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Chapter 12 Twelve, come, I will marry him

killer story 蔡骏 5437Words 2018-03-22
In the mirror of the dressing table, she looked a little prettier than before, especially her eyes. If she was paired with a nurse uniform, the male patients would pay more attention to her.The table is full of various bottles and jars, and she carefully puts on her makeup, even though a professional makeup artist will be there tomorrow. There is a Leonid meteor shower tonight, Zhang Ye invited some new friends to Sheshan to watch the stars, as the last night of being single.One of the new friends is an editor of the publishing house, and he has taken a fancy to his latest novel, which is called "Kafka on the Suzhou River".

Although Lin Xiaoxing has to endure a night of loneliness, he is very happy that he can make friends and socialize outside, isn't that what men should do? Tomorrow is the day of Lin Xiaoxing and Zhang Ye's wedding. Imagining the moment when she put on a white gauze and flower crown and walked on the red carpet, her heart beat faster involuntarily. She knew that it wasn't because she was nervous before getting married, nor because she didn't have confidence in her appearance, but because—— X. Lin Xiaoxing thought of his face, pale as death, with a strange smile hanging on the corner of his mouth, attracting her memory like a magnet.

A year ago, just two days after she broke up with Zhang Ye, she was kidnapped downstairs from her own house.She was taken to a dilapidated factory building by the Suzhou River, so the black room became a prison.No matter how much you shouted, it was useless until you were exhausted. The kidnapper was a pale young man. Lin Xiaoxing didn't expect to be able to chat with him, and the chat was so speculative, like an old friend who had been away for many years.He opened his heart to Lin Xiaoxing, talking about his first experience of killing people - if an ordinary woman found out that she was talking to a murderer, she would have screamed or fainted in fright.Lin Xiaoxing didn't change his expression, instead of showing any fear, on the contrary, he was full of sympathy and curiosity towards him, which made her admire herself quite a bit.Perhaps, because nurses often face birth, old age, sickness and death; perhaps, because they have witnessed their mother being killed.

As for his name, it doesn't matter, just call him X anyway. Lin Xiaoxing was kidnapped for a total of 30 hours, and this was a secret she could never tell—even to the man who was about to become her husband. However, Zhang Ye never asked, as if deliberately avoiding something.Or, he has already guessed something, delusional that he was raped by a murderer during the day and two nights when his girlfriend was kidnapped?But he dared not ask all his life, and he could only comfort himself that nothing had happened, the woman he loved was still pure and flawless, and those thirty nightmarish hours were just an opportunity for him to prove that he was a man and a hero.

She has not been raped. But Lin Xiaoxing felt that he didn't need to clarify, which would only deepen Zhang Ye's suspicion.However, that face, the murderous face, still floated in her mind. "Good morning!" Lin Xiaoxing took the initiative to greet X, that was the morning after he was kidnapped.She woke up after a good night's sleep, and the sun shone on her face through the colored frosted glass on the roof. It was an indescribably weird color.Maybe it was because she fell asleep on the ground, she almost forgot that she was kidnapped. "Good morning!" X also replied very politely.He didn't tie her up, just let her lie in the corner, the iron door opened like a light, shooting straight into the dark room.He took out a pot and put it in front of her, which contained fried dough sticks, rice balls and soy milk, "This is your breakfast."

Lin Xiaoxing gratefully ate his breakfast, only then did he realize that the pale man in front of him was a murderer. The white shirt on X's body last night has turned into a gray plaid shirt. He must be a boy who likes to change clothes frequently.It's just that his buttons are fastened so high that the collar wraps around his neck. I don't know what's hidden inside? "what happened to you?" She pointed to X's clothes, and he smiled awkwardly: "Oh, autumn is coming, you need to wear more clothes." "Are you lonely?" Lin Xiaoxing is a sensitive girl, just like the feeling she felt when she first saw Zhang Ye, she can often discover the secrets hidden under other people's eyes.

