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Chapter 14 Chapter 14

Room 9 余以键 6168Words 2018-03-22
Room No. 9 exploded for a while, and everyone was talking about it, should the prison boss be dragged to the stadium to hold a public judgment meeting?The reason for those who want it is that during the crackdown period, it is difficult for the people to be angry if they do not parade in the streets.The people who say no are based on the fact that if there is a public sentencing meeting, several repeat offenders will have to be sent to accompany the sentence to show that the crackdown has achieved brilliant results, but they have not heard any movement of the doors of other rooms being opened.

Another topic of discussion was the location of the execution of the prison boss. Lengshuikeng had set up a plastics factory, so it was not appropriate to shoot people again; Huanggoudong had just executed two last time, and the location of the court was generally not repeated. Then we discussed how many shots it would take to kill the bird man in the cell. Some people said that looking at his bear, one shot could penetrate three; The position of the heart has been drawn with chalk long ago, and the bayonet will be enough to reach it. The final question was, did the shooter win the third-class merit once, or did he get the five-hundred-dollar bonus?If one shot survives, and another shooter has to make up for it, how will the third-class meritorious service or five hundred dollars be divided?This question is beyond the collective life experience of Room No. 9, so it is even more inconclusive.

The emperor did not participate in everyone's discussion, he still put his chin to his chest, spinning around like a stunned old hen, and talking to himself.Since entering Room No. 9, Xiao Ru hadn't heard the emperor speak, so she couldn't help being curious and moved to the emperor's side.The emperor ignored Xiaoru, and only talked to his belly: "All Legalists are patriots; Confucians are all traitors." After turning around a few times, the emperor said, "The struggle between Confucianism and Legalism for more than two thousand years has affected the present, and will continue to affect the future."

"Don't listen anymore," Jiu Ye said, "He is the only person who entered Room 9 earlier than me. Even I don't know his background, let alone others. He will always only say these two sentences, Used to express excitement or anxiety." Xiaoru asked, "Then is he excited or restless today?" Jiuye said, "Of course he was excited. He was conscious and realized that the cell leader riding him had been shot." Xiaoru remembered the folk saying that before executing a criminal, one must have a big meal of fish and meat.So I asked Master Jiu about this question.

"This is pure rumor. If you think about it, if your life is gone, who wants to eat it? Besides, if you are in a hurry and jump over the wall, what will you do when you are about to die?" Master Jiu said, "It's normal, I will give it to you. You have an opportunity to appeal, so you have hope, stay honest, and finally pulled out to read out the final judgment that cannot be changed. Now it is the period of severe crackdown, the court has issued a notice from the National People's Congress, and the cell leader is dead. " "In the past few days when the tiger bench was removed, the instructors were very polite to the cell boss, not like the attitude towards a dead prisoner." Xiaoru was puzzled.

"The instructor's tone is nothing more than to prevent the cell boss from causing trouble. If the cadres find out that the criminal has an evil plan, they are usually locked up or locked up with a tiger stool." Jiuye said quietly, "According to my judgment, the cell boss is very serious. Knowing that he is going to die, he knows that resistance is futile, it is better to be happy every day. This is the meaning of his shrewdness, great wisdom and foolishness." Master Jiu's words were as small as creeping hair, and his back felt chilly. "The head of the cell is so smart, it's not in vain to come to this world. But his heart is like a mirror, why did he collapse when he got out?"

"It can be seen that no matter how strong a person is, his flesh is weak." "Quiet, quiet." Dao Scar interrupted the conversation between Master Jiu and Xiaoru loudly, "I'll rearrange the berths, the sleeping position of Zhang Luochen, the leader of the gang, and the position of the sleeping gang leader, the others will remain the same." Xiaoru heard the implication, Dao Scar didn't call him the head of the prison, but Zhang Luochen, as if he was calling himself the head of the prison.At this time, it was far away from the afternoon nap, and Scar obviously wanted to announce it in public, and it also played a role in attracting the leader.Everyone is noncommittal about this, and no one raises objections, because those who suffer are incompetent.

