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Chapter 11 Eleven, narrow escape

killer story 蔡骏 2978Words 2018-03-22
Early in the morning, six o'clock. In the wilderness by the Suzhou River, the morning sun shines on the dilapidated building through the weeds and ruins.A tight cordon has been erected outside the wall, dozens of vehicles with flashing lights, and a TV station's news gathering vehicle surrounded the construction site. Officer Ye Xiao's expression was very gloomy, and he still couldn't believe that the murderer was someone else.He clenched the gun tightly in his hand, as heavy as a brick.There were several special police officers with live ammunition behind him, but he made a few hand gestures, causing everyone to retreat to both sides of the gate.

Push open the rusty door. Thick dust rose up, and the colored frosted glass above his head refracted the morning sunlight into strange colors, which happened to fall into his eyes, but it felt so comfortable.This big house looks gloomy, but when you enter it, you don't have this feeling at all. It's more like being ransacked by the demolition team.The ground is full of all kinds of broken garbage, and the scrap copper and iron with a little value have been stolen and sold for money.Only a huge machine parked in the center, said to be a product of the Stalin era, was too heavy to handle, so it survived.Ye Xiao knew that this place used to be a church, no wonder it felt like he was in another world as soon as he stepped in.

There are faintly faded red stars on the machine, and a row of mottled Russian letters underneath. Anyway, I can't understand a single word.He walked around the pile of rusted metal, carefully checked every corner, including the small room by the wall, with the words "Workshop Director's Office" on the door, but he didn't find the person they mentioned.It's just that there are a few leftover candles on the ground, as well as fast food lunch boxes and water bottles, indicating that someone has been in and out recently. "Hi! Is anyone there?" He hid in a corner, his gun pointed outward vigilantly, lest some murderer suddenly jump out.

His echoes wafted through the old factory building. Ye Xiao came out suspiciously. When the ancient church returned to dead silence and the dust fell again, he smelled a certain smell... As a policeman in his thirties, he was all too familiar with this—the smell of dried blood, almost the smell of death. This smell came from above, Ye Xiao looked up at the dome of the factory building, as if he suddenly became extremely small. There was only one place he hadn't seen yet—he quickly grabbed the iron ladder on the edge of the old machine, and climbed up with hands and feet.This big guy is almost two or three meters high, but the top is flat, about seven or eight square meters, with brown rust everywhere.

He sees X. Yes, no one knows the name of this person, so let's call him X. This young man, about twenty-eight or nineteen years old, lay flat on the top of the machine, his clothes were soaked in blood, dyed a dazzling dark red, and almost formed a lump.On the steel shell under him, a layer of fresh blood was smeared.His hands are spread out in the shape of a cross.A pair of black eyes are still open, looking at the dome or something else? There was a withered yellow leaf on his face. Ye Xiao approached slowly, didn't see any murder weapon, reached out and touched his carotid artery - he was dead.

The shirt buttons of the deceased were all undone, exposing the thick bandage on his chest, which was also stained red with blood, maybe it was bandaged for himself before he died?Or was Ben already seriously injured? Ye Xiao squatted beside X's corpse, looking at those never-ending eyes, what did he think he was saying to him? I wonder if there was any regret and pain when he died?Or, like so many evil guys, just don't care about their own lives? At three o'clock in the morning, a man and a woman showed up at a nearby police station, both in ragged clothes and covered in blood.The police took them under control and sent them to the hospital for treatment.It took more than an hour for the infusion before the police found out that the man among them was a wanted criminal—Killer Zhang Ye.

In a moment, the police surrounded the entire hospital.Zhang Ye slowly came to his senses, claiming that he had never killed anyone and was framed and wronged completely.He said that the real murderer was hiding in an old factory by the Suzhou River. If he was lucky, he might be able to catch a living one. Thus, Ye Xiao received the notification in his sleep, and immediately afterward the large army came here. According to other policemen's inquiries to Zhang Ye, it is said that this X killed everyone because he had read Zhang Ye's QQ space logs——Ye Xiao had read those logs two days ago, although they have been deleted by the author, they can always After finding the original version, it was determined that Zhang Ye had a strong motive for committing the crime.After Zhang Ye was wanted by the whole city, his girlfriend Lin Xiaoxing who had just broken up was also kidnapped.He found clues to the location of the kidnapping from a photo sent by X, and rushed to the old factory overnight.He rescued his girlfriend from the murderer, both of them were injured in the fight, escaped from the old factory building with difficulty, and rushed directly to the police station, both of them fainted to the ground.

