Home Categories Thriller Room 9

Chapter 3 Chapter 3

Room 9 余以键 2842Words 2018-03-22
Mei Xiaoru returned home from the city on New Year's Eve, that is, yesterday morning.A heavy snow in mid-winter blocked the roads in the mountainous areas of western Fujian, making his journey home staggering and difficult, as hard as an ant carrying a grain of rice grits with a huge red snakeskin bag on his shoulders.He thought, what if his mother could go to the city? In fact, many villagers have noticed the red dot slowly moving up from the foot of the mountain, which looks abrupt and novel in the white world.The people squatting under the pine tree at the entrance of the village to warm the fire cage guessed at first, but soon they shut up and kept silent, because the sharp-eyed people recognized that it was Mei Xiaoru who was going home for winter vacation.

Xiaoru was bent over by the heavy luggage, just thinking about his vast thoughts, when the toes and the fire cage came into view, he was only surprised, because the faces of the villagers were full of erratic and ambiguous expressions. In a blink of an eye, Xiaoru suddenly realized, because he vaguely heard his mother's heartbroken sobbing.Xiaoru is a self-cultivated young man, he didn't ask everyone what was going on, and he was not knocked down, but the luggage almost fell out of his hands in a moment of ignorance. The mother was sitting on the threshold and wailing, holding the rice cooker in her arms, which shows that the tragedy happened while she was making breakfast.Xiao Ru calmly put the luggage on the dining table, and even took out a rolled towel to wipe his face.The mother stopped crying, lifted her apron to wipe away the snot and tears, and turned to observe him, waiting for the steady son to show extraordinary behavior.At this time, the crowd of onlookers had rushed to the door, Xiaoru moved the rice cooker away in full view, and bent down to wipe her mother's face.

However, Xiaoru quickly gave up her efforts, her mother's tears couldn't be wiped away at all, they kept coming out like a broken faucet.Xiaoru glanced around the audience and asked calmly: "What happened?" "Your father has been imprisoned." After the mother said this, she resumed her wailing tone. Xiaoru felt a blow to his chest, and his face was darkened, without asking why. He knew that his mother would go on. . "The village party secretary received a call from the Public Security Bureau, saying that your father would not be able to go home for the New Year. Some people also told the village party secretary that your father killed someone, including director Min of the detention center."

Xiao Ru stared at his toes, where there were some powdered snow that hadn't fallen off, and his trousers that were too long were dragged to the ground, covered with mud.Xiao Ru raised her face with a sneer, "It's ridiculous, it's absolutely ridiculous." Xiao Ru said: "My dad can kill people, and Saddam Hussein can overthrow the US government." Xiao Ru walked out of the village resolutely, waving the yellow towel in Yuanyuan's hand. His mother stood up and rushed to catch him, but he was able to escape from her hands like a little rooster every time. "Catch him for me," the mother begged the onlookers, "help me catch him quickly."

However, the son is not a little rooster after all, no one dares to attack the furious Mei Xiaoru lightly.In desperation, mother resorted to her trump card: "Are you going to be sent to jail too?" Xiaoru said at this time: "It's better to go to jail, get my dad out." To say that the chief of public security looks like a farmer does not just refer to his small eyes, snub nose, protruding teeth, and criss-cross wrinkles, but to his movements.At this time, the director was flipping through a thick stack of documents with his index finger spittled, with one leg crossed under his buttocks.Mei Xiaoru stopped at the door, first raised her head to look at the sign of "Director's Office", and when she bent her middle finger and was about to knock on the door, the director gave him a sideways glance, and he simply stood opposite the director.Since it was New Year's Eve, the whole office building seemed empty.

"My dad can't be a murderer!" The bureau chief didn't even raise his head, and continued to flip through the manuscript quickly with his index finger dipped in saliva, this time from the back to the front, obviously after reading it all, he took out a pen and wrote a line of words on it.Xiao Ru's strands of hair were tightly attached to his forehead, and beads of sweat accumulated on the tip of his nose. He realized that his fist was too tight, so he relaxed it and unzipped his jacket by the way.After the director finished writing, he even picked out his ears with the tip of a pencil, swallowing the saliva that came up, and then said:

"My father was wronged!" The chief plucked his ears, raised the pencil to his eyes, stared at the filth on the tip of the pen and said: "I know you're Mei Xiaoru. I'm busy, so I don't have time to talk to you, kid. If you're educated, go to the court to show off, ah." "Are you just watching a good man go to jail and be shot?" Xiao Ru's excited expression of waving his small fist made the chief amused, he turned the pencil upside down and inserted it into his collar, scratching it with its sharp round mouth.The director bared his teeth in comfort, and the words came out from between his teeth:

"We are a law enforcement agency. Do you think it's a fucking paparazzi? Does law enforcement know? It's based on facts, and it's based on the law. It never wrongs good people, and never lets bad people go. I said But, I know you fucking college student has piss in your stomach, see you in court, little boy. Want to argue? Wrong place and time. Let’s go, I don’t have time to pee on you.” The chief wiped the pencil on his cuff, put down the leg that was crossed under his buttocks, and put his head down to put on his shoes. When he finished putting on his shoes, he didn't have the courage to stand up, because during this limited time, Xiaoru took off the hanging The pistol on the wall, aimed at him.