"yes." "My ex-boyfriend used to say 'no solitude, no Kafka,' and the same applies to you." "Without loneliness, there is no murderer?" "Oh, that's not what I meant." Her heart was beating wildly, she must not remind herself, let alone the man in front of her. "Don't worry, I've been calm because I'm lonely." "Why did you kidnap me—can you tell now?" "Why do you have to ask a second time?" "I don't think you're like—" "Like what?" Lin Xiaoxing's jaw trembled a little, and he forced himself to speak cautiously: "I can't tell."

"Not like a robber? Not like a murderer?" A nod is the only answer. X leaned against the door, deliberately hiding his face in the shadows: "I can answer your question now. But you have to answer me first—why did you break up with Zhang Ye?" "Ask this again? Is this why you kidnapped me?" "No, I'm just curious about him." "We broke up anyway, so there's nothing to hide. Have you watched "A Chinese Journey to the West"? I'm sorry, you must have." "certainly." She boldly read out the words that had been buried in her heart for many years: "Do you still remember? Zixia Fairy said——My ideal person is a hero of the world, and one day he will step on the seven-color cloud to marry me."

"I understand." "Do you really understand?" Facing Lin Xiaoxing's questioning eyes, as if the kidnapped hostage was X, he replied shyly: "Why don't you give him a chance? How do you know he won't step on the colorful clouds to save you?" "Don't be delusional! Human nature cannot be changed." "Wrong!" He interrupted Lin Xiaoxing sternly, showing a terrifying look, "Then how did I change?" "Feel sorry." She lowered her head in fear, and curled up into the corner again, while he said to himself: "There is no natural killer in the world—everyone is subject to change, and we have all been changed."

This sentence made Lin Xiaoxing speechless, she lowered her head and thought for a long time—has she ever been changed? What if, there were not three robbers who broke into the house suddenly?If you didn't see your mother being killed with your own eyes?What if Dad was brave enough to fight them?if…… Just when he was about to lock the iron door again, Lin Xiaoxing yelled: "I want to go to the bathroom!" X brought the enamel basin in, but she pushed it out in disgust: "It's so dirty! I'm going outside!" "Is there any difference from last night?"

