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Chapter 23 Chapter 23

"I'm human," I replied hastily.Hey, this answer made me blush too.But you will understand how I feel when you meet the day when dogs and talking birds quarrel.What surprised me even more was that Mr. You still stared at me after hearing what I said, as if he was very suspicious. You can only know how embarrassing it is when someone puts a gun to your head and treats you as a non-human being. "Mr. You, Mr. You, you have something to say," I really cried, "Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive." Mr. You didn't put down his gun, and roared, "Where did you hear this sentence?"... How should I answer.If he heard it from the dog's beak peck, he probably would have pulled the trigger without hesitation.According to what he heard from the sweeping aunt, he probably won't put down the gun until night.

I pretended to be aggrieved and said: Mr. You, what is this? Someday I won’t be scolded in front of and back for the sentence about making money in a frying pan. Why is it a forbidden sentence for you? Mr. You looked at me suspiciously, and slowly put down the gun, "Then tell me, why the red wall you installed for me emits a smell that I like at night. How do you know that I like to smell banknotes? "Ah...! Could it be that some unscrupulous worker smashed old newspapers, old cardboard boxes and the like into paint?" I thought to myself. Mr. You shook his head as if he saw through my thoughts, "Don't fool me, it's the unique fragrance of the long-lasting dozens of banknotes, and I can't smell it wrong. Tell me, did you wipe it on the wall? what."

Say...what can I say, no matter how much I can fool around, I can't make up anything now.I still fucking want to cry. Mr. You looked at my embarrassment in confusion, "You really don't know anything? Then every night..." Mr. You suddenly said nothing, bent down and took a bundle of money from the safe, "You decorate it yourself If you spend three days in the house by yourself, after spending 10,000 yuan, it will be yours. Otherwise..." Seeing what he meant, he wanted to draw his gun again. There was nothing to choose. At night, I lay on Mr. You's bed alone, staring straight at the red wall.

Tired of watching, I fell asleep and had a dream of getting rich. When I woke up in the morning, I found that I was very energetic. It was so easy to earn this ten thousand yuan. No, it was more than 10,000 yuan. When I got up, I suddenly found that there were several hundred yuan bills beside my pillow, which were old and wrinkled, not the new ones. Where did this come from?I can't help but look up at the top, there is a wall above, and the water is not leaking. No matter, I grabbed the banknotes into my pocket and smiled, I will do it if I live like this for a year. Let the banknotes come more violently.I yelled.

The next night, I turned off the lights early and lay in bed waiting to fall asleep, but I couldn't close my eyes.Involuntarily, he thought of the money that appeared on the bed in the morning.Where did this money come from? I checked the roof in the morning, but it was impossible; the doors and windows were closed backwards, but it was impossible; I turned my eyes and looked at the red wall, it was very dense, and I probably wouldn’t spit out money through a crack.Then... my hair suddenly turned cold, the bed, the only thing with seams is this bed. The bed under me. I tapped lightly on the side of the bed, "Boom. Boom," nothing happened.I snickered at my own paranoia.Before he finished laughing, "Boom, boom, boom." There was also a light knocking sound from under the bed.

My whole body on the bed stiffened immediately, and I tried my best to push my body closer to the head of the bed, curled up my legs, curled up into a ball desperately, and looked around the bed. There is nothing, but I dare not get out of bed to look. An old carpenter told me that the bed is the most protective piece of furniture. As long as the hands and feet are not exposed on the bed, ghosts will not be able to drag you away, so I found strange things in the room at night. The best way is to curl up on the bed and don't get down.But "Boom. Boom, Boom, Boom," the beating on the bottom of the bed became even more urgent.I felt that I was about to be driven crazy by the knocking sound, and trembling I looked under the bed... a pair of bright white eyes were looking at me.