There is a person who has always been unknown, who helped Xiaoru turn things around during the major turning point in Room 9.Master Jiu tugged at the corner of Xiaoru's clothes, and Xiaoru followed out of the room knowingly.Master Jiu pointed to the bride squatting on the latrine and said: "He is a hidden weapon I hid in Room No. 9, you can use him to subdue Scar." Xiao Ru had never seen any special relationship between them, so she glanced at the bride suspiciously. "Didn't find it right?" Master Jiu said, "That's why it's called a hidden weapon." After Master Jiu went in, Xiao Ru was a little awkward, so he had to stand by the sink to wash his clothes.

"Let's do it," said the bride. Xiaoru didn't say anything.The bride said again, "I'll settle them down. The instructor trusts you. Today is his class. It's fine for you to come out and preside over it. Otherwise, it will be too late when they huddle together." Xiao Ru shook her clothes to cover the bride's voice, then wrung out one and shook it off, saying: "understood." The plan drawn up by the bride is to narrow the attack surface and make breakthroughs. She simply does not do anything, and stands openly behind the door of the outer room to discuss with Xiaoru.Scar was keenly aware that something was going to happen, but it was too late to plan, and it was time for lunch.

The bride told the handsome guy to take care of her meal, and the scar was already eating, so the bride went to grab it with open fire.The two of them remained silent, and their four hands were exerting force on the plastic bowl. The bride's right foot stepped on Scar's left toe, exerting force with her hands and feet.Finally, Scar let go.The bride broke his meal in half and gave it to the leader and fellowship.The entire number room was stunned, watching the progress of the situation.Scar didn't say anything, but shouted hoarsely: "Report-report-; report-report-." After dozens of calls, the instructor appeared on the barbed wire, "Why are you shouting, are you courting death?"

