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Chapter 21 Chapter 21

Room 9 余以键 6122Words 2018-03-22
The gang leader's hunger strike plan failed, and Master Jiu knocked his mouth open with two pieces of duck meat.In order to show the reward to the leader for writing materials, all the remaining duck meat and a whole bowl of pork belong to him, so that the leader will be full of energy when writing materials. "Now," Xiaoru said to Lord Jiu after reading the materials, "we know about Wang Gou's unfortunate marriage and know about Wang Gou's hatred for Director Min. There are only two issues that need to be implemented. How did Gou murder Director Min, and second, how did he marry my father."

It was a sunny and sunny day, and Jiu Ye, who was basking in the sun with Xiaoru, glanced at the words written like chicken feet of the gang leader, squinted his eyes and looked at the sun, and added a little-known story to Xiaoru detail. "Director Min called me in. He didn't say who it was, but said that there was such a person who always wanted to put an electric baton into his ex-wife's mouth to electrify her. Is it abnormal behavior? "I told Director Min that there is a book called "George the Crusher", and the criminal George in the book is a perverted murderer. After learning that his wife was having an affair, the way George abused his wife was to stuff a beer bottle into her for a long time. Mouth. His wife couldn't bear it, so she divorced and ran away. George found his ex-wife, chopped her up, stuffed a beer bottle in her mouth and vagina, and hung her crotch and head on the lintel of her new house.

"Director Min was dumbfounded, and I analyzed it with him: As for the fact that this man always wanted to insert an electric baton into his ex-wife's mouth, I can assert that his ex-wife is having an affair because it is a sexual delusion. You may Don't think he is delusional, but I have enough theories to prove it. The spiritual direction of this delusional behavior is to destroy the victim and make yourself feel like the only possessor of her. I remember George saying this: "I cut her throat so she wouldn't smile at other people. I cut her body so she didn't look like a human being. I destroyed her and made her disappear from the world. When I cut Her tits, I thought, has anyone seen the inside of it but me...

"Director Min couldn't bear to hear it, so he told me to stop talking, and then asked me if Wang Gou didn't understand these things? I told Director Min that you may not be able to do what you know. For example, everyone knows that smoking is harmful to health. Those who smoke are still smoking." Xiaoru said, "The most urgent thing is to let the leader write down the process of murdering Director Min." "No." Master Jiu squinted his eyes at the sun again, and said with a half-smile, "The most urgent thing is to consolidate your position in Room No. 9, otherwise, all our previous efforts will be in vain. There is an old saying that people are not afraid of death, so why refuse it with death , what I said is not to push the guild leader to a dead end, otherwise he will refuse to answer us with death."

Xiaoru showed a look of embarrassment, "Wouldn't everything be fine if you just become the head of the cell?" Master Jiu stretched out his nine fingers and said, "I am Master Jiu from Room 9, not the cell leader in Room 9. Only when you become the cell leader can you get more information about your father from the gang leader." Xiao Ru was very moved, "It's really God's eyes to lock me up with you, or else let alone avenge my father's shame, I will not be able to protect myself." Master Jiu said, "The things in the world need chance most. For example, if we can be locked together, it is a destined chance. As long as we are together, everything will be fine."

"Although I don't quite understand what you mean, and I don't know what you want me to do after you help me out." Xiaoru said, "But as long as I can clarify the facts for my father, I am willing to give everything." After reading the material, Lord Jiu said to Xiao Ru, "The content is true, please send it to Xiaoniao. Let us keep a close eye on the safe of the gang leader. As long as we are stable, we can pry it open. Let us slowly take out the safe." Things, send them out." Xiaoru accepts Master Jiu's opinion from the bottom of her heart, and she can't force the gang leader in a hurry, otherwise the gang leader will really fight to the death.It is certain that Xiaoru will neither participate in gambling nor participate in martial arts training, let alone indulge in discussions about women's sex.As the cell leader, Xiao Ru could only sit on the plastic bucket outside and bask in the sun. Sometimes he looked up at the sky, and sometimes he stuck his eyes to the round hole to look at "Kuan Kang". Of course, he often had a cigarette in his mouth.The procuratorate's indictment has been sent, just wait for the court to open.

