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Chapter 7 Chapter 7

Room 9 余以键 5271Words 2018-03-22
The next day was sunny and colder than usual as the snow began to melt.Those who are qualified sit outside to bask in the sun, while those who are not qualified jump up and down the aisle to warm up and keep warm, and at the same time, they are used to cover up the excitement of expecting recruits.Unfortunately, it was about to be sent to prison in the evening, and there was no sign of the recruits yet.Someone was disappointed, and Dao Scar first doubted the reliability of Master Jiu's prophecy: "Jiu Ye, you don't know how the old monk recited the wrong scriptures, do you?"

"The one who should come will come." Jiu Ye was looking at his palm prints without even raising his head. "Jiuye never makes mistakes," said the prison chief, "how else can we say that Room No. 9 is the imperious cellmaster Jiuye?" The loud bang of the iron door opening did not whet everyone's appetite. It was time to be put in prison, and it was indeed the gang leader who came in.But today's gang leader is a bit weird. One is that he is not wearing the "internal service" prison uniform, and the other is that he has a blue cloth bag under his arm.It wasn't until the instructor locked the gang leader inside that everyone suddenly realized that the recruit in Room 9 today was the gang leader.

"Brother, you still come to go deep into the grassroots." Scar curled his index finger and stroked the hawk's nose of the gang leader, "We are looking forward to the stars and the moon and looking forward to a rotten egg." The cell boss said, "You are in Room 9 now, and you will be exempted from killing the mighty stick and cleaning the whole room. If there is any filial piety, the cell boss will take it out on his own initiative, and the brothers don't need to do it." The leader stretched his arms and said, "Nothing." As soon as Dao Scar snatched the burden, he wanted to investigate, but was stopped by Master Jiu:

"What kind of gang leader do you call things in the baggage? Hand over the gadgets stuffed in the corner of your clothes." "No." "No? No name, why are you holding on so tightly?" Scar pounced on the gang leader and squeezed it out, but it was just a bottle of Narcissus brand essential oil.The jailer unscrewed the bottle cap, wiped a little on the person, sneezed, handed it to Master Jiu and said: "You take care of it." The gang leader said while grabbing, "I often catch a cold, and I need to wipe it off every day." Master Jiu clenched his fist and raised it high, the leader circled around helplessly.The cell boss is not happy:

"Wipe what, wipe a dick." The gang leader said, "Except for the eyes and dick, it can be applied to the whole body." Master Jiu dodged and said, "I will wipe it on your dick sooner or later." "Stop making trouble, Chief," the prisoner's face darkened, "You can ask for essential oils, but you have to follow the rules when you enter the number room." The gang leader stopped the snatching, and asked in fear, "What's the rule in your No. 9 room? Don't we brothers have to suffer flesh and blood?" "What nonsense, am I a ruthless person?" The cell boss said, "First come the elders first, then the fire burner. As soon as you enter the door, you want to set up your own family. Isn't that a mess? I won't make things difficult for you. Come and call me two If you have a good show, explain the case to Master Jiu, Fengyoujing will naturally return it to you. Xiaoniao, find a good sweater for the leader to wear."

The leader put on a sweater, looking very energetic. He rubbed his hands, sniffed his nose, and he had an opening sentence: "First of all, please allow me to present a prison song for all the victims in Room 9. "When I entered the cell, I was terrified "Two men in handcuffs "Three meals in prison are not enough to eat "Armed police guarding the walls on all sides "Five lakes and four seas have come to "It's hard to sleep on a six-foot bed "The seven steel bars are firm "The eight prison regulations are compared every day "Why on earth (nine) am I coming to jail

"The fact (ten) is really inexplicable." "Good!" Room No. 9 applauded thunderously. The gang leader sang the simple prison song sadly, and won widespread favor. Xiaoru also believed that it really takes talent to rank the feelings of being in prison from one to ten.The leader said: "I learned this last year in Room 13. There is a college student in the same room. He is very knowledgeable and understands everything." When "college student" was mentioned, everyone looked at Xiaoru one after another, and Xiaoru bowed her head in shame.The cell boss said, "Our college student is a piece of shit."