"They robbed me of my food," Scar said. "Who? Whose bowl is your rice in?" "Zhao Xinliang snatched my food and distributed it to the gang leader and traffic." "You bastard, you can't even make up nonsense." The instructor yelled, "I don't understand you yet, I can't wait to watch the white ass of traffic eat. Zhao Xinliang snatched your meal again and gave him a share. What the hell? Mei Xiaoru, tell me what's going on." Scar's yelling report was as small as expected, but he's now confident.Xiaoru said, "Scar often sends his meal in the traffic bowl first, and then asks for another copy. Today I let Xiaoniao see through it, but Xiaoniao refuses to give it." "Fuck your eight generations of ancestors," the instructor yelled, "No wonder room 18 doesn't have enough food, so you bird people are playing tricks." "Mei Xiaoru is lying." Dao Scar said aggrievedly. "Tang Yuan, come out." The instructor said, "You are a recruit, why did half of Da Scar's rice end up in your bowl? Tell the truth." Traffic was stunned for a moment, because no one called his name for a long time.Traffic was temporarily unable to judge the trend and outcome of the incident, so he said something that neither side should offend: "I am willing to return the food to Scar." "Originally it's someone else's food, who wants you to pay it back? You bird people just don't cry when they don't see the coffin." The instructor left cursing, and the crackling of trousers went away with the wind. When it was time to spread out the quilt for a lunch break, the bride approached Scar: "I said, where should you sleep?" "Sleep according to my arrangement." Although Scar didn't have lunch, he didn't have the confidence to speak, but his attitude was still arrogant. "Then go to hell." The bride picked up Scar's quilt and threw it into the aisle. Scar's old trick was repeated, and he shouted for a report in desperation.This time the instructor was called to the prison window and stood there without saying a word. "Zhao Xinliang threw my quilt." Dao Scar said. The bride said, "I asked Mei Xiaoru to sleep in Zhang Luochen's bunk. Scar refused, and scolded him for being a stinky intellectual. He said don't think that the instructor can sleep in the bunk just by praising him once, and even beat people. Tell him to sleep." The floor is what everyone means." "I didn't hit much, just a punch." Xiaoru said, clutching his chest, "It's okay, I'll sleep on the floor." "They lied." Scar was anxious, yelling. The instructor said, "Why are you going to jail, ah, don't you have no education and don't know the law? Mei Xiaoru should sleep in the bunk for meritorious service in digging out the toilet. That's what I said." The instructor finally raised his voice and warned, "How dare the scar Call a report and punish him with wooden handcuffs for one month." The location of the afternoon nap was arranged completely according to the bride's opinion, indicating that the situation in Room 9 has basically stabilized.In the afternoon, the bride led several handsome men to forcibly seize all the property in Room 9 kept by Dao Scar: a bag each of oranges, instant noodles, peanuts, and biscuits; half a bowl of pork head meat; a stack of old newspapers; a small bag of tea.The weekend version of the color-printed "Haiyuan Daily" is kept by Master Jiu, so there is no need to search for it.These items, which were originally enjoyed by the small group of prison bosses, are now displayed in front of everyone.The bride and the handsome man play with them with great interest.The bride neatly arranged the booty, straightened her back and asked Xiaoru for instructions: "Captain, what should we do?" Xiaoru hated this title deeply, and got goosebumps all over her body: "You hold your hand high, don't call it that." "I forgot to tell you," Master Jiu patted Xiao Ru on the shoulder and said, "The people in Room No. If you are called by your first name in prison, you will be obsessed with it for the rest of your life." "Then, Master Jiu means the master of Room No. 9?" Xiaoru said. Master Jiu spread nine fingers apart, raised them in front of Xiaoru and said, "The main reason is because of this." "It doesn't matter if you don't call him a prison boss, college student, what do you think?" The bride blinked and said, "Isn't it a bit awkward to be called a college student in this ghost place where the prison boss is?" In the end, it was Master Jiu who set the tone with his foresight: "I'm called a scholar." Xiaoru was noncommittal about the title Jiu Ye gave him, and answered the bride's first question, "Give it to everyone." The bride further supplemented and perfected Xiao Ru's instructions: "Now everyone reads the newspaper first, and pork head meat is served with rice at night." The bride pulled Xiaoru out to discuss the redistribution of work, "someone has to do it, you are the boss now, it's too embarrassing to work, let's see how to do it?" The fruits of victory are not easy to come by, Xiao Ruxiang, I am an undergraduate student after all, so it is interesting enough to fight for you for so long.Xiaoru was in a good mood, so she patted the bride on the back and said, "You can figure it out." "Call the quilt for the traffic booth, help the master wash the clothes, and clean the dog's scar." The bride expressed her thoughts. "It's better to let the handsome guy do the work together, and one more person will work harder." Xiao Ru felt that the bride's arrangement was a bit too much. "No, no, no," the bride shook her head, "It's a risk for a handsome guy to do it with us, and if we do it, we will share the blessings, otherwise no one will listen to you in the future?" Xiaoru is right when he thinks about it, why do handsome guys do things he doesn't want to do?Xiaoru mentioned another kind of worry: "Will it make Scar feel anxious, and the dog jumps over the wall?" "Absolutely nothing," the bride sneered, punched the