Home Categories Thriller Room 9

Chapter 4 Chapter 4

Room 9 余以键 5288Words 2018-03-22
As soon as Xiaoru recalled, the handsome guy took out a folded blanket and put it on the plastic bucket so that Master Jiu could sit comfortably on it.Master Jiu seemed to be stunned, his two red lips were slightly parted, forming a round shape, the pale white teeth formed a stark contrast with the bright red lips.Xiao Ru squatted on the ground to speak, raised her face after speaking, and observed Master Jiu's reaction.Seeing that the tip of Jiu Ye's tongue protruded from the gap between his teeth, Xiao Ru was startled, because the tip of his tongue was redder than his lips, just like the petals of a red tulip.The tip of the tongue touched between the teeth and retracted, but a slightly hoarse voice came out from there:

"You are Mei Jianmin's son. That's right, it really is his son. I felt it yesterday. The appearance of your father and son is strikingly similar, as if they are products from the same assembly line." "You know my father?" Jiu Ye stood up, put his hands deeply into his trouser pockets, looked up at the sky first, and then at his toes. "It's not just acquaintance," Xiaoru could hear the sadness in Master Jiu's voice, "We are friends of life and death." Xiaoru also stood up, but he was too short, and he still had to raise his face to recognize Master Jiu's expression. "You are actually good friends?"

"Good friends? Who told you that we are good friends?" Jiu Ye clenched his right hand into a fist, waved and roared hollowly, "A life-and-death friendship is equal to a good friend. Did you grow up eating shit?" Xiaoru backed away again and again in fright, and murmured, "Then I don't understand." "I don't understand." Master Jiu took a step forward and looked at Xiaoru closely, "There are so many things you don't understand, otherwise why do you still need to study? You don't even understand this, and your reading is in the stomach of a dog?"

Master Jiu's gunpowder-smelling words attracted a group of people inside. The prison chief rushed to Xiaoru first, grabbed his hair and pressed down: "How dare you make Master Jiu angry, his mother is so daring, he slapped his mouth a hundred times by himself." Master Jiu broke away the hands of the prisoner, rubbed Xiaoru's painful scalp and said, "You all go in, it's all my fault for getting excited." When they filed in, Master Jiu closed his eyes and shook his head, saying calmly: "Mei Jianmin's son is locked up with me? God, it must be your gift to me."

Xiaoru still wanted to say something, but before he could say anything, Master Jiu pouted his red lips and pressed his index finger on it to signal him to be quiet. "There's no need to say anything," Master Jiu emphasized, "unless it's to answer my question." Master Jiu's hands were digging deep into his trouser pockets again, which made Xiao Ru feel relieved.Master Jiu took a few steps back and forth, and sat back on the barrel again. "Okay, let me ask you, which school do you study in?" "Southeast Agricultural University." "Tie?"

"Environmental protection and energy saving." "major?" "Plumbing and drainage in small towns?" Master Jiu sneered and said, "It must be Mei Jianmin's idea." "It's the volunteer that he helped me fill out." "I trust my own judgment." Master Jiu continued, "Now to answer the second question, your father is no taller than 1.5 meters tall and weighs only 80 or 90 catties. Why should he become a policeman?" "He was the battalion commander of the militia in the village at the time, and he was elected by the youth."

"Choose young?" "The meaning of selecting young cadres." "It makes sense, why did I forget this level. The third question is, your father has been the head of the household registration section for more than ten years. Why has your mother's household registration been in the countryside?" "I haven't figured it out either," Xiaoru said with a dry cough, "probably the old idea of ​​impartiality and selflessness is at work." Xiaoru heard a cooing sound, it turned out that Master Jiu was covering his mouth and laughing dryly, Xiaoru stared at Master Jiu inexplicably.Master Jiu laughed even harder, let go of his hands and turned around, pulling a towel to wipe his tears while laughing.Master Jiu's giggling and weird laughter was too piercing, and once again attracted them in the inner room, this time it was Scar who spoke:

"I really can't tell, University student, I've never seen Master Jiu smile. It's not easy to make him laugh as soon as you come here." Dao Scar turned around and asked everyone, "Have you ever seen Master Jiu smile?" "No." They said in unison. The head of the prison opened his arms and drove everyone back to the inner room, smacking his lips and praising, "The fucking stinky old nine really has a way." Master Jiu's eye circles were red with a towel before he stopped laughing wildly. He calmed down and said, "Hurry up and answer the last question. It's almost lunch time. Why didn't you go home until New Year's Eve?"

