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Chapter 16 Chapter 16

Room 9 余以键 2605Words 2018-03-22
Wang Gou has a strong interest in criminal psychology. From Lombroso to Godelt, from Freud to the Gluck couple, Wang Gou has done serious and detailed comparative research, and uses his work to , do a lot of case analysis.When Wang Gou published papers in journals such as "Crime Research" and "Problems of Juvenile Delinquency", he was well-known in Haiyuan's political and legal system. After he was promoted to deputy director, a series of titles came one after another. : Director of Haiyuan Criminology Society, member of Haiyuan Juvenile Protection Committee, visiting professor of Haiyuan Teachers College, and so on.The detention center has been a banner of Haiyuan's municipal legal system for more than ten years. It is rumored that Director Min is about to be promoted, and the Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee made it clear that Wang Gou is the one who will succeed Director Min.

However, Wang Gou can open every classic work on criminal psychology at will, but he himself is like a closed book.Wang Gou's dull and gloomy temperament made all the criminals terrified, because no one could read his mind, "a dumb dog can eat people", all the criminals interrogated by him said so.It may be a good thing for a discipline cadre to make people feel awe, but it may be a disaster for his wife who gets along day and night. Ye Yue's personality is completely opposite to Wang Gou's, she is a warm and cheerful person.Like all little girls, Ye Yue also thought that Wang Gou was deep and masculine when they were in love; now that Ye Yue is a wife and mother, a mature woman needs a man to live her life.The mistake in marriage is that men marry because they think women won't change, and women get married when they think men will change.The result is that Ye Yue has changed, and no longer admires Wang Gou's profundity; Wang Gou has not changed, as always, he has devoted himself to pondering his criminal psychology.So, both sides made mistakes.

In order to recover from the mistake and minimize the loss, Ye Yue led her son Wang Xiaojie away from Wang Gou.The departure was gradual. At first, he just led his son to live in the dormitory of the pharmaceutical company.Ye Yue's reasons are completely tenable: "Xiaojie has to go to school, the nursery school is too far away from the detention center." Wang Gou was immersed in making a criminal age statistics table, and did not lift his head when he answered: "Well, your company dormitory is next to the nursery, right?" Ye Yue's son Wang Xiaojie sat on the crossbar of his bicycle, and the back seat was covered with rice cookers, kettles, washbasins and clothes.Ye Yue walked all the way with support, she didn't dare to ride, because she had to free up a hand to wipe her tears.Ye Yue didn't understand where Wang Gou's conscience went, she didn't keep their mother and son, at least she should send them away.It was already mid-noon when we walked to the dormitory of the pharmaceutical company, Ye Yue's heart was broken and tears were shed.

"Any man in the world is better than the bastard Wang Gou." Ye Yue thought, "Really, including the one-eyed Lu Chongjun standing at the door of the dormitory." Lu Chongjun is a veteran. Although his household registration is in the countryside, because he is a disabled soldier who has made meritorious service, according to the preferential policy of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Lu Chongjun was placed in the warehouse of a pharmaceutical company as a guard. The row of buildings next to the street in the compound of the pharmaceutical company is the sales office, the middle is the warehouse, and the back is the dormitory building.The warehouse is sandwiched between the sales office and the staff dormitory, what will happen?It's very safe, and there is no possibility of problems.This led to Lu Chongjun's idleness. A big living person must have something to do. It is logical that Lu Chongjun became a regular customer in the sales department.

In the sales department, except for two old doctors who take turns to consult, all of them are female soldiers. Lu Chongjun's experience and eloquence won the favor of the female army. Besides, old doctors are unreliable. Can play the role of a one-eyed veteran. On this day, Lu Chongjun walked around the warehouse, and when he was about to chat with the sales department, he ran into Ye Yue who was coming.Ye Yue stopped her bicycle, and Lu Chongjun helped her unload her things and carry them into the room.Ye Yue was in a bad mood, busy packing her son's schoolbag, and didn't talk much to Lu Chongjun.Lu Chongjun didn't leave either, standing at the door like a wall.Ye Yue took care of her son and was about to send him to nursery, but the door was left open when she came out.Lu Chongjun wanted to close it casually, but Ye Yue turned around and said:

"Fix the camp bed for me." Lu Chongjun's eyes were shining brightly, and he tinkered with the camp bed that Ye Yue got from somewhere.Ye Yue came back, and the camp bed was repaired. Lu Chongjun pushed up the pier vigorously, shook a few times and said: "It's time to sleep." Ye Yue closed the door, took off the towel on the back of the door, wiped off her sweat and said, "What's the use of being able to sleep alone? I want two people to be able to sleep." Ye Yue hung up the towel, as if she forgot to open the door.Lu Chongjun waved his hands and said:

"Let's try it together, and the two of you can sleep if you keep it." Ye Yue sat on the camp bed, and didn't get up after sitting on it, and did all the things that can be done between men and women.Ye Yue put her arms around Lu Chongjun's tall and strong body, besides feeling a little guilty and ashamed, she also felt a little pleasure in taking revenge on Wang Gou.Ye Yue was moved by Lu Chongjun's sweet talk without telling the truth, because Wang Gou had never said such nonsense.The fly in the ointment is that Ye Yue never dared to look into Lu Chongjun's eyes, the empty eyelids really scared her.

Bad things in the world are afraid of the first time, such as gambling, drug use, and adultery. If you break through the first time, the second time is just a matter of repetition, not the essence.The people who live in the company dormitory are all young bachelors, employees from the countryside, and hired guards. Everyone shuts the door and lives their own lives.No one cared that Lu Chongjun came into the dormitory, just like no one cared who went out again.Ye Yue doesn't talk to Lu Chongjun, they communicate with their bodies, to be precise, with their lower body, because Ye Yue never looks at Lu Chongjun's face.In order to eliminate the negative effects of squeaking camp beds, they learned to spread straw mats on the ground.

Although Ye Yue proposed to divorce many times, Wang Gou never agreed, his theory is: "According to Shacharand, the majority of delinquent youth come from flawed and troubled homes." "Who is talking about theory with you?" Ye Yue retorted, "I can unilaterally file for a divorce once the separation period is up. If you don't even understand this, what law do you want to study?" As for the ownership of her son Wang Xiaojie, Ye Yue only reserved the visitation rights. Ye Yue was going to remarry a one-eyed guard, when the news spread, everyone who knew Wang Gou was shocked.It's going to rain, mother is going to get married, wife remarriage is nothing in this crooked and perverted era, Wang Gou comforts himself, to forget all of this as soon as possible, just like forgetting a nightmare.

Regrettably, Wang Gou not only did not forget this nightmare, but intensified it into an unforgettable hatred. His wife ran away, so Wang Gou had no choice but to ask the old mother in the country to take the son out, which was right; it was summer vacation, and Wang Gou asked the old mother to take the son back to his hometown, and there was nothing wrong with that.The irreparable accident happened in my hometown. Wang Xiaojie was bitten by a dog in the village, on his calf. Any barefoot doctor could cure this little accident.The problem lies with Wang Gou's mother, who firmly believes that her own method is more effective, that is, applying salt to disinfect.Wang Xiaojie rolled all over the floor in pain, and gradually stopped rolling. The high fever made him unconscious.Due to the delay in treatment, the wound was deeply festered. When he was sent to the hospital, there was only one option left for the doctor: amputation.

Wang Gou was going crazy, but he still didn't understand what he did wrong.She was right, her mother was right, and her son was right. If she was wrong, it would be damned Ye Yue. Her mistake was leaving her young son alone and pursuing Xiaoyao. Wang Gou got out of the tricycle and wanted to ride to the dormitory of the pharmaceutical company to question Master Ye Yuexing.The guard stopped Wang Gou and asked him to fill out the visit registration form. After completing the filling, he was still not allowed to enter. The guard said: "It's been a month since our Dihuang Group bought the pharmaceutical company, and all the original employees have bought out their seniority and left. Haven't you heard that the government wants to revitalize state-owned assets?" Wang Gou was not reconciled, "Do you know where she went?" The guards gathered Wang Gou to fill in the visit registration, put away the Yuanzhu pen and said, "We only care about marrying our daughter, but can we care about her having a son?" The day Wang Gou saw Ye Yue again was the first day of the anti-pornography campaign.The divorced couple met in the detention center. Of course, Ye Yue was a detainee, and the police detained her on suspicion of prostitution. Regarding Ye Yue's alleged prostitution, all kinds of speculations surged up, which made Wang Gou lose face.Wang Gou hated it to the bone, and when they met for the first time, what he said to Ye Yue was as plain as water: "Xiaojie is disabled, you have to go through the pain he went through."
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