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Chapter 37 Chapter 37

Room 9 余以键 4062Words 2018-03-22
In the detention center, Liu Tianjiu met a lawyer surnamed Shi several times. Through persuasive conversations, lawyer Shi learned that Liu Tianjiu used to live in a bridge hole when he was a teenager, refused to take his classmates home, cut off his fingers, From undressing in public, stalking lovers on dates, hanging floral cloths to cut off the relationship between classmates, actively choosing to work as a makeup artist in funeral parlors, etc., which are unacceptable behaviors for ordinary people. Lawyer Shi has read some books by Freud and Jung, and knows that many neurotic patients with obsessive-compulsive symptoms often cannot control themselves to take certain activities, but they do not understand why they do so.According to Freud, the unconscious mainly comes from the early life of the individual, especially those repressed and forgotten psychological contents in the childhood life.So, what life experiences of this patricide young man have been suppressed or forgotten?Therefore, Lawyer Shi and Liu Tianjiu started a dialogue that reveals the essence:

"I have been to the two elementary schools where you studied. The teachers in the countryside spoke highly of you, saying that you are a smart and sensible child; but the labor elementary schools in the city don't think so. They say that you are withdrawn and sloppy in learning. Why is this? " "I am not used to the new environment." "That's not enough to live in the bridge hole by yourself?" "I don't want to go home." "Your father is blind, doesn't he need more care?" "It doesn't matter if you are blind, but you can't be blind."

"Generally blind people are more transparent in their hearts. This is called functional transfer. I think he is pretending to be confused because he is helpless." "You can be confused about small things, but you can't be confused about big things." "What are the big things that can't be confused?" "The hatred of killing one's father, the hatred of taking one's wife." "Did he kill his father and enemy?" "No." "A rival in love?" "Hard to say." "Isn't your mother still living with you well?"

"Hmph, what's the point of living together?" "Young man, parents of heaven and earth, don't be defiled." "seeing is believing." "What did you see?" "I witnessed the ugliest scene in the world with my own eyes. From that moment on, the world was completely dark. It was as if the sky and the earth had merged into one chaotic one, and it was as if I had slipped into a bottomless abyss. In short, from that moment on, my family , relatives, and the campus have all become illusory shadows, and I can only talk to myself." "Even so, your father is innocent."

"Innocent, what? He's blind." "Where was he then?" "He's looking out downstairs." "Now that he's dead, do you regret it?" "You know what, I'm doing good, I'm helping him out of pain." "His pain is relief, but what about your pain? What about your mother's pain? If you are sentenced to death, your mother's pain will be lifelong." "Yes, I have to find a way, find a way to send her on the road." "To relieve her pain?" "You can't say that about Lawyer Shi. These are two completely different things. Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, there was a scholar who lost his father when he was young. His mother often crossed the river to meet monks in the temple on the other side. After Juren became the county magistrate, he built a bridge so that it would be much more convenient for his mother to have a tryst with the monk. But not long after, he killed the monk."

"Is not this contradictory?" "There is no contradiction. To build a bridge is to show filial piety to one's mother, and to kill a monk is to avenge one's father." "Are you going to avenge your father?" "It's more difficult to do this. After all, I'm not the county magistrate. Besides, if you want to kill them, you have to kill a pair of dogs and men. Only then can it be considered shameful." "The kindness of a drop of water should be repaid by a spring. You should not forget the help you have given your family. How can you repay your kindness with revenge?"

"He's pleasing." "Young man, in this world, you are not the only one who has experienced these things. Many people have experienced such things in their lives. However, for the vast majority of them, the wider social experience, the deeper kinship, more important friendships, and contact with the normal world are sufficient to compensate for the depression in children's memories and bring them back into harmony with society. Because of this, they grow to fear the consequences of serious misdeeds. But, in your What I see now is a young man who is not constrained by the social system. You can't feel the real warmth and warmth of human feelings, and you don't have the conscience to feel the pain of others."

"Then why are you still defending me?" "To give you a chance to be a man again." On the day when Liu Tianjiu's intentional homicide case was tried publicly, the Haiyuan City People's Court was full of seats.As the presiding judge said, "Bring the defendant to the court", Liu Tianjiu was brought up by the bailiff from the side door.Liu Tianjiu's hair was combed brightly, and he looked refined and elegant. He was wearing a light brown suit. Although he didn't wear a tie, the shirt inside stood up straight like a bow tie.The audience let out a sigh of admiration, no one believed that such a handsome young man would do something outrageous.