To the chief's horror, the little hairy boy Mei Xiaoru actually knew to pull the bolt of the gun to load the bullet, and opened the safety. "You're fucking looking for death, put the gun down, you think it's your little dick, you can take it out if you want?" Seeing that Xiaoru was indifferent, the director began to speak seriously: "You will regret it. Listen to me. Your dad and I have been colleagues for more than 20 years. How can I believe that he will kill people? However, our comrades in the criminal investigation team got the evidence. Do you know the evidence? The evidence shows that it is Your father killed Director Min. The evidence is solid, comrade."

"I do not believe." "I don't even believe it. You think I'm happy, young man? After such a crooked accident, my black hat is about to fall off the ground." The director stood up slowly and said, "It's still too late for you to put down the gun. You are Mei Jianmin's son. I don't care about your impulsiveness. Hurry up, put the gun on the table and go home quickly. Don't let you Mom, be careful and listen." Not only did Xiao Ru not put down his gun, but he took a step closer: "I have something to say today, and I want to tell you, the head of the government. Mei Jianmin is my father and my best friend. He has stood by my side all his life, protecting me and helping me. He did I have been a policeman for more than 20 years, but today he was put into a cell by his colleagues. I must do something for my father, do you understand? My father is an honest man, and he has been the head of the household registration section for more than ten years. If such a person can kill people and rob goods, then the world will turn its back on the sun. If you let my father die, you will not only take his life, but also destroy me. my future and my beliefs, I will lose my trust in truth and I will lose my trust in justice."

"Well, it's better to say than to sing. You have been thinking about it for a long time on the road? It's a pity, I am a sow and broke into the theater, as if I didn't hear it." The fear has long since disappeared from the director's face, because the pattern of things has changed qualitatively, but Xiaoru is still kept in the dark.Xiaoru was a little ashamed to be exposed by the chief, and he wanted to continue speaking according to the typed script, but the chief stopped him by holding up a palm: "Xiao Ru, it's still too late for you to put down your gun, or you will bear the consequences." "What are the consequences? Are there any more serious consequences than father's imprisonment?" "It's your fault for doing this. Even if you shoot, can you hit me?" The director's words reminded Xiao Ru of the fact that he had only fired a rifle but not a pistol during his military training in college. His mind moved, and he couldn't help but look at the pistol again. At this moment, the gun in Xiaoru's hand disappeared and fell steadily into the hands of a criminal policeman behind him.Another criminal policeman came prepared and skillfully handcuffed Xiaoru.The chief took the gun, pulled out the bullet and closed the safety, wiped the sweat on the butt of the gun with his cuff and said: "Give him an arrest procedure, and it's good for him to stay in prison. The fucking little Donggua won't mature if he doesn't brush his hair." Mei Xiaoru was pushed to the police car on duty without sounding the siren on the way, and the escorting criminal policemen rushed home to eat New Year's dinner, and after handing Xiaoru to the deputy director of the detention center, Wang Gou, they hurriedly turned the car around. The deputy director was stunned when he registered and compiled the register. He frowned and asked in an unbelievable tone: "Are you Mei Jianmin's son?" "yes." "What business did you obstruct?" "My father is in jail and I want revenge." The deputy director rested his pen, stroked his forehead and pondered. "Revenge?" the deputy director said slowly, "Do you know who the enemy is? I don't know. If there is no enemy, who are you going to take revenge on?" The deputy director first asked Xiaoru to press the hand model, saying that it was necessary to create a file, and then asked Xiaoru to step on the footprints.After Xiaoru finished stepping on her left foot, the deputy director was stunned again, his eyes fell on an empty spot, his face was full of bewilderment. "Do you want to step on the right foot?" "Of course." The deputy director came to his senses, took off Xiaoru's belt and metal buttons, threw the belt and sneakers into the warehouse, and picked up a large bunch of keys on the table. "Let's go." The deputy director urged Xiao Ru out of the duty room, and Xiao Ru put on a pair of broken slippers under the table.The pair of stinky socks were lying on the chair, and the deputy director didn't ask Xiao Ru to put them on, and Xiao Ru didn't dare to take the initiative to get them.
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