and looked at a face that belonged to someone else—a face that belonged to me in only two ways: two eyes. true gaze. "You know? Your biggest problem is that you have too much low self-esteem." Monica's face appeared in the mirror, a young mixed-race face, with long chestnut wavy hair and dark eyes staring at me in the mirror. self-abasement?She was right, I never looked down on myself, thought I could only be a loser, never get everything I wanted. "Monica, how can a person return to self-confidence from inferiority complex?" "look into my eyes." Yet I am avoiding. She moved slightly behind me, leaning on my shoulders, almost touching my face, her long chestnut hair curled over her ears, is this the legendary ear-to-eye? "Look at me in the mirror if you dare not." Different from her usual commanding tone, her voice is so gentle, like whispering on the pillow, melting me into the water. Looking at her in the mirror, our faces were so close to each other, constantly rubbing each other's cheeks, passing each other's hot body temperature. Isn't this my dream moment?On such a night, in such a room, meeting such a woman, meeting her eyes and embracing her affectionately, there is nothing else in the heart... The scene that I have never seen in my life in the past twenty-six years, but I have been looking forward to it day and night, like a dream It happened to me, ancient hero, what are you still hesitating about?Are you not a normal man?You have been suppressed for so long, do you still want to continue to restrain yourself?Do you intend to be an enemy to yourself, to regret it in the future? However, when all the blood rushed to the top of the head, the courage faded little by little.Countless question marks filled her mind, who is she?What is her so-called mission?Why did you suddenly return to the United States and come back suddenly?These question marks grow in my brain like fly maggots, weaving into a strong rope, tightly binding my hands, as long as I struggle a little, it will become tighter and tighter, making it suffocating! This kind of entanglement made me in a dilemma, as if I was standing on the top floor of a hotel, and if I took a step forward, I would fall into the abyss. "Tonight, you stay." Monica whispered in her ear again, like a gentle little sheep, but I am not a tiger, wolf or beast, let alone a confident shepherd. damn it!Why are you here again!The nerves in my temples were in severe pain. As long as she hugged me tighter, my brain would be strangled more painfully, and I was close to the moment of explosion again.The sky was spinning under my feet, and the white light flashed again. Thousands of migrating flamingos cut me into countless pieces. Before the explosion of desire, the world turned black. I don't know anything.
When I woke up, it was already one o'clock in the morning. The ringtone of the mobile phone woke me up from the coma, I opened my trance eyes and saw the gorgeous presidential suite.I was lying on a large bed, still wearing the original shirt, struggling to find the phone in my trouser pocket. It was my mother calling, asking if I am still home so late?I can only explain that I work overtime in the company and let her not worry too much. Touching his hot head, this is the second intermittent fainting today, how did it become so frequent?Too much stimulation tonight?Or is the brain problem getting worse?There will be no Dean Hua treating me anymore, if there is anything I can