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Chapter 45 Chapter 45

Three paragraphs written after the story: I suddenly want to talk to you about my writing process, which is a very suspenseful process. In the second half of 2008, when I was patiently waiting for the Olympics, I suddenly had the urge to write novels in the midst of boredom, so I created the Horror Without Distance series (also known as In the World). In terms of the order of writing, it is exactly the opposite of the development order of the story. The first article is: My name is Zhang Hongshan, and it was published on Tianya Lianpeng Nonsense.Because I have never written a novel before, the writing style is very obscure, the conception is very naive, and it ends after writing the strange passenger on the train. To be honest, it is not very exciting, and I am not very satisfied.

Then I will tell you a myth. At that time, when I asked Zhang Hongshan to finish the work, there was an extra person on my QQ one night. To be honest, I never knew how he got on my QQ.I didn't add him and I don't remember seeing him add me, but this guy's name blew me away. The name of this QQ is Zhou Dedong, I still know this name. I am a playful person. At that time, I thought it was a friend who changed his name to tease me, so I pretended to worship a great god and joked: Zhou Da, let me ask you a question, why do I leave at the end of my horror and suspense novels? Go to the path of fantasy and mythology, do you think the path I am taking is right?

After five minutes of silence, this man named Zhou Dedong replied. From the moment he replied, I was stunned. I knew intuitively that this person was the authentic Zhou Dedong. But the weird thing is that he didn't know why our QQs could communicate with each other, but he still answered my question sincerely.I cut out all the conversations at that time, in fact it was just one sentence: Zhou Dedong 22:00:01 The key to a horror novel is the ending.If horror novels are included in fantasy, there must be a problem.I think the half-realistic half-magical ending is more advanced.Okay, I'm talking about a show, let's stop talking, let's chat, I wish you more good works.

Marriage 22:00:23 OK, I'm thinking about it. Now this QQ account named Zhou Dedong is still on my friend, but I haven’t spoken since then. From that day on, I began to believe that God’s will has its own arrangements. I was born to write horror and suspense novels. The value of my existence To write the best horror suspense novel. So I took I am Zhang Hongshan as the model, and wrote in turn the cat wife, the dog, who is by my side, I kept writing, and kept practicing 2,000 words every day. It is the prequel of Zhang Hongshan: The Security Guard in the Concierge Room. Half a year later, I had my own style, and I was finally able to put aside the strange power and confusion. At the same time, in order to expand the readership, I downplayed the horror atmosphere of the article and strengthened the suspenseful effect. However, in the Horror Without Distance series, I will always keep the half-magical and half-realistic style to commemorate a chance encounter with Mr. Zhou Dedong arranged by God.

Back to the original article I am Zhang Hongshan.As I said earlier it was unsuccessful and I've been meaning to rewrite this novel after the other series are done.But in the end I chose to give up and just made a little modification. At the same time, I removed the original ending and rewrote the two stories of The Shining in the Old House and Gu Jingqi Tan as the new ending. It's not that I'm lazy, but it's the original article of the Horror No Distance series. If it is changed, all subsequent articles will have to be changed.All bridges, all connections, may be inconsistent due to insufficient details after changes, and the blow to the entire series will be catastrophic.

So I chose to keep it, as a testimony to the start of my writing.Let everyone see how much progress he can make as long as he works hard and persists. Its significance has surpassed the clumsy article itself, encouraging me to keep moving forward. So don't use it to attack my poor writing, chaotic logic, loose structure, and poor literary skills. Because what you want to say, I have admitted.But things always evolve. I have read a lot of very beautiful horror novels, but they are beautiful, like actors with heavy makeup, and they still can't make me feel the soul of the novels. A child looked at you blankly and said: Uncle, there is a shadow behind you.Definitely capitalized more than a professional writer: On a dark night, the moon slowly emerges from the clouds, and the pale cold light shining on a barren grave must be shocking.

For horror springs from sincerity. When you are walking in a maze and can't find your way out, and someone suddenly throws you a straight line to guide you, how cool it is. The problem is that a lot of writers throw a thread at you. No matter what kind of scary maze, at this time you just want to stab someone with a knife, stab the one who lost the ball of thread. Throw it scary mother. So horror stems from brevity. I keep telling you that there are ghosts, there are ghosts, there are ghosts. You will yell and rush to the street, you Tang Seng. The problem is that many writers repeat such a monotonous sentence.