Bored, Xiaoru tried to find a poem that matched her mood, but failed.Luo Binwang's "Song of Cicadas in Prison" begins with "Xilu cicadas sing, and Nanguan guest thinks of invading" is not right; it is too hypocritical to say that "no one believes in virtuousness, and no one is showing his heart".How to pry open the safe of the gang leader and how to open the passage from the hidden pipe to the outside of the wall requires opportunity and patience.Xiaoru couldn't figure out the implementation of the plan at all, and sat around all day, watching the sun's shadow slant to the west.

As small as finding out the book that was once ravaged by the prison boss, the preface says that there are two major problems that tormented Fabre in his life, one is "prejudice" and the other is "poverty", but Fabre still raises such questions: " Is it worth it just to survive?” He has already used his ninety-two years to answer the question of why he endured hardship; facing “prejudice” and accompanying “poverty”, he is not afraid of “sacrifice”, “offense” and "Forget", all of this is for the word "true".Pursuing the truth and searching for the truth can be described as "seeking the truth".To be honest, this is the "Fabre spirit".

In order to reveal the truth of his father's injustice, it is worthwhile to enter the number room.Xiao Ru thought, compared with Fabre, what is the little hardship I have suffered? From the leader's point of view, the storm has passed and the danger has passed, and he should re-establish his position in Room No. 9. The first step is to stay away from Xiaoru, and gather Dao Scar and his fellow members together.The gang leader has his own plan and is waiting for the opportunity to implement it. Unlike Xiaoru, he believes that the time to implement the plan is basically ripe. The gang leader squatted down in front of Xiaoru to pick up the cigarette, and the cigarette was already in his mouth, but he didn't leave.The leader brought up a topic that Xiaoru couldn't let go of. He said:

"Scholar, what major did you study in school?" Xiaoru was almost moved to tears by the leader's question, yes, everyone regarded him as a weak and deceitful nerd, who would care what major you study. "That's right. I'm studying environmental protection and energy conservation at Southeast Agricultural University. My major is water supply and drainage in small towns." "Oh, it's hard enough to think about this all day." The leader sighed again and again. "No," Xiaoru said, "I like to study "Confucianism and Traditional Chinese Ethics" in my spare time, and I even published an article on this topic in the school magazine. Confucianism has been developed for more than two thousand years..."