only wait for death? "ARE YOU OK?" Monica took a cup of hot drink, sat on the bed and handed it to me.She has changed into pajamas, and her eyes and movements are like girlfriends, which makes me even more nervous. "I'm unconscious again? What's going on?" "Yes, you are probably too tired. I helped you to bed and rest until now." I picked up the cup and drank it down. I panted heavily: "Why are you so kind to me? Except for my parents, no one is so kind to me in this life. You are too young, too willful..." "Shut up!" She interrupted me willfully again, "I am very young, but I am not a child, and I have never met a man like you, do you think I am not beautiful?" "No, Monica, I'm a little person with nothing, am I really worthy of your love?" She was silent for a long time, and boldly leaned her head on my shoulder: "When you were high energy, I couldn't love you. But now that you are an ancient hero, I have to love you!" In an instant, cold sweat seeped out from the back of my vest, and I leaned back against the bed frame, with no way out.And she is like Salome in Wilde's pen, licking her bright lips and looking at her lover's head. Am I John the Betrayer? "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I've been hiding it from you! I'm sad too, sorry, can you kiss me?" "kiss?" Before I could react, Monica's fiery lips were already lightly pressed against my mouth. The fire has set me on fire. Outside the window, the night at the forty-eighth floor, the chaotic Shanghai night, all the lights are dim, like four embracing lips here. I kissed her too, kissing her uncontrollably. Ever since that night in Hangzhou, this desire had been faintly rising in my heart, but I was forced to forget it and bury it in the grave. Now, this scorching desire is unstoppable, piercing through the coffin, cracking the ground, and becoming a resurrection flame. Fire, burning in each other's blood, the whole body hugs and caresses each other, the only awake organ is the eyes. 莫妮卡的眼睛。 这个瞬间,她的身体与心灵已毫不设防,像一只剥了壳的生蚝。隐藏了那么久的秘密,终于在我眼前泄漏! I saw. 在这双忘我的眼睛里,在男女痴情地相吻时,我看到了她眼里的秘密—— “谢天谢地!你不是高能……你不是我的堂兄……也不是兰陵王的后代……我们没有任何血缘关系……否则我就要痛苦一辈子了……” 堂兄?血缘关系?如果我是高能的话! 我的眼睛不会看错,她的眼睛也不会说谎,她依旧痴痴地吻着我。而我强行抓起她的脸颊,让她正对着我的眼睛,继续“读”她眼里泄漏的秘密—— “古英雄……我不在乎你到底是谁……也不在乎你的过去……更不在乎爸爸给我的任务……还有什么高家的秘密……我只在乎你这双真实的眼睛……只在乎你这个真实的人……” 竟然,她是真的爱我! 我曾经从另一个女人的眼睛里,看到过完全相反的话,我以为女人对男人说这句话的时候,多半是违心的安慰甚至是骇人的谎言。 莫妮卡却是真的。 她的眼睛还在继续泄漏心里话—— “没有任何障碍能阻挡我……也没有任何困难能打败你……因为你的眼睛告诉我……你注定将与众不同……成为非凡的男人……成为拯救世界的英雄……” 我的心要碎了,却不能再接受她的吻。 因为,我要通过她的嘴巴,通过我的耳朵,而不是读心术的眼睛,来听到这些秘密。 粗暴地将她推到床角,颤抖着说:“莫妮卡,我要你说出来,把刚才的话说出来。” “刚才的话?” 她被感情冲昏了头脑,以至于忘记了我的读心术,眼神还是一片迷惘。 “是你心里的话,在你的眼睛里,刚才我都看到了,我要你亲口再对我说一遍!” 莫妮卡的脸色一变,慌张地缩成一团:“读心术?” “是,你终于疏忽大意了,被我发现一些秘密。” “你……你看到了什么?” “希望你自己说出来。” 她颤栗着低下头,大概在回忆刚才脑中想了些什么? “对不起!对不起!我不能说,不是因为这秘密有多重要,而是我不想让你难过,不想伤害到你!” “我已经一无所有,还有什么可以被伤害吗?”我仰天叹了一口气,“当你知道我的读心术以后,你每次遇到的我的眼睛,都尽量不去想那些秘密。然而,当你完全沉浸在爱与激情之中,却又难以抑制地想起了那些事。” 她苦笑了一声:“我怎能忘记!” “你还是不愿意说出来?” “SORRY!” 莫妮卡躲到角落里啜泣。 “你让我失望了。” 我站起来整理衣服,把她一个人留下,毫不留恋地夺门而去。 坐着高速电梯直下四十八层,飞快地冲出五星级酒店,在门口打了辆出租车回家。 车子刚开出去一条马路,手机响了,听到莫妮卡悲伤的声音:“古英雄,非常抱歉!我不知道该怎么向你解释。” “感谢你一直以来对我的帮助,也感谢你的眼睛里泄漏的爱,我相信你的爱是真的。但是,在知道你的真实身份和目的前,我暂时不想见你。” 电波那头沉默许久,才听到她后悔的声音:“你喜欢我吗?” "I--" 不知道……不知道……虽然很想要得到她,这混血的美丽女孩,又漂亮又聪明,怎能不让人喜欢?在二十多年不成功的人生里,除了父母之外,几乎没有人爱过我——她是第一个这么说的女子。 她的爱,让我感到第一次的温暖,甚至也是第一次的爱。 可是,她却一直在骗我! 直到今夜才泄漏了秘密——她不可以爱高能,因为高能原本是她的堂兄!她也是兰陵王高家的后人!她要完成她爸爸的任务,如果她是高能的堂妹,那么她的爸爸就是高能的叔叔,而高能只有一个叔叔——天空集团全球CEO高思国! 她姓高,并不姓孟,连姓都是假的!究竟是美酒还是毒药? 想着想着电话已经断线。 无助地闭上眼睛,任由出租车带我穿破黑夜回家。 go home?那里是我的家吗?我的家在哪里?