Many bestselling authors. Horror must also be interesting, otherwise the reader running away is the greatest horror to the author. If you want to touch someone's heart, saying I love you is far more convincing than long speeches. The same goes for trying to scare someone. But I never want my works to be scary for the sake of horror. I hope my works can give readers something other than horror, a feeling of looking up at the dawn in the dark. There is a kind of inhuman horror, which I will never write about. No matter someone says that I don't write because I don't know, I can't, I don't dare to be unworthy, I don't argue, my deepness will never be expressed in darkness.

Society can be dark, the Internet can be hypocritical, and reality can be dull.But we must never put ourselves in a cage. I just want to give you terror, not despair. I must tell you that even in the darkest days, there is sunshine. If you can’t see it, I will show you. The first ray of light that appears after darkness is the most beautiful. This is my writing style, and also my principle of being a human being, which will remain unswerving until my death. Chinese fantasy novels have a specific term called supernatural novels.If the word "horror" is added in front of "psychic", it becomes a horror novel and rises to the level of a scourge. Not only will it fail to become a mainstream novel, but it may also be banned and destroyed.

Is this good or not? Everyone knows the story of Dayu's flood control. It is always better to dredge than block, otherwise there will be too much blockage, and once there is a small gap, it is easy to burst the embankment. Who can guarantee that there will never be a gap in the embankment? Let’s talk about horror first. I personally think that the origin of horror is the primitive human’s fear of the beasts in the darkness outside the cave, natural disasters, etc., as well as the birth, old age, sickness and death inside the cave, and other unknown factors, a deep-rooted fear in the heart.

After so many centuries, it has become the instinct of human beings, and it cannot be obliterated, let alone caused by external factors.Thinking that banning horror novels will make Chinese people not afraid is as ridiculous as thinking that blindfolded people can't see ghosts. Well, I admit that you can't see ghosts if you are blindfolded, but at the same time don't forget that you can't see the road if you are blindfolded. I would rather not see the road than let go to hell, is it reasonable? Besides supernatural, supernatural novels originated very early, and the earliest I read was Sou Shen Ji.It may have been written by Ganbao of the Jin Dynasty, oh, and the Classic of Mountains and Seas, which may be earlier. One of the characteristics of this kind of novel is its rich imagination. Mr. Lu Xun’s childhood dream was to have a book of mountains and seas in his hand. Later, many imaginations became reality: such as landing on the moon, such as biological experiments, such as flying into the universe. Imagination cannot use reality to judge right and wrong --- books and audio-visual products can be published to inspire young people and stimulate their creativity --- this sentence is a slang. How can you know which imagination is correct and which imagination is not?There are descriptions of nuclear explosions in Indian mythological epics. If this is a kind of imagination, then the atomic bomb explosion is based on this imagination. One day, our earth will be destroyed because of too many atomic bombs, then we can say: Is the emergence of this kind of imagination right or wrong? Imagination, there is no distinction between right and wrong, it is a neutral word, and it has a spring function, the more it is pressed, the more it rebounds. Chairman Mao said: A hundred flowers bloom, not just looking at bonsai. The result of only looking at bonsai is likely to become a bonsai, a dwarf with correct facial features and complete limbs. Because imagination has become a controlled imagination, you can't think randomly, you can only think according to fixed thinking. This is a dwarf in thought. When we met Mr. Lu Xun at the spring, we could only tell him: Sorry, sir, after Shan Hai Jing, there will be no more Shan Hai Jing. Putting aside the circle of horror and supernatural, let's look a little further: the four great classics. What did the four great novels look like when they were just written? Romance of the Three Kingdoms: A novel that distorts history. Journey to the West: an authentic supernatural novel. Water Margin: exaggerating factors of social instability. A Dream of Red Mansions: Don't read it, it's a typical erotic novel. The reason why they are spread is because although they are not suitable for the current world, they have the brilliance of humanity. Horror and fear, spirituality and curiosity are all manifestations of human nature. The two words of prohibition and destruction are not good, and can only be used to guide. Why do you want a teacher?It is a joke that such an education system is afraid of a few horror novels and does not dare to let students read them. After reading it, you guide it, you persuade it, why are you tearing up the book. It is as ridiculous as affirming that students will not be able to marry, have sex and have children when they grow up without conducting physical hygiene classes. If there are no good horror and ghost novels in China in the future, it is also a tragedy of human nature, but there is another funny thing here: with the Internet, you can read foreign horror and ghost novels at any time. After a long time, we will no longer call the Jade Emperor, but call God in unison. Amen!
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