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Chapter 25 Chapter 25

Two hours later, my classmate looked at the cage I brought back and exclaimed, "What a cat."Tiger-shaped raccoon waist, impressive enough. I proudly said: Of course, it is almost more expensive than a big wolfhound.Tonight...hahaha. We both looked at each other and smiled.The big black cat also meowed twice for fun. We didn't feed the cat all day, and the hungry big black cat sizzled on the steel plate in the cage.But we want this effect.It's getting dark, and I was just about to open the cage door, when my classmate held my hand, buddy, wait, wait until it's late at night, don't let it out now, what if it runs away looking for food.

I thought it was right, so I closed all the windows and opened all the doors in the room to maintain the connectivity of each room.Then sit and wait out the night. But with the passage of time, the big black cat gradually became strange... Have you ever seen a cat called Chun, but now we are in front of a cat called Chun in winter. I excitedly said to my classmates: "Brother, there is a situation. You see, even the big cats can't control their enthusiasm for fighting."My classmate also panted and said, "Okay, I will do it this time, no matter what kind of monster you are, you can't go wrong with one thing."Wait, wait, let it out.Let it out for sure."

But if I waited any longer, I gradually felt that something was wrong. Why did the cry become more and more like a wail? My classmate glanced at me, and probably felt puzzled. "Let's go," we said at the same time, and moved down the cage door together. In the next moment, the black cat howled and rushed out of the cage, sprinted onto the table, then crossed the hall and quickly ran across the rooms.My classmates and I chased after excitedly.But the cat just didn't stop, and we couldn't keep up.It was easy to see it stopped on the railing of the balcony, and we hurried over, panting.

The big black cat squatted on the railing, facing us and wagging its tail.Have you ever seen a desperate cat? I can swear it sees us slowly approaching, with a look of despair in its eyes. As we approached, the cat stared at us as we slowly moved sideways on the railing. Suddenly, the railing came to an end.The black cat stood motionless on the railing like an iron building, bent over, its eyes were turning greener, and it was in an aggressive posture. We gently stretched out our hands, "Be good, cat, be good, let you catch the mice in the room, don't worry about it, be good." The black cat suddenly moved its paws, as if it was about to pounce on us, and we gave way subconsciously.

The next moment, the big black cat looked back at the moon outside the window, let out a mournful cry, turned around and broke the glass of the balcony with its body. I yelled, "Don't, this is the 18th floor..." The cat had already fallen downstairs with the broken glass, leaving a few drops of blood and hanging meat on the tip of the broken glass. While rushing towards the window, I couldn't help but think: So it was just looking for a hole to escape by running around the house just now. "Crack", when I got to the window, I just heard the sound of things breaking up from the bottom of the building, and the icy cold wind blowing from the broken glass hole, I couldn't help shivering.

Now the problem is simple, the cat is afraid of being like this, there are two possibilities: 1. There is something wrong with the house itself, there must be something strange in it; Answer: I decorated a house and found no problems.Two: I guarantee that I am normal by virtue of my character... The key to the rest of the problem is obviously... I let the hand of my classmate pat me on the shoulder, took a step back, and looked at him vigilantly. He was startled, then smiled wryly: Hongshan, even you don't believe me anymore. I didn't speak, just gave him a cold look, and left the balcony.

In the evening, I showed my cards to him: To be clear, your wife and daughter are worried about you, and I am also worried about your performance.Two options, one: your wife has entrusted me to propose a divorce to you, from now on you should not take a step closer to them, two: please sit down, I will tie you up and observe overnight. He sat down immediately: I don't have anything to say, it's up to you to make troubles. After tying it up, I took a few steps back and asked him: Do you really not know what happened to you at night?He shook his head blankly. I opened the door and his wife and daughter came in.

I patted my old classmate on the shoulder, "Brother, don't blame me. I do this because I respect my sister-in-law's opinion. But, to be honest, I'm dubious about what my sister-in-law and your daughter said about you. Then , only tonight let the facts speak for themselves." My classmate looked at me blankly, "What do you mean by that?" I shook my head, "Don't ask, let's see tonight." He smiled wryly, "If you don't ask, don't ask, as long as you believe in me, love Bind for as long as you want." At two o'clock at night, his wife and daughter fell asleep on the ground in a daze. I persisted until half past two, yawning profusely, and dozed off.

"Where is the sound of teeth grinding coming from?" I raised my head in a daze, and saw that the alarm clock on the desk was already two o'clock. "G, Ge," the sound of teeth grinding was still harsh, I looked up in confusion... a chill came to my heart. Under the light, my old classmate, who was tied to the chair, was stretching his neck, turning his head and biting the rope on his shoulder. If he didn't look like a mouse with his fat head and ears before, he looks like a fat mouse with a fat head and ears now.When I was a child, I saw a mouse in a cage grind its teeth, and the posture of turning its head and biting the rope was exactly the same as that mouse at that time.