I was so frightened that I immediately shrank my head and ran to the bed, and a thing as big as a plaque also rushed out and was rubbing my scalp. It is a huge spider, but it has hands and feet, just like human hands and feet, but it crawls on the ground, like a limb that has been broken and re-twisted and combined, crawls up and walks sideways like a crab, a bit It was a horrible feeling. The spider crawled horizontally for a while, as if it felt that I was watching it, and stopped.I shrank under the quilt, thinking that it was going to turn its head to look at me, but who knew that its limbs did not move, its body turned round and round, from the original posture with its back facing me to its head facing me, and it could be clearly seen under the moonlight , The spider's back actually has a pattern like a human face. The more it looks, the more it looks like the face of the cleaning lady I met in the morning, looking at me with a grinning smile.

The spider opened its mouth and spit out a string of silk at the corner of the wall above my head, followed by dragging the silk sticking to the top and "fluttering" to the corner, wandering around the roof in a blink of an eye, forming a big web, and then squatting in the center of the web not moving at all. My only thought at this moment was to escape from this room and never come back.But the money in my trousers pocket... I couldn't help but look at the trousers on the stool, or not.When I saw it, my whole body trembled.Under the moonlight, a big caterpillar that was thicker than my waist and longer than my thigh was slowly climbing up the chair, and smiled at me. The head of the bug looked more and more like Boss You’s round head, and climbed onto the chair. Chair, chew slowly and eat my money-stuffed pants.

"Get away," my thoughts kept turning in my head, but I just felt like my legs were put into the cotton pile, they were so soft that I couldn't move them, and they were so itchy and uncomfortable. I knew it was not good. I opened a corner of the quilt and took a peek, and saw that two smaller caterpillars were slowly crawling towards my head along my legs, and the small tentacles under my body sucked on my legs, which was the soft and crispy feeling. "Let me die, now." I really don't know what the bug will do when it crawls on my head.Stomach, chest, face, nose, eyes, and soon the bug reached the position parallel to my head, but instead of opening its mouth to bite me, it arched my head off the pillow, turned over the pillow, and hid in the The bills under the pillow began to be chewed.

I can't even move, I can only hear the sound of eating mulberry leaves in my ears: rustle, rustle.I stared at the top of my head in despair, only to realize that I was not the only one in the room paying attention to caterpillars.Above the head, the spider looked at me, and greedily at the giant worms that were only devouring the banknotes. Suddenly the rustling in my ears stopped, and I turned my eyes to the left with all my strength, only to see that fat worm had eaten all the banknotes, but it made a painful expression, a bit like... a bit like us humans Feeling like eating too much, its soft body squirmed like a sob, faster and faster, suddenly opened its mouth, and spit out a bunch of chewed banknotes and mucus, it seemed to feel better and relaxed.Suddenly there was another violent spasm.He opened his mouth and spat out again.

