Home Categories Thriller One hundred and twenty days of peeping

Chapter 25 Chapter Twenty-Four

One hundred and nineteenth day. Babylon. Before China's first dynasty was established, the city stood at the end of the Fertile Crescent.The Jews cursed after Nebuchadnezzar II's "Babylonian Captivity": "There shall be the beasts of the desert and the beasts of the island, and there shall be the owl, and it shall be uninhabited for ever, from generation to generation Uninhabited." The most famous legacy of Nebuchadnezzar II is the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.His queen is Amedith, the princess of Medes, who comes from the northwest of today's Iran, where there are layers of mountains and forests.In order for the queen to see the landscape of his hometown, Nebuchadnezzar II ordered to build a hanging garden according to the scenery of Medes, which was listed by the ancient Greeks with the Egyptian pyramids, the statue of Olympian Zeus, the Lighthouse of Alexandria, the Mausoleum of Mausolus, Rhodes It is one of the Seven Wonders of the World with the same reputation as the Sun Goddess and the Temple of Artemis.

In 539 BC, Cyrus the Great conquered Mesopotamia.King Xerxes, who had wiped out three hundred Spartan warriors, ordered the destruction of Babylon.Two hundred years later, Alexander the Great decided to restore this ancient wonder.However, the Great died from the bite of a mosquito, and the Tower of Babylon continues to lie in ruins on the banks of the Euphrates to this day. The above is the voice of X, the recorder that came through the model plane yesterday. Cui Shan listened to this not new story repeatedly, looking up at the sky and the four high walls, the Tower of Babylon and the hanging garden?

This morning, when she woke up from the smog, she picked up a handbag in the corner with a big LV logo printed on it, and she knew it was a counterfeit when she touched it. X came again last night, and there was a manly scent in the air. What kind of gift is this?Open the bag, there is no mobile phone, and there will be no wallet, napkins, sunscreen, lipstick, or even sanitary napkins. But there is a passport. The big red cover is quite rustic, with PASSPORT at the beginning, and a national emblem printed underneath, like a sailboat carrying a few coconut trees, and a line of English at the bottom——

REPUBLIC OF SODOMA Cui Shan repeated it several times, and suddenly remembered a movie: The Republic of Sodom? I had never heard of this country before, so I opened the passport suspiciously and found that the first page was my photo. gosh. That was the ID photo she took more than a year ago. How could it appear in this passport?Look at the English at the bottom, there is a line of unfamiliar names—— Surname: ZHANG Given names: XIAO QIAO According to the most common Chinese name, it turns out to be "Zhang Xiaoqiao"?It's like Zhao Benshan's "Country Love".

There is a date of birth in English at the bottom, but it is one year younger than her actual age.The birthday changed from June 22nd to December 22nd - from the birth of the summer solstice to the winter solstice, exactly one-half of the earth's revolution. The birthplace of English is FUJIAN CHINA. Fujian Province?Cui Shan has never been there in his life. The passport was flipped back, except for some originally printed text, it was all blank, and there were no visas or entry-exit stamps. Zhang Xiaoqiao?Is this the new name X gave her?But in this air prison, what's the use of this passport from an unknown country?

For the first time, she felt familiar with the name Cui Shan.After one hundred and twenty days of primitive life, she believed that when human ancestors lived namelessly in the wilderness, they were no different from their prey.The reason why humans are different from animals is because we have names, so we are different from others, so we can be remembered by others, and we become important—or in other words, with names, people become selfish, isn’t that true? Cui Shan still stuffed the passport back into the fake LV bag. At noon, she was awakened by the sound of firecrackers downstairs.There were also a few lively high rises, and the eardrums were pierced and hurt.The smell of gunpowder wafts to the sky garden. When I was a child, I looked forward to smelling this smell every year during the Spring Festival, but when I grew up, I found it pungent and disgusting.

Someone get married?The new house is in the 30-story building opposite?How much did you pay for the house?Is the bride pretty?When Cui Shan was a little girl, she used to envy the bride in a wedding dress, and she still dreamed of it more than four months ago-now she no longer has it. In the middle of the night, the last mint candy slowly melted in my mouth and permeated the taste buds on the tip of my tongue, sleeping with me.Xiaobai came again, the fiery red spot on the tip of the tail flashed like an opal in the depths of the night mist.Cui Shan dreamed of her mother. When she was twelve years old, shortly after her father disappeared, her mother took her to church once, which was the only time in her life——as a young girl, she swore secretly that the next time she went to church, she would put on her wedding dress That day.

Unexpectedly, my mother believed in religion and believed in it with relatives in my hometown.The church was crowded with people on Sunday, and under the Gothic dome, the stained glass revealed an ambiguous and mysterious light, as if it was so close to the kingdom of heaven.Cui Shan looked around curiously, thinking it was for his father to make seven.Her mother pinched her thigh fiercely, so that she could listen to the priest on the altar with peace of mind. The white-haired priest spoke Mandarin with a strong rural flavor, and it took him a long time to understand—— A long time ago, the world spoke only one language.Men and women, come to the field of Babylon and build a tower "with its top reaching to the heavens, to make a name for us, lest we be scattered over all the earth."People piled up bricks day and night, straight into the sky.If a brick falls from the tower, someone will cry, because it takes a whole year to move a brick to the top of the tower, and you can't understand the sadness."Behold," says the LORD, "they are one people, and they all speak the same language. Now that they have done this, they will not fail to do anything they set out to do. Let us go down there and confuse their tongues, Make their languages ​​incomprehensible to each other." The tower collapsed, the human language was isolated, and they separated and hated each other, and went to all corners of the world.

Later, that city was called Babel, which means confusion.The towers that have never been successfully built are also called the Tower of Babel, the Tower of Babel, and the Tower of Babylon. At the end of the dream, a familiar smell of men's perfume wafted through his nose.
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