The gang leader changed the topic of the prison head and said, "Next, I will recite the prison rules for everyone: "Punishment will be lenient according to the law, according to the circumstances, those who have made meritorious service will be punished strictly according to the law, and those who constitute criminals will be punished, or they will be forced to take measures, and the order will be repented." Responsibility, admonitions are given to other generals, depending on the severity of the situation, those who violate the rules will be punished..." In order to prevent cheating, Dao Scar asked the gang leader to turn his back on the prison rules, and he stared at every word intently.Xiao Ru was known for his strong memorization of extensive knowledge in college, and he knew that reciting backwards was beyond the scope of comprehension, purely relying on repeated memory, so it can be seen that freezing three feet is not a one-day cold.The tone of the gang leader's typing word by word reminded everyone of the scene of reciting ancient prose in childhood, making laughter one after another.

After reciting the prison regulations backwards, the leader was so tired that he couldn't breathe. "Captain, do you want to recite it along the way?" "Don't memorize it, let's tell the story of your case." The prison chief said, "Little bird, get him some water to drink." "It's too late," Master Jiu said after smelling the bottle cap of Fengyoujing, "tomorrow." Sure enough, at the end of Master Jiu's words, the sound of the sleeping bell rang out thrillingly. After spreading out the quilt, the gang leader consciously went to the urinal, moved his feet in little by little, and occupied Xiaoru's bed in a short while.Where there were originally two people, now there are four people.

The leader's upper body was exposed outside the quilt all night, and he sneezed again and again when he got up in the morning. In order to get back the oily essence as soon as possible, he couldn't wait to report his case to Master Jiu after eating porridge: I was seven years old when my father died.He was suffering from acute enteritis, and I will never forget him rolling in pain on the lazy man's stool in the backyard, and he was out of breath when the tractor in the village was carried to the gate of the township health center.My mother held a spirit banner and called my father's name to summon the soul for seven days. On the eighth day, she led me to remarry, because my father's coffin was still parked at the entrance of the hospital and there was no money to bury him.