I panicked and wanted to wake up his wife and daughter, but I forgot that I was still sitting on the stool. Bang, the stool was knocked to the ground by me. He turned his head and stared at me when he heard the slam, his mouth raised and rubbed at me. Grinding his teeth, his bloodshot eyes glowed faintly red, he lowered his head and bit the rope faster. I couldn't care about anything else, pulled up the mother and daughter who had already woken up, ran to the door quickly, and locked the door behind me.Standing at the door panting.His wife held my hand tightly: "Hongshan, you have seen it all. I woke up not long ago and found him changing like this. He was crawling around in the room. I was so scared that I had to close my eyes and pretend to be asleep." , But in the daytime, he was like a normal person, yelling everywhere to catch mice.I tested him several times, but he acted like he didn't know.

I was speechless, and kept shouting to catch the mouse, and the mouse turned out to be by my side. The daughter also said: that day my uncle and my father were guarding me in my room. At night, when I got up to go to the bathroom, I saw my uncle lying there snoring. Dad, no, that mouse crawled on the ground and sniffed my uncle’s leg. I was so scared that I slipped away. I got out of bed and ran to my mother's room. When it found out, it chased after me. I entered the room and locked the door. "Then it scratched and circled outside the door all night, what the hell happened to our family?" "My classmate's wife burst into tears. Sweating to death, it turned out that I was so dead in sleep that I didn't even know that there was such a big movement that day.But I couldn't bear to think more, and suddenly the key on the door moved.Haha, this lock is decorated by me. I know its characteristics. Even if the outside is locked with a key, the inside can still be opened. As soon as I grasped the handle of the door lock to prevent it from turning, I turned around and yelled at my classmate's wife: "Call, call 110." What should I say, do you think I haven't called the police. You know I was almost sent to the hospital by them after I said it, leaving my daughter at home alone with this monster?" ...it turns out I'm not alone in this experience. At this time, the two of us standing outside the door were not the only ones roaring, and the roar of the monster inside became louder and louder.The door was pulled and shook like a sail blown up by the wind.I'm dizzy, didn't the mouse crawl on the ground, how did it reach the handle of the lock, but it seems that at this time, I don't have time to ask my classmate mouse, how did he become a monster and play cards so unreasonably.All I know is that the guy at the opposite door is a powerful evil door.My hands are numb.I can't keep it anymore! "Go to the balcony", I suddenly remembered the scene of the big black cat falling that day, my heart moved, and I shouted at the mother and daughter, who hurried to the balcony. I saw that it was almost the same, quickly let go of the doorknob that was about to break, and ran to the balcony. The door was slammed open, I looked back, my classmate's head came out of the door, a little bit of saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth, looked left and right, slipped out, landed on all fours, and ran towards me quickly. As I ran, I thought, if he is not possessed by rats, he is rabies, anyway, if caught by him, he will surely be killed.If I were a cat, I might as well just jump off the building by myself, but I am better than a cat because... I rolled over and fell under the window frame that was knocked open by the big black cat, imagining that the monster behind could not stop, and directly knocked down the stairs... It's a pity that I didn't hear the wind above my head as I imagined. I groaned inwardly. I got up and looked at my classmate. No, that monster---the mouse's eyes were shining, and it walked towards us slowly, beside me. , It's the trembling mother and daughter of Haloxylon.Beside the mother and daughter, I am unarmed. My classmate... No, the big mouse gave me a vicious look, I thought it was about to pounce.He looked but did not act, instead he turned and walked towards the mother and daughter.Seeing that it didn't pay attention to me, I quickly wanted to go around to the living room, but it immediately turned around and growled at me. I was startled, and immediately stood upright. Seeing it turned around to look at the mother and daughter, I turned sideways and moved into the hall again, because I took a fancy to a steel chair there...a very good weapon, I watched it vigilantly while moving. It crawled slowly until it was just a finger away from the mother and daughter.The daughter was so frightened that she wanted to scream, but the mother covered her mouth, pulled her behind her, and looked at the monster in front of her with hatred. Seeing his mother standing in front of him, the monster hesitated for a moment, walked away a few steps, and saw that although the little girl was hidden behind her mother, there was still a small hand exposed.The monster let out a low growl, and stretched out its tongue to gently lick its little hand. The mother was stunned, the girl was stunned, and I was also stunned when I reached the steel chair and wanted to smash it over. I sat down on the steel chair. What happened tonight has already made me exhausted. Suddenly, strange music came from nowhere, and I looked up