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Chapter 4 eve's password

lost city 蔡骏 11804Words 2018-03-22
she is pretty. Amazingly beautiful.A head of curly black hair with a few strands of natural red hair.A pair of big, bright black eyes sparkle, a vivid and mischievous nose, full lips, and a soft jaw line.More importantly, her almost light brown skin, healthy complexion, is between Chinese and African.She doesn't seem to belong to any race, or, in other words, the characteristics of any race can be found in her.Of course, those colleagues who admire her know that her father is a Chinese, and her mother is said to be an African, a perfect combination of genes. At the moment, she is turning on her computer in the Institute of Molecular Biology, Zhonghua University.Through the Internet, she received an invitation letter——

Three days ago, on the snow-covered summit of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, two ancient human remains were discovered, and the remains were surprisingly intact.Paleoanthropologist Professor Zhang has conducted preliminary inspections and found that the two skeletons are about 140,000 years old and exhibit almost identical physical characteristics to modern humans.This is likely to be another major discovery related to the origin of human beings. Therefore, Professor Zhang invited an authoritative research institution in this field, the Institute of Molecular Biology, Chung Hwa University, to assist them in further research.

After reading it, she thought maybe she should go to Africa once and greet those two people from 140,000 years ago.First, though, she should break the news to her father, a renowned molecular biologist. When the male colleagues saw her coming out, they all greeted her graciously.She is so charming, both physically and mentally.So much so that all the men were secretly trying to win her heart, but no one succeeded.She even hates men a little bit, no matter how good they are.However, there is one exception, and that is her father. Half an hour later, she returned home. This is a house with a mountain back and a sea, a paradise on the edge of the city.She hasn't been home for a week, and stays working in the laboratory day and night.But my father was just the opposite. In the last month, he locked himself at home all day, not knowing what he was busy with.She always had a premonition that her father was getting more and more abnormal.She asked her father why, but his father always answered with a long sigh. In that sigh, she could hear some kind of unspeakable pain and sadness hidden in his heart.

Is it because of my mother?My father said that from the day she was born, my mother passed away forever, without even leaving a single photo.Her father could only tell her that her mother was from Africa and as charming as she was.Counting by pinching fingers, my father has lived a single life for twenty years.Maybe he should find another woman.But he never thought that he only cared about his daughter, and sometimes she even felt that her father's love for her had surpassed his father's love. She went into the living room and called out to Papa, but no one answered.The inexplicable uneasiness came to her heart again. She searched the whole house, but found no trace of her father.Except the basement.

Since she was a child, her father had firmly told her not to break into the basement.Now she was standing in front of the basement door, and her father's eyes that concealed some kind of secret emerged before her eyes.Finally, unable to restrain her impulse, she opened the basement door. When the soft light illuminated the mysterious basement, I found that my father was not here, only a strange machine, which looked like some kind of medical treatment equipment, with a groove that could accommodate a person. Inside is a glass cover.There is a screen and a keyboard on the top of the machine.When she walked to the machine, the screen suddenly lit up, and a line of words appeared inside - "My daughter, you are finally here."

"Daddy!" she cried. "Where are you?" The screen replied: "Actually, I am not your father. Sorry, I should not call you 'daughter', I can only call you: Eve. Now, my dear little Eve, I will leave you forever." She shook her head blankly. Obviously, the words on the screen were her father's words, but why didn't he recognize her as a daughter? Now, the secret has finally been revealed on the screen through the words of the father (if he can still be called a father)- My little Eve, the instrument in front of you right now is a time machine.Things go back more than twenty years.At that time, I was still a young man in his twenties. Apart from focusing on molecular biology, I was also very interested in physics.I talked to a professor of metaphysics who invented this time machine.However, an accident happened in an experiment, and the professor was sent to Nanjing in December 1937 by the time machine, and never came back.I was determined to complete the professor's experiment, so I manipulated the machine by myself and made a time travel.