Just as Xiaoru was about to answer, the square hole for delivering porridge in the morning opened with a bang, scaring it back.This time, the aluminum spoon brought in boiling water, so no one was involved in emotional bribery.Xiao Ru hurriedly cooperated with the handsome guy to collect water cup by cup with tooth jars, and arranged them in a row in the corner.After all the tooth jars were filled, the handsome guy made a simple request: "Master, can I have an extra spoonful?" A voice from outside asked, "What are you doing?" "Washing the dishes," the handsome guy said, "it's frighteningly cold."

At this time, a face was pasted with a square hole.It is said to be a face, but in fact there is only a hooked nose and a pair of blinking eyes, and the words seem to blink from the eyes: "May I have a spoonful of urine for you? It's much hotter than water, and it smells good when washing dishes." The handsome guy rubbed his hands and couldn't answer, but the leader noticed Xiao Ru, "Is he new here?" This gave the handsome guy a step down, "Yes, yes, a new college student." The hooked nose took a deep sniff, and the eyes were bent into a crescent shape, but Jiuye's words stopped the leader's curiosity:

"What are you asking, do you want to tip off the news?" The square hole slammed shut, blocking the cursing from the gang leader outside.At this time, the sun emerged from the clouds, and the distant warmth melted the ice on the barbed wire. In order to prevent dripping water from falling into the boiling water cup, the handsome man covered them one by one with a bowl. The cell boss shouted from the inside, "Handsome guy, what are you messing around with? No one can interfere with Master Jiu's questioning. You don't even understand this?" "Did you hear that?" Master Jiu said, "You delay them from basking in the sun, everyone should hold a grudge." Xiao Ru was taken aback, "Let's make a long story short. My high school class teacher, Mr. Zhou Ming, is going abroad and immigrating to Canada. Let me talk to him for a few days." "Going abroad? Why don't you leave after the end of the year?" "He insisted on going abroad because he was tired of the red tape of the world. Besides, no one goes abroad on New Year's Eve, and air tickets are easy to buy." "Have a personality." Jiu Ye tilted his head and thought about the authenticity of this matter, then said: "So, you have the key to his house?" Seeing Xiaoru's hesitation, Master Jiu emphasized, "You have to tell the truth, I can only make a correct judgment if I have real information." "It's like this," Xiao Ru still hesitated, "Teacher Zhou Ming did give me a set of keys and asked me to give them to his nephew after school started. But I didn't bring them out and threw them into his mailbox downstairs. Use it, anyway, my small hand can reach in and take it out." "Understood, I understand this. There is one more thing I don't understand. Since you live in the city, why don't you meet your father?" "The public security industry is very busy at the end of the year. As usual, he should go home two days in advance, and he won't wait until New Year's Eve." Master Jiu nodded thoughtfully, stood upright quickly, then bent down and whispered to Xiaoru, "Very well, my heart is as warm as spring. Now, I'm going to invite everyone to come out and share the beauty of sunshine." The first person to walk out of the room was the handsome guy with a blanket in his arms, followed by the cell boss. He was happily talking with Scar, but due to the excessive use of code words, Xiao Ru couldn't understand what they were talking about.The head of the prison sat down on the position of Master Jiu just now, and the handsome guy spread the blanket to another plastic bucket, and then lifted it behind Dao Scar.Others stood or squatted away from the prison head and scars, some loosened their coats, some stretched out their feet, and even the emperor stood aside with his arms folded, showing a comfortable and comfortable expression in the sun.The handsome guy grabbed a handful of tea leaves from nowhere, divided them into two piles in the palm of his hand, threw them into two cups of boiling water for a few shakes, and then held them up in front of the prison boss and Scar. Xiao Ru couldn't help but feel a sinking heart when he didn't see Master Jiu coming out, but he didn't want to think about it because his greatest interest right now is to observe the structure of Room No. 9.Soon, Xiao Ru came to this conclusion: Room No. 9 is composed of two rooms inside and outside similar to a suite, each with an area of ​​3×6, that is to say, 18 square meters of prison at night and 36 square meters of prison during the day.The wall is at least 5 meters high, far exceeding the jumping height that the human body can achieve.2/3 of the area in the inner room is full of shops, and the other 1/3 of the aisle also sleeps at night.There is a ceiling inside, and the outside is open to the air. Of course, the sky is cut into countless squares by barbed wire.If room 8 is on the left, then room 10 is on the right, so there can't be windows or anything like that on the high walls on both sides. There is a wall separating the inside and the outside, the outside is connected with the inside passage by an iron