The vomit started out as mucus, but soon hardened and turned white, and became a stringy thing.The worm rolled on the broken banknotes and mucus that started to be spit out, and entwined the silk around the body. Soon, a huge chrysalis was formed. Although I didn’t look at the right side, I think the other two worms, one big and one small, should also The same change is happening, but seeing the spider above the head staring at the bug is like finding a delicious roast chicken when we are hungry. Soon there was movement in the chrysalis, as if something was breaking out of the cocoon.Suddenly, suddenly, there was a small movement on the top of the chrysalis, and two long tentacles were clearly seen rising out. "Pa", the chrysalis fell to the ground, and the ugly thing crawled out with a wrinkle. The ugly thing was lying on the ground, its long stomach seemed to be breathing non-stop, and there were two long thin membranes behind the stomach, looking up at the head, there was a curved straw under the big eyes, shaking with the breath With a shake, the thing suddenly pushed the two pieces of film downwards forcefully, flipped over, and slowly vomited a puddle of foul-smelling green water on the ground. Six claws with forked bottoms stretched out from under it to support it. up. My body trembled unconsciously, I just wanted to get as far away from that thing as possible, but I just couldn't move. Fortunately, after the monster stood up, it shook its head, shook the gradually hardening film, and stretched it. Come. A butterfly as big as a wheel is still a very colorful butterfly. The only fly in the ointment is that the pattern on the wings is too similar to Mr. You's face. When it is flapped, the eyes of the pattern of the portrait seem to flash with the same greedy light as Mr. You. What's even more fly in the ointment is that the curved suction mouth of the butterfly also hardens with the hardness of the wings, and the tip is like a sharpened hollow wooden stick.The butterfly flapped its wings and flew low, its compound eyes staring at me tightly.I felt ominously that it was staring at my blood vessels. The butterfly flew low for a few laps, pointed its beak like a helicopter, and flew straight towards my forehead. It turned out that what it wanted was not blood plasma, but brain matter. Suddenly it tumbled and fell down from the air. It was the spider that sneaked up on top of it along the web at some point, jumped on it fiercely, lit up its fangs, and bit down fiercely. The two monsters kept rolling on the ground, making crackling sounds.I was lying on the bed, and I could only keep praying: two bosses, it's none of my business, I'm just here to do push-ups. Soon the spider subdued the butterfly, wrapped the butterfly in silk like a hanged ghost, crawled up the corner of the wall and pulled the tightly wrapped butterfly, and the butterfly let out a dying cry in the cover made of spider web whine. Suddenly a shadow flashed in the air, and I saw another caterpillar transformed into a butterfly fly by in the air, hitting the climbing spider hard, and the spider fell heavily to the ground, overturned on the ground. land. The spider turned over, looked viciously at the butterfly in the air, dragged the butterfly on the ground and climbed towards the wall.This time when the butterfly in the air was about to hit the spider again, the spider suddenly jumped quickly and onto another wall. The butterfly hit the wall with a bang, shook a few times, and was about to go back crookedly. Flying, the spider jumped on the butterfly's back, hugged the butterfly's belly with its hands and feet, and bit down on the butterfly's neck. Butterfly's skull slipped off and rolled under the bed.The spider continued to gnaw on the broken part of the butterfly. Soon the spider's belly swelled up, and it pushed away the remaining butterfly corpses. It struggled to drag its stomach, which had more than doubled in size, and wanted to continue to climb up the wall, but it was too full to climb. I went up, and a pair of cold eyes were watching it all the time. It was the moth that the big caterpillar that devoured the money in my trouser pocket just now in the air turned into a moth. When the spider grabbed the first butterfly, it didn't move; when the spider bit off the neck of the second butterfly, it didn't move; now when the spider was full and bloated and couldn't move, it moved. It's hard to imagine that the moth's small wings can support its huge body, and it flies over the spider like lightning, stretches out the straw, and plunges into the spider's big belly exposed to the sky. The spider croaked in pain, but was firmly fixed on the wooden floor and could not turn over.But after the moth straw stuck into the spider's body, it didn't suck it out. It seemed that it was spitting some body fluid into the spider's body. After vomiting, it quickly pulled out the straw and left. Flying low and looking at the spider coldly, the spider turned over , but lost the vigor just now, kept twitching, his body became smaller and smaller, and finally melted into a