wall, and said contemptuously, "a wall so high that even a dog can't jump out in a hurry. They only recognize this." "You two," the bride said, pointing to Scar and the gang leader, "replacing the scholar and the handsome guy, you are veterans, and you know what to do." The scar was against the wall, with his hands behind his back, staring at the bride angrily, the scar stood out with anger.The bride took a look, but didn't answer. Before the scar had time to appeal, her neck was caught by the bride's left hand and pressed against the wall.Scar didn't show weakness, and pushed the bride's head away with all her strength, but the bride was wide and strong, and Scar's efforts could not change the situation at all.During the stalemate, the bride's right hand slapped Scar's forehead, and there was a sound of heads hitting the wall. As soon as the bride let go, Scar rolled his eyes and softened, squatting into a ball. The bride clapped her hands and turned her fat body. The gang leader had already taken out a cigarette and handed it to him. "Go, make a few cups of tea." The bride sprayed the words and smoke rings on the face of the gang leader. At dinner, Xiao Ru gave way to the seat, but the bride told him to give up insisting, "Do as I say." The bride said.Xiaoru was a little uncomfortable, but it was Dao Scar's hostile eyes that helped him overcome his inferiority complex.Since then, the Xiaoru Group has replaced the cell boss and the others, and moved to the bunk openly and aboveboard, and the scar scarred on the head retreated to the corner where Xiaoru and the handsome guy used to be in the outer room.Xiaoru finds that eating on the quilt is really different. The view is wide and the mood is comfortable, and all the living beings in Room 9 can have a panoramic view.The boss set up the rice bowl, and the bride brought out half of the bowl of pork head meat. "Everyone come and eat." This is the most elated sentence that Xiao Ru has said since entering Room 9. Except for the scars and traffic, everyone leaned forward in an orderly manner, extended their necks and spoons to the pork head, and dug a slice or two very sparingly, because the bride was staring at it.Xiaoru knew that Master Jiu didn't eat stinky meat, so he didn't invite him. The pork head meat is frozen into one piece, and it can be picked up with a little effort, leaving only an empty bowl, and it is quite laborious to shake it off piece by piece.The tradition in Room No. 9 is that only the head of the cell can sit on the quilt to eat, and the assistants are divided into two sides, because the quilt is stacked in the corner, and meals must be eaten around.The handsome guy added monosodium glutamate to the vegetable soup, peeled a few peanuts and floated it. This bowl of soup is different in Room 9.The climate has not yet warmed up, and the pork head meat still has a slippery fishy smell, which shows the history of storage.Of course, the mind can't stop the body, and Xiaoru will soon be full, after all, it is the first time to eat meat happily in Room 9. Unexpectedly, the emperor was also standing in the aisle with his rice bowl in his hand, his eyes fixed on the unicorn.The emperor's pitiful appearance was like a smear of mustard, which made Xiaoru feel sad for a while, so Xiaoru said to the handsome guy: "Let the emperor taste the meat too." In this desperate contest between the bride and Scar, the gang leader noticed that the bride's backstage was Xiao Ru, and behind Xiao Ru seemed to be the mysterious Jiu Ye.Even if Master Jiu remained neutral, as long as Xiaoru, the bride and the handsome guy had the support of their instructors, Scar would never be their opponent.What makes the gang leader especially uncertain is that Master Jiu doesn't know whether he will continue to investigate the relationship between himself and the deputy director Wang Gou. In any case, only the strongest person who closely relies on Room No. 9 can get rid of the hateful Master Jiu. game entanglement.So, as soon as he was put into prison, the gang leader approached Xiaoru and said: "Let's have a party to celebrate." It sounded like the gang leader was already a family member, Xiao Ru couldn't adapt for a while, and said flatly, "It's not interesting." The leader of the gang has always been the leader of the prison, and has never experienced a room supported by college students. He can't figure out the unique thoughts of intellectuals.Xiaoru was too short, so the leader had no choice but to bend his knees to look up at Xiaoru, and added, "I also comfort the brothers." Xiaoru felt that this matter was a bit strange, so he called the bride over, and the gang leader repeated his basic idea, and the bride said without hesitation that it was a good thing. "Just get a bottle of wine," said the bride. The bride did not leave immediately, he was waiting for the leader to express his opinion.The smile receded from the leader's face, replaced by heavy brows. "It's already in prison now." The gang leader was a little worried. "I know." said the bride, "how about showing your loyalty to the scholar?" When he was at his wit's end, the gang leader saw the figure of a sentry with a shoulder gun swaying past, which gave him a breakthrough, because the gang leader knew that the soldier's name was Hua Shanjian, and his girlfriend was Bai Yang. The gang leader dismissed the idle people under the prison window like an imperial envoy, and looked up to wait for the sentinel.The sentinel was approaching Room No. 9, and the leader called to stop him. "Squad leader." The leader said: "If your name is Hua Shanjian, I have something to tell you." The sentry was listening to the recording. He removed the earplugs, put the gun across the window sill, and said with great interest, "Except for Lao Tzu, who else deserves such an imposing name?" "Bai Yang asked why you didn't go to her house for the New Year?" "How