in amazement, and something truly terrifying happened. Although the music is strange, it is not unfamiliar. Is the mouse getting married? It is the ringtone of my mobile phone. The more I listen to it, the more familiar it becomes. Why did he turn back into a mouse and get married again? Moreover, at three o'clock in the morning, who would call me? But all of these can be thought about later, the key is that the mouse monster in front of him heard the ringtone of the mouse's marriage, turned suddenly to face the hall, looked vigilantly in the direction of the balcony door, and suddenly roared wildly. The next moment, countless small mouse footprints emerged from the ceiling, wall, and ground in the room, and they ran towards the balcony together. I screamed and felt a lot of little fluffy things go under my feet, up my neck, and some fell into my clothes, scurrying around, but I, I couldn't see anything, I just felt it. In the sound of the music of the mouse getting married, I felt thousands of little mice surging around the room and burrowing around me, but my eyes couldn't see anything. This feeling can no longer be described as weird. I frantically waved the steel chair in my hand, but I didn't know what the point of doing it was. I can't care about the mother and daughter on the balcony at this time, but someone hasn't forgotten them, or someone is working hard for them. The big mouse on the balcony, no, my classmate, he doesn't look like a mouse at this time, but like an angry lion, blocking the balcony door, roaring at the large number of mouse footprints that are approaching on the ground.Suddenly, he rushed out a few steps, biting and tearing fiercely at the invisible enemy, his advancing steps stopped, and all of them rushed to his body. I saw such a scene when I was a child, a group of ants biting a beetle, the beetle kept vibrating its wings and rolling over, trying to shake off the ants, but in vain.This is the scene before me now. But my classmate looked more fierce than the beetle back then. He jumped and roared, not only trying to shake off the invisible mice on his body, but also actively killing any footprints that tried to cross the balcony door.Soon the cotton coat on his body was torn off, and one temple of the glasses was drooping down. His face, hands, and any parts exposed to the clothes were bitten by invisible teeth, bloody .He still didn't back down a step, gritted his teeth fiercely, and exhaled hot air from his mouth. Finally, he hissed and stopped suddenly, and all the mouse footprints stopped as he stopped. The next moment, my classmate turned his head, and with all his strength, he threw himself on the mother and daughter who were huddled together, covering them tightly. The next moment, countless mouse footprints rushed across the balcony and rushed towards the father and daughter. My classmate blocked his wife and daughter with his back, and soon his back was covered with blood and flesh from invisible claws and teeth, but his fat body remained as motionless as a stone, and bones were gradually exposed in some places. I was about to shed tears when I saw it, but the invisible mouse on my body was enough to make me flustered, and I really couldn't step out to help him. "No, no, there must be something wrong here," flashed through my mind quickly.Why is their family being bitten non-stop, and there are so many invisible mice around me, but there is no less hair, it is too unreasonable. "Calm down, I want to calm down, maybe this is the key to solving the problem, I'm thinking hard. First of all, where did these invisible mice come from? I looked in the direction of the door, and the footprints on the ground, according to the traces, should have come down from the wall. As for the wall, I followed it and saw that it was From the ceiling... the ceiling... The ceiling... your grandma’s, relying on it’s ancestors, it’s a carpenter, I yelled angrily, calculated the position, and smashed a steel chair towards the ceiling of a ceiling. With a bald sound, the chair fell back to the ground, and there was a big hole in the ceiling. I rushed up to pick up the chair, and there was another guy on the ceiling. " "Wow!" Countless mouse paper-cuts poured down from the entrance of the cave. I grabbed a handful and smelled it. It smelled like mouse urine. After the mouse paper-cut fell, the invisible group of mice became confused, and the footprints became scattered. I looked back at my classmate, and he fell to the ground and moaned, but the sound he made was already a human voice. "Dequan, Dequan", I yelled loudly, and he raised his head with difficulty, "Lighter, give me your lighter." I yelled. I took the lighter thrown by my classmates and threw it into the pile of mouse paper-cuts. When the paper that had been soaked in mouse urine met the flame, it coaxed it to burn. In an instant, the invisible mice all over the sky evaporated out of thin air in the space, but my anger did not disappear with the disappearance of the mice, but with the fire in front of me burning more and more vigorously. In modern society, there are still people who use such vicious tricks as disgusting to harm others, and I didn't realize it, and I almost watched my classmate being murdered in front of me. I'm not going to let it go, whoever he is. At this time, the first ray of sunlight shone into the room through the balcony window. Its daybreak.
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