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Chapter 13 Chapter 13

The body of the female corpse propped up a few times, but finally she still could not turn over. Suddenly, her body moved strangely to the left, without raising her hands or feet, then turned over again in a moment, started to move to the right, and finally fell sharply on the ground Turning in a circle, turning faster and faster, suddenly there was a snap, the female corpse turned its belly to the ground, but turned its head to the sky.Dead white eyes stared straight at us. I was so frightened that I hugged the forensic doctor, who yelled anxiously: "Let me go, I want to open the door."

I wanted to let go, but my hands and feet didn't listen to me, and I hugged him even tighter.Suddenly, the face of the female corpse twitched, and a strange smile was squeezed out. The forensic doctor's legs gave way, and we both fell to the ground.The female corpse couldn't stop twitching, her whole body rose and fell one after another, like waves, as if some huge monster was about to break through her body and come out. Suddenly, the female corpse's mouth opened suddenly. This time, the forensic doctor was so frightened that he hugged me tightly, and I couldn't open the door either.Fortunately, a moment later, from the woman's open mouth, a caterpillar poked its head out for a look, then retracted.

The forensic doctor and I looked at each other, breathed a sigh of relief, struggled to stand up, and were about to speak. Suddenly, the woman's body burst open, and countless caterpillars scrambled out, swimming towards us quickly on the ground. I have never seen a caterpillar that swims so fast. It feels like a wave of colorful waves is rushing towards us. The forensic doctor may be used to seeing corpse insects. A piece of fuzzy green slime fell, and I turned my head and smiled and said to me who was shrinking towards the door: It’s okay, the caterpillar won’t jump on you and eat you.

After the words were lost, a caterpillar arched its body, pushed its tail on the ground, bounced onto the forensic doctor's trouser leg, and quickly bit a hole in the trousers and got in. The forensic doctor howled, and then countless caterpillars arched their bodies one after another, jumped on the forensic doctor with their tails on the ground, bit his body, and got into his body.Soon the forensic doctor stood there, and his whole body surged like that of the female corpse, as if another huge monster was about to emerge from it. I was so frightened that I opened the door and ran out, held the doorknob tightly, and howled: Help, help, the forensic doctor was eaten by insects.All the policemen ran over one after another, asking repeatedly: What's the matter, what's the matter?

I grabbed the doorknob and stammered the story. That nasty dead policeman stared at me and asked suspiciously: "Old man Chen, are you a fellow Taoist (drug addict)?"Let go and open the door for me to see. I was so anxious that I shouted: You are a fellow Taoist, your mother is a fellow Taoist, and your whole family is a fellow Taoist, why don't you die, your parents didn't tell you to respect your elders?Can this door be opened? ! The dead policeman pushed me away, muttering: I don't believe it, there is such a horrible thing in the world, the door was kicked open by him, and there were indeed no caterpillars inside——swarms of beautiful butterflies rushed out of the kicked door out.

The policemen exclaimed: What a beautiful butterfly, but my blood is about to coagulate. This is exactly the man-eating butterfly that the forensic doctor told me about. The butterflies in the room flocked to the outside, I immediately pushed aside the police and rushed into the room, and locked the door behind: this is the safest place inside. The forensic doctor was standing there with only a skeleton, half of the eyeglass legs drooping on the skeleton, and there was not even a thread of cloth left on the skeleton. He wanted a butterfly specimen, but now that the butterfly had it, he himself became a specimen.

Outside the door came the howling of the policemen, and the dead policemen slammed on the door desperately: open the door, let me go in and hide, I was sent by the Ministry of Communications. I pushed against the door and shouted inside: What did you tell me?Tell those man-eating butterflies! His cursing sound faded away. Finally, the chaotic sounds outside gradually became more regular, as if someone was directing to fight those butterflies. I opened the door a crack, and saw that the ground in the police station was densely packed with brightly colored butterfly corpses, and some policemen were lying on the ground. At every turn, a few old policemen commanded, holding fire extinguishers and spraying, and every time white mist sprayed out of the air, there would be a burst of bright meteor shower.There are also living policemen who are holding large and heavy stationery such as phone books and file bags, and are desperately waving into the air.

