Home Categories Thriller One hundred and twenty days of peeping

Chapter 6 chapter Five

twenty days. When her eyes were red and tears were flowing, her hair was wet with dew, and the sun was shining on her face, Cui Shan saw a helicopter. The smallest plane I've ever seen in my life made almost no sound, but the propellers turned fast and approached the roof of the building very smoothly. I jumped up and yelled for help. It wasn't until I was four or five meters away that I realized that it was just a model airplane, and it was only more than a foot long including the blades above its head. The helicopter model has a small hook, and a large paper bag hangs in mid-air, which seems to have some strength.Flying to a height close to the top of the wall, the hook deftly opened automatically, and the bag accurately fell to her feet.

The moment he picked up the bag, the small helicopter pulled up and took off.She wandered around the hanging garden in a daze, running from wall to wall, trying to see where this guy came from, and was there anyone on top? Panting and sitting down on the ground, the eyelids that have not slept all night can no longer support, and the stomach and intestines are also tossing and turning.Opening the airborne bag, it was indeed water and bread, which looked familiar.Swallowing it impatiently, he tasted that it was a calf horn at 85 degrees C. After eating nothing left, even the bread crumbs on the fingertips were carefully licked off by the tip of the tongue, only to find that there was a piece of paper under the bag.

It was ordinary yellow note paper with a small ballpoint pen pinned to it. There are only three words on the paper, neatly written—— Who are you Instinctively grabbed the pen, but his right hand trembled violently. Looking at these words, he looked up at the four walls of the prison, as well as the unreachable sky, the nearest tall building. Does he (she) even know who I am?No, he (she) is playing a cat-and-mouse game, like sending food every day but still shutting people up, humiliating and playing with various methods, just like people shaking hands with pet dogs and making kittens roll on the ground, in fact They are simply disgusting.

I haven't touched a pen for many days, and I feel that I can't even write words. Cui Shan asked stroke by stroke on the back of the note paper—— Why lock me up? Her handwriting is neat and beautiful, and she wants to write more, such as "Who are you?", "Please let me out and promise not to call the police.", "What do you want? I can give it to you! "... After all, she didn't add a word, and she held the paper in her palm, lest it would be blown away by the wind, melted by the water and soiled by the soil. Sitting back in front of the clay washbasin, yesterday's drizzle had accumulated puddles, which were still relatively clear. I washed my face with water in the palm of my hand, and removed the dirt from the base of my ears and neck.His long hair was soaked in the water, looking at himself in pity.She just felt that she hadn't brushed her teeth for many days, and she seemed to smell some bad breath, which ruined the good mood.

Wait patiently until the next day. In the morning, when you open your eyes, there is not only bread and water, but also a miniature helicopter in front of you. Cui Shan grabbed it first and hugged it tightly in his arms. It was about the weight of an iPad 1, and its surface was painted with black paint.There is a small person in the cabin, more like a child's toy.The internal motor is metal, and the top three propellers are thin and hard.There is no battery in the airplane model, it is obviously charged. Before she had time to eat the precious breakfast, she stuffed the note paper she wrote yesterday onto the little man in the cabin.Check the hatch to make sure there is a hidden buckle and it won't fall out.She put the airplane model in the center of the sky garden, like a landing pad on the roof.He retreated to the farthest corner of the wall, still staring at it intently.

Half a minute later, the propellers began to rotate rapidly, and the helicopter rose steadily, over the top of the west wall, and flew towards the nearest tall building. The helicopter disappeared into small dots in the air, and what Cui Shanneng could see on the opposite side of the top four floors had at least twenty windows, and it was impossible to tell which ones were open and which ones were closed or which ones were only opened a crack. go to hell! Sorry, you can't die.If you die, then I die too.Please live well, and when I am free, I will kill you. Day and night, spent in anxiety, guessing what the answer will be.

Cui Shan woke up before dawn and looked up at the shimmering sky soberly until he was pierced by the black model plane. The mini-helicopter entered the sky garden, the propeller slowed down, and the rotation was close enough to see clearly, like an alien weapon stopped on the ground.Taking off the bread and water is enough for her to eat two meals, and if she wants to lose weight, she can last a whole day. There was a brand new note in the cabin.It's still that person's handwriting—— Who are you Damn, why do you always ask questions knowingly? Hurry up and fill your stomach first. Today's breakfast is very large, and it must include lunch.She drank water and waved to the tall buildings in the west, which meant that the helicopter could take off.

But it didn't move. What went wrong?Approaching it, the propeller turned a few times, and just a few centimeters off the ground, it landed steadily again. He (she) is waiting for an answer. If he or she doesn't write a note, he or she will probably stay in the Hanging Garden forever. Taking out the pen from the day before yesterday, she resolutely wrote a line—— "My name is Cui Shan. I am not a bad person. I was locked up here by robbers more than half a month ago. Please let me out. I swear, I will thank you very much!" Before the note was taken away by the small helicopter, she wrote her ID number at the end.

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