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Chapter 8 Half a Game of Chess in the Garden of Eden

lost city 蔡骏 4243Words 2018-03-22
long long long long ago... The universe has not yet been formed, darkness covers emptiness and chaos, and only God moves in it.One day, God said: "Let there be light!" So there was day and night.On the second day, God said: "Let the waters be separated by air." Then there was heaven... On the sixth day, God said: "Let the earth produce living creatures; livestock, insects, and wild animals according to their kinds." With all kinds of creatures, God believed that all created things needed to be managed, so he pinched a clay figurine in his own image, breathed the breath of life into the clay figurine's nose, and the first man Adam was born.On the seventh day, God rested for a day, and since then Sunday has become a day of rest for human beings.

Although Adam came to the world, he felt very lonely. God decided to create a spouse for him, and took off one of Adam's ribs while he was asleep, and created a woman named Eve.Adam and Eve lived naked in the Garden of Eden, where all kinds of exotic flowers and plants grew, surrounded by four rivers, and they were carefree all day long. God commanded them: "You may eat from every tree in the garden as you like, but you must not eat from the tree of knowledge, for the day you eat of it you will die." One day, Adam and Eve were targeted by Satan, the leader of the devil.Satan turned into a snake. At that time, the snake had a human body, dragged a long tail, and had a pair of wings flying in the air.The snake flew to the ground, stood up like a question mark, and said to Eve, "Did God really say that you are not allowed to eat from all the trees in the garden?!"

Eve was not afraid, because the winged snake looked very beautiful, and she answered calmly, "God said you can eat it, but except the fruit from the tree of knowledge, if you eat it, you will die." "Understood, but do you feel bored living in this Garden of Eden all day long?" She sighed and said, "Well, the Garden of Eden is good, but Adam is as dull as a log, and sometimes I feel quite boring." The snake smiled mysteriously: "Haha, then I will give you something. With this thing, you and Adam will have a lot of fun." "What is it? Show me." Eve's appetite was obviously whetted.

So the snake produced a wooden box from its wings.Eve opened the box curiously, and found that inside was a square wooden plate, with black and white squares drawn one by one, and there were sixty-four squares in total. Two groups of small puppets of different colors are placed on both sides of the wooden plate, with 16 puppets on each side.Except for the puppets with two horses on each side, the rest are images that Eve has never seen before.These small puppets and lattice wooden plates surprised her, and she fiddled with them for a while and said, "What are these?" The snake pointed to the two puppets in the middle and said, "Does this look like the flower crown you usually wear on your head? By the way, this is the queen, and the one next to it is naturally the king."

Eve asked puzzledly: "Then what is a queen and what is a king?" The snake smiled and told her the answer that would only come after a thousand years. It turns out that there are still such people and things in the world!Eve felt what an interesting animal humans were.Then she asked about the origins of other kinds of puppets, and the snake told her one by one truthfully, for example, the one next to the king and queen is an elephant, the one next to the elephant is a horse, the one next to the horse is a cart, and the one standing in the front row The eight puppets are pawns—soldiers.

What Eve didn't know was that Satan actually had the magical power to predict the future. She stroked the puppets and asked, "Wow, that's amazing, what are they called?" "Chess! The checkered wooden board below is the chess board, and these puppets are the chess pieces. This is the highest wisdom of you humans!" After all, the snake taught Eve all the rules and skills of chess. "It's so fun!" Eve couldn't put it down, "Can I play chess with Adam?" "Of course, this is for you." The snake flew away after speaking. Eve happily took the chess and found Adam who was fishing by the river.

Adam also saw this thing for the first time, and he learned the rules and tricks faster than Eve.The two immediately laid out the chess pieces and started to play. At the beginning, the two moved very clumsily, but in a blink of an eye, each of them ate most of the other's sons, leaving only the king and queen fighting each other.In the end, when Adam was not paying attention, his king was killed by Eve's queen, and Eve won the first game. Adam, who lost the game, was very annoyed. He carefully recalled every step he took just now, and felt that there were many better moves he could make.So they played the second set, and this time Adam was much smarter and easily won Eve.

