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Chapter 17 Chapter 17

Finally, her chopsticks fell into my bowl, but she looked at Manager Wang and said in a trembling voice, "Old Chen, I'll treat you to eat." Manager Wang didn't move, just watched, how dare I eat it. She Huahua put down her chopsticks and stood up, walked to Manager Wang silently, bent down and whispered something in a low voice. Manager Wang's complexion finally changed. Looking at She Huahua, a surprised and hesitant expression appeared on his face. She Huahua smiled bitterly: I will definitely do what I said, but I just want a man to marry me on my 25th birthday. This wish is not too high.

Manager Wang finally nodded slowly, and said slowly: Okay, you do what you should do, and I will do what I can. Tonight, I will marry you. With a bright smile on She Huahua's face, she excitedly raised her glass to me: Chen, you are the witness of our marriage today. I drank the wine in the glass in one gulp. Seeing that Manager Wang also picked up the glass, and when he put it down, the wine in the glass did not decrease at all. I was shocked. Fortunately, I felt nothing different. She Huahua was no different, she smiled like a flower, and kept serving us food and wine, and soon a small mountain piled up in Manager Wang's bowl.

What is in the bowl is what is in the bowl, and it will never be eaten in the mouth. Manager Wang just kept looking at his watch. At five minutes to six, She Huahua took out a small box from under her wedding dress, opened the box and found a pair of diamond rings, handed it to Manager Wang, and said coquettishly, "Will you bring it to him?" Without saying a word, Manager Wang took the ring and stood up, picked up one and quickly put it on She Huahua's finger, and said coldly: "I, Tong Ming, am willing to marry She Huahua today." She Huahua also took out a ring, smiled happily and carefully put the ring on Manager Wang's middle finger, and said excitedly: I am willing to marry Tong Ming as my wife, no matter...

Manager Wang interrupted her flowers and said to you: Hurry up, it's your turn, we are in a hurry. She Huahua's face immediately turned pale. Looking at Manager Wang, Manager Wang sat down slowly.I smiled wryly, imitating the priest I watched on TV and said in a tone: I am here to witness the wedding of a couple, Mr. Tong Ming, would you... Manager Wang interrupted me: We talked about that part, skip it, and go down.She Huahua shouted suddenly: Let him talk! Manager Wang was taken aback for a moment, and I hurriedly asked She Huahua: Miss She Huahua, would you... Manager Wang interrupted me again: She is willing, she said it just now.Both She Huahua and I looked at him. Manager Wang raised his arm and pointed to the watch on his wrist: It's six o'clock!

She Huahua's lips trembled, she suddenly overturned the table, and shouted: Don't eat, what to eat? Manager Wang and I both stood up. The ground was covered with broken plaster statues and plate fragments, mixed with scattered and untouched dishes. Manager Wang continued to look at his watch: it was 6:02. She Huahua smiled slightly, wiped the corners of her eyes, then I'll delay for another 2 minutes, can I touch up my makeup? Manager Wang nodded: yes. She Huahua said: Thank you, and walked into the room, closed the door, and then I heard the sound of smashing things in the room, and the sound of sobbing while covering my mouth. I looked at Manager Wang, and he was like an iron pestle. standing.

It took She Hua 10 minutes to come out. She did put on her makeup again, she was still beautiful, and she was still wearing a wedding dress. She bowed slightly to me: I'm leaving, Chen, I have always been taken care of by you, you are a good person. I didn't understand what she meant. She smiled at Manager Wang again: Wang, is there anything you want to tell me in the end? Manager Wang said coldly: I will tell you after you leave. She Huahua smiled and shook her head, walked to the balcony, and opened the window of 908. The last ray of sunset outside the window fell on her body, dyeing the snow-white wedding dress red, as if it was about to bleed.