There were not many butterflies in the sky anymore, so I opened the door and ran outside the police station. I passed by the dead policeman and couldn’t help but say: Police officer, your hands are covered with the blood of rare animals today.He concentrated on taking the rolled up newspaper and swiping down the two butterflies that were about to attack him in the air, while cursing: You old man, let your lungs be precious. Before he finished cursing, I had already opened the sliding door and ran out of the police station. I just took a deep breath when suddenly I froze. I used to. I was standing on the steps of the police station, and neither was advancing.Not even looking back.

To move forward is to walk towards the devil; to retreat, can we count on the tortured and dying policemen to protect me? There was no better choice, so I had no choice but to walk next to his car. Manager Wang smiled and said: Is the matter over? "Yes." I said. Then get in the car, I will take you back on the way, Manager Wang said. ...I stood still. Brother, you should get in the car, Manager Wang said with a smile. "Yes." I quickly agreed. In the car, while looking at the road ahead, Manager Wang said to me sitting in the back of the car: Brother, I told you that I was born as a salesman, so you know that the greatest salesman in history is who?No no no no, not Bill Gates, Bill Gates is like an ant standing in front of an elephant compared to the greatest salesman.

The greatest salesmen are Jesus in the West, Sakyamuni in India, and Confucius in China. They can distribute the cheapest products to the largest number of people and get the biggest returns. So what is this cheap and irresistible product? ?That is the philosophy.What is most important in the 21st century?idea! Manager Wang said modestly: I just use them as an example to strive for my goal and strive to be a qualified salesperson. Brother, you have to trust your own feelings, don't be fooled by the illusion you see, am I cruel?No, no, no, the ideas of Jesus can make people bankrupt, the ideas of Sakyamuni can make people desperate, and the ideas of Confucius can make people an idiot. Has anyone ever said that they are cruel?No, because people only see the final goal: the purification of the soul.The prerequisite for achieving the goal must be to pay a price.From this point of view, I also gave some people goals, of course they must pay the price to me, this is the principle of fair trade,