After the hearing, the public prosecutor read out a strongly worded indictment.Immediately after the court investigation, Team Leader Tong of the Serious Crime Team testified in court as an appraiser of the case. He listed the physical evidence obtained from the scene in court: a red plastic bag and a worn-out belt, and made a statement illustrate.Team leader Tong also read out the conclusion of the appraisal: Liu Tianjiu bound Liu Dazhi's hands with a belt cut behind him, and then suffocated him to death with a plastic bag. Entering the stage of debate between the prosecution and the defense, the public prosecutor briefly described the case again, and then emphasized in a stern tone:

"Liu Tianjiu's crimes should be severely punished. Only in this way can the socialist legal system be maintained, the people angry, and the spirit of the deceased be comforted." After the public prosecutor finished his statement, the defense lawyer walked into the middle of the courtroom.Lawyer Shi not only has a majestic demeanor, but also has a tight and convincing speech.Lawyer Shi gave examples of Liu Tianjiu's incredible and absurd behaviors during his studies in Laodong Primary School and Dahuolu Vocational Secondary School, and then concluded in a sympathetic tone:

"Presiding judge, judge, my client showed loneliness, lack of companions, social anxiety, oversensitivity, weird and mean words, and weird personality characteristics as early as childhood. The examples given above show that my The client is unwilling to establish an intimate relationship with others, because he is afraid of being manipulated by the other party; he is never willing to reveal personal secrets easily, and he always has to figure out the hidden meaning of every word and deed of others. Therefore, I think that my client Suffering from schizotypal personality disorder, please request the Forensic Identification Team of Mental Illness for identification." The courtroom was silent, and lawyer Shi's words aroused the audience's curiosity, and at the same time reminded the judge that there might be other secrets in the case.The presiding judge then declared: "It is now up to the defendant to make a statement." Liu Tianjiu smiled at first, then frowned immediately, as if lost in thought. "Some people have fun in life, some people live in pain; some people live meaningfully, and some people live meaninglessly; those who live without joy should die, and those who live meaninglessly must be eliminated. " Before Liu Tianjiu finished speaking, he was drowned out by the noise, and someone could even be heard saying, "It's really crazy." The presiding judge had to hit the hammer, "Quiet, the defendant, please don't make comments that have nothing to do with the case." Liu Tianjiu wiped his hair gracefully and said, "My lord, how do you know that Liu Dazhi's death is not better than his life?" There was a commotion in the auditorium, and the presiding judge hammered again: "Now announce the adjournment, and the collegial panel will conduct deliberation." The collegial panel believes that the case should be handled with caution and a judicial appraisal of mental illness should be carried out. During the second trial, a doctor from a psychiatric hospital was added to testify in court. He said: "Since Liu Tianjiu entered the senior grades of elementary school, although his behavior and speech are strange, he has no mood disorders or physical conditions that can explain the illness, substance use, and lacks the delusions or hallucinations that are usually seen in the active stage of schizophrenia. According to the internationally accepted According to the DSM standard, the symptoms of schizophrenia are: 1. incoherent thinking or significant association relaxation; It can also be diagnosed as schizophrenia. Liu Tianjiu's speech is sometimes incoherent. Although his emotions are superficial than ordinary people, they are not flat or obviously inappropriate, and he has no nervous symptoms. According to the above criteria, this case is difficult to diagnose as schizophrenia. He only suffers from a mild paranoid personality disorder. After discussion, the mental illness judicial appraisal team concluded that the mild paranoid personality disorder suffered by Liu Tianjiu has no necessary connection with the criminal behavior in this case, and he has the capacity for criminal responsibility." The courtroom was full of sighs, and everyone was eagerly waiting to see what other brilliant ideas the chic lawyer surnamed Shi had.Lawyer Shi stood up and began his defense in a calm tone: "The presiding judge, the judge, regarding this case, the facts of the investigation show that my client's role was only to put a plastic bag on the dead man's head." The public prosecutor immediately