"Yes! There is a big difference!" He understood again, and scratched his head in embarrassment. This was the first time Lin Xiaoxing saw the shy look of the killer. X lingered at the door for a few times, and threw a sentence in: "You promise not to run away?" "Promise not to run away!" "Pull hook?" "Pull the hook!" Lin Xiaoxing stretched out the little finger of his left hand, X hesitated and stretched out his hand, and was immediately hooked by her. The killer admits defeat. She was released, held tightly by the arms, around the huge machine, and out of the old factory gate.It seems that as soon as X appears, the sun will hide behind the cloud.The surroundings are full of broken bricks and tiles, and there are occasional crazily grown wormwood, and the embankment of Suzhou Creek and the distant construction site wall are beyond, but there is not a single person in sight. They went around to the back of the house and was covered by a pile of weeds. X turned around and said, "Get over it quickly, I won't peek at you." "You promise!" "As long as you promise not to run away." Lin Xiaoxing squatted down, but did not take off his pants, but moved a little half a step away.From time to time, crickets sounded in the grass, as if it had a hypnotic effect, which might dull his senses—she took a deep breath, and then ran away. "stop!" X noticed it instantly, and he quickly chased after him. Lin Xiaoxing was so frightened that he almost screamed, so he could only run desperately to the fence. She had never run so fast like today. She rushed out tens of meters in one breath, but when she looked back, she saw that X was running slower and slower. Seeing that the distance between the two was lengthening, he might not be able to catch up no matter what. However, Lin Xiaoxing did not find the gate of the construction site. Except for the embankment of Suzhou Creek, the rest are all dilapidated brick walls. She tried to climb over the wall with hands and feet, but she was not tall enough to get up.She anxiously yelled for help, worried that if she was caught by a murderer, she would die a terrible death. However, when she turned her head in fear, she saw X lying down in the grass. What's up with him? Lin Xiaoxing leaned against the fence, like a pupil punished by a teacher, looking at the killer suspiciously.He looked in pain, his limbs were shaking constantly, his gray plaid shirt had changed color... Blood. She rubbed her hands against the wall, and there was freedom beyond the wall, but she didn't know if it was hell or something when she went back. God!Why hesitate?In the face of a vicious murderer, why hesitate to run for your life? However, Lin Xiaoxing chose to turn around. She left the wall and walked through the ruins, rushed back to X, grabbed his blood-stained shirt and said, "I'm sorry! It's me, I broke the agreement, I deserve to die!" But X gave her a smile, and said weakly: "Lagou... hanged... a hundred years..." Lin Xiaoxing stretched out his left little finger again, and stuffed it into the crook of his left little finger. "Why don't you run away?" "I'm a nurse, and it's my duty to save the dying and heal the wounded! I see you, are you dying?" "If you die, you will die, why do you care about me?" "Don't talk! Say one more word, and you will die faster!" As if scolding her own patient, she unbuttons X's shirt only to find that his entire chest is covered in bandages.Blood was constantly oozing out of the bandage, and there was a strange smell. The wound might have been inflamed—even if it wasn't bleeding profusely, it might have died from a bacterial infection! Lin Xiaoxing helped him remove all the bandages. Sure enough, the injury was very serious, the wound was deep, and it was almost fatal.He can still talk and laugh happily until now, he is simply not human! She didn't have any tools or medicines in her hands. When she was at a loss, X whispered in her ear: "I...brought a first aid kit...it's...in the old factory building..." She pulled X's shoulders with both hands, but fortunately he still had the last bit of strength, so he stood up with difficulty.With Lin Xiaoxing's support, the two staggered back and forth, passing through the bombed ruins, like survivors of a future nuclear war. Back in the depths of the former Orthodox church, lying on the edge of the old Soviet rusty machine, X half-opened and half-closed his eyes, and only squeezed out two words: "Thank you!" Lin Xiaoxing found the first aid kit, opened it and found that it was complete, and immediately cleaned up the most basic wounds for X.When the normal saline flowed through the deep wound, X’s feet began to convulse, but she clenched her teeth tightly and did not make a sound—she often treated such wounded patients in the surgical clinic, and all she heard were screams , I have never seen such a tough man like him. She changed a new bandage to bandage him, which temporarily stopped the bleeding from the wound, but such a deep knife wound must go to the hospital for treatment, injections, infusions and medicine to reduce inflammation, at least a few stitches. "No, I'm not going to the hospital." "Are you afraid of being arrested by the police? Well, I promise, I won't report the crime, at least save your life first." But X smiled wryly: "You just pulled the hook to promise." "Well, just now I wanted to escape for my life. Now that you are like this, I can escape at any time. Why do I stay here to help you? Think about it yourself!" "You go." "what?" She couldn't figure it out, he was the one who kidnapped her, why did she drive her away now? "I want to be alone." "No, I can't watch you die! Or should I call an ambulance?" "If you dare to call, I will immediately take off the bandage and tear open my wound!" Looking into the killer's gloomy eyes, Lin Xiaoxing was sure that he would do anything crazy. "You want to kill yourself?" "At least, you can't be humiliated alive." "Are you afraid of being