It was a wonderful experience. I set the end of time travel on the East African grasslands 143,000 years ago.However, I also keep a tiny time traveler in my backpack for when I go back.You can't understand how excited I was when I first landed on the ancient continent. Everything is like a dream. I found some species that are extinct today, and some species are not the same as today's descendants.I even regret why I didn't freeze the time to the Cretaceous period, so that I could witness dinosaurs with my own eyes.But soon I no longer regretted it, because I saw a more valuable species-human beings.

Yes, humans, without a doubt humans.It is neither Homo erectus nor early Homo sapiens like Neanderthals, but new humans, who are almost indistinguishable from modern humans, more precisely, the earliest modern humans from a biological point of view. She is a woman. More importantly, she is beautiful. Unbelievable, 143,000 years ago, a beautiful young woman appeared in front of my eyes.Her bare skin is not as dark as I imagined, but a healthy light brown, between yellow and black, and so is her face.Her big, bright black eyes were staring at me intently.Her lips are as full and sexy as today's Africans, but the line of her jaw is as soft as that of East Asians.She also has curly black hair with strands of red in it.

This is the woman from 143,000 years ago, her beauty is wild.Her upper body is bare, the skin on her chest is seductively reflective, her shoulders and calves are full of toned muscles, and there is hardly any excess fat. I know that she has exercised it in the arduous outdoor survival.The only cover she has is a cheetah skin wrapped around her waist, the spots of which give her a lot of color, maybe she has the same aesthetics as us. She is looking at me. For a moment, time seemed to stand still, and I also stared blankly at her, at the face of our ancestors, until she suddenly turned around and flew away.

She ran like a real cheetah, I only saw the leopard skin full of beautiful spots around her waist swaying and moving away.I chased after her helplessly, but my speed was too slow, and I could only yell at her loudly, this is really ridiculous, how could people understand the language of modern people 140,000 years ago?After a while, she disappeared without a trace. As a modern person, I am physically too fragile compared to my ancestors, so I can only fall under the bushes to rest.Just now I saw a human being. It is absolutely true. It is a new human being who has fully evolved. There is no difference from modern people, except for race.Her body seems to have the characteristics of all modern races at the same time, perhaps because of this, so she looks so perfect.The various races of modern humans did not begin to differentiate because they settled in different environments until tens of thousands of years later. Although the earliest humans originated in Africa, their appearance and skin color may not be the same as those of modern African blacks. The skin color of black people is also different. Since then, it has gradually turned black during the long-term evolution process.

The ancient night fell on the East African savannah, and many nocturnal animals appeared.Maybe, I should go home.But I am reluctant to come here, is it because of her?That woman from 140,000 years ago. Under the ancient and mysterious starry sky, the wind of the East African grasslands blows over my forehead.In the hypnotic wind, I gradually fell asleep. After an unknown amount of time, I slowly opened my eyes, and the first thing I saw was my kind—her. Yes, that's her.The woman I saw yesterday was a woman from 143,000 years ago.She is looking at me. I suddenly found myself lying in a cave.The morning sun shone in from the entrance of the cave and sprinkled in my pupils. In an instant, my cold body immediately felt the warmth of the whole world.Perhaps, this feeling comes more from the beautiful woman in front of me. I remembered that last night, I actually fell asleep on the grassland.My God, that's too dangerous, God knows how many beasts that prey at night are hidden in the night around me.On this wild grassland, only the cave is the safest, no doubt, she saved me. I sat up and found that there was an antelope skin under my body.I looked up