Half a month later. 莫妮卡几乎每天给我打电话,但我只要看到她的号码,就马上拒绝来电。有几次她用其他号码打过来,我接起来只是敷衍几句,没有答应她的见面请求。而她也没能解释清楚,关于她的真实身份,以及她来中国的使命。我无数次动过恻隐之心,或涌起再度耳鬓厮磨的渴求,但这些欲望的火苗,终被我狠心掐灭了。 对不起,我这样回避着你,希望有一天你能够原谅。 而在另外一边——端木良拿到了我的护照,将办理签证所需的资料,包括我的银行存款与收入证明,送到了美国领事馆。 很快接到签证面试通知,端木良雇了代替排队的人,不必经过领事馆门口漫长等待。我轻松地坐到面试官面前,用英语流利地回答问题。邀请单位是美国的国有部门,各项材料齐全,签证官对我非常客气。 不久,我收到了为期两个月的美国商务签证。 端木良没再来找我,只是和我通了个电话,又向我的账户里打了一笔钱,作为我在美国活动的费用。他不和我当面谈具体行程和计划,会不会躲避我的眼睛?难道他发现了我的读心术?他们非但不惧怕,反而还想利用我的特殊能力?所以去美国的任务必须由我完成? 虽然,一切手续都已办妥,美利坚合众国的大门对我敞开,可我从未明确答应过蓝衣社。在踏上前往美国的飞机之前,我还有机会反悔,放弃他们计划的一切。这些天来每晚辗转难眠,我早已骑虎难下,被绑上一辆再也无法刹住的汽车。 两个月的签证期,可以在美国做很多事去很多地方。不管是不是按照原定方案,只要我见到天空集团全球CEO高思国,就有机会改变我的人生,甚至改变许多人的命运。 然而,只有一个人,可能破坏这个计划。 莫妮卡。 除了蓝衣社的几个人之外,只有她知道我不是高能,只有她知道我的读心术,只有她掌握着某些我不知道的秘密。 尽管她从未告诉过我,但那晚她的眼睛已然泄密,她是高能的堂妹,她的爸爸是高能的叔叔——高思国。 她来中国所谓的任务,估计就是她的爸爸交代给她的——来到高能的身边,接近他并得到他的信任,找到留在中国的高家后人的秘密。 兰陵王的秘密? 而这个任务不也是蓝衣社留给古英雄的使命吗? 莫妮卡会不会告诉她的爸爸:他所谓的亲侄儿高能,原来是个冒牌货? 幸好她并不知道,我本是蓝衣社的社长,是高家延续数十年的世仇。如今,我却摇身一变为兰陵王家族的后人,还要去美国骗取她爸爸的庞大产业,哪怕是其中很小一部分。 所以,这次美国之行还是充满风险,最大的风险来自这个爱着我的女人。 我的第二个幸运是,无论常青还是端木良,他们都不知道这件事。即便他们知道莫妮卡是谁,也未必知道她已摸清了我的真实身份。 所以,蓝衣社仍对我寄予厚望,而且深信他们的许愿,包括天空集团那份产业的诱惑,都足以使我心甘情愿成为一枚棋子,即便我随时有可能背叛。 蓝衣社VS莫妮卡——两边都知道我是假高能,但两边都不清楚互相掌握的情况,这反而给了我最大的活动空间。 我第一次产生了自信。 此刻,我既不是原来的古英雄,也不是被假冒的高能。 自从杭州的致命车祸,自从我的脸被替换,自从原来的我躺进坟墓,我就是一个全新的人,一个死而复生的人,一个脱胎换骨的人。我能看清别人的心灵,发现隐藏的秘密。我有独立的目标,有坚持的价值观,有永不放弃的梦想。 我不属于任何家族,也不属于任何组织。兰陵王高氏家族也好,世代相传的蓝衣社也好,我只属于我自己!我所作所为的一切,都只能为一个人负责——我。 必须为了我自己而战斗,哪怕遇到多大的困难,哪怕一切的面具都被戳穿,哪怕遇到最可怕的危险。 苍天作证——我是为自己而去美国,我将完成的是自己的任务,成为一个英雄的任务!
