Home Categories Thriller Painting 51

Chapter 67 Section 1

Painting 51 茅捷 1342Words 2018-03-22
Zengmen in front of me is a man in his forties, not tall, about 1.65 meters tall, slightly bald on the top of his head, with a bit of beard on his face, and a pair of dirty jeans. He doesn't look like a painter at all. Like construction workers. The news of Director Chen’s madness spread in the art circles, and Zengmen heard about it. He was not surprised, but shrugged his shoulders, expressing his understanding of Director Chen’s behavior, and said: “Van Gogh used a razor to kill Cut off his own ears, compared to what is naked running? There is streaking at the Wimbledon tennis match, and there is also streaking on the South Lawn of the White House. Streaking in an art gallery probably treats oneself as a work of art. This should be regarded as a public welfare act.

Sometimes, walking on the street, full of people, it’s really annoying, I really want to strip myself naked, run unrestrained, shouting all the way, but I don’t have the courage, he is a curator of an art museum, but he has that courage , I really admire him, and I admire him so much that I am here to pay him high tribute. " Now, Director Chen, who had never known him before, suddenly popped up to accept his "high respect". After being surprised, Zengmen's first thought was—— You won't ask me to go naked together, will you? Zengmen thought wildly. If this is the case, what reason should I find to refuse?Say I have a cold and should not catch a cold, say I have Parkinson's disease and cannot go out, or simply say that I am infected with HIV, in short, just scare him away...

None of Zengmen's excuses was used. The reason why Director Chen came to him was all related to "Zoe on the Window Sill". In the open-air seat of Starbucks, Zeng Men talked to Director Chen. All my works were handed over to the agent of F Gallery. That guy is a frequent visitor of F Gallery. He bought two of my works. We got to know each other through the introduction of the gallery agent. Later, he brought a digital photo and asked me to follow the picture, and gave me five thousand yuan as a reward. For me, this is just a small business to earn some pocket money. I am going to draw a long portrait and I am going to hang it in the chairman's office. They promised to pay me 200,000 yuan, and there is only one requirement: try to draw it as similarly as possible.

I am quite satisfied with that painting. She is sitting on the window sill, with the sun shining in from behind. You know, painting is very particular about the use of light, which gives me a lot of room for development. The woman looks also Yes, although she can't be called a beautiful woman, she is full of charm, which is the kind I admire. I never met Zoe in person. After a brief conversation, Zengmen tried to bring the topic to the incident of streaking in the art museum. Director Chen avoided talking about it with a serious expression. Nodding, Du Yaofeng drew the curtains, Ahu and Nuonuo moved a tightly wrapped painting downstairs from the storage room, and everything seemed to be ready.

In front of him, curator Chen unpacked the painting. "Mr. Zeng, please take a closer look. Is this the one you painted?" Zeng Men glanced at it, and immediately exclaimed: "What's wrong? There's an extra mask!" In the photo provided by Mr. Li, Zoe is not wearing a mask. Naturally, there is no mask in his painting. Who would wear a mask on the person in the painting?Neither Mr. Li nor Zengmen are so avant-garde. Duchamp, the representative of the Dada school of modern American art, added a mustache to the face of the "Mona Lisa", which became a representative work of overturning the classics. Some people imitated it and put a gas mask on the "Mona Lisa". , can wearing a mask for Zoe be considered a surreal art act?Zengmen couldn't tell.

Zeng Men looked at the painting carefully, and found two differences besides the mask: There used to be a signature on the painting, as well as the date of creation, in the lower left corner of the painting, just below the title "Zoe on the Window Sill", but now, the signature and date have disappeared. Secondly, there is no clock in the photo provided by Mr. Li. Now, there is a blue round clock hanging on the wall above the desk. It is the kind of plastic clock bought at IKEA. The hour hand and minute hand fit together. at noon. Oh shit!Who is so daring to alter my work without revealing any traces.

There is also a possibility that he copied my painting, the painting technique is exactly the same as mine, and he simply cloned my technique... Zengmen couldn't figure it out.
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