gate, and the one connecting the inside and the inside is a tall and narrow iron window.There is a steel bar-covered prison window on the inner side at a height of about 3 meters, and the outer side is an iron gate leading to freedom. There is a small round hole on the iron gate for observation, and an aluminum spoon can be inserted into the round hole to deliver water. Food, square hole with lock.Next to the door is the sink, and the corner next to the sink is the toilet, and the corner of the toilet is the sink.In this way, from the bunk in the inner room through the iron window, it is clear at a glance that the water and food are delivered outside; from the aisle in the inner room, the sink blocks the toilet. If you are lucky, you can see the whitest buttocks in his whole body the moment he gets up to pick up his pants, but only It's a fleeting glimpse.Judging from the occasional appearance of upper bodies of armed police sentries above the prison windows and barbed wire fences, there is a corridor hanging from the waist of the wall surrounding the entire row of prison cells.as the picture shows: Is there anything else to watch?there is none left.After delivering the boiled water, the square hole on the door was closed, but the small round hole remained open. This aroused Xiao Ru's curiosity, and he tiptoed to stick his intact right eye on it.What was shown to Xiaoru was a fence with high-voltage wires, about ten meters away, and some humble flowers and plants were planted in the middle, only showing traces of life under the heavy snow cover.The wall is black and rough, but the two large characters written in whitewash stand out: "Wan Kang".Xiaoru wants to know the characters on the left and right of them, but unfortunately the round hole is too small, making it difficult for him to realize his wish.What is the word? At this time, there seemed to be footsteps, as if he put his right ear on the round hole, he heard a buzzing sound, he switched to his left ear and put it on again.The round holes are a bit high for Xiaoru, and he has to straighten his feet to fit his ears more accurately.The iron gate suddenly opened, and Xiao Ru threw herself into the arms of Wang Gou, the deputy director.Wang Gou said: "Where do you look like a college student? Come with me." As soon as Xiaoru came out, he immediately revealed the answer to the "lenient resistance", which turned out to be "leniency for confession and strictness for resistance".Xiao Ru's mood became much clearer, the outside world is so nice, thinking of this, Xiao Ru couldn't help but look up at the clear sky without barbed wire. Wang Gou locked the door and led Xiaoru to the back of the cell.It turned out that the cell numbered to No. 9 was just disconnected, that is to say, there was a spacious corridor between No. 10 and No. 9 rooms.Seen from the back of the prison cell, there are indeed stairs leading to the corridor on the waist of the wall. Sentinels with guns are wandering in the corridor, stopping in front of a prison window from time to time, looking in for a while.Walking through the gate in the wall, there is a row of interrogation rooms. Wang Gou opened one of them, locked Xiaoru behind him, and then went in through the main entrance. The layout of the interrogation room did not conform to Xiaoru’s impression. From the movies or TV, the police and the prisoner sat at two ends, asking and answering questions. If the prisoner was dishonest, the police would turn on a certain light, so that the prisoner could not open his eyes. .But the interrogation room in front of me is not like this. It is divided into two sections of different sizes with a steel-woven net. The seat as small as sitting is no more than one meter wide. Wang Gou's seat is equivalent to an office, and there must be two doors for entering and exiting. .Another difference is that Wang Gou is sitting on a chair, and Xiao Ru is sitting on a concrete plinth; there is a huge table in front of Wang Gou, but Xiao Ru has nothing in front of him.If a prisoner tries to fight law enforcement officers, he does not meet any conditions.Of course, there are no spotlights to shine on the prisoners.Wang Gou said: "You sit down." Xiaoru really sat down, but immediately jumped up from the shock, because the cold cement pit entered his bone marrow.Xiao Ru took off one slipper and sat on it, and stepped on the other slipper with both feet. Wang Gou's face was ashen, looking up at the ceiling in a trance, his jaw was as hard as iron.After a lengthy silence, Wang Gou closed his chin, and his blurred eyes fell on Xiaoru's face after a long time.He took a breath into his palm, rubbed his hands first, then his face, then opened the folder, took out the pen and unscrewed the cap. "Name?" "Mei Xiaoru." "age?" "twenty two." "Profession?" "A fourth-year student majoring in environmental protection and energy conservation at Southeast Agricultural University." After a set of procedures, Wang Gou withdrew and left. Xiao Ruzheng was puzzled, but the director came in with a bag of things, and Wang Gou was still behind him.The director had a dark face, and his big teeth made people feel like they were gnashing their teeth. He first smashed the package and stuffed it into the steel mesh, then sat down on