Not to be outdone, Eve played extremely slowly in the third set, thinking over and over the number of ways Adam would deal with every step she took.Finally, after a long confrontation and fighting, Adam's king was cornered and was eaten by Eve's pawns. ... They played more than a dozen games of chess in a row that day, forgetting to eat and sleep, often getting red-faced because of a certain move.The terrible thing is that Adam still has the bad habit of regretting chess. At first Eve gave him back, but later she refused to give up an inch of ground, so that Adam always shouted that he made a mistake, and then watched his stone being eaten and felt depressed. endlessly.

It wasn't until they were so hungry that they picked a few pieces of mushrooms from the ground to satisfy their hunger, and then they lowered their heads and fought again.They are constantly calculating in the chess game, how the opponent will move next, and where to go to move the rook or horse.At this time Adam was surprised to find that he had never been able to count the fruits on the tree before, but now he could count addition, subtraction, multiplication and division clearly.Eve is also very strange. She used to wonder why the squid hid in the river all day, but when her queen unexpectedly caught Adam's king, she began to admire the wisdom of the squid in hunting.

After several days like this, they played chess non-stop day and night.Every time a game of chess starts, Adam will engrave a mark on the trunk, which is the earliest counting symbol for human beings.When the notch on the tree reached the 189th, they were still sitting by the river and playing chess intently.Both of them tried their best in this game of chess. No one could have imagined that they would come up with such a clever move. It was simply the highest wisdom ever. They were all happy for themselves who were getting smarter. After the game entered the middle game, the confrontation between the two sides became more and more intense. Adam mercilessly ate one of Eve's horses, and Eve retaliated more fiercely, biting off one of Adam's rooks.Adam's eyes were full of desire to destroy his opponent, and he wanted to kill the opponent's king.And Eve also hated the cunning and insidiousness in Adam's chess game, and tried her best to teach the kid a lesson.Finally, the chess game entered the most critical moment. Adam made the most powerful and risky move, and Eve's response was extremely important. Then the king and queen are in danger.