My stepfather has two sons, and the three of us go to the same primary school. They always happily take me to school one by one, but I never go to school until I finish a semester.My mother scolded me for being worthless, and she cried a lot before hitting me. I couldn't take it anymore, so I packed my schoolbag and went to the city.I didn't tell my mother the reason for playing truant, and she wouldn't believe me if I told her. The two brothers have such a hobby. One of them first found a remote corner to poop, and then the brothers joined forces and pressed my head to smell it. In the city, I paid homage to a "Chi Qianjia" master, does Chi Qianjia know?It means begging for food.He rolled up one side of his tattered trousers, revealing a useless leg like a stick. Without saying anything, someone threw money into the broken bowl in front of him.He kept the small money in the bowl, and the big money went into his pocket as soon as he came.Hearing that I wanted to be a teacher, he asked me if I had a teacher's ceremony?I unloaded my schoolbag and gave it to him, that's all.He smiled with satisfaction, and rewarded him with a cold steamed bun on the spot. In the evening, the master took me back to the hostel where he lived, changed into neat clothes, and went to the street to eat beef noodles.Back in the room, he spread out a large white paper and wrote a request for help, which probably meant that there was a flood in his hometown in Henan, and all birds were submerged, so he had to take his son to the south to ask kind people for help.The next day, the master changed me into ragged clothes. After choosing a location, he spread out the help book, asked me to kneel inside, and put my textbook and pencil case on the outside.When the store was closed at night, the master smiled happily, which must be because of the greater harvest.We not only ate beef noodles, but also ate a chicken wing each. Although eating chicken wings, who can stand kneeling all day long?Later, I left my master to learn "gold panning", which is called a pickpocket in society.I quit the juvenile detention center twice, not because the juvenile detention center was too much, but mainly because panning for gold was too dangerous, and I bumped into a stupid man on my back and beat me to death.The wound medicine is carried with him, and he puts it in his mouth when he is beaten, but it is common for him not to be able to crawl, and the wound medicine does not work at all. I just practiced panning for gold, so I needed to use a snakeskin bag or something to block it, and leaned up when it was aligned, and I couldn't take out the money at once, and I didn't notice it until I scored a few times.In case one's hand is caught and one falls and runs desperately, the route is of course chosen in advance.At that time, I practiced running every day, and few people in the alleys could catch up with me.So, if you look around with an empty bag on your elbow by the side of the road, it must be me.The old Tao Jin couldn't tell the difference, he was just an ordinary person, and he was sure to be safe in his occasional shots. Look up and see down, looking for life in the same city, people in the streets and alleys will inevitably meet the master.He was very sorry when he learned that I was involved in the gold panning business, and he always advised me, "Three hundred and sixty lines, every line is the best. No matter what line of work you do, you are doing it for a living. The only thing you can't do is steal. I will go to the ends of the earth for food." , officials don’t bully the people and don’t chase them away, so it’s not like you are a thief, everyone shouts and beats rats crossing the street.” The master's scheming is right, it will be much safer to change the bag in the future.We call the bag "fishing", and a few comrades also call it "fishing gang".The only way to carry a bag is to carry a woman's bag. Even if a man has a bag, it is also a pocket bag. If you tie it on your stomach, you can't carry it.A woman can't even carry a bag on her shoulders, if she insists on carrying it, it's called robbery.I only carry the bag that the woman puts in the bicycle basket.I also ride a bicycle, and the basket on the front of the bike is covered with strips. I have a goal and slowly follow up, pinch the strips and stretch them into her rear wheel.She heard the crackling sound, stopped to see what was going on, squatted down and picked the bag, the bag in the iron basket was yours.I unzipped the chain, picked out the cash and jewelry, and tossed the bag to the curb.If she is interested in chasing her, she can also retrieve her Kun bag and the documents, lipstick, keys, and toilet paper inside. The loss is not too serious, and she will not report the crime. I never count the money, and once I lost it in a drawer, if you ask me how much I got, I really don't know.Every time I was interrogated by the police station, I couldn't answer because I really couldn't remember clearly, and when I got it, I threw it in and took it out when I needed it.How can it be kept secret?That is, you can keep secret things that you don't even understand. It was fine this time, my apprentice was arrested by the police on the spot, and he confessed that I was the leader of the Fishing Gang.They stood by the side of the road, and as soon as my disciple pointed it out, the patrolmen kindly took me to the police station.The director of the police station is an old acquaintance. He asked me to confess, but I said I couldn't confess.He started beating, and said while beating, anyway, there are no witnesses, so I can't confess. I don't know how to confess. If I do, I will be sentenced to prison.All the people in the labor camp are acquaintances, and I can't remember how many times they came in and out.Let’s just talk about this detention center. It’s so comfortable to be an internal servant, not to mention delicious food and drink, and you can go to the city to buy coal, rice, and daily necessities. You are as free as a fucking correctional officer. The gang leader reported the case on the bunk in the inner room, and let everyone bask in the sun in the outer room.Jiu Ye sat on a stack of quilts without saying a word, just smiled and looked down at the leader, the leader got impatient, stood up and rubbed his numb thighs and said: "I took out all my heart and lungs for this little thing. Fengyoujing should go back to her mother's house, right?" The leader saw the two rows of fine white teeth flickering coldly. It was Master Jiu who was speaking, "I haven't asked any questions yet." "Then hurry up and mention it, I'm so anxious." The gang leader sneezed loudly again in his heart. Master Jiu put on his slippers, got out of the bunk, straightened his trousers, raised his index finger gracefully and said, "Listen carefully, what's ringing?" In fact, you don't need to listen carefully, because it is a deafening roll call ringtone. The black face of the instructor was the one that appeared at the window of the prison after another guard had called his name, and he called "Xie Xiaofei" as soon as he came up. The leader of the gang answered "here" loudly, and everyone realized that Xie Xiaofei