at her dark eyes, the morning sun came in from behind her, and the cheetah skin around her waist gave off a golden reflection.I really don't know how to thank her, she can't understand any of my language.Then shake hands, maybe hand to hand contact is the easiest way to express emotion.So, I stretched out my hand to her, but she didn't seem to understand, her eyes were blank.Facing me, an uninvited guest from 140,000 years later, she was still a little nervous.One thing, though, can be seen in her eyes: she knows I'm just like her, we're all human.Perhaps it was out of pity among the same kind, the inherent emotion of human beings, that she saved me. Finally, she held out her hand too, maybe just imitating my movements.Her palms are rough, in stark contrast to the delicate hands of modern people. I took her hand.These are a pair of human hands from 140,000 years ago. Over the long 140,000 years, the long river of human modernization has been tightly held together by my hands and hers. Her hands were very strong, and she pulled me up in one go.She smiled, and she looked beautiful when she smiled. Her bare chest was jumping vividly, and every inch of her skin exuded a seductive luster.At this moment, all I see is beauty, without any other ingredients. This is the beauty of the human body of our ancestors. This beauty is primitive and purely natural.I have to admit, I was overwhelmed by this beauty. She pulled me outside the cave, a low shrub forest that can resist the invasion of large animals.I held hands with her and breathed the morning air greedily. She pulled me to run in the woods, and there was endless vitality in her body.I figured, I've established some sort of good relationship with her, so what should I call her?Eve—yes, I should call her Eve, Eve in the Garden of Eden, she and her companions are our ancestors. "Eve." I called out to her. She froze for a moment, turned her head and looked at me, not knowing what I meant.So I pointed to her and called out again: "Eve." She nodded and pointed to herself. She is very smart and has realized that this is what I call her. The brains of newcomers are actually almost the same as modern people.Then, she smiled, pointed to herself, and said loudly, "Eve." God, she could talk, even though she didn't understand what Eve meant.It seems that the history of language mastered by humans is quite long. "Eve - Eve - Eve -" she kept repeating these two Chinese characters in her mouth.She walked to a small tree, picked a few small red fruits, and put them in my hand.I understand, this is our breakfast, and in primitive societies, men usually hunt and women gather fruit.The taste of the fruit is sweet and rich in moisture.There were many of these fruits in this wood, and soon we were full. Then she—no, I should call her Eve, my Eve, she took me out of the grove. After walking for a while, I saw a hill surrounded by sparse groves. The situation here is dangerous, with strange rocks and several huge natural caves under the steep hillside.In front of the entrance of the cave is a green spring, dozens of people wrapped in animal skins are sitting in front of the spring, and several women are breastfeeding with babies in their arms.This is a tribe of primitive people who, apart from racial features, have all the physical characteristics of our modern people. When they found me, they were very surprised. I can understand how the Indians felt about them when Columbus first arrived in America.Eve walked up to them and said a few words to them. I could only hear that it was a language with ambiguous syllables. When speaking, Eve kept using gestures and other body language to assist.This is the earliest human language, which is only in its infancy, but it is these simple syllables that finally make human beings enter the palace of civilization. I also noticed in particular how much respect the men had for Eve.Perhaps this is the rudimentary form of a matriarchal society, where women have a higher status.Soon, Eve drew me among the tribe members, who were all very kind to me.Some people boldly stretched out their hands and stroked me curiously.I can't communicate with them verbally.But the common eyes of human beings can communicate, especially between me and Eve. Since then, I have become a member of the