"Let's go inside to talk and have a good class. I really need to learn more." The gang leader dragged Xiaoru into the room, and the chess players immediately gave up the best positions.The leader re-lights a cigarette for Xiao Ru, and invites Dao Scar to have a cup of tea. "Scholars are going to give lectures," he said. The chess player folded the paper chessboard, traffic and the handsome guy stopped copying newspapers and surrounded them.Xiao Ru couldn't tell whether they really wanted to listen to the "lecture" or were forced to do so by deterrence.Forget it, Xiao Ruxiang, it's right to review your homework. "The basic content of Confucianism includes two points. First, an important feature of Chinese traditional culture is the emphasis on the harmony and unity between man and nature. Therefore, although the excitement of Confucianism lies in man, and the actual trajectory of thought formation is from man to nature. ; but once thought is formed, the elucidation process must be from nature to man, and at the same time it has to have a whole set of discussion on nature. Because only in this way can thought have power and the development of thought is logical. Second, as an ethical political The doctrine of Confucianism, whether it is the basic beliefs and positions, or the external manifestations of thought, is reflected in the procedures of righteousness, self-cultivation, family harmony, state governance, and world peace..." Xiao Ru regained her confidence in school, and spoke vigorously.The gang leader asked an original question inappropriately, and poured Xiaoru a ladle of cold water, which made his whole body completely cold.The leader asked: "What is Confucianism?" Jiaotong answered Xiaoru on his own initiative, "Confucianism is Confucius." One-eyed punched the bed, blew his beard and stared at Jiaotong and scolded him: "You know better? You're so educated and still fucking go to jail..." One-eyed braked the car because the insult sounded like it was aimed at Ru.In order to save the slip of the tongue, Cyclops turned to Xiaoru and said: "He is a college student, and his little finger is thicker than your waist. Scholars are not allowed to intervene in lectures." The audience became quiet again, but Xiaoru was already bored, feeling like a psychopath repeating a self-indulgent nonsense to passers-by. The leader regards Xiaoru's words as his standard, and his face is full of piety like a pilgrimage.Xiao Ru observed the gang leader's eyes, trying to identify the flaws, but the gang leader consistently ensured that he was sincere and fearful.If the eyes are the windows of the soul, then the "windows" of the gang leader are unfathomable, like the rules of Room No. 9, which are boundless.Xiaoru stopped talking, because in front of the iron wall of the gang leader, he saw that his words would definitely hit the target.This kind of closing is too sudden, revealing weakness, and leaving an opportunity for the battle-tested leader to take advantage of it.The leader said: "Scholar, can you give me back the bill? I know you are a reasonable person." "That's right, he's a scholar who's so knowledgeable and knowledgeable as a prison boss." It was the silent trafficker who said this, and he seemed to wake up from meditation, leaning towards Xiaoru's side. Xiaoru secretly groaned in her heart, and finally realized that the leader of the gang was luring the enemy to go deep: listening attentively to his philosophy of life and benevolence and morality was to make Xiaoru shoot herself in the foot with a stone, and finally want to get back her own interests.Xiaoru has no choice, because the gang leader's allied forces are still expanding, they quickly grasp Xiaoru's words and use them as a sharp sword for attack.Scar says: "Scholars tell us to cherish each other and respect each other as guests. How can they occupy our money list?" The gang leader added fuel to the fire, "People and scholars treat people generously, and the bills will definitely be returned to you." Traffic also approached, desperately waiting for Xiaoru's decision.Xiaoru has never been as pale as he is today, and their purpose of leading snakes out of their holes is to annihilate them in one fell swoop.What can the cocooned Xiao Ru do? The only thing he can say is: "Give them back the bill." Money bills are the financial lifeline of Room No. 9. There has never been a precedent of "equalizing the rich and the poor" in Room No. 9. They are all controlled by the cell boss and used uniformly.The so-called unity means that the cell boss can use it as he likes.It is not difficult to imagine, when the bride distributes the bills of money to everyone according to Xiaoru's wishes, how proud and elated the scene is. Xiaoru took his mind full of Confucian ethics and went outside to bask in the sun, looking depressed and depressed.The bride returned the property to the original owner according to the name on the money slip. In fact, except for Jiuye, Xiaoru and the handsome guy, there were ten or twenty yuan, all of which were scars and traffic.After the distribution was finished, the bride showed Xiao Ru the remaining two cards: "This one belongs to you, ten yuan; this one belongs to Lord Jiu, fifteen yuan." The gang leader came out without looking sideways, urinated and sang on the wall, and then went in with a smile.Scar was more polite, and nodded towards Xiaoru.The proletarians gathered outside. One-eyed and the bride came out first, and the handsome guy and a few others also slipped out