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Chapter 71 Chapter 21

murder time gone 蔡骏 1878Words 2018-03-22
December 24, 2010. Tian Mai opened his eyes, and the morning light through the curtains poured on his long eyelashes.She turned her head gently, only to find that the person next to her pillow had disappeared again, and the happiest night in her memory ended in such a cruel way. When she was fully awake, she began to call Qiushou loudly, and opened every room anxiously, but he was no longer there.It was nine o'clock in the morning, and she called Qiushou, only to find that his phone had been turned off. So, she frantically sent Qiu a text message—— "Why? You left again? Why? Don't give me a chance to wake up with you? Why? Don't give me a chance to kiss you awake every morning?"

When I opened the window, I found that the ground was covered with snow, just like the snowy days I had seen in my childhood, the ground and the roof were covered with whiteness, as if the world had become unreal in an instant.She breathed the cold air outside the window, and the hot air dissipated in the wind. She really wanted to hold hands with him, walk across the vast snow field, and disappear into the deep snowy night. She patiently tidied up the room for the autumn harvest, and arranged everything neatly.Opening the closet to look at his clothes, they were almost all monotonous colors and cheap brands, not the ones sold in the "Witch's Quarter" at all.However, she didn't see anything about women, so she could rest assured that he was truly single.Mai Mai opened his refrigerator, there was almost nothing there, except for a dozen packs of instant noodles, this habit was the same as hers.She took out a bag of noodles and cooked them in the kitchen. In the future, she will work hard to learn how to cook and give him a good appetite every night.After breakfast, she collapsed on the made bed, imagining the future world of the two of them—how many more minutes to wait?How many hours?How many days?How many months?several years?Or, next life?

Mai Mai turns on his computer and surfs the Internet, going to Tianya for entertainment and gossip or Jinjiang Tanmei for leisure, which is her biggest hobby besides online shopping. Before opening the webpage, she first saw a folder on the desktop called "Customer Photos".Curiously, he opened it and found that there were many photos inside, and some faces looked familiar—one of them was Qian Ling's photo! It was just at the door of Qian Ling's rented house, just as he was going out, it looked like he was secretly photographed across the road.There are more photos of Tian Xiaomai herself, most of them are downstairs in her house, there are photos of her coming home tired from get off work, and there are photos of her rushing out and getting into Lao Ding's taxi.

That's right, he has already grasped the situation of Mai Mai, and he also knows that Mai Mai is a house girl controlled by Taobao. It is not difficult to search through human flesh on Taobao.At the same time, Qiushou also grasped Qian Ling's situation. He let Qian Ling know about the "Witch's District" in a certain way, which easily made her addicted.80% of his buyers have varying degrees of psychological dependence on the "Witch's District", and only Qian Ling can affect Mai.This is his careful design, and there is always a chance that through Qian Ling's introduction, Mai can come to the "Witch's District".

And he also believed that that mysterious purple silk scarf was the best bait for Tian Mai. However, among the photos in Qiuharu's computer, the one that shocked Maimai the most was at the door of Shengzan's house. On the night of December 10th, she went to Sheng Zan's birthday family banquet. After the end, Sheng Zan's parents sent her out together. The photo included all four of them. Although the next few photos were taken at the same time, the focus was not on Mai Mai, but on another person—Sheng Zan’s father. Why do you have to shoot him repeatedly?Everyone else was ignored by Qiushou. There were a few close-ups aimed at Mr. Sheng's face, which were very clearly seen on the computer, and Mai Mai looked a little scared—I don't know if Mr. Sheng is dead or alive now?

It was this kind of telepathy that made her receive a phone call from Sheng Zan. Don't fight early, don't fight late, but at this time?She picked it up hesitantly, but remained polite: "Hello." "Huh? Why are you so polite?" Sheng Zan felt that this was not the way lovers speak, but he didn't realize the more serious change, "I haven't received your call for two days!" There was a hint of blaming her in the tone, and Maimai really felt guilty, and replied vaguely: "I'm sorry, I'm not in good health these days, how is your father?"

"Hey, there is still little news. My mother and I have already gone home. Let's hope the police can find him." "I will definitely find it!" "Mai, I have made a reservation for Christmas dinner at the Bund tonight, shall I pick you up in the afternoon?" "Christmas meal?" God!Only now did she remember that today is December 24th, Christmas Eve. "Yeah, I managed to get it. It's the best place on the Bund to see the river view." "Oh...but...but..." Her lips were trembling, not because she was hesitating whether to go, but because she wanted to say something so as not to make him sad?No, you have to confess to him sooner or later. Temporary escape is not the way, "I'm sorry! I can't accompany you tonight."

"why?" The praise on the other end of the phone was startled and urgent, as if hit by a bolt from the blue.Mai Mai didn't know how to explain, and shook her head sadly: "Sorry, I will tell you later. But, I really can't do it tonight! Goodbye!" She hangs up the phone forcefully, and one can imagine the expression of praise at this moment - her father is still missing, and his girlfriend's rejection at Christmas is tantamount to a house leak and rain all night. Within a minute, Sheng Zan called again, but she rejected the call cruelly. Then, every few minutes, he would make a call, and finally forced Maimai to shut down the phone.

It was almost noon, and there was still no sign of Autumn Harvest. She decided not to make the mistake of last time, and this time she had to wait for a long time. She didn't believe that Autumn Harvest would not come back again.However, she had to go home first, bring some daily necessities and inner and outer clothes, she couldn't always wear the current clothes.In order to return after going out, she rummaged around in the room for a long time, and finally found a large bunch of spare keys.She tried the key at the door and left after confirming. Going downstairs to the winter sun, stepping on the soft and slippery snow, like a simple little girl, she stretched out her hands nervously and happily, kicking up balls of white snow with her feet, as if she was dancing for herself.

"Merry Christmas! Tianmai!" Leaning over to grab a ball of snowballs, she blessed herself from the bottom of her heart.
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