At this moment, looking into the eyes of X lying on the top of the tall machine, Ye Xiao became more and more inclined to think that his original judgment was wrong——Zhang Ye was really framed, and the corpse in front of him was the one. A real killer. Ye Xiao accompanied X to do the autopsy the whole time, and got the forensic report that night - the deceased had been stabbed in the chest with a sharp object. Although the heart and lungs and other organs were not injured, a large amount of blood loss was caused, which was also the final cause of death.It was not last night that the injury was caused, but 48 hours ago.In addition, the wounds on the deceased's body were all caused by the scuffle, and none of them could be fatal.No murder weapon was found at the scene and its vicinity, and the possibility of Zhang Ye or Lin Xiaoxing killing X can be basically ruled out.

The forensic doctor and Ye Xiao's judgments were consistent - X was seriously injured two days ago, and he had been wearing bandages all the time, but the wound burst open many times, but he didn't go to the hospital for treatment.In the painful state of continuous blood loss, he had a fierce fight with Zhang Ye who broke in suddenly, causing heavy bleeding from the wound again, but he was powerless to prevent Zhang Ye from rescuing Lin Xiaoxing.Bleeding profusely from his chest and utterly weakened, he despaired of himself, climbed to the top of the machine, and lay there waiting to die.

The identity of the deceased was soon found out. He was registered in this city and was 29 years old this year. After graduating from university, he did not have a stable job and relied on odd jobs for a long time.His latest career is an Internet hacker, helping some illegal organizations steal commercial secrets.Because his father died early and his mother was mentally ill, he now lives alone.Police collected his fingerprints and DNA information, confirming that he is the murderer of the latest four murders.Through a search of his residence, hundreds of photos of the murder scene were found, all of which were unsolved bizarre murders in the city for several years, and some of the victims' belongings were among them.

In all these murder scenes, no fingerprints or hairs of Zhang Ye were left—except for the murder of his shared roommate, but X's saliva and hair were found on the nylon rope that strangled the victim. So far, the serial murder case that has been rampant for five years has been solved. At least ten victims have been confirmed dead, and the murderer X committed the crime alone. The suspect Zhang Ye, who was wanted by the whole city before, has been proven innocent.It was his brave behavior that not only rescued the kidnapped Lin Xiaoxing, but also led to the murderer's death, helping the police find out the truth. Of course, the police promised to keep the murder logs that Zhang Ye posted on Qzone a secret.Otherwise, the family members of the next four victims will most likely file a claim for compensation against him. Even if they have no legal responsibility, they will be entangled for the rest of their lives. In order to find out the root cause of the murderer, Ye Xiao conducted an in-depth investigation, but rediscovered a case that caused a sensation in the city back then—— There is a family of three, originally a happy worker's family, because the husband has a bad gambling habit and owes huge usury debts.The hostess of this family couldn't bear the humiliation in the end, and when she couldn't bear it, she hacked to death three men who came to collect debts. Ye Xiao heard about this case when he was a child. At that time, there were many disputes in the society, whether to give the murderer a suspended death sentence or no time limit.As a wife and mother, there is so much to sympathize with.However, after all, she killed three people in a row and did not turn herself in. It was the police who rushed to the scene and caught her. She was finally sentenced to death, and her appeal was rejected. After the poor woman died, she left behind a twelve-year-old boy named Zhang Ye. Among the three men killed by her, one had raped her, but she swallowed her anger and did not report the crime at that time—and this loan shark is the father of the current murderer X! This is X's motive for killing - when he was twelve years old, his hooligan father was hacked to death by Zhang Ye's mother because he came to collect debts. Ye Xiao felt that everything was explained at once: X has always wanted to avenge his father, even though the murderer had already been executed, the hatred continued to the next generation.For many years, he had quietly monitored Zhang Ye, during which he had become a murderous maniac, but he was waiting for the opportunity to frame Zhang Ye.Why not kill Zhang Ye directly?Because, the way of thinking of a murderer is very special. For him, killing people is a common thing. Just killing Zhang Ye is too cheap for him. This is the reason why X saved Zhang Ye's life from Suzhou Creek.Instead of letting him die quickly, it is better to teach him that he cannot live and die!He wants the whole world to think that Zhang Ye is a murderer, which is more exciting than killing him directly, and this kind of revenge is more interesting.Therefore, when Zhang Ye wrote the diary of imaginary killings in Qzone, X immediately started to act, killing Zhang Ye's hated objects one after another, and finally kidnapped his girlfriend.However, the killer sometimes misses. In the process of killing Zhang Ye's old junior high school classmate, X was seriously injured in the chest because of the resistance of the tall and strong victim. This made Zhang Ye's last heroic rescue. The truth, is it so?
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