Home Categories Thriller Room 9

Chapter 12 Chapter 12

Room 9 余以键 3274Words 2018-03-22
This morning, Xiaoru inexplicably woke up very quickly, and the surroundings were surprisingly quiet.At this time, there was a bird chirping on the barbed wire outside. Xiaoru could hear its happy singing, and could even distinguish the slight collision sound of its tiny claws jumping over the wire.However, the little bird seemed to realize that this was not a place to sing, and after some thinking, he resolutely flew away from Room 9.When Xiaoru heard the forceful touch of its sharp claws and iron wire when it took off, it felt a sense of loss. First there were one or two kicks, followed by the sound of fireworks and firecrackers, and the short-term peace of the world disappeared with the wind.Xiao Ru remembered that it was Ching Ming Festival, and the one who sang so loudly just now was the cuckoo.All things have their laws, and human beings are actually very small, knowing only a little bit of the universe.However, man is proud and boastful, so hatred, jealousy, fear, the heart is full of darkness and sorrow.Look at that brisk little bird, who neither sows nor reaps, yet God adorns and feeds it.

There is nothing in the world to disturb others, as small as thinking, people's troubles are all self-inflicted, because people's hearts are truly depraved.In the past, living on a campus full of red flowers and green leaves, Xiao Ru didn't pay too much attention to human sins, and was content with rambunctious chatter all day long.Time is like a disc, as small as a thought, I should do something. During the Qingming Festival, there was a lot of rain. After the firecrackers were set off, another continuous rain came.Everyone lined up to share porridge for breakfast, and everyone put plastic bowls on their heads to avoid the rain, and shrugged their shoulders as much as possible and retracted their necks into their chests.When the porridge was brought in from the outside, it was inevitable to be drenched in a little rain, and the fried rice settled to the bottom of the bowl one after another, making people drink it with a cool feeling.

As the Hakka saying goes, "Grain rain in the Qingming Festival, rats die in the cold", the cold air, as sharp as a knife, blows and permeates every corner of Room No. 9.The cold starts from the bottom of the feet first, the toes seem to be cracked, walking is like stepping on needle felt, the socks in the number room suddenly become more tense.What was left for Xiaoru was a pair of torn socks. The bare toes turned the cold into a small animal with long legs.It is impossible to go to the outside, and the aisle in the inside is also wet and difficult to get off. Everyone is squeezed into the bunk, including Xiao Ru, the handsome guy, and the traffic. Even the emperor is shrunk in the corner of the window like a pile of rags. .No one raised any objection to this, because after all, being crowded can make people warm.

Even if the rain stops, the water droplets remaining on the wire will keep dripping, so that the outside room is always exposed to the water curtain.The rainy season broke the normal life order in Room 9, and there was no way to dry clothes. Fortunately, people didn't sweat, and no one had the guts to wash in cold water in the rain. There were almost no clothes to change.Taking food is also a problem. Everyone simply queues up inside, waits for the previous one to carry the bowl and runs back, and then rush out quickly, so as to minimize the time in the open air.The biggest difficulty is pooping. After all, you can’t be in a hurry. In this way, it becomes a heavy burden for Xiaoru and the handsome guy to hold the old clothes to cover the rain for the pooping people.

After the cell boss finished shitting, Xiao Ru was in charge of packing up the rain-proof clothes, and the handsome guy was in charge of flushing.A bucket of water went down, and the handsome guy exclaimed: "Damn it." The head of the cell didn't have time to go inside, and when he turned around, he was also shocked: the bucket of water didn't go into the hidden pipe, but came out instead, spreading quickly and completely.The frightening thing is that what spread out was not only water, but also the filth just excreted by the cell head, which melted in the water and approached the inside with a turbulent force.There is no threshold or other isolation at the junction between the inside and the outside, once it floods in, the consequences will be disastrous.The cell leader was dumbfounded, and the others were dumbfounded as well. Only one person had a clear mind and took decisive measures at lightning speed: blocking a broken blanket at the threshold.

Only Master Jiu can keep his head clear at critical moments, and this is what makes Master Jiu different and frightening.As soon as this action of turning things around was completed, Master Jiu was going to return to his position to sit quietly.Blocking the dirty water does not mean solving the problem, because the whole number room is filled with a foul smell.The cell boss yelled: "Flush, do you want to leave it for you to eat? Hurry up and flush!" "Don't command blindly," Master Jiu stopped the handsome guy who was filling the bucket with water, "Surface water comes out of open pipes, wouldn't that stink the entire detention center? It's no wonder the instructor didn't stuff you into the latrine."

The head of the prison became anxious, "What should I do? Then what do you say?" Master Jiu sat down and said calmly, "Call for a report." Scar had the loudest voice, and the "report" alerted the sentries.The sentry covered his mouth and nose with a napkin, passed the prison window without saying a word, and then the instructor came.The instructor didn't fly into a rage this time, and even smiled when he spoke: "As the saying goes, 'If you eat well, it stinks, if you don't eat well, it doesn't stink'. Aren't you complaining about the bad food? Why is the shit smelling so bad? Tell me, who did it?"

The cell leader took a step forward and said, "It's me." "Hero, dare to act and act." The instructor said, "Do you want to show your prestige as a cell leader?" "Report to the instructor, the toilet is blocked and cannot be flushed down." "Okay, if you can't make it down, just pretend to go." The prison chief was in a dilemma, "But, but there is nothing to put in the cell." "Don't you have a bowl to eat?" said the instructor. "The instructor was joking," the cell boss knew the instructor was teasing, "how can shit be filled in a eating bowl."

