Home Categories Thriller No distance from terror · Security guard in the reception room

Chapter 4 Chapter 4

Throughout the first half of the night, I watched Building C, and finally at three o'clock in the middle of the night, the lights of 406 came on, and I poked at the two police officers, one fat and one thin, who were sleeping on my bed: Two, get up, the lights are on. The two of them looked at the lights of 406, and suddenly regained their spirits: Lao Chen, so what you said is true. Seeing them so excited, I was speechless, took out the flashlight: let's go. They followed behind the light of my flashlight. A group of people walked in the quiet nighttime community, and the two behind them kept muttering: Don't tell me, your community is quite quiet at night, which is a bit creepy.

I said lightly: It's okay, the little girl is still here, and it's pretty good here. The fat policeman immediately became vigilant: What, the one who reported the girl and lost the girl was your community?I pointed to the lighted 406 in Building C: it's 306 Lin's house under the Tong's house we're going to. The two policemen stopped in their tracks, and the skinny policeman said: I suddenly want to go to the toilet to relieve my big hands.I pointed to building A: behind that, there is no light inside, so look carefully. He didn't go. The fat policeman began to curse: hell, there is not even a moon, it will rain tomorrow.

The skinny policeman went on to say: I always feel that people around me are looking at me, and I panic. I didn't tell him about the eyes I saw in the grass, so I quickened my pace, and they quickly followed. When they got downstairs, they refused to enter the elevator, saying that if the card was not a joke, I had to take them up the stairs. The two policemen insisted on going ahead of me this time, so I took a flashlight and shone it on them from behind.When they reached the third floor, they suddenly stopped leaving. The fat policeman turned around and said, "Old Chen, you should come ahead and open the way. To be honest, I always feel that after entering the corridor, there is another person behind us."

The skinny policeman let out a low cry: I thought I was the only one who felt this way.I just glanced behind and seemed to see a dark shadow. I sighed and was about to go to the front when suddenly there was a scream from the fourth floor. The two policemen looked at each other, their faces became serious, and they rushed upstairs, and I followed closely behind. As soon as I arrived at the entrance of the fourth floor, I saw that the door of 406 was ajar and not closed properly, so I grabbed the two police officers and made a hush expression. In the middle of the night, a faint light came through the crack of the door, and three black shadows quietly folded beside the door to peep at everything in the room.

Tong Tong’s mother sat on the chair in front of the sofa with her back facing us, her left hand firmly pressed Tong Tong who was screaming and struggling, and she said in a very kind voice: Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, Tong Tong is brave, look, mom also stabbed herself, Mom doesn't cry, you have to be brave too. She raised her right hand, casting a black shadow on the wall behind the sofa, and a sharp black shadow flickered between her fingers. Embroidery needles! ! The two film policemen and I looked at each other, the fat policeman roared and kicked open the door, rushed over and grabbed Tong Tongma by the wrist, and slapped her across the face: You poisonous woman.

I hugged Tongtong who rushed over, and heard her weeping in my arms: Grandpa Chen, mother, mother stabbed me again with a needle. While comforting Tongtong, I looked at Tongtong's mother viciously. She was struggling and twisting in the hands of the fat policeman, and shouted hysterically: Let me go, let me go, it's not what you think, her body is poisonous, and she can't do without bleeding. The skinny policeman couldn't take it anymore, and slapped her: I think you have poison in your heart, and the poison of a tiger doesn't eat its offspring. You're more poisonous than a tiger.

Tongtong's mother screamed at Tongtong: "Tongtong, tell them, tell them, mom is helping you to inject poison, look, look, mom is afraid that you will cry, mom will also get stabbed, mom will accompany you in the pain." She held out her hand towards me, and it was covered with embroidery needles just like the one I saw that night. The fat policeman pressed the embroidery needle in her hand hard, and cursed: "Wake up, you madman."Tongtong's mother howled. I turned my head away in disgust, and Tongtong shivered in my arms, screaming: Mom, Mom, you can't prick me anymore, I hurt, I hurt.Look, I don't have needles on me, I don't have needles on me, I really haven't stabbed you, I'm not poisonous, I'm not poisonous, you can't stab me again.

Suddenly the fat policeman groaned, and I quickly turned around, seeing the fat policeman jumping aside with his hands covered, and Tong Tong's mother holding a needle to rush over, but was hugged tightly by the thin policeman, struggling in the thin policeman's arms and shouting: It's you It was calculated, it was calculated by you little monster, you are not Tongtong at all, you are not poisoned, you lied to me, you lied to me, you did it to harm me, right? After a while, the skinny policeman was pushed upside down by her, she staggered, raised her needle and rushed towards Tongtong and me.

