Home Categories Thriller murder time gone

Chapter 43 Chapter Twenty Nine

murder time gone 蔡骏 5793Words 2018-03-22
daytime. Tian Xiaomai sat in the office building in Lujiazui, biting a ballpoint pen from time to time, picked up the phone after hesitation, and dialed her boyfriend's number—— "Sheng Zan, I'm sorry, I apologize to you." "Just because of last night? Don't worry, I'm not so narrow-minded. Didn't you often lose your temper like this in the past?" Why is his attitude so good?Really born a good man?Or is it that all men fall in love like this, and after they get married, they become another face? Mai Mai was really a little embarrassed: "Thank you! From now on, I will control my emotions and won't be willful anymore."

"Okay, I'll let you too—are you ready for the weekend?" "Oh, you mean the whole family traveling by car?" Mai Mai paused, looking at the cold steel building outside the window, "No problem!" "OK! Kiss one." Still as intimate as before, she kissed the phone lightly. Sheng Zan asked ambiguously, "Do you have time for dinner tonight?" "tonight?" She knew what he wanted to do tonight. "Is it not good?" "Tomorrow is Qian Ling's funeral, I don't want tonight." "Okay." He didn't show any displeasure, "I'll call you tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone, the deer in Wheat's chest kept jumping. Tonight——Actually, she still has time, but...she can't explain why? "Tian Mai! Express delivery!" She ran to the front desk to sign for the courier. It was the same courier wearing a helmet last time, and the sender column said "Witch District". The courier this time was just a thin sheet, so I couldn't figure out what was hidden inside, maybe it was just a few sheets of paper? Almost forgot what I bought?After returning to the desk and patting his head, he remembered the memory he took in the early morning.

2000, June. Where the chain of memory breaks. Taking advantage of others not paying attention, Mai Mai quietly opened the express envelope, but inside was a small note. Yellowed note. There was a line of unfamiliar handwriting on it—— Mai Mai's fingers trembled slightly, and the note fell onto the keyboard. Suddenly, my heart was stabbed deeply, and I remembered the nightmare that haunted me for many years, the deep ditch in the wilderness... There seemed to be some writing on the back of the note, and I turned it over carefully, but it was Tian Xiaomai's own handwriting—— She remembered.

This is my own words!It is also a note sent out by my own hands! The chain of memory has finally been re-welded back. This is the memory of ten years ago, the black June on the eve of the college entrance examination ten years ago, what she wrote on this note by herself. She has crossed once, is there a second time? 2000, June. Early in the morning, six o'clock. The heavy rain finally stopped. Tian Xiaomai tied her ponytail with a rubber band, and started from the small supermarket and crossed the road.She didn't dare to go in through the gate blatantly, so she could only walk along the outside of the school wall to the lowest part of the wall.

He hurriedly climbed up the fence, turned over and landed in the bushes, only to hear a man's voice: "Who?" She wanted to run away in a panic, but bumped into a burly man head-on—the dean of teaching, known as the "Terminator" by people in the world. Tian Mai was finally terminated. An hour later, she walked out of the dean's office, leaving several pairs of strange eyes behind her, pointing at Mai Mai's back, as if she had become the second teacher Murong.The head teacher was a middle-aged woman who had already lost face among the teachers, so she immediately scolded her like a dog.Fortunately, Mai Mai has always followed the rules and has excellent academic performance, so he was not taken to class and humiliated in public.No matter how the dean or other teachers interrogated her, or even used various threats, she didn't say where she went last night?Because of her attitude of resisting to the end, she will be severely punished.

Before the first class in the morning, she finally met Qian Ling, but they didn't know what to say?The girls in the same dormitory all knew that she hadn't come back all night, and they all whispered gossip. Sitting at his desk, Xiaomai found a note in his pocket when he was sorting out his books and notes—the kind of note paper sold in small supermarkets, with a line of autumn harvest written on it—— To pieces? She stared blankly at the words, but her heart was cold. The flames in the basement seemed to have been completely extinguished last night. This was what the boy quietly stuffed into her pocket when she was parting in the morning.

At this moment, the math teacher came in for class, and Qian Ling sat beside her. Mai Mai covered the note with the back of her hand and stuffed it back into her pocket. Throughout the morning, she sat absent-mindedly, not talking to her best friend at the same table.She had a terrible feeling that the math teacher was looking at her from the podium, as if she was going to strip her of all her clothes. When it was lunch break, she didn't go out of the school again, but went to the garden alone in a daze, looking at the wet soil after the rain, and the ground was full of dead flowers and fallen leaves.