against the wall.The divisive situation made the emperor feel uneasy, and he turned around like a lost dog, not knowing what to do. The atmosphere inside was very active. Some people sang loudly, while others were planning how to use the lost and recovered funds.As it turns out, they were overjoyed, and the gang leader had his own wishes to fulfill: "I see it this way, the bill should be handed over to me for safekeeping." The few who had just received the money slip looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what to do.The fellowship was handed in happily at first, but some people were unwilling to hand it in, and the gang leader disarmed them with a whisper: "Can you hold it? The one-eyed dragon will kill you with one finger." Now, Mei Xiaoru, the prison head of Cell No. 9, who lost his financial control due to self-indulgence, is sitting on the edge of a barrel in despair, and all the proletarians are reunited around him, whether they are supporters or opponents.Master Jiu thought it was too noisy inside, so he smiled slightly, as if nothing had happened. "Regret?" Following Master Jiu's words, the bride said, "If we do this, the consequences will be unimaginable." Of course Xiaoru would not say anything, he no longer has the strength to bear the consequences of careless words.The blinding sunlight shone on him, revealing the weakness and incompetence of a scholar.The others stood quietly, waiting for the turn of the situation. The abrupt change in Room No. 9 made the world spin around. He had to calm down and observe the situation carefully. He always felt that the world was like chess, and there was a crisis lurking there.After getting up this afternoon, Xiaoru couldn't think of any other way to pass the time, so she still basked in the sun.The only difference is sitting from the west wall to the east wall. The harsh reality before Xiao Ru is that the cigarettes are almost exhausted, not to mention the bride can't bear it, he can't bear it either.Xiaoru has been smoking cigarettes ever since he seized power, and he smokes more and more every day.In fact, taking two puffs of cigarettes can really refresh your mind, which is good for concentrating energy, relieving worries and boredom, and helping you think.For example, now, facing the chaos in Room No. 9, Xiaoru yearns so much for such a stick. Seeing that Xiaoru was preoccupied, the bride also stopped walking and sat down, took out a cigarette and lit it for Xiaoru.Xiao Ru said, "Let's smoke a piece." The bride took out the shriveled cigarette case and told Xiaoru that the quantity was limited.As small as a bride who is still looking forward to after taking two sips, the handsome guy can't take his eyes off it even though he is still walking.The bride smoked most of it and passed it to the handsome guy, and it was almost burned to the filter in the hand of the one-eyed one. To prevent accidents, the one-eyed raised his face so that the shredded tobacco could be completely burned.In fact, there is only a sponge in it. Xiaoru asked the bride, "How did you buy the goods in the past?" "Usually, someone at home will bring some with them. Otherwise, the servants will buy it, but you can buy it in cash, and the bill is not enough." The bride said, "It is also a way to persuade the armed police on guard, and it is too difficult." No smoking is the primary problem facing Mei Xiaoru, the head of cell No. 9. The small half pack of "Guanzhishan" lasted for only two days, and there was only one left. This is the real estate of the national treasury. Come out and sniff.First of all, the bride couldn't bear it, so she wrote a note for help cheekily, and waited for the familiar sentinel to walk over, and said a whole bunch of good things with her head up.The sentinel hummed and talked about the principles of discipline, and reluctantly pinched the note with two fingers.The sentinel wandered to the prison window again, and dropped a note, which contained several "Fu Jian".The sentry took off his hat and sat leaning on the window sill with the submachine gun in his arms.The sentry said to the bride condescendingly: "Room No. 13 is also short of cigarettes, and Lao Sha will let you save some smoking." The bride didn't have time to answer the sentinel, so she lit one and took a few puffs desperately. After recovering, she passed the cigarette to Xiaoru, wiped her face, and then talked to him in a relaxed and happy manner.The sentinel didn't care about the bride's rudeness, he was also busy lighting a cigarette, the prison window was on the cusp of the wind, and it was a bit difficult to light the fire.The bride called the sentinel a "hygienist", emphasizing how "iron" his relationship with Lao Sha has a long history.The hygienist adjusted his sitting posture a little to make his body more comfortable, agreed and said yes, and said that Lao Sha was a good person.Xiao Ru didn't understand why the sentinel was called a hygienist, and he didn't know who Lao Shai was. He couldn't put his mouth in, so he sucked it to the right place and passed it to Cyclops. The cigarette crisis eased slightly, but at a heavy price.In the evening, there was still a group of hygienists on duty. He sat back to his daytime position on the window sill, lit a cigarette, and then persistently called the bride.The bunks of the bride and Xiao Rushui were closest to the prison window, they both woke up at the same time, recognized the hygienist, and the bride took the initiative to get on.They talked about fighting