objected, arguing that the defendant's lawyer maliciously downplayed the nature of the case. Lawyer Shi went on to say, "No matter what the consequences of this plastic bag are, the fact itself is the same. What kind of plastic bag is that? Is it a murder weapon? No." The public prosecutor raised his hand again and said, "No! The defense lawyers are trying to confuse the public and exonerate the defendant. Because the defendant tied the hands of the deceased." There was a lot of discussion in the auditorium, and the presiding judge tapped the hammer to remind: "Quiet, please don't use speculation to replace evidence." When the auditorium became quiet, Lawyer Shi raised his voice and said, "It turns out that during the entire suffocation process, Liu Dazhi died peacefully, because he maintained a certain posture until his death. The reason is very simple. There is no evidence to prove that the deceased had wrestled with my client, and even the traces of struggle could not be found. I would like to ask the public prosecutor, why did the victim not make any resistance if it was murder without poisoning?" The public prosecutor retorted, "How can you resist when your hands are tied?" Lawyer Shi responded tit for tat, "Why didn't you resist during the process of binding your hands?" The debate between the prosecution and the defense continued until dusk, and the atmosphere in the courtroom was extremely intense.Finally, lawyer Shi resorted to his trump card: Zhang Yuqin was asked to testify in court.Zhang Yuqin choked with sobs and said a few ordinary words, which strongly confirmed the conclusion of lawyer Shi: Liu Tianjiu only assisted Liu Dazhi to commit suicide.Zhang Yuqin put it this way: "Old Liu is so miserable. A man who wants to be strong is blind, he can't see anything, he can't go anywhere. None of his relatives and friends are here, and he spends money at home all day. Even a tough guy can't think about it. Said, Yuqin, let me die, so as not to cause trouble for you and the child. I always advise him, Lao Liu, you must be strong, and when we have money, send it to the hospital in Shanghai to try to clone a pair Put the eyes on you. I didn’t expect—I didn’t expect that he couldn’t stand it anymore, woo————” Liu Tianjiu's conscience was touched by Zhang Yuqin's words, and he watched her return to the auditorium, feeling that it would not be easy for her to shoulder the burden of the family.At this time, Liu Tianjiu noticed a familiar face, and Zhang Yuqin was sitting in the empty seat next to this face, yes, he was a nobleman.Liu Tianjiu understood that Lawyer Shi was hired by him, and what Zhang Yuqin said was also taught by him.In Liu Tianjiu's view, the noble person was the chief culprit who killed his father, Liu Dazhi, and the source of tragedy for the Liu family.A rush of blood rushed to his head, and Liu Tianjiu, who was standing on the dock, asked to speak, and after being approved, Liu Tianjiu said: "The reason why I want to end Liu Dazhi's life is because he would rather die than live, to fulfill him. However, I have a way to comfort Liu Dazhi's spirit in heaven, and that is to kill the bitch Zhang Yuqin, kill the adulterer and adulterer, and do it for him. revenge." The air froze, and the courtroom was filled with astonishment. The kind of shocking surprise made people feel Liu Dazhi's suffocation before his death. The judgment of the first instance was handed down quickly, and Liu Tianjiu was sentenced to life imprisonment for manslaughter. "My story is over." Jiu Ye and Xiao Ru were sitting on the bucket outside and talking, Jiu Ye said, "I am Liu Tianjiu who killed his father." The story of Master Jiu is like a dazzling magic show. What can you say about the magic that cannot understand the answer?The legend of Master Jiu was told from morning to dusk. Xiao Ru's thoughts and thoughts had long been numb by his experience. Xiao Ru needed time to digest and understand.Now, what Xiaoru wants to ask is very simple: "Why didn't you send Qingcao Yu prison?" Master Jiu pursed his lips, breathed lightly, and said, "There is no doubt that this is the nobleman's trouble, the purpose is to make our mother and son meet frequently. Unexpectedly, I never saw that bitch, she can only spy from outside the gate , look through the crack of the door to see the thin wall of the number room." "There must be a reason for keeping you here?" "Said that I suffer from mild paranoid personality disorder, should not be sent to prison, and need a long recovery." "I see you have fully recovered." "It's ridiculous that they want me to come here to rehab. Because rehab is about getting back to a situation and I have nothing to recover from. I'm the way I am. There's nothing to go back to."
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