pile of skin, curled up limply on the ground. The moths got rid of the big threat of spiders, stopped at the head of the bed and looked towards me, the straw was up and down.It turned out that the biggest jackpot in this gamble was still me.I smiled wryly.A piece of human skin involuntarily appeared in my mind. The moth stretched out its suction nozzle, stopped flying, and slowly crawled towards me. Soon, the tip of the suction nozzle touched the sole of my foot, itching and numb. I closed my eyes, knowing that the pain that would come soon would be extremely painful. I looked up and looked out the window, it should be near morning, the sun is about to come out, but unfortunately I will soon lose my sight. Think about money, for the sake of money, I am so greedy, and go everywhere to fish for money without conscience, so I am the same as this bug. After eating too much money, one day they will eat human flesh and drink human blood. BYE, everything I love, if there is an afterlife, I want to be a good person, not to abandon my conscience, dignity, and principles for money. I closed my eyes again and felt a slight pain in the soles of my feet Suddenly, from behind the red wall on top of my bed, there was a strange sound, like... have you ever sat in the cool air in a square full of bats in summer, that's what it feels like.Although you can't hear the sound, you can feel the sound waves surging around you. The tingling in the soles of my feet stopped and I suddenly found myself moving. I raised my body and looked, the moth seemed crazy, knocking on the door non-stop, as if there was something terribly scary in the room, forcing it to flee here. Touch, the door fell down, and the moths flew out in a panic. I found that I could move my hands and feet, and hurriedly followed to the door to have a look, and gasped. At some point, the lights outside were turned on.By the light, I can clearly see that the living room has become a nest of insects. Large and small caterpillars have already occupied the top of the ceiling, and the surrounding walls and floors are full of wriggling fleshy blue. I was going to quickly cross the living room and rush out of the room, but I was stunned. The room is not moving. But as the door was knocked open, the sound waves that seemed to only fill the room also rushed out of the room.All the wriggling caterpillars suddenly stopped moving, turned their heads to the door of the room, and stared blankly at me standing at the door of the room, as if time had frozen at this moment. "Crack", only the moth that kept flying forward knocked open a window, and disappeared in a panic in the pre-dawn night outside the villa. Then all the caterpillars wriggled quickly, heading towards the bathroom, the kitchen drain, the toilet, the bathtub drain, and wherever there were holes, you squeezed them down. After all, it is a mollusk, with such a big body, it can get in through such a small hole, maybe it also came out from there. The last caterpillar that climbed up the toilet looked back at me. "Click", blinked his eyes, and slumped into the toilet with a plop.I couldn't help but think of a pair of eyes I saw in the sewer, and it turned out that it was them. A ray of sunlight at dawn shone through the window smashed by moths into this messy villa. My legs and feet gave way and I shook a few times, but I held on to the door frame without falling down. "Boom, boom, boom." There were two knocks on the door, and then the door opened, and President You hurried in. Seeing the mess in the room, he opened his mouth wide and looked at me. I suddenly remembered the patterns on the wings of butterflies, and trembled unconsciously. Mr. You noticed the change in my face, pulled out a gun from his waist, and shouted at my head: Tell me, what happened. Although his face was sharp and sharp, I felt that he was actually more scared than me.Besides, after what happened last night, nothing can scare me more. I looked into Mr. You's eyes and said coldly, "I'm sorry, please put your gun away." Mr. You touched my forehead with a gun and shouted, "You speak first." I pushed the gun away, "You should tell me first, what do you mean by letting me stay here overnight." Mr. You looked at me in surprise, and I looked at him without speaking. He slumped down on the sofa in the living room, buried his head in his hands, and began to cry like a child. I stood next to him and said, Come on, what the hell happened when you moved in. Mr. You said dreamily: You know, I like the wall you painted very much, I really like it, it has a very kind feeling, like, like it was made of many, many banknotes.You don't understand, I know you don't understand, but that's the feeling..." I nodded: "Go ahead" Mr. You looked down at the ground, "Then one night, I suddenly smelled the smell of banknotes on the wall. It was so fragrant that I wanted someone to take a bite. I wanted to stand up and touch it, but found that I could only smell it on the ground. Crawling, it turned out that I turned into a bug, can you believe it, a bug, a bug." I looked at him sadly, but he