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Chapter 18 Chapter 18

Room 9 余以键 4542Words 2018-03-22
After graduating from junior high school, Lu Chongjun learned carpentry from his master, but he was not careful enough and had more strength. Either the window cover was sawn narrow or the door frame was crooked.The carpenter who had left the division had nothing to do, but the recruiting cadre caught his tall man and said that he would be selected for the basketball team if he joined the army.The medical examination and political examination were successfully passed. Lu Chongjun came to Yingtan, Jiangxi from western Fujian to serve in the army. He failed to play basketball, and his poor carpentry work could come in handy.Lu Chongjun became the pig commander. He took the initiative to invite Ying and led more than a dozen comrades to fight day and night. He repaired more than 20 dilapidated pigsties and saved more than 50,000 yuan for the troops.For this reason, Lu Chongjun was rated as an outstanding soldier by the company, and was also awarded once by the regiment.

In the summer of 1998, the rare catastrophic flood in history pushed Lu Chongjun to the climax of his life, and his troops went to the hardest hit area in Jiujiang, Jiangxi.On the front line of flood fighting, an iron nail on a stake pierced Lu Chongjun's left eye, and the troops returned in triumph. Lu Chongjun's empty left eyelid indicated that he had partially lost his ability to work. The military doctor assessed him as a second-class disability, and the regiment awarded him Personal third-class merit once. Lu Chongjun noticed Ye Yue within a few days after he was discharged from the army and worked as a security guard in a pharmaceutical company.During the chat in the sales department, Ye Yue could not help complaining about Wang Gou's indifference and boredom, without any advanced theoretical guidance, Lu Chongjun knew intuitively that this kind of woman longed for comfort.

Security is a post that exists in name only. In fact, pharmaceutical companies do not need security, but the civil affairs department thinks it needs it. The written language for this kind of strange thing is "creating posts for people".It is obvious to all that setting up posts because of people is not beneficial to "posts" and is good for "people". Look at Lu Chongjun, after walking around the warehouse, he spent all day in the sales department.Lu Chongjun doesn't know how to see a doctor or take medicine. This doesn't mean that Lu Chongjun is ignorant. He knows a lot of things, such as being a carpenter and feeding pigs.Being a carpenter and feeding pigs can't play a role in the sales department, but Lu Chongjun can do things that can, such as helping them buy snacks, such as helping them pick up and drop off their children.

As the saying goes, "picking up girls and fishing as a secretary", it means that the commonality of these three things is to have patience, and Lu Chongjun's housekeeping skill is to work hard to please them. This is what the saying "a serious woman is afraid of nagging ghosts" means.Lu Chongjun's mind was actually on Ye Yue, and it seemed to be on them; Ye Yue's mind was actually on Lu Chongjun, and it seemed to be on the medicine. Lu Chongjun also had a crush on several girls, but no girl responded to his date, never.The warmth Ye Yue gave was enough to make him dizzy for Lu Chongjun, who had been lacking in love for women for a long time.The sales department is Lu Chongjun's paradise. Hearing Ye Yue's words, seeing Ye Yue's smiling face, and serving Ye Yue, the emotional tide hits the dam in Lu Chongjun's heart day after day.Lu Chongjun appreciates the happiness he has never had before. Heaven is so close to him, and he can come in and out freely every day.

Therefore, when Lu Chongjun's one-eyed eyes pressed tightly against Ye Yue's white celadon skin for the first time, he swore in his heart that he would never be separated from her again in this life, never again. People will not be happy all their lives, just like flowers will not bloom all the year round.A man and a woman who lived on an affair on a squeaky camp bed can finally sleep on the same big bed openly. What a blessing it is to Lu Chongjun. "I want to make you happy too", Lu Chongjun has repeated this sentence over and over since the day he got married. What is the world?The world is that she has her own plans to arrange, you may not be able to do what you promise to do, and what you don't want to do will happen to you.There is an idiom that can be used to describe the disparity in power between the individual and the world, called "involuntary".Lu Chongjun and Ye Yue are both involuntary people.

The pharmaceutical company wants to sell to the boss from Xiamen, what should the employees do?One-time buyout of seniority.The news spread that the pharmaceutical company was in chaos like a watered ant nest. "How can a state-owned enterprise be sold?" "How can a city government with seniority recognized by the state buy it out?" No one could figure it out, and neither could Lu Chongjun and Ye Yue.The government knew that they couldn't figure it out, so the Health Bureau and the Economic Commission formed a mobilization working group to work through their thinking.The working group said:

"We are not calling to sell state-owned enterprises, but to revitalize state-owned assets." The working group also said, "We don't call it buyout of working years, but pay out re-employment subsidies for laid-off workers." Lu Chongjun's service life is not long, and his service life is only a few years. After deducting insurance money, housing provident fund and so on, the "subsidy" he got is only a few thousand yuan.Lu Chongjun held the thousands of dollars as if holding his own life, not knowing what to do.Ye Yue is older than him and has a longer working experience than him, so she gets more money and ideas than him.