Eve paused for a long time, tightly holding the "killed" chess pieces in her palms, and beads of sweat kept sliding down her forehead and rolling on her smooth and firm body.Suddenly, a gust of wind blew from nowhere and blew a "dead" chess piece to the side of the river. She went to the river to pick up the chess pieces, just in time to catch a glimpse of her beautiful naked body from the calm water.Suddenly, she found that her face in the water had changed a lot, and Adam had changed even more, almost completely turning into another person—why is this?Just when Eve was confused, she slipped and fell into the river.Although Eve was good at swimming, her feet were entangled in the water plants at the bottom of the river, and she couldn't break free no matter how she kicked her feet.She shouted to Adam for help, but Adam remained indifferent by the river, his eyes still fixed on the chessboard, studying how to eliminate Eve's king next. Eve was almost desperate, she never thought that Adam would be like this, would he just watch his only one of his kind in this world die?Eve suddenly yelled: "Adam, if I die, no one will play a chess game with you!" After what Eve said, Adam jumped into the river and rescued her.Before Eve recovered, Adam pulled her to the chessboard and said indifferently, "Okay, it's your turn to make this move." Eve was completely stunned by this expression. What happened to Adam?And what happened to herself?Shouldn't chess bring them wisdom and joy? No——Eve shook her head abruptly. She looked at the chess pieces on the chessboard, each of them was like a living person. They are all her future descendants. They all have their own blood in them. Brothers and sisters, but split into two halves to kill each other! She had never seen a lion or tiger eat its own kind, no matter how ferocious they were. But these "people" on the chessboard did it! Will Adam do the same? For the first time since Adam's rib turned into a woman and came into this world, Eve felt a bone-chilling fear. Looking at Adam's face at this moment, she seemed to see everything that would happen thousands of years later. What else could change Adam?That must be a higher intelligence than chess. Is there such a thing in the Garden of Eden? Suddenly, Eve thought of something. She immediately left Adam and the chess game behind and ran to the center of the Garden of Eden, where the tree of wisdom grew quietly. Looking at the beautiful fruit under the tree, Eve was filled with so many brilliant colors that her saliva was about to flow down. However, she remembered God's warning - "Only do not eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge, because the day you eat of it you will die." Suddenly, a snake flew over from nowhere. It flapped its wings and said, "Have you hesitated? Do you want to watch Adam go crazy?" Eve shook her head: "No, it's all your fault, why did you give me chess?" "Chess is just a tool for boredom and entertainment. Adam lost himself in chess because he had desires in his heart." The snake flew to Eve's ear and said in a voice full of temptation, "The only way to save Adam and yourself , is to eat the fruit of the tree of wisdom, and you will have the wisdom to get rid of the control of chess." Although Eve was still a little hesitant, the fruit on the tree of knowledge was very fresh and tender, and it was more beautiful than any fruit she had ever eaten, so she was finally induced to pick it off. She didn't eat the fruit right away, but took it back to the creek. At this time, Adam was getting impatient. He knocked on the chessboard and said, "Where have you been? I'm still waiting for you to make the next move!" Eve held up the fruit of the tree of knowledge and said, "Adam, shall we make a bet? If you win this game, you can eat the fruit; if I win, I can eat the fruit; if we play If it's a draw, then divide the fruit into half and eat it, okay?" Poor Adam had already forgotten God's warning. He felt that betting was a very interesting way to play, and the fruit of the tree of knowledge was really good-looking, so he agreed wholeheartedly.He has been calculating by the chessboard for most of the day, and he feels that he is sure enough to win this game. This is the first time that humans have wagered. Eve put the fruit of the tree of wisdom next to the chessboard, carefully looked at the situation of the chess game, and then made the most important move with a "king's rook shift". In an instant, Adam was stunned. He didn't expect that Eve would take the step of "changing the king's carriage", which completely disrupted all the possible ways he had calculated. What's the next step?Adam hesitated for a long time but had no way out. For the first time, he found that he could no longer destroy Eve's king, and Eve could no longer destroy his king. This game of chess can no longer tell the winner. The first draw. This was something Adam had to admit. He sat down on the ground in disappointment, but his eyes were still fixed on the fruit of the tree of knowledge. Eve finally showed a beautiful smile. She put the fruit on the tip of her nose and sniffed it. The fragrance fascinated her.Then she took a big bite with joy, chewing the delicious pulp in her mouth, and the delicious juice slipped into her stomach. She smiled and said to Adam: "We draw, you can eat half of it too." Adam was not polite at all, hurriedly snatched the remaining half, and swallowed it whole in his mouth.The bad thing is that Adam was so impatient that he swallowed the core together, and it got stuck in his throat.Since then, there has been a fruit-like thing protruding from his throat, and all men in later generations have inherited this, which is now called "Adam's Apple". Adam changed again. He no longer liked chess, and threw all the pieces into the river.But he did not return to the carefree Adam in the past, his eyes became brighter, and the world in front of him expanded a lot. The same is true for Eve. When she looked down and saw her naked body, she immediately felt ashamed. She quickly wove a skirt out of fig leaves to cover her lower body, and at the same time wove a pair of trousers for Adam. Only then did Adam and Eve realize that they were inseparable from each other. This is the love between men and women. We all know the later stories——God was furious when he discovered all this, and punished Adam to be a farmer all his life, working hard in the fields to avoid starvation; Cut off the four legs and wings, walk on the belly for life, feed on the soil, and make enemies of women. When they see women, they bite their heels. Therefore, women are afraid of snakes, and men beat them seven inches when they see snakes. Adam and Eve lost their paradise and could only reproduce on the earth. They gave birth to countless children, and their descendants spread all over the world. So far, there are six billion living beings. However, the half game in the Garden of Eden was not over yet. Because the descendants of Adam and Eve will never accept the outcome of a tie.At this moment, they are still racking their brains to play the second half of the game.
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