Home Categories Thriller murder time gone

Chapter 3 Chapter two

murder time gone 蔡骏 1695Words 2018-03-22
The rain didn't stop until midnight. Tian Yuejin glanced at the clock on the wall, the hour hand had reached eleven o'clock.The leaves of sycamore trees with raindrops beat against the windows, sending in a cool and threatening evening breeze.He felt a little cold in his back, but fortunately his shoulder no longer hurt, so he pushed open the door. In the autopsy room of the Public Security Bureau, the tired forensic doctor took off his gloves and complained, "Are you here?" "I'm sorry, the child found at the scene of the murder has been refusing to speak."

Lao Tian scratched his head to cheer himself up, and spent the whole day on the case. He only called home in the evening and asked his daughter to cook instant noodles for dinner. His thirteen-year-old daughter had reason to hate him. At this moment, the boy was in the office downstairs, and two little policemen took turns staring at him.Since returning to the bureau in the morning, the boy kept bowing his head in silence, occasionally sobbing, and did not eat the food delivered by the cafeteria, only drank a large glass of water when he was extremely thirsty.Lao Tian asked questions patiently and imagined many possibilities.But the young man was like a mute, or suffering from aphasia, and he didn't say a word.He was definitely not a deaf-mute person. From the look in his eyes, Lao Tian could tell that he responded to the police's questioning, and he became numb in the afternoon, as if everyone around him had disappeared.I don't know how long it will take?tomorrow morning?Tomorrow night?forever?

The forensic doctor yawned and pulled out a corpse from the freezer—the victim of the Nanming Road murder case. Lifting off the layer of white cloth covering the corpse, there is no longer a charming pink nightdress, and the mysterious silk scarf around the neck has also been removed by the identification department for inspection.Now a dead naked woman, suffocating with embalming white gas.Her eyelids have been closed by the forensic doctor, and her expression has become serene, as if she fell asleep in a freezer.Although in her thirties, she is sexier than most young women.However, the wrinkles on her belly showed that she was already a mother.

Where the silk scarf was originally wrapped, a purple scar appeared on the snow-white and icy neck.Lao Tian's judgment was correct, she was strangled to death with a silk scarf, and the forensic report confirmed this. Tian Yuejin quickly covered her with a white cloth - he couldn't bear to take another look, even though her body was still alluring. "what happened to you?" The forensic doctor sent the deceased back to the freezer, and Lao Tian took half a step back, clutching his temples: "I feel a little uncomfortable." "This is the first time." In this cold autopsy room, Tian Yuejin saw countless corpses, including those poor people who had been dissected, but it never affected his emotions.Do not know why?The death of this woman, so touching his fear?Innate mercy?A middle-aged man's pity for a beautiful and weak woman?The compassionate heart mentioned in ancient books?Just like when he just became a policeman and came into contact with the first murder case, he burst into tears for the young victim and vowed to catch the murderer with his own hands, but he completed the oath within three days.That was twenty years ago, and now this feeling came back to my heart, even if I had never met the deceased.

Just because she died so beautifully?Or the look in his eyes when he died?Or that seductive purple silk scarf?Is he destined to meet a ghostly criminal?Or—is it a ghost? "Don't tell me!" He put down a sentence coldly, so as not to be like those newcomers who just graduated from the police academy, and become the laughing stock of the old guys in the bureau. "Okay." The forensic doctor packed up the report, "According to the test results, the time of her death was between 22:00 and 24:00 last night. The murderer should be an adult male with relatively strong arms. He strangled the victim from behind with a silk scarf." , suffocated to death within a minute. Some hair and fingerprints have been taken from the deceased, but there is no sign of sexual assault."

Tian Yuejin nodded silently, exactly as he judged on the spot, he leaned against the wall and said, "Thank you!" Suddenly, the door of the autopsy room was pushed open, and 25-year-old policeman Xiao Wang came in and shouted, "Old Tian, ​​that kid has spoken!" After being stunned for less than a second, Tian Yuejin quickly rushed out of the autopsy room, walked through the damp and dark corridor, jumped down the stairs with his hands on the railing, and returned to the office. The teenager lay on the table, crying sadly, and the crying could be heard throughout the Public Security Bureau.Lao Tian's heart was tugged by the crying, and it seemed that it had turned into fragile glass, which would soon be shattered together.He walked behind the young man and stroked the violently heaving back: "My child, it's all right! It's all over, you can say it."

After continuing to cry for two minutes, the boy slowly raised his head, his eye sockets were swollen from crying, and tears kept streaming down his face.This sad look aroused sympathy, and Lao Tian calmly took out his handkerchief and gently wiped away his tears. "I saw!" This is the voice from the boy's mouth. It is the voice change period of thirteen or fourteen years old. It sounds dry, hoarse and harsh. The two little policemen next to him were very excited, and Tian Yuejin signaled everyone to calm down and not to make any noise, so as not to disturb the boy's memory.

"what did you see?" "Face." The boy's eyes widened, as if that face was right in front of him—unfortunately, all he could see was Lao Tian's face. "Whose face?" Tian Yuejin didn't want to avoid his eyes, but used his calm expression to control the teenager's emotions that might get out of control at any time. "I saw the murderer's face!" The boy shouted again, his eyes were full of anger and hatred, and at the same time he spewed out strong foam, most of which splashed on Lao Tian's face.But he didn't mind, instead he was very excited about it - he waited for almost a day and a night, didn't he just hear this sentence?

"Okay, tell me slowly, what does the murderer look like?" The boy lowered his head, trembling for a moment, then raised his head halfway and lowered his voice, like a grown man—— "A demon!"
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