tribe.I spent a dozen days and nights among them.Every day, Eve and the women went to the nearby woods to gather fruit, while I went hunting with the men.A woman is about to give birth, and the primitive man's child is left to fend for itself.What's more terrible is the dystocia, and everyone can only watch helplessly.I have learned some medical knowledge, and although I don't have any tools, I still try my best to help her give birth.After being busy and sweating profusely, the mother and child were finally safe.After this incident, everyone treated me better.Every time the food is distributed, they also specially give me an extra one.Eve's affection for me also became stronger, and she always looked at me with a special look.She and I are inseparable from each other, she is very intelligent, always able to understand what I want to express, we have a special communication through the eyes. However, when night falls, I sleep at the mouth of the cave and never go in.I am ashamed to think of those men and women living together in the cave with no naked clothes.And Eve was sleeping just a few meters away from me.There were nights when I woke up from my sleep and saw Eve's body, and that's when I knew what was going to happen between me and her sooner or later. Finally, the day has come.It was one afternoon, and she took me out of the tribe's camp.Before dusk, we came to the foot of a huge mountain. The mountain was so majestic. On the top of the mountain, there were still a few patches of snow covered - the snow of Kilimanjaro, which is the highest peak in Africa. Luoshan, the top of the mountain is covered with snow all the year round. Facing the snow of Kilimanjaro, I cheered, this is the holy land of the African continent, a miracle of nature.The ancestors of human beings lived and thrived at the foot of this mountain.Eve also seemed to have great respect for this mountain, and there was even a taste of admiration for this mountain in her eyes.She took my hand and ran into a steep slope at the foot of the mountain. She found a cave, and then led me into the cave entrance. I immediately thought of something, my heart beat faster, and I didn't know how to get out.Eve also seemed to understand what I meant, but she still took my hand and entered the depths of the cave, surrounded by darkness, I couldn't see anything except her pupils. This is a mistake? In the boundless darkness, I seemed to return to the state before I was born, to my mother's womb, just like this cave.This is how human life originated, and it has not changed since ancient times until today.At this moment, everything is silent, only the divine life is just around the corner following Eve's slight panting. She is Eve, a woman from 143,000 years ago.And I, from the 21st century, everything is so incredible, and everything is so wonderful. At that moment, I suddenly thought of "Bible Genesis", and thought of a mistake in the Garden of Eden.Now, this mistake is irreversible. When I awoke from regret, Eve was still in a sweet sleep.In the dark, I think about what happened hours ago, what did I do?The woman she was 143,000 years ago is our ancestor, my God!Maybe, I will leave something in this woman with strong vitality?I cannot forgive myself. In an instant, I decided to leave here.As the Bible says, God expelled Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden.I am my God, and I want to exile myself. I kissed Eve one last time, dear Eve, goodbye. I walked out of the cave and came to the wilderness at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro. I looked back at the snow-covered mountaintop in the dark night. What a beautiful world, forgive me, Eve.I opened my backpack and took out the tiny time traveler. I started the return program of the time traveler, and in an instant, I was brought into the time tunnel, traveled through the 143,000 years, and returned to my secret laboratory in Zhonghua University. After I came back, I found a few curly hairs in the palm of my hand.I immediately realized that this was Eve's hair, which I had brought back from the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro 140,000 years ago to a secret laboratory in the twenty-first century.I treasure these few strands of Eve's hair.Then, I buried this strange experience