So, he said briefly: I'm not wrong. "Yes." I nodded repeatedly. Although I didn't understand what he said, I knew that I couldn't afford to mess with this man who was driving. Manager Wang was excited: But some people just can't understand, they insist on hindering my ideas, destroying the dreams of those pure and kind people.His voice was a little choked, those poor people, is it wrong to pursue one's own dreams alone?Isn't it glorious for a person to strive for the realization of his ideals?I, their protector, I, must not allow them to become martyrs, my heart, my soul, my mind, are all calling out to remove these obstacles that destroy the ideals of others, and remove these obstacles that lead to purification The stones on the road... Manager Wang waved his hands excitedly, and I exclaimed: steering wheel, steering wheel, front, front, car, car. Only then did Manager Wang put down one hand to hold the steering wheel, avoided a truck in front, and said indifferently: "It's okay, for the sake of ideas, what is life?"What is my life, what is your life?A life without ideas is just a zombie, life can only exist for ideas... I exclaimed again: steering wheel, steering wheel, car, car.Manager Wang withdrew his waving hands again, held the steering wheel and looked back at me: Brother, would you make that kind of evil stone that destroys other people's ideas? I nodded again and again: Yes, yes, ah!No, no, dare not, dare not. Manager Wang said briefly: I believe in you. When the car arrived in the community, I scrambled and scrambled to get out of the car door. Manager Wang shouted behind me: You have to believe that everyone has a butterfly in their hearts. The police station asked me to ask questions later, but they couldn't find anything out of the question, so the matter calmed down. Many things are like this. When they happen, they happen vigorously, but after they pass, they are silent. What's more, it's such a thing that no one wants to talk about. I can no longer be regarded as a security guard. In this community, the only thing I want now is to keep myself safe. I thought about running away, but when I thought of Manager Wang's smiling expression, I suddenly lost my courage. Maybe if something happened after I left, he would think I stabbed it out. I am now a complete doorman, shutting myself in the door that I guard. Let it go, Manager Wang; let it go, Miss She; let it go, Tongtong, I don't dare to ask you anything now. Only Xiao Zhang is innocent. He has done so many things for me, but he doesn't know what kind of danger he is in. He only knows to hide in his room and play with his computer day and night, and even sends messages on his computer to ask me to buy instant noodles and drinks. To be honest, I was selfish, I didn't inform him to escape, because knowing that there was at least one normal person in the yard with me would make my heart feel more at ease. And there is a few dollars in rebates for helping him buy things. But the yard is getting more and more spooky, and the screams of nocturnal animals can be heard every night. It is often cats or dogs, and occasionally there is a mournful cry of night birds, which is extremely miserable, and then becomes silent. When I wake up the next day, I can't find any traces in the yard. I always thought that Manager Wang was looking for teaching materials for sales again, but I didn't even dare to leave the door when I heard the shouts. Finally one day when the two chickens I raised were gone, I couldn't help but speak to Manager Wang who was about to go out. Manager Wang looked at me strangely and said: "Brother, you have found the wrong person. You must know that rabbits don't eat grass beside their nests."If it's really what you said, you have to check it out.Know that it is your job to provide a safe living environment.If there is anything you can do for me, just say it, but you have to do it. Now I can't think of checking. It's gradually entering autumn, and I can already feel the faint coolness at night. During the day, I will sweep out piles of falling yellow leaves, piled up like loess tombs in the community. The new cleaner may have heard about some abnormal things in our community, so he came less and less often, and I did more cleaning. I began to miss Lao Meng. I didn't need to do so much physical work when he was around. Maybe one day my life will end like these piles of yellow leaves, and I will be dragged to somewhere to be burned. I hope it's not She Huahua who did the final beauty treatment for me. She saw my body when I was alive, and I don't want her to see it again when I die. I don't have any particular complaints against her. It's pitiful for a woman to be like her. Behind every cruel woman there must be a ruthless man. She has two. Now, maybe almost three. She Huahua has gotten very close to Manager Wang recently. Manager Wang is very attentive and will often pick up She Huahua in the morning and evening. I found that he seems more interested in this than in his sales career. And She Huahua's eyes also seemed to have some inexplicable things, I found that she gradually became more stable, no men came to her outside, and she stopped talking nonsense when she saw me. The baggage she carried out became bigger and bigger, and the baggage she carried back became lighter and lighter. Finally, one day, she no longer carried the baggage in and out. I know she's cleared out the stock in the room and is happily welcoming a new relationship. But the burden in the room was let go, could the burden in her heart also be let go?If she knew what kind of person Manager Wang was, would she pick up the bone-eviscerating knife again? Every time I see her come in and out humming a love song, I always think about whether to tell her the real face of Manager Wang. Otherwise, the first two men failed her, and the third man might end her. My final decision is to play it safe and stop talking nonsense. I also saw Tongtong lying on the balcony and watching She Huahua's coming in and out coldly, without moving. Manager Wang still smiles so kindly and warmly, you will never see a heart made of cold iron condensed in his heart. Xiao Zhang is always entrenched upstairs and can't come down. I think this is also a good thing, at least it will save some trouble. This is the daytime of the community, but what about the night? In the evening, the autumn wind will blow the solitary leaves at the tip of the fallen leaves, and there are night birds whispering in the distance. When there is a moon, the community is pale, and when there is no moon, the community is dark, but today is cloudy. When the moon was covered by clouds, there was a rapid and miserable dog cry from the yard, as if a wild dog had been bitten by the neck by something. I picked up the baton I had just applied for, and ran out with a flashlight.
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