I hurriedly pulled Tongtong behind me to block Tongtong's mother. She screamed and tried to drag me away. When she was in a hurry, she stabbed my face with needles. Tongtong grabbed the hem of my clothes behind me and was shocked. Calling straight, the two pieces came to their senses and hurried over to help. I don't know whether Tongtong's mother pushed me down in the chaos, or I dragged her down, or both of us were tripped by the frightened Tongtong, anyway, the three of us fell together, entangled on the ground, Waving and yelling and cursing, the film police also rushed up and tried to hold Tongtong's mother down, the scene couldn't be more chaotic.

Suddenly, there was an extremely miserable scream among us, a woman's shrill scream. We were startled, stopped our hands at the same time, and stood up scrambling. Tong Tongma sat there blankly, with disheveled hair, one eye was expressionless, the other eyelid was drooping, a small needle nose was exposed, and a line of blood flowed down the lower eyelid. I looked at the film police, and the film police looked at me. Tong Tonghuan was trembling with fright on the edge of the sofa. No one knew when and who accidentally stuck the needle in. In such a chaotic time, anyone is possible and anyone is suspected.

Maybe Tongtong's mother knew it herself, but she just sat there blankly, staring blankly at Tongtong who was curled up beside the sofa with one open eye. Neither speak nor move. The fat policeman bravely shook his hand in front of her, but her eyes didn't wander away. The needle seemed to have gone deep somewhere in her brain. The thin policeman swallowed, and tentatively said to me: "Old Chen, she stabbed herself just now, right?" I said nothing. The fat policeman looked at me and was about to cry: Old Chen, Uncle Chen, Father Chen, she stabbed herself, you saw it, right! I sighed and nodded: Yes!Hurry up and call an ambulance! The two police officers woke up like a dream, and hurriedly took out their mobile phones to call 120. Tongtong cried and watched everything in front of him. But at this time, no one cared about her anymore. The sound of an ambulance rang downstairs, and I hurriedly helped the police take Tong Tong's mother out of the door, suddenly! Sudden! I unintentionally parted Tong Tong's mother's hair when I draped her head. A white, very short, very short thread flashed from the root of her hair, and was immediately covered by the hair again. But I could already see a small knot at the end of the thread. A needle was pierced deeply in the center of her celestial cap, a needle with a needle nose tied with a knot. This is probably the reason why Tong Tong's mother suddenly became demented. As soon as I let go, the fat policeman quickly supported Tongtong's mother's head, and said to me in a low voice: "Father Chen, take a break if you can't take it anymore." Hearing his voice, I felt it was so far away, like thunder flashed in my head, I held on to the wall and tried not to let myself fall down. Tongtong was still hugging the sofa, hugging the little bear, looking at us pitifully with innocent eyes. My hands are shaking, my mind is racing: I cut off the threaded end of the needle and handed it to Tongtong: Tongtong, you are still going to school, if your mother finds that the needle in your hand is gone, you will say that you pulled it out and lost it, do you understand? Tongtong pinned the needle in her schoolbag, sobbed and said: But I dare not go back!Tonight she will stab me again. When we went upstairs, 406 concealed the door that was not closed. Tongtong shivered in my arms and screamed: Mom, mom, you can't prick me anymore, I hurt, I hurt.Look, I don't have needles on me, I really don't have needles on me. I really won't stab you! Tongtong's mother roared: You calculated it, you little monster calculated it, you are not Tongtong at all, you are not poisoned, you lied to me, you lied to me, you did it to harm me, right? Me, Tong Tong's mother, two film policemen, and Tong Tong rolled together. Tongtong's mother's blind eyes and blank eyes. Tong Tong's mother lowered her voice, and quickly said to me: Don't mess with her, she is a little monster. Tongtong's mother put her mouth in my ear: I suspect that Tongtong is no longer the original Tongtong. The gently shaking white threads on Tong Tong Ma's scalp. Everything flashed faster and faster, and I couldn't help but groaned while holding my head. Tongtong, the twelve-year-old girl in front of me, saw me staring at her with a strange grin, raised her right index finger to me, put it between her lips, and let out a soft hiss. She quietly unscrewed the teddy bear's head. Only then did I realize that she and I were the only ones left in the room, and hurriedly fled out of the room. What is she? Three days later, Tong Tong's mother came back from the hospital. Regarding this matter, the two film policemen and I chose the same silence. So there was an extra lunatic wandering around in the community, with one eye blinded, and he laughed when he saw everyone. Only Tongtong would come to her and hold her hand when school was over, and gently say to her: Mom, let's go home. Tongtong's mother happily held her daughter's hand, followed her daughter silently, and walked home. Everyone said what a filial child this is, repaying evil with kindness, and giving birth to a daughter to prevent old age, etc. I usually don't intervene. During that time, when I closed my eyes at night, I remembered the thread and the sinister smile on Tongtong's mouth. I'm always so guilty about Tong Tong's mother, that crazy woman. Unexpectedly, there was another crazy woman in the yard soon after.
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