of time travel deep in my heart, never revealed any secrets to others, and resumed my original life. However, I cannot forget Eve.During the day, her voice and smile often appear in front of my eyes.And at night, I would see her in my dreams.I was in a state of despair all day long, not thinking about tea or food. It was like "the belt is getting wider and I will never regret it, and I will be haggard because of Yixiao." If this continues, I will become a walking dead in a short time.Although my body is still here, my soul is still in the 143,000 years ago, staying with Eve.I must, to be with her. So, I made a big decision. In the scientific community at that time, many people were secretly conducting human cloning experiments, and many technical problems had been solved.So, I also conducted a human cloning experiment privately, and what I wanted to clone was——Eve. I used those few strands of Eve's hair to extract Eve's DNA from the somatic cells of the hair.Then, Eve's embryo was cultivated based on the DNA, and then put into a healthy woman's body, so that Eve's embryo developed in that woman's uterus.Finally, after ten months of conception, my little Eve, you, was finally born. My little Eve, do you understand now?I am not your father, I cloned you.You are Eve, the woman of 143,000 years ago. Not long after you were born, I took you away and brought you up. I lied that you were my daughter, a half-breed child born to an African woman.Just like your biological father, I love you meticulously and care for your growth. I pour all my emotions into you, because I love Eve deeply. I watch you grow up day by day, you are my masterpiece, I swear to protect you with my life, just like all fathers.Now, more than twenty years have passed, and you have finally grown up. I seem to see Eve again in the Garden of Eden 143,000 years ago. Eve, I love you. As you become more and more like Eve in the Garden of Eden, no, you are Eve.I can't hold back my feelings, I feel like you are my old flame, I want to kiss you anytime.I have been waiting for more than twenty years.However, for Eve, she has been waiting for a full 140,000 years.One hundred and thirty-three thousand years ago was just your past life, and now is your present life.Whether it is past life or this life, I will always love you. Yes, I love you.But do you love me?In my eyes, you are my Eve, you are my lover from ancient times.But, to you, you are not Eve.Although, you have the exact same DNA as hers, it doesn't mean you are the same person.Eve is just your past life, just your distant dream, a phantom. you are you. I shouldn't be forcing my feelings for Eve on your head.I did create you, but you are not my appendage, you have your own life, your own will, and your own feelings, you can choose who you really love, and I must also It can only be your father. So, I can't be with you.Maybe it was a mistake when I created you out of Eve's hair.You've grown up and I can't let the mistakes continue. I decided to go back to the foot of Kilimanjaro 143,000 years ago. On the night I joined her, Eve was still asleep in the cave.When she opened her eyes the next morning, she would still see me as if nothing had happened.And I will still be the young me more than 20 years ago. I will never leave her and stay with her forever. I am willing to give up everything here, from the 21st century back to 140,000 years ago, from the IT age back to the Stone Age, all for the woman I love deeply——Eve. My little Eve, my child, you are still my child, I'm sorry, Papa left you, Papa must leave you. Goodbye, my child. "Dad! Don't go." She threw herself on the machine and cried out loudly.Suddenly, there was a strange sound from the machine.A burning smell came out, and the screen went off immediately.It turned out that this machine had been pre-installed with an automatic destruction system. When this text was finished, it would immediately short-circuit and burn down all internal systems. Finally, she realized that she would never see her "father". She walked out of the basement in a daze, came to the mirror, and looked at herself in the mirror.No one would have guessed that this face came from the grasslands of East Africa 143,000 years ago.She said to the person in the mirror: "You know? Little Eve, you are