又是熙熙攘攘的地铁站。 我在站台上随着人群等车,大屏幕里放出娱乐新闻:大明星洪冰冰深陷艳照门丑闻。 这些天网上到处都传那些照片,相比之下陈冠希真是小巫见大巫,而洪冰冰的艳照男主角们,并不是那些男明星,而都是富豪榜上的大人物。有纳斯达克上市的网游公司大老板;有国际风险投资公司总裁;也有娱乐传媒业的龙头老大;更有以大胆言论闻名的房地产开发商…… 洪冰冰的艳照事件,既是娱乐圈头号新闻,也是财经圈深水炸弹。坊间到处是关于她的传闻,至于那些精彩照片倒成了其次。人们更关心那些富豪们的尴尬与逃避,更有些艳照中的老板,利用手中的金钱与资源,控制媒体封锁消息。但网络成为传播的主战场,广大网民凭借娱乐精神,让富豪们陷入人民战争的汪洋大海。 女主角洪冰冰自然名声扫地,彻底退出娱乐圈。而她代言的品牌,都受到巨大冲击。南京路上有一张她的巨幅灯箱广告,一夜之间变成了白板。想起她曾为天空集团的代言,当初我已从她的眼睛里发现问题——这个女人早晚都会出事,果然东窗事发,使天空集团的形象大受损伤。 列车飞驰入站台,又是下班时间,我随人流挤进去,拉着扶手摇摇晃晃,拿着一本口语教材,为了更好与美国人说话。 忽然,我看到了盲姑娘。 已有两三个月没见过秋波,她还是脱俗不凡的样子,与周围匆忙疲惫的人们相比,就像从另一个世界穿越而来。 她收起导盲杖坐在别人让出的位子上,我急忙挤过去轻声说:“你好,还记得我吗?” “你是——”她皱起眉头想了想,“高能?” “是!好久不见!” 没想到隔了那么久,她还能记得我的声音,也许耳朵的记忆也是有天分的。 “最近两个月,都是哥哥开车送我去电台,所以我们在地铁碰不上了。今天,正好他有事过不来,只能我自己去了。” “你还有哥哥?” “自从小时候爸爸妈妈离婚,我跟着妈妈,哥哥跟着爸爸,我们就很少在一起了。” "Sorry." 说着已经要到站了,我小心地陪她下车,不时用眼角余光扫视着她——真可笑,她根本看不到我,干嘛不大胆地盯着她?可我就是不敢,仿佛只要盯着她的脸,就是欺负她是个盲人,还是我过分缺乏自信?抑或她天生丽质让我自惭形秽? “最近过得怎么样?心里还难过吗?” 走出车站回到地面,华灯初上的夜晚,她的脸庞更加生动,这份关心让我受宠若惊:“你还记得我那封信啊?” “每一封听众来信我都不会忘记的。” “还有许多复杂的事情,等待着我去完成。” “工作很忙吗?” 真不知道该怎么回答,只能微笑着转移话题:“真幸运又能见到你。” "why?" “因为你是我的救命恩人。” 事实情况恰恰相反,她是高能的救命恩人,而我——古英雄是她的救命恩人。 “好多年前的事情,还提那些干什么。” 轻描淡写,却还隐藏一些忧伤,因为正是那件事,导致她永远失去光明。 “啊,不过我失去了全部记忆,早就忘记了那时情景。” 走到广播大厦门口,她匆忙地说:“我要进去了,再见。” “哦,请等一等,我想对你说。” "what?" “我马上要去美国了,就在下个星期,可能要很久听不到你的声音了。” “祝你一路平安。” "thanks." 我还想对她说什么,比如“我不知道在美国会发生什么?不知道有什么命运在等着我”,但秋波已走入大厦,回头说了声“再见”,缓缓消失在电梯间。 一个人站在大厦门口,与保安大眼瞪小眼,不禁对自己苦笑一声,能记住我的声音已不错了,何必再奢望什么? 默默在心里说:“下个星期!”
倒计时。 距离我起飞前往美国,还剩下24小时。 一层秋雨一层凉。 第一场秋雨淅淅沥沥落下,微凉的风掠过空旷天野,吹乱刚留长的头发。一条小河从身边缓缓流淌,水面泛起一圈圈雨痕,流向远方稻田与荒原。最遥远的视野尽头,几棵枯树寂静地矗立,伸向烟雨濛濛的天际线。 我撑着一把黑伞,来到松柏丛中最深处,找到了自己的坟墓。 墓碑上刻着一行红色的隶书汉字—— 墓碑镶嵌一张陶瓷照片,没想到正是我包里的那张,大概也是从前最喜欢的照片。 不知是幸运还是不幸,墓碑上我曾经的照片,并非我现在的这张脸。 同样,也不知是幸运还是不幸,坟墓里埋葬着的骨灰,也并不属于墓碑上刻着的名字。 只有几个人才知道这个秘密——古英雄的坟墓里,埋葬着的是高能的骨灰。 一个是秘密蓝衣社的年轻社长,一个是兰陵王高氏家族最后的传人。他们原本是几代人的宿敌,血管深处盛满仇恨,至今还是水火难容。