"I have more than 20,000 yuan. I will pay off the marriage debt first, and the rest will be used to open a beauty shop. You can use the thousands of dollars to work." "Open a beauty shop?" Lu Chongjun expressed doubts, "Ten thousand yuan is not enough." "Of course it's not enough. I'm in partnership with Xiao Min, she has money." Ye Yue looked confident. Lu Chongjun was worried, "Xiao Min, which Xiao Min? Is that Xiao Min who develops a gallery and makes a chicken?" Ye Yue was originally angry about being laid off, but now she found a reason to vent:

"Lu Chongjun, Lu Chongjun, I really can't see that you are full of male thieves and female prostitutes. Does Xiao Min look like a chicken? I really blinded your dog's eyes." Lu Chongjun hates others to call him "blind dog's eyes" the most. Such a vicious insult comes from the mouth of the most beloved woman. How can our anti-flood hero bear it?He grabbed a bottle of whitening skin care cream and threw it at the dressing table. The bottle of skin care cream was broken, and the mirror of the dressing table was also broken.Both of these are women's favorite, how can it not make Ye Yue feel sad:

"If you have the ability to make money outside, what's the point of getting angry with women? You are not blind, I am blind. I don't want my husband who is an official. Marrying a cripple, what is it if you are not blind?" A woman's complaints are like her love, once started it will never end.By the time Ye Yue finished expressing her lengthy complaints, Lu Chongjun had already left home. Except for two old military uniforms and a military satchel, he took nothing with him, including the few thousand dollars. Lu Chongjun first engaged in decoration with a relative. Due to the rough workmanship, he could barely make ends meet after half a year.After thinking about it, I came to Xiamen to join my comrades.The name of his comrade-in-arms, Cheng Chengcheng, sounds like the three "Cheng" characters overlapped, and he was so fat that he had a triple chin, so he was nicknamed "Three Layers of Meat".San Layer Meat ran a pig farm in a place called Neicuo. Lu Chongjun searched for it based on the address, but found a construction site.Three-layer meat has long been diverted to sell pork in the vegetable market.