just a copy, a copy from the ancient times." She turned her head and saw the photo of her father smiling, no, should she still call him father?He was her lover in a previous life, and her previous life was another DNA of hers, from 143,000 years ago.Finally, she understood the way he looked at her, and she understood the melancholy and sadness buried deep in his eyes. Tears rolled down her light brown cheeks and hung on her red lips like an old Eve. a week later. A light plane carried her and her colleagues across the land of Africa.She sat by the porthole, overlooking the boundless East African prairie below her.As soon as she got off the plane, she saw the majestic mountain in front of her—Kilimanjaro.The airport is located on a mountain plateau, on top of layers of mountains, you can look up to several snow-white peaks. At the junction of the mountains and the blue sky, the snow reflects the sunlight like diamonds. At the foot of the mountain is a research institute established by Chinese scientist Professor Zhang.Outside a laboratory they met Professor Zhang, a middle-aged Chinese man who had spent half his life on the grasslands of East Africa.Professor Zhang recognized her at a glance: "My little angel, you have grown up." She also recognized Professor Zhang. It turns out that Professor Zhang and her "father" are good friends and supporters of the theory of a single human origin.She still remembers that when she was a child, Professor Zhang liked her distinctive appearance very much and always called her "little angel".Now, she lowered her head and said softly, "Hello, Professor Zhang." "I've heard about your father's disappearance, and I'm very sorry." Professor Zhang turned to everyone and said, "The remains of two ancient humans are being properly preserved in a sterile laboratory, and I'm conducting DNA tests on them." analyze." A graduate student asked: "I'm sorry, I want to know how well preserved the two remains are. It is said that they are 140,000 years ago. After such a long time, can we still get complete DNA?" "There is not only well-preserved nuclear DNA, but also well-preserved mitochondrial DNA, which is present in both remains. A mountaineering team found these two remains while climbing the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro. The two remains were originally It is buried in the ice near the peak. Although it is located near the equator, Kilimanjaro has an altitude of 5,895 meters. The ice and snow on the top of the mountain have been accumulated for hundreds of thousands of years. But in the past ten years, global climate change Alpine glaciers around the world are gradually receding, and Kilimanjaro’s ice and snow are also decreasing. Therefore, this pair of remains buried in ice and snow for 140,000 years has finally been exposed and discovered.” "That is to say, because they are enclosed by snow and ice in the mountains, the two remains are quite well preserved?" she asked. "Yes, it's like a large natural ice bank. The cells and tissues of the dead can be preserved for hundreds of thousands of years. Do you know the mammoths buried in the snow and ice of Siberia? When the Russians discovered them, they could even store tens of thousands of Elephant meat from years ago is boiled and eaten." "I see, can we take a look at the two remains now?" "Sorry, I can't do it yet. In the last few days, I have been doing an important genetic comparison work on these two remains. In order to avoid DNA contamination, the laboratory should try to avoid contact with the outside world. Wait a few more days, as long as the analysis As soon as the results come out, everyone will be able to watch the faces of the two remains." "Then what did you invite us to do?" a graduate student said regretfully. Professor Zhang replied: "Of course it is useful. Now, I want to take blood samples from each of you." "Professor Zhang, do you want to analyze the genetic relationship between the two remains and modern humans?" she asked. "You're smart, yes." "Okay, let's take my blood sample first." She nodded to Professor Zhang trustingly. For the next week, Professor Zhang was busy in the laboratory, while other people had nothing to do. It seemed that Professor Zhang only needed their blood samples.A group of scientists from