"wheat." A voice sounded from behind, and she turned around to see Qian Ling's beautiful face.There was no one else around, and they used to hide in the corner like this before, whispering heart-to-heart whispers to each other. "You all know?" "I don't know!" Qian Ling sat beside her, "Where did you go last night?" "Sorry, I can't tell." "I know—" Qian Ling stared into her eyes sternly, "Last night, I was inside the school gate and saw you go to the small supermarket, and then left with him." Mai Mai's face changed greatly: "Are you peeking at me?"

"Because we are best friends, I must care about you." "I don't think it's caring!" Qian Ling didn't mind what she thought, and said aggressively, "You admitted it? Last night, you were with him?" After staring at the garden silently for a while, Xiaomai had already acquiesced. "My God! Really?" Qian Ling was still extremely surprised, or she expected that it was not true. "I don't know what 'really' you mean?" Wheat squeezed the corner of her clothes, and plucked off a poor leaf, "I'm eighteen years old, and I have enough capacity for civil conduct, not a child!"

"Mai, you still don't understand what I mean? I have never objected to your falling in love, and I think the handsome guy with glasses from the third class is very suitable for you! I just object to you being with such a boy!" "What kind of boy?" She understood what Qian Ling meant, but she didn't like that way of speaking. "The son of the shopkeeper! Are you clear enough? We all know that the shopkeeper is a countryman. He came to work. In essence, he is no different from the migrant workers on the construction site! His small shop also depends on us high school students. Otherwise, there is no way to survive here - he has no money, no status, no household registration, and no future! He is the son of a migrant worker!" "Okay!" She covered her ears with her hands, lowered her head tremblingly, "Stop talking." "Mai Mai, you never realized this?" Qian Ling made up her mind not to let her go, "It's so stupid and naive! Do you think you still live in a kindergarten? Surrounded by children like you? Every child's home is Similar income and status? The times are different! There is a huge difference between people nowadays! Some people are superior to others, while others are inferior to others!" "Don't you think your ideas are too realistic? Are they too utilitarian?" Tian Xiaomai feels that the best friend in front of him has become a complete stranger, no longer an eighteen-year-old high school girl. "Sorry, this is not my idea—it's the reality of this society! Don't think about it like this, everyone will act according to this set of rules! Moreover, I believe that the real utilitarian person is definitely not me, but the one you like that person!" "Qian Ling, what do you mean?" She stood up angrily, and it seemed that Liang Shenghua was about to turn his back on her. "Please use your brain, okay? Don't be so stubborn! Think about it, the son of a migrant worker like him sits there all day watching the cashier in the store. What kind of future do you think he can have? You are different, Xiaomai. Yes, you are an authentic Shanghai girl who is about to graduate from high school and enter university, your future life is bright - if he is really lucky enough to be with you, then his life can be completely changed, and he will rely on you And if you stay here for a long time, you can get many things that he and his family can't get in a lifetime!" "No, he didn't think so at all." "Have you opened his brain to see? Can you know everyone's heart?" Qian Ling's retort left her speechless, "He can use you to get together! But, what can you get from him? Have you ever thought about it? He won't bring you anything of value! That worthless little shop? I'm sorry, but I can see your future—a miserable future if you push yourself any further! You'll lose everything you could possibly gain, You can't become a real superior person, nor can you become a woman envied by all your classmates. You can only mix with a group of inferior people forever, and always struggle for daily necessities! You will age several times faster than others Go, your youth will be shorter than most people, and then you will regret it! Regret why you didn't listen to your best friend!" Mai Mai's teeth began to tremble, but she still refused to bow to Qian Ling, and said like she was reading a line from Qiong Yao's play: "Do you think love is an exchange of equal value?" "Essentially, yes!" "Qian Ling, you actually think this way? It's too scary!" "Aren't handsome guys and beautiful women the equivalent exchange of handsomeness and beauty? Beautiful women and rich people are the equivalent exchange of beauty and wealth; beautiful women and the children of cadres are the equivalent exchange of beauty and power; handsome men and rich girls are the equivalent exchange of The equivalent exchange of handsomeness and wealth; the equivalent exchange of beauty and power between a handsome man and the daughter of a cadre; the equivalent exchange of wealth and power between a rich man and a cadre’s daughter—it will always be an