Home Categories Thriller murder time gone

Chapter 89 deleted ending

murder time gone 蔡骏 1666Words 2018-03-22
2020. I am autumn harvest. I said I was writing a novel. This is my first novel, and maybe it won't be my last. Many excellent novels in the world are nothing but the illusion of the author, but this one I wrote is a real illusion. In 2010, I was sentenced to ten years in prison for attempted homicide. Ten years, I spent ten springs, summers, autumns and winters in this quiet prison, and finally finished writing this novel. My number here is "1914". Although, I had a red scar on my left arm, it didn't leave much aftermath, and I never thought about taking my own life again.

Facing the many long nights behind bars, I will think of that person, my first love, and my last love. I used to think that if I had enough courage, I could bridge the chasm between us. Unfortunately, that was just an illusion, a real illusion. She probably married a long time ago, gave birth to a child, and became a mother—more than one?Preferably a pair of children, both as beautiful as she is.She will definitely be a good wife, a good mother, a good daughter-in-law... I hope she completely forgets me. I put down my pen, closed the manuscript, curled up in a corner, and gradually fell asleep...

"1914!" Suddenly, the prison guard called my name from outside the prison window. Today is the day I was released from prison after serving my sentence. The sentence is counted from the day of detention, that is, from Christmas Eve in 2010 to Christmas Eve in 2020.I changed into a set of civilian clothes from the prison guards, and felt a little sad not to wear prison uniforms.I picked up my satchel, walked out of the guarded iron gates, and came to the open space outside the prison.I stretched out my hands and looked at the sky of freedom, which was not much different from the sky in prison.

Unfortunately, I did not see that person. The cold snow seeds were swept by the north wind again, mercilessly hitting the face. When I walked across the field outside the gate of the prison towards the bus station, a car pulled up beside me and stopped. The car window rolled down quickly, revealing a slightly unfamiliar face, and the man driving the car yelled, "Hello! Ah Qiu!" I froze for a moment, then bent down to carefully identify his face. "You don't know me anymore? I'm Gu Fei!" It turned out to be him, time was really a brick on his face, he was dry and thin, but he turned into a fat man who gained weight prematurely, it seems that he has lived a healthy life in the past ten years.

I got into Gu Fei's car.He hugged me warmly, and wiped his tears and snot on my collar inadvertently just like when he was hanging out with me.He drove the car onto the highway, talking about the changes in the past ten years.After he returned to his hometown in Northeast China, he soon married a wife and gave birth to a child. He ran a community supermarket called "Witch's District" which is a husband and wife shop. After driving the car on the highway for several hours, I no longer knew the road outside, and fell asleep in the seat unconsciously.When I woke up, I found that the car had driven into a big city, and there were Santa Claus advertisements flashing on the side of the road. Those scenes were both strange and familiar, until I confirmed that this was Shanghai.

"Why did you bring me here?" Feeling a little uneasy at the bottom of my heart, remembering the day I was caught ten years ago, the same snowy Christmas Eve, but Gu Fei smiled and didn't answer. At dusk, when the car was parked on the side of a road in the city center, he smiled and said, "Here's a Christmas present for you!" "what?" I didn't understand it all at once, and it wasn't until Gu Fei dragged me out of the car that I realized that the road looked familiar. Although the shops on the street had changed, the building was still the same as it was ten years ago.

What is even more amazing is that among the dozens of bare sycamore trees on the roadside, they are all connected by ropes, and are tied with hundreds of yellow ribbons, just like the branches are full of yellow flowers.The Christmas Eve wind and snow whizzed by, and the lights at the entrance of the building were turned on at once. The yellow ribbons and white snow formed a gorgeous picture, just like a real illusion. I see her. I recognized her. she. Around her neck is a yellow ribbon. Happiness yellow ribbon. Tears, damn tears, burst through my last defense. She came to me, still as beautiful as ten years ago, but I don't know what to say to her?The words she had prepared and the poems she had recited were all swept away by the yellow ribbon around her neck.

I feel my tears melt the snowflakes on my lips. Wearing a yellow ribbon, she bit my ear and said something, and then stuffed a small note into my hand. Spreading out the small note, I saw a group of blurred handwriting. After being at a loss for a moment, the memory suddenly became clear. It was written in my own hand twenty years ago, but it was passed on to her ten years later—the middle words can no longer be read clearly, only the first "I" and the last "you" remain. Another grain of snow fell and melted away the ink stains in the middle of the note, and then I read the hidden word.

"1914!" Suddenly, the prison guard called my name from outside the prison window, which woke me up from this incomparably perfect dream. He opened his eyes and looked at the black ceiling, feeling the tears in the corners of his eyes hazy. I finally woke up - tomorrow is the day of my release from prison. The prison guard opened the iron door of the cell, patted me on the shoulder and said, "Someone is visiting the prison! Strange, who will come to see you today?" I put on a thick cotton coat and followed the prison guards through the dark passage until the door of the visiting room opened.

In an instant, I closed my eyes and prayed to God silently! THE END
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