North America and Europe also received the same "courtesy". Among those whose blood was drawn were Australian aborigines, Melanesians, Quechua Indians, and Arctic Eskimos. She couldn't bear this dullness and decided to go for a walk.When she came to the wilderness in the mountains, looking up at the snow peak of Kilimanjaro, she always felt that there was something calling her on the top of the peak.So, she decided to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. Although you can see the top of the mountain from here, it takes several days to walk to the top. Climbers have to rest for one or two days every time they go to a mountain hut to adapt to the alpine environment.With a full set of climbing equipment, she finally reached the summit alone in three days. Here is the crater covered by ice and snow, surrounded by a white world of ice and snow.Looking far away, one can vaguely see alpine grasslands and the boundless East African prairie, as if the whole world is at her feet. Just when she stretched out her hands and wanted to shout loudly to vent the depression in her chest, someone behind her suddenly said: "Little angel." "Who?" She turned around, only to find that it was Professor Zhang. She hurriedly said, "Professor Zhang, why are you here?" "The snow in Kilimanjaro is so beautiful." Professor Zhang said to himself. "Maybe it's because the snow here is so beautiful, that's why the man and woman who lived 143,000 years ago were buried in the snow and ice here. Could it be that they climbed up the mountain by themselves?" "It's possible that when people feel that they are going to die, they will always find a cleaner place. In the eyes of primitive people, this ice-snow mountain may still have some important meaning." Suddenly, Professor Zhang said in a special way He looked at her and said, "My experiment has been completed." "Great, how did it turn out?" Professor Zhang said slowly: "The results are unbelievable. Do you know why I took your blood samples? Not only you, but also people of all races from all over the world, mainly women. There are about a hundred different blood samples. Race type, of course you are the most special one. I extracted mitochondrial DNA from your blood samples, I believe you must know the role of mitochondrial DNA." "Of course I know that mitochondria are organelles that exist in the cytoplasm and provide the energy needed by the body. Mitochondrial DNA exists in mitochondria and has a circular double-stranded structure. Mitochondrial DNA can only be inherited by the mother, whether it is female or male, we Our mothers' mitochondria all came from our mothers. Our mothers' mitochondria all came from our maternal grandmothers, and so on, until ancient times. Mitochondria constitute a separate record of our maternal ancestry, uncontaminated by DNA from the main cell nucleus, and Chief cell nuclear DNA comes equally from both of our parents." "The answer is very good. Do you know what is Mitochondrial Eve?" Professor Zhang continued to ask. "Professor, are you trying to test me?" But she still replied according to the knowledge she had learned: "The so-called mitochondrial Eve is the latest pure maternal common ancestor of all modern people. Scientists have randomly sampled 135 The mitochondrial DNA survey of women. They were Australian Aboriginal, New Guinea, American Indian, Western European, East Asian, African. They studied the number of mitochondrial DNA differences between each woman pair by pair, and finally determined in There was a general bifurcation point between 100,000 and 250,000 years ago, and the woman at this point was the common ancestor of all existing human beings who is the closest to our pure maternal line. She is called Mitochondrial Eve, and the later experiments set the time to 143,000 years ago , there must be such a woman, and the mitochondrial DNA of all extant humans comes from her." Professor Zhang nodded and said slowly, "Now, Mitochondrial Eve is in my laboratory." "what?" "She has been buried in the ice and snow under our feet for 140,000 years." "You mean the female remains?" "Yes, I analyzed both her main cell nuclear DNA and mitochondrial DNA, and compared it with the main cell nuclear DNA and mitochondrial DNA of the male remains. Incredibly, I found that the