exchange of equal value, regardless of love or marriage!" "However, youth and beauty are the easiest to fade away—what shall we do then?" Qian Ling smiled precociously: "It's enough to enjoy it at the most youthful and beautiful time! When the beauty fades away, we have our own way to think about the future." "My God, who told you these thoughts?" "Society." She put her arms around Mai Mai's shoulders again and whispered softly, "Actually, I also believe that love is the most beautiful, but love without future and hope is the scariest thing! You can't just see The happiness in front of you, do you still have to see if there is a tomorrow? Yes, I also think that the son of the shop owner is very handsome. Whenever he sits in the shop silently, he has a special temperament that attracts girls." "Not just these!" However, Wheat doesn't want to talk about what happened when she was thirteen, nor does she want to talk about many of her similarities with Qiu Harvest, such as the shared sadness when hearing "Match Paradise". "Well, even if there are many other reasons. But I'll tell you, because I have this experience-young girls always get carried away by love!" She shook her head stubbornly: "I'm not dizzy." "Tch, I don't believe it! Have you read too many romance novels? Yes, we all love to read stories like this, thinking that love can cross many boundaries - family, class, race, social status - But, that’s a novel! That’s a movie! It’s not reality! Because it’s impossible to realize it in reality, or every time it’s realized, it ends in tragedy, so those female writers who can’t get happiness in their lives will satisfy themselves in novels Your fantasy—by the way, this is a fantasy, and it is also an illusion, no matter how real and beautiful you think, it will eventually be shattered!" "A real hallucination?" Seeing Mai Mai's blank and terrified eyes, Qian Ling felt that she was about to persuade her, and stepped up her tongue and said, "That's right! You must know that such a boy is in two different worlds from you, and you can't cross this line." Boundary! Even if it can be crossed, the one who is really hurt is you, maybe as long as he achieves his goal, he will soon dump you again!" "Shut up! Don't curse me like that!" However, Qian Ling persisted and continued: "Mai, I don't want to lose you because of that scheming and humble migrant worker's son! We are the twins of Nanming High School, we should always be good friends, nothing can break us up !" "Speaking of which, aren't you doing it for yourself?" Mai Mai couldn't help standing up again, finally tearing her face off to her best friend, "Qian Ling, as long as you don't stop me from interfering with me, I still regard you as my last friend." Good sister. If you must oppose me, you can only be like a stranger!" Before the words were finished, Tian Xiaomai had gotten rid of her entanglement and ran towards the classroom quickly. Among the flowers and plants in the garden, Qian Ling stood there alone, like another budding flower, but with dripping rain. There is a deep gap between the two flowers. So, Qian Ling buried her head in tears. at dusk. Knowing that the teacher had her eye on her, Maimai walked out of the school gate and walked across the road to the small supermarket. This time it was the shopkeeper who was at the cash register, and the boy was hiding behind the shelf to read.She approached him softly, coughed deliberately, Qiushou raised her head nervously, looked at her face but remained silent. They don't know how to talk to each other? After a few minutes of stalemate, she took out the small piece of paper with the words Autumn Harvest written on the front, "There is a deep ditch between us, and anyone who tries to cross it will be smashed to pieces!" Wheat's handwriting was written on the back of the note—— ——She wrote it down quietly in math class, and she had to let him know——Tian Xiaomai is not a coward. There were other students in the store, and some people had noticed them, but she still returned the note to Qiu Harvest. The young man looked at the words he wrote in the morning, and turned it over to find the words on the back of the wheat - he read it silently, and then stuffed the note into his pocket. Qiushou stood up straight, looked at her wide eyes, eyes that radiated persistent gaze, his lips trembled slightly, and he firmly grabbed her hand. Smooth delicate girlish hands. Fiery strong teenager's hand. The two hands were tightly squeezed together, like two pieces of soil that were smashed and kneaded with water. At this moment in the evening, they naively believed that there was no longer any power in the world to separate these two hands. The next day, the school decided on the punishment for Maimai—she was given a demerit for not returning home at night. Considering that she is a girl, she has always been excellent in character and learning, and her father is a policeman, who is about to face the college entrance examination. In order not to affect the review, the school is still merciful and did not publicly announce it to the whole school. However, how can this kind of gossip be concealed?The