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Chapter 10 10. Angry Iron Behemoth

killer story 蔡骏 3091Words 2018-03-22
Zhang Ye could no longer see the starry sky. Thick clouds covered everything in the sky, only the lights on the top of tall buildings could be seen, and the steel forest in Lujiazui in the distance.He hid downstairs in Pudong Yaoban, where there are many restaurants that are open all night, as well as the little Taibao Xiaotaimei who came out after singing.He still didn't dare to be seen, even with a mask on, he could only make himself like a nocturnal mouse, always hiding behind the shadow of the lights. As a suspected murderer most wanted in the city, he had been in hiding for twenty-four hours.

Last night, Zhang Ye spent the night with a few homeless people under the dirty bridge hole.In the morning, when he woke up from the nightmare he had when he was twelve years old, he felt something strange in his body, and when he opened his eyes, he saw a black shadow.He grabbed that person subconsciously, but was punched hard, and when he got up again, the guy had run away without a trace. Zhang Ye hurriedly touched his body, and sure enough, the wallet was stolen, including the thousands of dollars that he took out from the bank yesterday to give his roommate back to his hometown, and the newly bought mobile phone was gone!

He didn't even have the money to take the bus, so he walked along the path hungry until he reached the ferry port by the Huangpu River.Picking up a coin from the ground, he bought himself a boat ticket.On the foggy river surface, the city behind is flickering. From time to time, river gulls pass by overhead, and a giant ship not far away makes a weird siren sound.He huddled against the stern railing, watching the waves rolling on the water, a smell of earth came over him, and he wanted to jump... Suddenly, a hand grabbed his arm. Zhang Ye found that his upper body had stuck out of the railing, but when he turned around, he saw a black police uniform—it was over!

"What are you doing?" It was an old policeman who seemed to be retiring soon, holding a two or three-year-old girl in his arms, probably a granddaughter. In an instant, Zhang Ye's mind turned back—the police were not here to arrest wanted criminals, they were also passengers on the ferry crossing the river just like him. "Oh, I'm a little dizzy." "Really?" The old police judged that Zhang Ye wanted to commit suicide by jumping into the river. "Don't worry, it's probably because I didn't eat breakfast." Zhang Ye didn't lie either.

At this moment, he didn't dare to lower his head to avoid the gaze of the police, otherwise he would be more suspicious, and then think of the wanted criminal on TV last night - but he believed that not all the police would see his photo. He gave the little girl in the arms of the old policeman a smile. The little girl smiled too, so sweetly and cutely that one almost wanted to kiss her chubby cheeks. For the first time in seventeen years, Zhang Ye smiled so naturally. The old policeman looked at his little granddaughter and smiled happily: "Ah Nan, do the waves on the boat look good?"

While talking, the ferry had already arrived in Pudong, the other side, and the old policeman could only care about the child in his arms. Zhang Ye took the opportunity to sneak into the disembarking crowd and quickly ran out of the ferry port. For the next whole day, he wanted to evade the arrest of the whole people, but also wanted to find Lin Xiaoxing, but what if he had no money?He almost fainted from hunger, just in time to see the watch on his wrist - bought for himself with the year-end bonus during the Spring Festival.He went to the second-hand market to sell the watch, and in exchange for 500 yuan, he bought a domestic counterfeit mobile phone and a mobile phone number used by others.Zhang Ye was smart enough to know that he could not use his original number, as it would be a clue for the police to catch him.

He used the new number to make countless calls to Lin Xiaoxing, but the other party always turned off the phone—the domestic counterfeit phone was very good and powerful, and the battery was still fully charged until midnight. Zhang Ye hid in the shadow of a Shaxian snack door. The TV in the small shop was still showing his arrest warrant, and he was sure that no one would notice him now. He closed his eyes and recalled everything in the past three days: At a junior high school reunion, the manager was killed that night, and the police regarded him as a suspect; his girlfriend proposed to break up, and then jumped the Suzhou Creek to commit suicide, but was rescued by a mysterious man, thinking that he had met his idol "Cai Jun", at the man's house Drunk and fell asleep; the ex-girlfriend who had been separated for two years was killed, the old classmate "Big Guy" was killed the next day, and when I came home from get off work yesterday, I found that my roommate was strangled to death, Lin Xiaoxing disappeared at the same time, and I was wanted by the police all over the city...

In several memory fragments, the same stranger——X appeared. When did you first meet him?Yes, on the subway line 7 from Jing'an Temple to the cash drawer, it was that person who took the initiative to strike up a conversation, saying something about the Workers' Stadium in Jing'an District in 1995, which made Zhang Ye run away and get off the bus early.I didn't expect to see that person again in the cash drawer—maybe he also saw the "big guy"? The next day, just when Zhang Ye jumped into the Suzhou Creek, the mysterious X appeared!If it is a coincidence that his home is nearby, then it is too outrageous for him to impersonate Cai Jun!Why risk your life to save people from Suzhou Creek?Why do you want to drink and chat with Zhang Ye?To let a stranger sleep on the sofa at home overnight?These are incredible!

