Home Categories Thriller Painting 51

Chapter 82 Section 4

Painting 51 茅捷 816Words 2018-03-22
An Ruohong was lying on the bed in the bedroom, staring straight at the ceiling. She knew that above the ceiling was Zoe's bedroom, and Hong Bentao was lying next to Zoe. She couldn't hear the sound of making love, and occasionally she could hear slippers. The sound of walking must be Zoe's. Am I really in love with this man? She asked herself this question over and over again, but she still couldn't find a convincing answer. Falling in love, getting married, giving birth, quarreling, exhausting, divorced, single, at the age of thirty-four, she has experienced enough, if someone asks her to summarize her past, she only has five words: "divorced, have a son".The rest don't want to say anything.

From the day she met Zoe, she has envied her and even worshiped her. She is more beautiful than herself, but An Ruohong would never look at her if she was just beautiful, but Zoe still has something rare in a beautiful woman: kindness, Good popularity, strong communication skills, serious work, and dedication to career, in An Ruohong's eyes, except for Zoe's boyfriend Hong Bentao who is of "average quality", the rest are worthy of envy, even her good luck——Mr. Li Thanks to his appreciation, Tu Bonian's resignation, and Zhu Chuan's sudden death, Zoe was promoted from an ordinary doctor to a medical director in just one year, until he became the acting boss and became the real leader.

Could it be because of jealousy that I fell in love with Hong Bentao? In other words, if Hong Bentao wasn't Zoe's boyfriend, I wouldn't even look at him if we passed each other on the street. An Ruohong always thought so, but the development of the situation was beyond her expectation. She thought that being with Hong Bentao was just an adult's game, but now, she couldn't do without him, no, she fell in love with him crazily Now, what attracted her to this unattractive, dark and thin man, even she herself couldn't explain clearly. Is it sex?No, is it lonely?No, because of Zoe?She is simply too perfect, God cares for her too much, she has never tasted the suffering I have suffered, the hardships I have experienced, on the contrary, she enjoys things that I can't enjoy at all, and she should be allowed to taste the taste of loss.

Maybe. There is no definite answer, and there is no need for an answer, so I did it anyway, I rented a house, just downstairs, come every other day, you want to get rid of me?Give it a try, can you shake it off?I live just downstairs from you, can you miss me?You have my key, you can come anytime, and I know you will, you are addicted, although in the clinic she is better than me, more capable than me, but in bed, I bet you will never lose to her, you Obsessed with my body is the best proof...
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