She Huahua looked at the sky, suddenly turned her head and smiled, and said to Manager Wang: Wang, the sky is so beautiful, I suddenly don't want to die, what should I do. Manager Wang walked to a place not far from her and said flatly: I can wait until the sun goes down. She Huahua sighed and said: Why don't you give me a kiss to express your encouragement?I have no regrets about leaving. Manager Wang stood still and said, "I think so too, just because I'm afraid a knife will come out from under your wedding dress." She Huahua shook her head with a smile, and unzipped the zipper on the back of her neck with her backhand, and the wedding dress slipped to the ground with nothing on inside.

She stretched out her arm to Manager Wang: What about now? Her naked body is like a sculpture under the setting sun, and her soft vellus hair shines like golden threads under the setting sun, making her so beautiful that people dare not look closely at her. Manager Wang's throat was rolling, and he finally stepped forward, hugged her, and the two kissed together. Suddenly, Manager Wang, who was facing away from me, struggled, as if trying to push She Huahua away, but She Huahua hugged her tightly. He didn't let go, and looked at me from Manager Wang's shoulder, with a strange expression on his face, as if a child had finally eaten the candy hidden by an adult.

Manager Wang finally pushed She Huahua away, pointed at her but couldn't speak, She Huahua hugged him who was about to collapse, and said flatly: "It's nothing, I just took a high-speed anesthetic capsule, Wang, come with me." , without you I will be lonely. She Huahua waved to me, and rolled down from the window on the 9th floor with Manager Wang in her arms. I stayed for a while before I realized it, and rushed to the window to see Manager Wang and She Huahua lying on their backs on the ground downstairs. Blood flowed out from under them, and one of She Huahua's shoes fell off her foot, exposing Bai Shengsheng's foot that I had pulled out the thorn for her.

One of the two corpses was facing away from me, and seemed to be licking the blood from the corpse. When he turned his head, I finally saw that it was Xiao Zhang. Xiao Zhang smiled ferociously at me and ran away quickly. The sun finally set and night fell. Will all nightmares be over when the sun rises again? After going downstairs, I stood in front of the corpses of Manager Wang and She Huahua, staring blankly at the brown blood pool that was about to condense on the ground. A person's blood is red at first, but it will gradually turn black. This is true outside the body, and it is also the same inside the body.