此刻却以这样一种方式,在坟墓之中亲密无间融为一体。 这才看到命运是什么?一张嘲笑的大嘴,一个荒诞的小丑。 可惜的是,在我的墓碑上,并没有博客里那首郑智化的《别哭,我最爱的人》。 因为真正的古英雄还未死去。 如果我要留下遗嘱,不管在几十年后还是明天,也不管以古英雄还是高能的名义,都会把这首歌写在遗嘱里。 看着自己小小的墓碑,还有底下不到一平方米的基座,隔着几块石板就是“自己”的骨灰——真正的高能的骨灰,明天我就要以他的名字,飞去美国与他的叔叔见面,图谋天空集团价值万亿美元的产业。 是我杀了他吗? 想到这个危险的可能,身体便猛烈一晃,秋风秋雨中更见单薄,似乎风再大点就能把我吹到墓碑上。四周除了松柏就是坟墓,密密麻麻如同城市万家灯火,这倒也没什么稀奇,这个世界的坟墓远远多过活着的人。 大胆伸手在墓碑上摸了摸,被雨水打湿的大理石,刚好被洗去尘埃,干干净净地迎接我到来。 这既是古英雄的坟墓,也是高能的坟墓,这个坟墓把我们两个人的过去一同埋葬。此刻站在墓碑前的我,就是两个人复活之后的统一体,既是古英雄也是高能,一个全新的灵魂,一个等待被拯救与拯救他人的灵魂。 不知不觉在雨中站了十几分钟,拿出布小心擦拭墓碑基座,当我要对自己的坟墓说再见时,却听到身后踩过雨水的脚步声。 墓地里听到背后这样的声音,任何人都会惊出一身冷汗,莫非有鬼从墓中爬出来了? 警觉地回过头去,却是一个撑着伞的老头,提着一个铅桶,穿过许多墓碑而来。 提前来给自己买阴宅的? 没想到老头竟走到我身边,我下意识地往旁边让了让。他抬头看了我一眼,便低下身子掏出几叠纸钱,塞到铅桶里烧起来。 老头的伞挡住雨水,纸钱变成红色火焰,黑色的烟屑随风飞扬,飘到半空中又被雨打落,烟雾直冲得我流眼泪。 他在为我烧纸钱! 不敢相信自己的眼睛,但老头的铅桶正对我的墓碑。他在烧纸钱的同时,还看着墓碑上的照片,抚摸陶瓷相片上我过去的脸! 老头子看上去快八十岁了,留着一头银白的板寸,他的动作并不缓慢,皮肤与气色都还不错,尤其双目炯炯有神。 Who is he? 古家的亲戚的吗?难道我还有爷爷在世?老人站在烟雾的上风口,并未被烟雾熏到,我只能躲到他的背后,从侧后方观察他的表情。 我看到了一个老人的忧伤,他的手指抚摸墓碑上“古英雄”三个字,随即从眼眶中淌出泪水。不敢打扰他的怀念,静静站在雨中,直到铅桶里的纸钱烧成灰烬,最后一团烟雾飘向天空,宛如我再也不会回来的记忆。 老人转头要离去,我才疑惑地问:“请问,你是古英雄的家人吗?” 泪水还未从眼中干涸,他盯着我看了几秒钟,却缓缓地摇了摇头。 "That is--" 不是家人又会是什么呢?我拦在老人面前,一定要问个清楚。 但老人并不回答问题,反问了一句:“你是谁?” “我?哦,我是古英雄以前的同学。” “谢谢你还记得来看他。”老人提着铅桶从我身边绕过,“再见。” 不,不能就这么让他走了,这个老人不可能是普通人! 我固执地追上去,大胆地问道:“对不起,请问你知道兰陵王吗?” 老人的脸色立刻阴沉下来,停下脚步站在雨中,用冷酷的目光扫视我全身,看得我后背心直起鸡皮疙瘩。 许久,他才吐出一句话:“你在说谎。” "what?" “你不是古英雄的同学。” 这句话一下子揭去了我的面具,让我无地自容地后退两步,只能故作镇定地苦笑道:“不,我没有说谎,我是他的同学,否则干嘛来看他呢?” “不,你是'他们'的人!” "them?" 心里又猛晃了一下,抓着伞柄的手差点松开,所谓的“他们”是谁? 老人又打量我一番:“你不像是坏人,快点离开这吧。” “坏人?是谁坏人?” 我仍固执地缠着他,老人厌恶地说了声:“别再跟着我了。” 一直走到墓地的出口,我大声地问了一句:“请告诉我,你一定知道,兰陵王!” 终于,老人回头看着我,雨幕里看不清他的目光,只听到他缓缓回答—— “兰陵王是个魔鬼。”
上海浦东国际机场。 国际航班的边防检查通道,穿着制服的美女接过我的护照,看了看我尴尬的笑容,低头盖上出境图章。 行李已经托运好了,只有随身一个大包,总共不过几公斤份量,却让我走得步履沉重。掏出钱包和手机接受X光检查,顺利通过安检,这是登机前的最后一关。
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