the table.Wang Gou was sitting upright, picking up his pen and ready to record at any time.Seeing Xiaoru bowed his head to untie the knot of the package, the director said: "Why are you so excited, I haven't said anything yet." He turned to Wang Gou and said, "I'm talking nonsense, so don't forget about it." When Wang Gou put down his pen, the director turned to Xiaoru and asked, "What's wrong with your face?" Xiaoru had a sore nose and almost shed tears.After succinctly recalling what happened last night and today, Xiaoru said, "I reported to the instructor at roll call in the morning. Not only did I not get justice, but it caused a 'cleaning of the whole venue'." The bureau chief asked Wang Gou in puzzlement, "What is cleaning the whole venue?" Wang Gou said, "Just take a bath." "What's the fuss about taking a shower? No one gnawed your dick." "That's not an ordinary bath," Xiaoru argued, "you have to wash slowly, and you have to wash the whole pool of water." "Okay, okay, what's the mess." The chief interrupted Xiaoru and asked Wang Gou, "Who is in charge of Room 9?" "Instructor." "This nigger has two cups of horse urine and still cares about your flood? You were on duty yesterday, and the dignified deputy director is doing nothing?" Xiao Ru suddenly said, "I'm not fit to go to jail." The director's leg was dangling under the table, and he frowned for a long time before saying, "I can't understand what you mean." "I am an educated person, but they are a group of lunatics," Xiaoru said, "This is a sheep that fell into a tiger's lair." "Cultural person? You looked like a villain when you shot me yesterday." Xiao Ru lowered her head in shame when she was told about her pain.The chief's tone softened a lot, "You fucking little boy doesn't know how to die. I advise you to wave your hand and put down the gun obediently. It's okay now. It's all right now, there are three people and six eyes, and those people in the criminal investigation team stare at each other , How else can I protect you? Study and study, I think you are a dead book. I am still confused about your father, and you are adding fuel to the fire." Xiao Ru buried her head in sobs. "The man is still crying, just cut off your little ancestor and feed it to the dog." The chief approached the steel mesh, reached in and broke his fingers into Xiaoru's hair, then pushed his head back and said to the tears on his face "I'm ashamed to cry. Your mother is so mad at you that she can't move in bed. She asked someone to bring this package to my office. Now is the time when you need to be strong. Besides, Deputy Director Wang is here. By the way, can they still drink your blood and eat your flesh?" The director spitting loudly towards the corner of the wall and left, just arrived at the door and came back to wave, Wang Gou knew to go out.Xiaoru couldn't hear their whispering clearly, and saw the director finally knocked on Wang Gou's note. Wang Gou sat back at the table restlessly, stared at the interrogation transcript in a daze, tore up the transcript suddenly, grabbed it into a ball and threw it to the corner, just blocking the director's thick talk.Wang Gouba closed his notebook, lit a cigarette to calm down, and shook out a cigarette to ask Xiaoru: "Do you smoke?" "I don't smoke." Xiao Ru said, "But smoking one now may calm my mind." "Tobacco and alcohol are buffers for a difficult life, and I only learned to smoke after my divorce." Wang Gou helped Xiaoru light it and said: "Forget it, let's chat casually." Of course, Xiaoru would not talk about holding back urine, because it was an individual case, and besides, he also found a way to solve it, although holding back urine is more unforgettable than suffering from cold and hunger.Even if there are thousands of words, they can only be merged into three words at this moment: "I am afraid." Wang Gou said, "This is going to prison. How many heroes will turn into dogs in it, not to mention you are a scholar. It is inevitable to suffer a little bit, but the hotel is so comfortable and you can learn a lesson?" "It's not a matter of suffering, but of feeling deep fear." "Have you read Fear and Thriller? By Kierkegaard. He said, 'If one does not know fear, one does not know greatness.'" "Why don't you manage the detention center into a place where people live in harmony? Isn't this more conducive to the ideological reform of prisoners?" "You are wrong." Wang Gou held the pen he was playing with in front of his eyes, shook it and said, "The pain of being in prison is something that everyone who has experienced it can recognize and experience. Stop committing crimes because you are afraid of going to prison, this is fear. The positive preventive effect produced, and it is also economical and reasonable from the perspective of criminal economics.” "However, the cell bosses don't seem to have any sense of fear. They can experience the joy of being in prison." Wang Gou crossed his hands and hugged the back of his head, leaned back, exhaled a string of smoke rings and said, "How can we not know that the cell boss eats more and takes more money? It's just that without their cell number, it will be more chaotic. Do we have to live in it too?" Can't get in?"
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