whole class knew about it that day. Tian Xiaomai doesn't care, she doesn't care what others think?She didn't care about everyone's pointing eyes, and she didn't care about the teacher's pity for her. The only thing she cared about was Qian Ling's sadness. However, she was also embarrassed to comfort Qian Ling. She knew that she had hurt the heart of her best friend, so how could she have the face to speak up? That being the case, Mai Mai no longer concealed it—after lunch, she blatantly walked out of the school gate, went to the small supermarket opposite, found an eighteen-year-old boy Qiushou, and ate popsicles with him hand in hand.The shopkeeper was embarrassed when he saw them, Mai Mai still greeted him politely, but he simply lowered his head and pretended not to see them. At noon, many students in the store came to buy things, most of them were in the first and second grades of high school.They were surprised to see that Mai, who was wearing a school uniform, was actually holding hands with the son of the shop owner, sitting behind the shelf and chatting happily, as intimate as a little lover in society.Mai Mai has not shy away from it, even if she is seen by her classmates, she gets closer to Qiushou's face.On the contrary, the boy is sometimes shy, and hides in dark corners with a blushing face, not daring to be caught by those strange eyes. For the next two weeks, every day at noon and evening, she would dress herself up beautifully, come to the shop in full view, and chat with Qiushou as if no one else was around.His personality is also much more cheerful, and he can also joke and guess riddles with Mai.Sometimes he quietly blindfolded her eyes, and she sat there quietly, covering his hand and not letting go, feeling the happiness of being blindfolded by the boy she loves.She would also let him take out the guitar and listen to him play those tunes with his chin resting.Although he replayed those few songs over and over again, almost making her recite the lyrics, but she was still willing to listen to his singing.He is free only when playing the guitar. She regards the small supermarket as her home, and occasionally helps him watch the store together, and even helps the owner of the store to collect cash and change money, which surprised the students who came to buy things. Once, she touched the dazzling array of shelves and said loudly to Qiushou: "If I can meet a store in the future, I can buy all the things I want, even beautiful dreams, and hope for the future." All right!" For a moment, the boy looked at her silently, something flickered in his eyes. After school in the afternoon, Qiushou often rides a broken bicycle and takes wheat to the nearby wilderness.As long as the weather is good, they will fly kites in the wilderness.Looking at the paper kite made by the boy, riding the wind straight to the distant sky, it seems that all the troubles can be forgotten. On many evenings on the bicycle, she sat contentedly on the schoolbag rack, hugging the boy's waist tightly, making him tickle and laugh out loud from time to time.And he sometimes stretches out his arms, like the shot of the Titanic, except that the luxury cruise ship has become a bicycle, and the Atlantic Ocean has become a suburban trail.More often, Maimai put her head against his back, closed her eyes and listened to the wind blowing past her ears, felt her skirt fluttering, felt the rustling of leaves on the roadside, felt the changing clouds in the sky, felt the warmth of summer. The pond is rippling... Just let him take him away, leave this city forever, leave those strange eyes staring at them forever, and go to another free country. Soon, the news spread throughout the huge school. No matter the teachers or the students of all grades, they all knew that there was a girl named Tian Xiaomai in Class 2 (2) of Senior High School, who was also a well-known school belle of Nanming High School. The teenager is in love! "Pure School Belle Falls in Love with Migrant Worker's Son" - This gossip became the headline news of the school. The school leaders held a meeting to discuss urgently and comprehensively strengthen the management of each student.Every night, Tian Xiaomai will be taken care of by the teacher. The windows on the ground floor of the dormitory are sealed with iron bars, and the low wall at the back is also temporarily raised to ensure that there will be no more acts of climbing over the wall.The old man on duty at the gate also recognized Mai Mai, and was questioned every time she left the school, and sometimes she was simply not allowed to go out. As for the classmates in the class and the girls in the dormitory, they all regarded Tian Xiaomai as a monster—she had been classified as abnormal.What made her saddest was that Qian Ling, her best friend who used to talk about everything, hardly talked to her anymore. However, all these pressures are unimportant - Mai Mai cares most about the teenagers opposite the school, and only looks forward to the short moments of encountering the autumn harvest at noon and dusk every day. first love. FIRST LOVE
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