arrested by the police?" "Let's go! Are you crazy? I'm a murderer. You can escape, so why stay and die!" Lin Xiaoxing shook her head stubbornly: "Now, you are just a poor patient." "I hate little nurses. I hate them since I was a child. I hate them sticking needles in my ass." After he finished speaking, he laughed, but there was another sharp pain in the wound, "Have I become rough?" "It's okay, I like the way you talk." She fed X a sip of mineral water, and secretly made up her mind that no matter how this man drives her away, she will continue to stay and take care of him. What makes people even more desperate is that in this world, there is one of the strangest diseases - Stockholm Syndrome. She was convinced that she was dying. X is too weak, has lost blood, and the wound may burst again at any time.Lin Xiaoxing didn't dare to take half a step away from him.After he passed out, she carefully looked through his pockets, only to find that he didn't even have a fruit knife—how dare you call him a murderer?She didn't find her mobile phone, and he probably threw it into the Suzhou River, but his mobile phone is still there. She wanted to call an ambulance, but found that his mobile phone required a password. Lin Xiaoxing stuffed the phone back into his pocket, and ran outside quickly. She didn't want to escape the murderer, but wanted to borrow a phone to call an ambulance. When she ran to the edge of the fence and moved a few bricks to climb over the wall, her legs were already pulled. She screamed subconsciously, but turned to see X. "Why are you here? Go lie down and rest, you can't move." She spoke with a guilty conscience, but X was weak: "Where are you going?" "Well—I'll buy you something to eat." "But you have no money with you." "Oh?" Lin Xiaoxing could only pretend to touch his trouser pocket, "I didn't pay attention." "Come back with me." Once again she became his prisoner, even though he was so weak. Back in the huge factory building, X took out the food and water he had hidden, which was enough for them to eat until tomorrow. Lin Xiaoxing gave up the idea of ​​running away. She was afraid that if she was not around, X would suddenly burst into a wound and bleed profusely, or she would simply commit suicide.She devoted herself to caring for him, changing his wound dressing from time to time, but couldn't stop the infection from getting worse.He keeps coughing and seems to have signs of a fever, and she begs him tearfully to get out and not sit here waiting to die. X wiped away her tears with a smile, and said the same words: "Lin Xiaoxing, let's go! I don't want to hurt you, and I am extremely sorry for kidnapping you." "I do not go!" She buried her head in his arms, smelling the gradually rotting smell, she was speechless until the two gradually fell asleep. When he woke up, Lin Xiaoxing stood up in a panic in the middle of the night, only to see X leaning against the machine, looking up at the dome obsessively. "I'm so scared—afraid that when I wake up, you're dead." "Sometimes, I really expect that." "Don't say such things!" She reached out to seal his mouth, when his cell phone rang, and she answered the call. "Hey...X...can't! Because—I don't know where I am...I saw your face on TV, that picture is really poor, not as good-looking as you in real life...Just a reminder You need to change places to call your mobile phone, otherwise you will be caught by the police soon-oh, sorry, I forgot, this is a new number, it is not registered under your name...so smart...wait for me Minutes!" This is all he said on the phone. Lin Xiaoxing couldn't hear the other party's voice clearly. After X hung up the phone, he asked carefully: "Who is it?" "An old friend." "A murderer too?" "No, he's a good man." X stood up from the ground with difficulty, pointed to the machine behind him and said, "There's a broken chair behind, you drag it here." Lin Xiaoxing did not dare to resist his order, found the chair and dragged it over. "Very good, sit down!" She sat obediently on the chair, and didn't dislike the dust on it. X then took a bundle of rope from his bag and tied her up from behind. "What are you going to do?" Lin Xiaoxing didn't struggle, like a docile little sheep, allowing his master to bind and slaughter him.Fortunately, he was tied so loosely that it barely caused her pain. "Sit down and don't move!" He pointed at Lin Xiaoxing and took a photo.She deliberately put on a frightened expression, with the big machine in the background and a dim red star. While releasing the rope for Lin Xiaoxing, X sent this picture by MMS, and then turned off the phone. "Who did you send the photo to?" "Zhang Ye." This name made her heart beat wildly, how could it be Zhang Ye?Did he really know X? "It was his call just now?" "right." Lin Xiaoxing took two steps back tremblingly: "Does he know I'm here?" "After receiving this photo, maybe you will know." "He can't find it here!" "No, he will." "Does he know who you are?" "That's right, I'm a murderer, he knows it very well!" X replied very calmly, "I made him a wanted criminal." "why?" "One day, you'll understand." "You want to sit here and wait for him?" "yes." Lin Xiaoxing shook his head suddenly: "You are wrong, I know Zhang Ye too well, with his character and courage, I would never dare to come!" "Isn't he coming to save you?" "Maybe, he'll call the police to save me, but he doesn't have the guts to do it himself—if he knows you're a murderer, normal people wouldn't dare to take that risk." "Zhang Ye will come, and he will not bring the police. He is for you and for himself." X's slow tone made people despair, Lin Xiaoxing said: "Let's make a bet!" "What bet?" "If he doesn't come, I'll go with you!" "Okay, I promise you." X relighted a candle, and gave Lin Xiaoxing a smile with a pale face that had lost too much blood, looking like a vampire Lester, "What if, he came?" "Marry him."
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