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Chapter 83 Chapter Thirty-Three

murder time gone 蔡骏 362Words 2018-03-22
field wheat. Almost fainted underground in the Witch's Quarter. The police officer Lao Wang put away his pistol and held onto the limp Mai Mai tightly. There were also two policemen who quickly loosened the silk scarf around Sheng Shihua's neck, and loosened the five-flowered tie around his body for him, and carried him out with his life hanging by a thread. Surprisingly, Sheng Shihua still had the strength to speak after coughing violently a few times: "Why did you shoot? Why didn't you kill me? Is he... still alive?" Police officer Lao Wang approached him and whispered a few words in his ear.

Sheng Shihua still had the blood of Autumn Harvest on his face, and he said frankly, "It was me... I killed... Xu Bizhen... in 1995... in the summer..." Lao Wang shook his head and said, "We are here to save you, but I didn't expect you to say it yourself. Does this count as surrender?" There were two more people in the basement: Mrs. Sheng and Sheng Zan. They rushed to their husband and father anxiously, and carried them outside in distress. However, Sheng Shihua ignored the appearance of his wife and children, turned around and said to the police: "Wait...wait a minute...I admit...I killed Xu Bizhen...but...I didn't...I didn't kill Teacher Murong...nor I didn't...nor did I kill Qian Ling..."

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