do you know Bai Yang?" "She calls my father's uncle and my cousin." "Oh, that's right." Hua Shanjian relieved his vigilance, and sighed, "My mother is firmly against it. If Nanchang household registration cannot be entered, won't the child become a black household in the future?" The boss didn't answer his question directly, but was busy praising Bai Yang's extraordinary beauty and outstanding character.Although it was rambunctious rhetoric, it still moved the sentinel.Hua Shanjian took off his big cap, covered the muzzle of the gun and said: "I can't help it. I can't offend my old mother. I have to rely on her to find a job when I go back, right?" "It's not a big problem to get in touch with it, but you say that the preparations for the Spring Festival will not come out. What a rare girl, can a living person be suffocated to death?" "right!" The sentinel put on his cap and shouldered his gun to leave, and snapped his fingers to express his gratitude to the leader for his reminder.The gang leader stopped the sentry again at the critical moment. He jumped up and grabbed the steel bars of the prison window, pulling his body up to make his body hang in the air.The gang leader talked to the sentinel in this pendulum-like posture, and none of them, including Master Jiu, could hear the details clearly. When the gang leader couldn't support himself and fell off the bunk, the sentry showed a look of embarrassment.Sentinel said: "I'm going to be laid off." "Bai Yang mentioned it to me many times, saying that you are very loyal." The leader made the last effort. "You don't understand. If it is found out that my party member has become a full-time member, I will be yellow, and I can't trust others, right." The sentinel explained his difficulties, emphasizing how difficult it is for him to make up his mind: "I'll change shifts tonight." "Bring something oily." The leader stretched out this sentence and his palms together in front of the sentinel at the same time.Witnesses knew that the thumb was undoubtedly cash, but the amount was not disclosed, and the sentinel looked calm when he took it. After the sentry left, Room 9 was in a state of anxiety.The most annoying thing was the gang leader. Everyone took the initiative to make way for the gang leader to walk around, as if he was a military strategist planning a decisive victory for thousands of miles.The bride suddenly crossed one leg, blocking the way of the gang leader. The gang leader saw the bride pouted towards the prison window, turned around, and the sentinel was already shouting at the prison window: "Quick, get a cup." The gang leader took out two cups prepared in advance from under the bunk, rushed to the prison window with one stride, and raised the cups.The sentry lifted his coat, took out the bottle, twisted off the iron cap, and poured wine into the glass, exactly two glasses.During this process, Xiaoru noticed the rigor of the incident: the sentinel opened the bottle cap in advance, and the gang leader prepared a cup in advance, which prevented the glass from entering the number room, and completed the handover as soon as possible.The sentry was obviously more calm than the gang leader. He drained the bottom of the bottle into his mouth, and tucked the empty bottle back into his coat.The gang leader carried them staggeringly, and the sentry threw a plastic bag onto the bed, and at the same time threw out an exciting sentence: "Oiled." The sentinel whistled and left. The bride picked up the bag and opened it, cheering happily, "It's seven-layer meat!" "It's great, it's great." The handsome guy walked in small steps, and quickly found a plastic bowl to put it in. "Just drink like this." The bride thought for a while and asked Xiao Ru, "Can a scholar drink it?" Xiaoru said, "It's okay." The bride said, "Then you drink first." Xiao Ru said, "Master Jiu should drink first." Jiuye said, "I never drink, because drunkenness makes people loose." "Then you're welcome." Xiaoru took a sip happily and handed it to the bride; the bride drank from the other side of the cup and handed it to the handsome guy.The handsome guy was very knowledgeable and asked the boss to drink first.The wine glasses rotated, and they spread their fingers to grab the meat and eat it.When the wine glass returned to Xiao Ru from the hand of the handsome guy, Master Jiu took it, handed it to Scar and said, "Everyone drinks, and everyone who sees it has a share." As soon as the alcohol hit him, the scar on Scar's face turned red, and he seemed confident when he flattered him: "Master Jiu is fucking merciful." Seeing that everyone had drunk, Master Jiu said slowly, "I'm not being kind, but to prevent you from telling the truth." Dao Scar was quite surprised by Master Jiu's words, and he planned to have a piece of seven-layer meat, but was hit hard, and had to withdraw his hand from the side of the bowl. After a few rounds, both cups bottomed out, and there were not many slices of meat left.The bride suggested to save some sliced ​​meat to serve with porridge tomorrow. "No." Master Jiu said, "I can't bear the long night dream." Xiaoru was a little bit in the dark, the bride explained, "Jiuye means, leave some tails for such a delicious thing, and you won't be able to sleep in college at night." Everyone laughed and looked a little happy.There was still a big gulp of white wine left, the gang leader insisted on pouring it into Jiaotong's mouth, Jiaotong looked reluctant, but the wine glass immediately bottomed out.Xiaoru questioned the gang leader, "Are you really Bai Yang's cousin?" The gang leader was sticking out his tongue to clean the plastic bag of meat. He wiped the corner of his mouth and said, "Anyone with a different surname than mine is an old cousin." Everyone laughed again, Xiaoru was about to say a few words of praise when the sleeping bell rang.
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