mitochondria of the male remains The DNA has a certain genetic relationship with that of the woman, that is, the man's mitochondrial DNA is derived from the woman. What's more, according to the mutation law of mitochondrial DNA, the mitochondria of the male remains are many generations later than the female's. " "How is this possible? Unless the man is the descendant of the woman." "No, according to carbon-14 measurements, they lived 143,000 years ago. They died almost at the same time. The age of the male was only a few years older than the female, and the age of death was about 40 years old. You must know that the primitive man The average lifespan of a human is very short, and forty years old should be regarded as the end of life among them. At that time, I immediately thought of the hypothesis of Mitochondrial Eve, so I sent invitations to research institutions all over the world, because there are people of all colors in them I tested their mitochondrial DNA and compared it with the mitochondrial DNA of the female remains found here, and found that whether you are a Chinese or an Australian Aboriginal, African, European, Indian , all of you have mitochondrial DNA that is directly genetically related to that woman from 143,000 years ago." "So she's Mitochondrial Eve?" "That's right." Professor Zhang nodded. "She does exist. She is the most recent purely maternal common ancestor of all of us today. The mitochondrial DNA in each of our modern humans comes from her." She was stunned, and an inexplicable feeling was about to move in her heart again.Suddenly, she heard the sound of a huge snowstorm, and a terrible snowstorm was about to blow on the top of the mountain at an altitude of 5,895 meters. "Hurry up and go down the mountain." Professor Zhang said quickly. She nodded and ran down the mountain with Professor Zhang. It took dozens of hours before she returned to the research institute. At this moment, many reporters have already gathered at the foot of the mountain, and they are anxiously waiting for Professor Zhang. They cannot understand why Professor Zhang has spent several days venturing up the mountain to find a female intern at the Institute of Molecular Biology, Zhonghua University. pregnancy. A press conference was held soon, and Professor Zhang announced to the world that he had discovered Mitochondrial Eve, but he did not explain anything about the male remains that were discovered at the same time. Sitting next to Professor Zhang, she always felt that Professor Zhang seemed to be hiding something.After the press conference, she asked to see Mitochondrial Eve in the lab.Professor Zhang agreed. He stared into her eyes and said slowly, "You should go and have a look, my little angel." 在进入实验室之前,她换了全套的防护服,并进行了全身消毒。然后在同样装束的张教授的陪同下,一起进入了实验室。在实验室里,有着两具水晶棺材一样的玻璃防护罩,一对生活于十四万三千年前的男女遗骸就躺在防护罩里。 她先看了看那具女性遗骸。 遗骸保存地相当好,十四万三千年来,乞力马扎罗山的冰雪一直忠实地保护着它的身体。尽管如此,在漫长的岁月里,遗骸不可能完全保持原貌,皮肤都已经变黑了,身体缩水,脸部深陷。但是,至少还可以看清身躯四肢和部分脸部。 她看着遗骸的脸。忽然,发现那张脸的轮廓和自己有些相象,她满脸狐疑地看了看张教授,张教授也象推敲某个化石标本一样观察着她的脸。 “有一个秘密我一直没有说出来。”张教授缓缓地说:“我在分析你的血样的过程中,惊奇地发现,你的主细胞核DNA序列,与眼前这个十四万三千年前的女人一模一样。是的,完全一样。也许,在你的身上,埋藏着某个关于人类起源的秘密。” 她呆住了,她看着张教授的眼睛,几乎要崩溃了,她又看了看防护罩里的那个十四万三千年前的女人——线粒体夏娃。她明白了,这个女人就是她的前世,“父亲”用了这个女人的一根头发“制造”出了她。所以,她是另一个线粒体夏娃,活着的夏娃。 她强忍着自己的眼泪,来到了另一个防护罩前,那里面躺着一具男性遗骸。这具遗骸的保存程度与那具女性遗骸差不多。她仔细地看着这具遗骸模糊的五官,也觉得有一种似曾相识的感觉。 张教授的声音又在她耳边响起了:“很奇怪,我发现这具遗骸表现出了明显的蒙古利亚人种东亚亚种的种族特征。可是,在十四万三千年前,现代人类的祖先还聚居于非洲,不同人种的分化是在许多万年以后,人类走出非洲以后才开始的。” 此时此刻,她已经明白了某些东西,她看着这具遗骸,冷静地说:“张教授,能否把这具男性遗骸的DNA样本提供给我一些,也许,我能够帮你解释这个问题。” “真的吗?”张教授犹豫了一会儿,最后点了点头说:“看在你父亲的份上,我同意。不过千万不能泄露给别人。” “好的。张教授,如果我父亲知道,他一定会感谢你的。” 张教授说:“当然,你父亲是我最要好的朋友。” 她深呼吸了一口,看了那两具男女遗骸最后一眼,在心中默默地祝福着他们,然后她走出了实验室。 A few days later. 她回到了家里的实验室,分析了在乞力马扎罗山顶上发现的男性遗骸的DNA样本,并且与她“父亲”遗留下来的毛发做了比对。她的结论是:这是同一个人的DNA。 现在,她一切都明白了,和线粒体夏娃一同被发现的那个男人就是她的“父亲”。他离开了她,乘坐时空机器,又回到了十四万三千年前的乞力马扎罗山脚下。当他回到他的夏娃面前时,他不再是四十多岁的成熟男人了。他又变回成了那个二十多岁的年轻人,从此,他们一起生活在伊甸园里,共同繁衍后代,他们一定生了很多女儿。他不会意识到,和他生活在一起的人就是线粒体夏娃,他和夏娃的女儿们将传递她的线粒体DNA,再传给夏娃的外孙女们,她们一直往下传下去,经过十几万年的岁月,遍布于地球上的每一个角落。 这是一个神圣的过程。 太不可思议了,可是,科学告诉她,这一切又都是事实。她茫然地离开了实验室,走到了一扇面朝大海的窗户前。海风吹进窗户,吹散了她的卷曲的长发,她努力地呼吸着带着海水味的空气,摊开了她的手心。 在她的手心里,有着几根卷曲的头发。这是昨天晚上,从父亲的保险箱里找到的,这几根头发藏在一个铁盒子里,盒子上写着两个字:夏娃。 那是线粒体夏娃的头发,被“父亲”保存了二十多年。她也知道,她的生命就来自于这几根头发上所提取的DNA。 此刻,她摊开手伸到了窗外,一阵海风吹过,立刻就卷走了那几根夏娃的头发。 永别了,线粒体夏娃。
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