Home Categories Thriller Painting 51

Chapter 46 Section 9

Painting 51 茅捷 737Words 2018-03-22
"Hey, why is the bed wet?" Pu Hongming asked the first question when he surveyed the scene. Xiao Song shook his head: "It was wet when I came here. There are still some scattered ice cubes at the foot of the bed." "Where are the ice cubes? Show me them." Pu Hongming urged, spreading his hands. Xiao Song shrugged helplessly: "It has already melted and turned into a puddle of water. It is just some ordinary ice cubes. You can take the melted water to the technical department for testing, but I can guarantee that it is just ice. Ordinary drinking water."

"How big is the ice cube?" "The size of a mahjong tile." Based on the "wet condition" of the bed, it seems that someone sprinkled some ice cubes on the bed, and when the autopsy report came out, the "some" ice became "a piece" of ice. It is impossible for an ice cube the size of a mahjong tile to crush every bone of the deceased. According to forensic speculation, if the murder weapon was really ice, it would have weighed at least five or six tons. The specific gravity of ice is slightly greater than that of water, and a six-ton ​​block of ice is at least three meters high, two meters wide, and more than one meter long.It is impossible to make such a huge ice cube in the ice-making tray of a household refrigerator, and only a professional ice-making factory can make it.

Even if it was made in a factory, how would such a large ice cube be transported to the deceased's home and placed on the bed? Such a big ice cube can't even get in the elevator of the apartment building.What's more, the security guards at the entrance of the community said that they didn't see a huge ice cube being transported into the community. "Teacher Pu, do you still remember Zhao Sanwen's death?" Xiao Song's words reminded Pu Hongming that Zhao Sanwen, who died in a car accident, was quite similar to Wang Dongming who died on the bed. The bones of both of them were shattered without exception.

Investigating these two bizarre death cases together, a new discovery was made immediately. Zhao Sanwen's girlfriend was Qiao Jianuo, and her mother was Du Yaofeng. Two seemingly parallel straight lines intersect at a point, and this "point" is Du Yaofeng. In the criminal investigation team's office, facing Pu Hongming's sharp gaze, Du Yaofeng lowered his head and remained silent for a long time. "Ms. Du, please tell me, where were you the night Zhao Sanwen and Wang Dongming were killed? Who can testify for you?" Xiao Song was in charge of the transcript, and his intuition told him that this woman had something to hide.

After a moment of silence, Du Yaofeng did not answer the question directly, but said hesitantly: "I know who the murderer is."
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