People's hearts are so dark. I slowly pressed my hand into the blood on the ground, looked at the palm of my hand, then turned my hand and pressed the handprint hard on the chests of Manager Wang and She Huahua. Now the two corpses have teeth marks on their necks, and my handprints on their chests. Tomorrow morning, the cleaners will naturally call the police. Everything in the night will not be brought into the day. I looked towards Building B, and the lights in room 202 were on. There is only this little light in the whole community, like a little will-o'-the-wisp in a dark tomb, I walked back to the reception room, took out the key in the dark and opened the door, dragged off my coat and threw it on the bed, picked up the flashlight on the table and went out. A black figure suddenly appeared at the door. I turned on the flashlight to shine a light on it, and what appeared under the halo was a face full of knife-like wrinkles. Lao Meng came back and blocked my way out. I was pleasantly surprised: "Why, come back, what happened for so long?"Sit down, sit down, I'll go on a night patrol and I'll be right back. Lao Meng stood on the threshold, didn't mean to let go, sighed and said: I'm afraid you won't come back after you go. His speech was still so stiff and dull. I slowly put away my smile: Lao Meng, can you wait until tomorrow if you have something to say?I have to work now. Lao Meng refused to let go, shook his head and said: No, there are some things, it is better to talk about them in advance. I sighed, turned on the light, and sat down on the chair. Lao Meng also walked in and asked: Can you take this as an invitation for me to come in. I pointed at the bed: everyone is in, just sit down.Lao Meng sat down and said: I have not dared to come in without your consent. I chuckled: They are all the same people, so what are the rules?Do you drink tea? I opened the drawer to find some tea, but Lao Meng opened his hand to me: You're welcome, do you want to eat sugar? The palm of his big veined hand was facing upwards, with a few candies on it, I shook my head: Thank you, I am old, my teeth are not good, and I will lose my teeth if I eat them. Lao Meng picked up a piece of candy and put it in his mouth, swallowed it, and the knife lines on his face narrowed: I know, you only give candy to your children, and you never eat it yourself. I tapped the table with my knuckles and asked him: Are you sure you don't want to drink tea? Lao Meng picked up another piece of candy and swallowed it: I don't think it's troublesome, anyway, I took the candy from your drawer. I knocked hard on the table and asked him: Are you really not afraid of Gu? Lao Meng shook his head: We Miao people are not afraid of Gu, not to mention my totem is the Frog God, which has the power to purify Gu. He twisted another piece of candy: for example, the Gu in this piece of candy.I eat nothing.Although the Gu in each piece of candy is different, I'm not that kid. Mixing two different kinds of Gu is just a piece of candy to me, and there will be no mutation. Lao Meng swallowed sugar: Anything that happens in a community can be hidden from others, but it cannot be hidden from the cleaners who clean the place.As long as you're here, there's always something about what you leave behind. For example, in the garbage cleaned by the Tong family, there will suddenly be a snack that the children of the Lin family like to eat, but the children of the Tong family have never touched this before. For example, a few buttons of a doorman suddenly appeared in the trash of the She family. Another example is that the garbage in the Wang family is too mixed, no matter how you look at it, it is the product of a group of people's lives. There are many different places, such as candy paper, such as beverage bottles, So there is a saying that you are right, we are all the same people, people who are in the community but not here, staying here and refusing to leave, can only have our own purpose. I laughed again: Lao Meng, I really misread you, I never thought you could speak so well. Lao Meng stretched out his hand to me: This candy is very good, let me eat some of it, as it is always bad to leave it behind and hurt others. I smiled and shook my head, took out a whole bag of candy from the locked cabinet, grabbed a handful and handed it to him, Lao Meng took it and swallowed another: I just don’t want to talk, in fact, my young When I was very good at talking, I used to talk to many people, but later I learned that if I talk too much, the secret will be easily leaked, and if it is leaked, it will cause trouble for myself. That's why I drifted here and became a cleaner, but here I found an abnormality, but when everyone was gone, and only these five people were left, the clues became clear, and I knew that someone had set up a venom here. I chuckled: Yes, Xiao Zhang once asked me how many stocks I still had, and I told him I had five Gu left, but unfortunately he didn't understand. Lao Meng ate the candies one by one: five sticks.The Gu techniques in Miaojiang and Central Plains are also similar, they put the five poisons in jars to kill each other, and take the last one left as the Gu seed. It's just that we can't use human beings to refine Gu like you, it's taboo in our place. I shook my head: I am not a Miao person, so I am not restricted by these rules. Lao Meng said coldly: Let me guess, the community is the pot, and the five people represent the five poisons, right?Does Lin Xiaoyu represent a gecko? I sighed and said: Yes, the gecko is actually non-poisonous and has a gentle temperament. It is always listed as one of the five poisons just because of its hideous appearance. I have always sympathized