"Then what do you say yourself?" Anyway, the prison boss is not afraid of boiling water for a dead pig, so "wash it with water," he said. "Good idea. Dirty water goes into open pipes and kills them." The cell boss couldn't help but glanced at Master Jiu, and the facts once again proved that Master Jiu was the prophet with the ability to predict in Room 9.Master Jiu stood up under the eyes of the prison chief: "You can notify rooms 1 to 9 to be flushed at the same time, and the water will all go out of the wall when the water comes out." The instructor fell silent, showing that he agreed with Master Jiu's constructive opinions.When the instructor asked another question, he used an entirely consultative tone:

"What about the clogged toilet?" Master Jiu thought for a while, pointed to Xiaoru and said, "Send him down to dig out, he must be the smallest in the entire detention center." "Huh?" The instructor's voice meant to ask Xiao Ru if he wanted to.Xiaoru hesitated for a long time, and finally said aggrievedly: "Then go down and try Luo." Only Master Jiu knew what he was thinking, and Xiao Ru's grievances were all fake. Xiao Ru put on the one-piece raincoat used by the internal service, pouted her buttocks, and crawled towards the tunnel of the toilet.In fact, as soon as Xiaoru reached out, he touched the torn pants that blocked the drain, because he had stepped on the torn pants on purpose.

Panting heavily, Xiaoru began to crawl forward, pushing his trousers forward with one hand, and groping for the canal wall with the other.When the curved canal wall suddenly appeared in front of his fingers, he suddenly withdrew his hand and held his breath, as if a snake would poke out its head in the dark to bite him.Judging from the feel, the height of the underground pipe is gradually increased, because the slope is required to ensure the smooth flow of sewage, and the cover plate is on the same plane. The more she crawled forward, the more Xiaoru was seized by fear, as if she had fallen into the legendary hell.Hell must be like this, Xiao Ruxiang, nothing more than boundless darkness, loneliness, cold and despair. Perhaps after half a century, perhaps a lifetime, finally a ray of light appeared ahead.Where does the light come from?By the way, we have reached the grate air hole.At this time, Xiaoru was no longer afraid, but disgusted. He saw the brown-green splatters covering the canal wall, fat maggots wriggling around, and a mouse screaming and running away from his shoulder. The mysteriously missing long-handled razor lay before Xiaoru's eyes. When Xiaoru opened it, its length was equal to the length of the handle plus the blade.As long as you need this length, because the longer the power arm, the less effort.There is a protective steel fence at the junction of the underground pipe and the septic tank, that is, under the wall.Xiaoru first wrapped the trousers around the two steel bars, then inserted the open razor and twisted it in one direction. When the trousers were tightened, the steel bars naturally moved closer to the middle.Now, bend the two steel bars into an X shape, repeat this action again, and the opening between the two X shapes becomes an opening that can go out sideways. Xiao Ru left the razor behind, tied the ragged trousers around her ankles, turned around and crawled back to room No. 9. The instructor was waiting on the barbed wire fence outside, and he was relieved to see Xiao Ru emerging from the toilet tunnel covered in filth: "I haven't come out for a long time. I thought you had eaten the guts of a leopard and escaped." The handsome guy punched Xiaoru first, and then helped Xiaoru take off his raincoat. In the process, blood dripped from the tiger's mouth on Xiaoru's left hand. The instructor noticed, "What's going on?" He asked Xiao Ru, "Should I ask Cadre Hu to wrap it up for you?" "It's okay." Xiaoru clenched her left hand and raised her head and said to the instructor, "It's just a little bit of skin wear." "It's good that it's okay, the room I'm in charge of personally can't make any mistakes." After taking a shower and changing into clean clothes, Master Jiu appeared in front of Xiao Ru.Master Jiu brought an old empty matchbox, he took Xiaoru's left hand, bent down and sucked the wound with his mouth.When Jiu Ye raised his head, his mouth was full of blood.Jiu Ye slowly peeled off a piece of nitrogen paper on the side of the matchbox, and stuck it on Xiao Ru's wound.Xiao Ru wanted to say words of gratitude, but was suppressed by Master Jiu's smile.When Master Jiu smiled, blood flowed from between the white teeth, reminding Xiao Ru of a vampire in a certain movie.Jiu Ye spoke with this bloody smile and only said one sentence, but this sentence almost scared Xiao Ru's soul out.Jiu Ye said: "You have a knife wound." Why can Master Jiu's words always reveal the surface and point to the truth of the matter concisely?The horn sounded abruptly at this moment, covering up Xiaoru's uneasiness just right. The instructor praised Mei Xiaoru's spirit of self-sacrifice for others on the radio, and called on all detainees to learn from Mei Xiaoru in Room 9, and said that he has changed his view of intellectuals since today. Master Jiu and Xiao Ru stood outside after listening to the radio. Master Jiu had already rinsed his mouth. Once his mouth was clean, Xiao Ru felt that the words spoken from this mouth were true and reliable.Jiu Ye said: "You have to take this opportunity to be the prison leader." "what chance?" "The instructor has a crush on you." "Do you have to be the prison boss?" "Only by being the head of the cell can you control Room No. 9, and only by controlling Room No. 9 can you pry open the safe of the gang leader." Xiaoru was silent, and it took a while before he said, "Are we the cell boss's opponent?" "How to get rid of the cell boss, I have already made arrangements. It's just a little cruel, because he can only die." "The head of the prison has long been dead and innocent." "I didn't expect you, a young college student, to be so hard-hearted." "Yes, I used to be a kind person. They want to transform me into a good person, but they didn't expect that my heart would become hard instead."
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