"Commercial housing is going to be developed in that place, and the urban management squadron won't allow pigs to be raised," San Layer Rou said. "It's impossible to raise pigs with you, but it's okay to sell pork with you." The triple chins of the three-layered meat were stacked together, thinking deeply, "That's not going to work," he said, "Most of the meat buyers are housewives. Didn't your ferocious appearance scare them into fainting?" "You mean I'm desperate?" "If I have a bowl of rice, your brother will have half a bowl. In this way, you can help me butcher the pig." After killing pigs for several months, Lu Chongjun was just a little proficient, and the situation changed again.A friend wants to join the "Safe Meat Chain" with three layers of meat, and Lu Chongjun has to find his own way out. "Eat and live here, and find a job slowly. Even the once-in-a-hundred-year flood will not trouble us, and we can be suffocated to death by a soak of urine?" San Layer Rou comforted. Neicuo is just a town, and if you are looking for a job, you still have access to the labor market in Xiamen Island.As long as there is a corresponding position, Lu Chongjun will invest in materials, and never raise his own requirements for salary.Not making demands does not mean that it is easy to find a job. For example, a defective porcelain bowl may cost a fraction of the price of a good bowl, but it just cannot be sold.Lu Chongjun is such a defective porcelain bowl. The labor market has gone, and so has the talent market.In front of the booth of a real estate company, Lu Chongjun became angry: "Could it be that I can't even do defense? It's okay to shoot a gun, or go head-to-head. Let's see who is my opponent in your company." The manager in charge of the recruitment was amiable, "We didn't say you are not good, but you are not suitable. You should find a position that is more suitable for you." Lu Chongjun thumped the table loudly, "Then tell me, why am I not suitable to be a guard?" "Don't excite the young people," the manager said gently, "The security of our property company is not a matter of shooting or fighting, but a matter of image." Speaking of image, Lu Chongjun was silent. He took back his own form from the stack of forms, turned around and left.Said to leave but did not leave. Lu Chongjun wrote the four characters "I want to work" on the back of the form, held it on his chest with his left hand, and held up the opened "Military Disability Certificate" with his right hand, standing at the entrance of the talent center stood by the door to protest the discrimination against him. According to Lu Chongjun's vision, if someone expresses sympathy, he will state his experience; if someone comes out to stop him, he will argue hard.Unexpectedly, nothing happened, and no one expressed sympathy or stopped it. Of course, Lu Chongjun was not embarrassed, because no one cared at all.The talent market is a market for fame and fortune, bustling with people for fame and fortune, who would have the leisure to observe what a person by the door is holding in his hand? Lu Chongjun's actions delayed one person's schedule, and that was himself.Neicuo is located in the hinterland of Tong'an, and you have to cross the Jimei Bridge and transfer twice to get there.Lu Chongjun didn't throw away "I want to work" until he got off work, put away his "Soldier's Disability Certificate", and it was too late to return to Neijiao, and there was no car. This night, Lu Chongjun slept at Wucun Station; in the following nights, Lu Chongjun often slept at Wucun Station. No matter where Lu Chongjun was sitting, the passengers in the front, back, left and right would disperse actively, which made him feel chilly, and at the same time gave him a place to lie down.The station is a noisy place, suitable for people coming and going, not suitable for rest and settlement.Lu Chongjun wanted to spend the night in this noisy place, so he had to resort to a pill called "An Ding".Diazepam is coated with light yellow sugar, if swallowed with boiled water, it will not have any unpleasant smell.But there was no boiling water at the station, and there was no mineral water to buy in the dead of night. Lu Chongjun opened a can of eight-treasure porridge and stuffed it into a piece of peace. At this time, a soldier pulling a suitcase on wheels walked towards Lu Chongjun, with a smile on his face, showing no fear of Cyclops at all.Lu Chongjun watched the suitcase stop in front of him, and the soldier sat beside him: "Excuse me, sir, is there still a bus to Tong'an at this time?" Lu Chongjun said to his toes, "Surely not." "That's the only way to beat Luo." "Where are you going in Tong'an?" "Xinmin." "It's too remote," Lu Chongjun said, "Which brother would like to go?" "Thank you," the soldier stood up, "I'll find a place to live and talk about it later." "If it's one night, just lie down and it'll be over." "this one?" "I used to be a soldier, so I always sleep here." "Really?" The soldier's question revealed the surprise of meeting an old acquaintance in a foreign land. Lu Chongjun raised his head and showed the certificate that could prove his honesty.The soldier received the "Soldier's Disability Certificate", as if he had received a letter from his hometown, and repeatedly read the simple two lines: "The left eye is missing due to flood fighting and disaster relief, second-class and first-class." "Oh, you are really a role model for us to follow." The soldier returned his certificate, opened Lu Chongjun's fake left eyelid and said, "Why don't you put on a fake eye? Wouldn't it be perfect if you put on a fake eye?" Lu Chongjun was embarrassed to tell him that he could pretend to be a fake eye in the army, but he deliberately didn't pretend to be.How can you get the sympathy of the civil affairs cadres with a false eye, and then get a leisurely resettlement?The soldier interpreted Lu Chongjun's silence as something unspeakable, and changed the subject in a considerate manner: "Let's find a place to eat, our stomachs are about to have a revolution." Lu Chongjun conveniently pushed the uncovered eight-treasure porridge to the soldier, "You drink it, I still have it." "What's the point of this?" "They're all soldiers, what's the point of being polite?" In Lu Chongjun's anticipation, the soldier's eyelids were heavy, and he leaned back on the chair and said in a daze, "I'm really tired." "Hey, comrade, wake up." Lu Chongjun shook the soldier's arm to confirm that he was unconscious, and took out the key to open the wheeled suitcase.Taking out the 5,000 yuan cash in the mezzanine, Lu Chongjun locked the suitcase, and tucked the key back into the soldier's breast pocket. Lu Chongjun didn't go far, just sat in the waiting room of the opposite train station.If Lu Chongjun is a heinous robber, he is indeed wronged. He really didn't plan to rob, and every step was taken naturally. Even if I borrowed him 5,000 yuan.Lu Chongjun said to himself, when I make money, I will definitely donate a sum to the Veterans Activity Center.Sitting at the train station, Lu Chongjun thought about stuffing the money back into his suitcase. However, the most urgent thing in front of him was the eye problem. If he doesn't wear a fake eye, he will never have a chance of employment.Lu Chongjun's mind just wavered and clashed until dawn. Lu Chongjun did not enter Neicuo to bid farewell to San Layer Rou, but bought a half-price train ticket with his "Military Disability Certificate" and returned to Haiyuan.While Lu Chongjun was still on the train, the Xiamen police cracked this "vicious case of using psychotropic drugs to anesthetize and rob passengers".The Xiamen police's process of solving the case was extremely simple. Based on the description of the robbed soldier and the memories of the conductor at the station's soldier window, it was easy to conclude that Lu Chongjun had returned to Haiyuan. After receiving a call from Xiamen, the Haiyuan police investigated, Lu Chongjun, isn't it just the security guard of the pharmaceutical company?Now that you're back, let's pick up the station.Considering Lu Chongjun's physique and background as a retired soldier, the Haiyuan Public Security Bureau singled out all the big men from the criminal investigation team. The intercity train that Lu Chongjun took arrived in Haiyuan just at noon, and when he walked to the exit, the scorching sun shone down, hurting his one-eyed sleepless night.Surrounded by crowds of people, Lu Chongjun gave the police ambushing on both sides a sense of standing out from the crowd. He stopped, intending to rub his sore and swollen eyes, but the police deprived him of the opportunity. Get out of the crowd. "Hate for taking his wife, revenge for killing his father", of course Lu Chongjun knew what it meant to be imprisoned in the detention center and fall into Wang Gou's hands.Lu Chongjun didn't want to make a "zero confession", but felt that a hero who fought against the flood had fallen into today's end. Fang, Lu Chongjun had no choice but to remain silent. What makes Lu Chongjun lament the unpredictability of the world is that in less than a year, Ye Yue turned into a "chicken" and was swept in by the "anti-pornography".Ye Yue not only swept in, but also sent her away long ago.
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