with it. But to refine Gu, it is always indispensable.Sometimes doing things requires a little sacrifice. Lao Meng held out the candy in his hand: That's why you gave her the same candy you gave Tongtong? I shook my head: It was always an accident, no one wanted to make such a big splash, everything was done secretly, no one thought that Tongtong would give her sugar to Lin Xiaoyu, and the two medicines clashed, A mutation occurred, leading to such a big thing, and everything had to be re-arranged as a result. Lao Meng nodded, Tongtong is a scorpion? I laughed: not only Tongtong, only scorpions will be born to eat the mother's body, and only scorpions will have the female scorpion devour the male scorpion. Whoever wins between Tongtong and her mother will be the last scorpion. Lao Meng swallowed another candy: She Huahua is a flower snake?It seems that I almost entangled you too?When did you lay hands on her? I smiled wryly: I don't want to mention her, I underestimated her, and the person who made the arrangements almost got entangled in it himself, what a shame.The bureau gave me a chance when I saw the mother and son looking for someone, otherwise who would send them upstairs?Of course, it was because she fell ill not long after, after all, I handled all the medicines she took. Lao Meng snorted: I never imagined that you would dare to attack a poisonous bug like Manager Wang.how did you do that? I smiled wryly again: he was an accident, a sudden unstable factor, if I don't mess with him, he will mess with me.The tricks laid out later are all to get rid of him, he is too powerful, even if he becomes a Gu seed, I can't control it.Fortunately, he sometimes comes to drink tea with me, to give me a chance. Lao Meng nodded: Yes, the medicine is in the tea.None of us know what this person has met before. He seems to have a familiar aura, so I didn't suspect you at first, but I was worried about him. I laughed: No matter how powerful a person is, he still has weaknesses. As long as he is a player in the game, he will not be able to escape the arrangements of the organizers. Lao Meng thought for a while: Yes, Xiao Zhang is indeed the best final choice. Is he a spider? I grabbed a few more candies and handed them to Lao Meng: He can only be a spider, living on the web. In reality, the community is full of traps, and his every move can't be hidden from him, and the traps are specially set up to harm people. It's just that he forgot that there is no camera in my reception room.I am someone outside his network, and this person outside the network has mastered his food supply.He is too lazy, so he asks me to buy instant noodles and drinks. Lao Meng looked at me, and I looked at him, neither of them spoke. Then I smiled: You have finished asking, it's time for me to ask. The frog disaster in the yard should be caused by you, right?How long have you been setting up this formation?for what?Purify?I've been wanting to have a good talk with you, except tonight. Lao Meng nodded: Yes, I set up the array. The frog array has the power of purifying Gu. After I found out that She Huahua was abnormal, I planted the frog array in the waterway of her house, and waited for the operation of your Gu bureau. Unfortunately, that For a while, I had to leave for important matters, but the storm activated the Frog Formation ahead of time. Without my hosting, I couldn't break the situation. What a pity. I shook my head and laughed: Lao Meng, Lao Meng, a wise man has a lot of worries, and there is bound to be a loss, but you don't know where your loss is. I also grabbed a candy, slowly peeled off the candy wrapper, looked at it in the palm of my hand, swallowed it, raised my head and smiled at him: Look, my Gu technique is not as pure as yours, and I don’t have the power to purify Gu.But I dare to eat this candy, why? You Miao Jiang, although you have been refining Gu for so many years, you always follow the old ways and move around with a few broken worms, but you don't know where the real Gu poison is.Although our Central Plains voodoo technique is only derived from the superficial surface of your Miaojiang voodoo technique, we have grasped the true essence. Lao Meng, worms are the medium of Gu art, but it is not stipulated that all the mediums must be worms. People are also a kind of medium, and they also have his magical effect. Where is the real Gu poison?It's not snakes, scorpions or insects, but in: people's hearts! In this candy, there is no secret of Gu art that you have worked so hard to find. There is only a very common thing. Of course, it may be a little strange to you, so I will explain it. The candy in Lao Meng's hand fell to the ground, he stared at me, and asked: What did you put in the candy? I laughed, picked up another candy, and waved it in front of Lao Meng: Lao Meng, man, it is not a bad thing to know more things in this life. Sugar is just sugar, anything more is sugar.The thing in the sugar is also something that five people in the yard have eaten. What is it? A little bit of my own added ingredients. It has only one effect, which is to weaken people's control and release people's inner desires. Taking too much of this medicine at one time will have an effect, that is, it will cause loss of strength, and it will cause suspended animation: for example, Lin Xiaoyu, she finished eating the candy I gave her, and continued to eat the candy given by Tongtong. That's why she fell into a coma at Tongtong's house. The real Gu poison is in their hearts, I just help them release the thoughts deep in their hearts. correct.Lao Meng, how much sugar did you eat in a row just now, do you want to drink some water?
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