skills, how to get tattoos, how to make wound medicine, and other trivial topics that were not of interest. "what time is it?" "12:45." After listening to their question and answer about time, Xiaoru was about to go back to sleep, but unexpectedly, the development of the situation slipped sideways.The hygienist said: "Is the one next door to you just here?" "Oh, he's a student at Southeast Agricultural University. He's been here for a few months. His name is Mei Xiaoru." "Really," said the health worker, "I've been a soldier for three years, and it's my first time as a college student. What did I do?" The bride said hesitantly, "I've read too many books, let's admit it." "There are still people who admit death these days and are full of food. There is a love criminal in room 4 who also graduated from college. The woman is not old enough. He pulled a fake marriage certificate. Well, it becomes an illegal cohabitation." The health worker said to the bride. , "You wake him up, I have something to say." The bride lifted Xiao Ru's quilt, "The hygienist is calling you." Xiaoru was about to get dressed, but the hygienist waved his hand and said, "It's okay, just lie down and chat casually." The health worker went on to say, "This place in Haiyuan is really fucking evil. The house is like a bunker, the girl is like a sister-in-law, three mosquitoes are full, and there is a poor mountain, a bad place, and a shrew. However, my mouth is an exception." The hygienist hugged the submachine gun tightly and told Xiaoru, "I found a girl named Shui Ling in Jianshe Village, but the regulations do not allow her to fall in love with a local girl. Besides, that girl has a wicked rural household registration. My family is in Shijiazhuang City. What should I do?" ,College Students?" Xiao Ruxiang, this guard is still so simple, he really takes his feelings seriously.Although Xiao Ru has no love history, she is still willing to discuss love issues with this sentinel. Xiao Ru's theory is from a high position, and his quotations from classics are ingenious and convincing, which frightens the hygienists for a while.After a short pause, the hygienist urged, "Keep talking."The bride next to her was already snoring like thunder, Xiaoru didn't know how to end it, she just blamed herself for being too showy, why bother to take it seriously?It's really shooting yourself in the foot.For the sake of him passing the note to get the cigarettes, Xiao Ru cheered up and thought hard to continue.The hygienist didn't feel sleepy at all, and the sentinel couldn't doze off.Xiaoru suddenly came to his senses, and was immediately discouraged, and the constant intrusion of fatigue made him yawn continuously.Fortunately, footsteps sounded at the end of the corridor, and the hygienist said to Xiaoru: "I'm laid off, let's continue talking tomorrow." The hygienist jumped off the window sill and walked over. Xiaoru heard him say to the sentinel who came to change the guard, "There is a college student in room 9. Maybe we chatted. It's very good to relieve boredom." What the hygienist said made Xiaoru's scalp tingle, and he quickly closed his eyes.The footsteps of the sentinel stopped at the No. 9 supervisor's window, but he saw a group of sleeping faces and left after standing there for a while.However, Xiao Ru couldn't sleep anymore. Waking up the next day, seeing Xiaoru listless, the bride said, "It's hard work, and it's not easy to stay up all night. These Qiu Ba are like this, standing guard is boring, and someone is willing to talk to him like New Year's Eve." "What does Qiuba mean?" "Scholars are testing me, right? There is a mound on the top and an eight on the bottom. Isn't it just a soldier?" The two huddled together again to light cigarettes, and Xiaoru said confusedly, "I never smoked before, but now I can't live without it. Look at the gang leader and Dao Scar, they used to smoke, but now they can't stop smoking. What's the matter?" What's going on?" The bride kept her mouth tightly shut to allow the smoke to enter her lungs as much as possible. When she spoke, the smoke from her mouth was almost as light as the breath from Kazakhstan. "I should ask you this matter. You scholars have an explanation for everything, right?" Xiaoru Xiaoxiao was noncommittal, of course he would not justify himself. The bride also wrote distress letters to her acquaintances in other rooms. In return, Xiao Ru and the bride took turns talking with the health worker on guard.If he could afford a cigarette or two, Scar could last the night for them.A clumsy guy like a handsome guy can't be counted on. Talking is not work, and he can't force the leader or fellowship.The difficulty is that although the bride's note is written lower and lower, the cigarettes are getting less and less, so that all the notes are thrown away by the hygienist.The hygienist said: "Anyway, you can't ask for cigarettes." Xiaoru is determined to hold back the craving for cigarettes.Why do you smoke?he said to himself.What Xiaoru can do is to sit on the bucket outside and bask in the sun to meditate, or to read the book "Contemplating the nature of insects with human nature". The shrewd Scar saw that something was wrong, the work was obviously perfunctory, the towels were hung in a mess, and the toilet was too full to be bothered to flush. An untimely announcement was made on the radio that the Director of Justice would come to the detention center to inspect and guide the work.
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