was the name of the leader of the gang. The confusion was resolved, and the instructor asked, "Is pork delicious?" No one understood what it meant. The leader's answer was also confusing. He said, "Instructor, I was wrong." "What's wrong with you? Let me tell you, I'm not Wang Gou. He protects you and I don't protect anyone. They are all criminals. Everyone should be equal." As soon as the instructor's head left the prison window, the prison chief asked Jiuye eagerly, "What's going on, what's going on?" "I have no idea." "Well, didn't he report the case to you?" "He started talking at the age of seven, how could he talk about yesterday's events so quickly." "Damn it," the cell leader turned to the gang leader, "you say it, you say it." A rare look of shame appeared on the face of the leader, and he lowered his head and stared at his toes and said, "I divided the pork yesterday, and I scooped up a bowl of thin pork and put it in the closet to eat for a few more days. It smells." "So that's how it is," said the jailer, poking the gang leader in the belly, "no wonder you can gain weight in prison, kid." The cell boss and Dao Scar went back outside to bask in the sun, Master Jiu said to the others, "You guys go out first, I still have questions to ask." At this time, boiling water was also delivered, Xiaoru brought a cup of tea to Master Jiu, but Master Jiu didn't pick it up, "Drink it yourself," Master Jiu said, "sit beside me and drink it." Xiao Ru wanted to ask something, Master Jiu raised his right index finger to stop him, and then pressed his palm to signal him to sit down. Master Jiu asked the gang leader, "You just said that all the people in the labor camp are acquaintances?" "Yeah, I can't even tell how many things went in and how many things went out." "Are you not afraid of going to jail, and even, a little like it?" The leader blinked his small eyes, blew his hooked nose, and said in a sleepy tone, "Isn't it just to make ends meet? Isn't there food and clothing here?" "Are you going to go to jail for the rest of your life?" The leader lay down on another stack of quilts, stretched out his limbs, stared at his belly and said, "It doesn't seem to work, my father only has one son for me, if I don't make a male and a half female, will there be no descendants?" Master Jiu's back was straight, "Listen to me," Master Jiu said seriously, "There is a criminal psychologist named Esenke, who believes that the cultivation of a person's conscience is accomplished through conditioned reflexes formed from an early age. Conscience is learning from social norms, and it is a conditioned reflex to moral and social actions. You have not completed this process since you were young, so you become a criminal. In addition, Eysenck also divides the time of actual crime and the time when society punishes criminals The interval between times was presented as a problem, and he argued that if the interval is too long, the conditioning of social conscience cannot be established. This theory can explain why you continue to commit crimes despite multiple imprisonments." "I heard you don't want to go out either?" "I'm different, you don't understand me, I'm in prison for my conscience." Xiaoru couldn't help asking: "Have you studied criminal psychology?" "It's not about research," Master Jiu waved his hand and said, "It's just a long-term illness and a cure." The gang leader sat up straight and said, "At least they have more research than those shit disciplines. I think they are all the bosses of the whore house. They just take the benefits and don't go to bed." Master Jiu corrected the gang leader and said, "Except for Wang Gou, the deputy director, you didn't understand. Although he is a boring gourd, there is really medicine in it." The gang leader said, "With Wang Gou here, I will be a stable servant, and will mice fall into the cat's nest and come to Room 9?" "Why is Wang Gou able to work as an internal servant with you?" "You don't understand Master Jiu, I helped him do difficult things." "What's the problem?" The gang leader's face suddenly turned ugly, and he made an emergency turn before saying, "Just buy a pack of cigarettes and send a letter." "Buying cigarettes and sending letters are not difficult." "Don't ask me that." The gang leader jumped up anxiously, knowing that he had slipped his tongue. "Why lie?" "Anyway, I'm miserable," the gang leader said, slapping himself twice. "I've done a stupid thing, and I can't reach a straw. Now I'm fine, my head is hanging on the waistband of my trousers." "You're not miserable," Jiu Ye pointed to Xiaoru and said, "He's miserable. He graduated from university in half a year, and the whole world fell into prison, and it's father and son in the same disaster." The leader was dumbfounded, and then he was stunned in shock, "Are you Mei Jianmin's son?" "Yeah, you know my dad?" The gang leader did not answer Xiaoru, but jumped off the bunk like a plague god, shouting continuously at the top of his lungs: "Report—report—report—" People outside basking in the sun didn't know what happened, and rushed in without thinking.After a rush of running, the sentry appeared at the prison window. He raised the iron butt of the submachine gun and smashed the steel bar to reprimand: "Did you die for lunch? What are you shouting about? What a dick hair." The helper ran a few steps, grabbed the steel bars of the prison window, swayed his body and said, "I want to see the instructor, right away." The sentinel knocked the gang leader down with the butt of his gun, "Didn't you just meet him during the roll call? I always saw him as a bird, and he has no milk to feed you." "I can't express milk, so I can feed him a pot of urine." Seeing the instructor coming over, the sentinel raised his gun and left.The instructor took a puff of cigarette and sprayed it in the direction of the gang leader: "You really want to drink urine when you ask me?" "I want to change rooms." "Why?" "My, I can't have the same room with Mei Xiao." "That's strange, he has no strength to fight chickens, you old cat is still afraid of little mice?" Xiaoru stepped forward and said, "Report to the instructor, it should be powerless." "Hey, you know how to correct my typo, but do you know where my dick comes out college student?" Xiaoru regretted being too talkative, so she quickly lowered her head.The instructor ignored him, and then asked the leader: "Tell me, are you afraid that he will correct you for saying something wrong?" The gang leader mustered up his courage and said, "The deputy director promised me to be an internal servant." "Wanggou Municipal Party School has gone to study," the instructor said, poking the tip of his nose with his thumb. "I'm in the detention center." "Then it's always possible to transfer a room number." "No, I can't agree to the unreasonable demands of criminals." The instructor turned around and left after speaking. The gang leader was anxious and yelled, "Instructor, instructor, I want to report alone." The instructor came back, smiled happily, showing his opium teeth: "Come here if you want to drink urine, I don't have time to report."
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