Zhang Ye thought of a chilling possibility. He opened the backpack on his body, and finally found a small piece of paper, which was the phone number left by X the morning before yesterday—he immediately dialed X's phone, and silently prayed that the phone would not be turned off again! The other party's bell rang, but I didn't know who sang the song—— "Hey." Finally, a voice rang through the phone. To be honest, his voice sounded pretty nice on the phone. "I'm Zhang Ye, who are you?" "X." His voice seemed to emerge from the ground, passing from the soles of my feet to my ears.

"Where are you? Can I see you?" "No!" Although he was decisive, he seemed a little weak, "Because——I don't know where I am?" "Don't mess with me, I want to see you!" "I saw your face on TV. That photo was really bad. It's not as good-looking as your real person." "Yeah, I'm a wanted man, I think it has something to do with you?" "Just to remind you! You need to change places to call your mobile phone, otherwise you will be caught by the police soon-oh, sorry, I forgot, this is a new number, it is not registered under your name."

"right." "So clever." "Where are you?" If it wasn't for the fear of being heard by the people in Shaxian snacks, he would yell at the phone: "Come out!" "Wait for me a few minutes!" X hung up the phone, and Zhang Ye was still holding the phone in a daze, almost smashing it. He huddled in a corner and trembled for a few minutes, but suddenly received a multimedia message on his phone, and slowly received the complete picture, Zhang Ye saw Lin Xiaoxing's face. She was sitting on a chair with her hands tied with rope and a terrified expression on her face.Her face was smudged, her hair was disheveled, and it was not known if she had been abused.No, Zhang Ye didn't dare to think about it anymore. The caller code is X—this pervert actually kidnapped Lin Xiaoxing! Everything is clear, he is targeting everyone around Zhang Ye!From a company manager to a girlfriend who broke up two years ago, from an old classmate in junior high school to a shared roommate... These people have one thing in common—Zhang Ye thought about killing them—some just had a momentary hatred. JACK's starry sky. Because of your own QQ space?Those logs about murderous fantasies? X sees the log, so... Zhang Ye's heart was full of remorse, and he really wanted to wipe off his own neck to atone for the sins of these innocent victims! Well, he admitted that he really hated the manager from the bottom of his heart, because that bastard humiliated him every day, and for Zhang Ye who grew up with low self-esteem, personality and dignity were more important than life; he also admitted that he had fantasized about killing him for two years The ex-girlfriend of the airline company, because he couldn't bear the fact that he had given his most sincere emotions in exchange for a woman's infidelity, betrayal and deceit, which was even more uncomfortable than killing him; , planned to kill the "big guy" classmate, if it wasn't for that guy's bullying and humiliation, stripping him of his clothes and throwing him at the door of the women's toilet, which caused his psychological shadow and distorted personality, maybe his life now would be completely different. different look! That's why Zhang Ye wondered if he killed them? No, I am not a murderer, the real murderer is only one step away from myself. But why did X kidnap Lin Xiaoxing? Zhang Ye carefully looked at the photo of the MMS message, and maximized the picture on the phone screen. Behind Lin Xiaoxing, who was bound, was a metal machine-like thing with a faintly faded red star on it, and a few strange things. letters. Because most of them were blocked by Lin Xiaoxing, he could only recognize one of them—— He took Russian as an elective in college, and he recognized it as the letter in the beginning of the full name of the Soviet Union, which means "Union". In an instant, before he was twelve years old, the huge factory building that his parents brought him to, that huge steel beast that kept emitting steam... Zhang Ye bounced out from the entrance of Shaxian Snacks, and quickly ran to the side of the road to stop a taxi.The driver didn't look back at his face, and drove into the cross-river tunnel on Fuxing Road, the destination was the Suzhou River in Putuo District. At midnight, at twelve o'clock, the thick clouds gradually dispersed, revealing a few stars. The taxi was parked in a wilderness, and inside was a ruined construction site.There are dozens of dollars left in Zhang Ye's pocket, which was obtained by bargaining for a mobile phone, but it is still not enough to pay the taxi fare.He bowed and apologized to the driver, and was greeted a few times by the driver.Zhang Ye punched the driver on the nose, and the taxi drove away crookedly. He couldn't remember when was the last time he hit someone, was it in the fourth grade of elementary school, or the top class in kindergarten? Zhang Ye climbed over a low wall and almost sprained his feet when he came down. Thinking about it, he still lacks such experience.In the darkness, only the shadows of ruins remain, and it is no longer the big factory that swallowed clouds and mist in childhood memories.Passing through large pieces of broken rubble and wormwood nearly one person tall, the quietly flowing Suzhou Creek is beside you.In the pond in the nearby low-lying land, there was a loud croaking of frogs. Finally, he saw the large factory building with an onion-shaped roof, which used to be a Byzantine-style Orthodox church. Taking a deep breath, it seemed as if he had inhaled all the stars in the sky into his chest. Push open the rusty door. He sees X.
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