didn't look up and spoke faster and faster. "Suddenly I felt that the wall was full of banknotes, and they kept falling down. There were so many banknotes, I...I suddenly felt that it must taste delicious, so I kept eating. Eat, I eat, I keep eating..." I shivered. "I eat, I eat very happily, I hope to keep eating like this, I don't want to tell anyone, so many banknotes are for me to eat alone. I know it is not a dream, I wake up every day, Seeing the chewed banknotes on the bed, I knew they were turned into worms and I ate them, so many, haha, so many..." Mr. You suddenly laughed nervously. I poured a glass of water, and he took it gratefully, but his eyes gradually became terrified, "But one day, I suddenly felt that while I was eating banknotes, there were eyes staring at me all the time, just like that. Stare, just like I stare at those banknotes, I know, I know..." Mr. You's voice became more and more shrill, "I know it wants to eat me. It's watching me. It's watching to see if I'm getting fatter day by day. It's watching when to eat me the most delicious. Those banknotes... those All the banknotes are used to feed me!" Mr. You grabbed my hand and pinched his nails into my flesh, "But I love those banknotes, I want to eat banknotes, I can't control myself, I know the more I eat, the sooner I will be eaten by them , but I still can't help but come back here every night, I want to eat..." I withdrew my hand. Mr. You grabbed my hand again and held it tightly: You live here too, you must have seen it all, save me, you find a way to save me, I will give you money, I have money ..." If the 10,000 yuan he gave me was not eaten by the worm (the worm should also be his avatar), I would definitely take it out and hit him in the face.But now I am really not in the mood to discuss money with him, although I really want to ask him: When you eat money, have you ever thought about cannibalism. "Mr. You, I think you'd better stay away from money. No one else can save you. Only you can save yourself. I'd better go first." Mr. You stared at me with eyes like dead fish, and suddenly jumped up. Get up, "You can't go, you know that if you make money in the oil pan, you put the wall here, you can't get rid of it." He drew his gun and pointed it at me, "You smashed the wall for me immediately, immediately .” Looking into his eyes, I know that the person standing in front of me is no longer a normal person. If I say no, he will definitely shoot without hesitation.There is a saying that a hero does not suffer immediate losses.I walked into the bedroom in a muffled voice, and Mr. You followed with a gun in hand. I knocked on the wall, ah, how is it possible, this is actually a sandwich wall, a sandwich wall made of plasterboard, it was obviously real when the decoration started here. "Three feet above the bed is empty", the word flashed through my head like lightning. "Three feet above the bed is empty", the biggest taboo in decoration, generally speaking, no one will do this in decoration unless there is a deep hatred.To put it bluntly, it is very simple. It is to separate the solid wall at the head of the bed with a plate, leaving a certain space, so that all the unclean things in and around the whole house can be gathered in this sandwich wall, and then facing With the head of the sleeping person, the result can be imagined. But this is just a rumor. I haven't done anything about what happened specifically.I didn't expect to appear in the house I decorated. Without saying a word, I picked up a mahogany sofa and slammed it against the wall.Immediately a large hole appeared in the wall. I picked up another one, smashed it again, and the hole became big enough for two people. Boss You eagerly ran to the edge of the cave to have a look, and suddenly burst out laughing.I also leaned over to take a look. The cement in the hole was still not dry, and the ground inside was so clear that many messy bare footprints could be seen. Mr. You danced and said, "I knew someone was making trouble. It was all done by people, so I'm not afraid anymore. It's all people who are scaring me, so I'm not afraid anymore." I kept silent. I absolutely do not believe that what happened last night was directed by humans. Yes, when I had no conscience, I also played a mouse in the middle of the night to scare people.However, I really can't imagine how to perform yesterday's scene. What's more... I patted Mr. You, "Mr. You, I know you are doubting me, but take a look, do human feet grow like this? Mr. You took a closer look. In an instant, his face turned pale and pale.Although the footprints on the ground are about the size of a normal person, they actually have six toes, and there are obviously webbed between the toes, just like ducks, or in other words, like the kind of water fins worn by divers. "Find money in the oil pan, fish in the oil pan. He's here, he's back." Mr. You wailed, and suddenly he turned and looked straight at me, murmuring in a low voice: "In the oil pan Make money", a "snap" shot, smashed his head.
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