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Chapter 5 Section 5

Painting 51 茅捷 2205Words 2018-03-22
Qiao Ming's cause of death, to be precise, was drowning caused by heart disease. Qiao Ming suffers from mild heart disease, arrhythmia, chest tightness and shortness of breath when he is busy with work, but Qiao Ming himself thinks the problem is not serious, who is not a little ailment in middle age?The doctor prescribed digitalis for him. The design idea of ​​"Mountain Monster" was approved by the board of directors, and the work was fully rolled out. As the project supervisor, Qiao Ming was naturally very busy, but he still took a break from his busy schedule to go to the swimming pool in the community club to relax.Swimming and jogging are Qiao Ming's favorite sports, especially swimming. He can swim more than a dozen back and forth in a standard pool with a length of 50 meters and a width of 25 meters. The distance is at least 1,500 meters. It may be a piece of cake for professional athletes, but it is quite good for amateur swimmers.

The day that is still fresh in my memory was March 17, 2002, just two days after the "3.15 Consumer Rights Day". That night, Qiao Ming just solved a design problem. He was very excited and said that he would go swimming , went out with a bag of swimming gear.The club is located on the southeast corner of Community A. It is a very distinctive three-story building, half of which is a glass curtain wall, and the other half is painted with milky yellow reinforced concrete. It looks like a piece of fresh milk cake from a distance, which is mouth-watering.Its ground floor is a badminton hall, the second floor is the fitness equipment department and table tennis room, and the third floor is a small swimming pool with a length of 25 meters and a width of 15 meters. The water depth is 1 to 2 meters. The glass canopy, swimming at night, if the night sky is clear, you can see the moon and stars, forming a unique artistic conception of people in the water and the moon shining on people, it is very intoxicating.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Qiao Ming's assistant Lu Yaodong came to Qiao Ming in a hurry. Du Yaofeng said that he had gone swimming because of work. Lu Yaodong waited for ten minutes, looking very anxious, so he went to the club to look for him Yes, Lu Yaodong has been here no less than dozens of times, he is familiar with Community A, and has swum in that swimming pool. The clubhouse usually closes at ten o'clock in the evening, and if there are too many people, it will be delayed until half past ten. Most people who come to exercise at night choose equipment, and very few swimmers. In fact, only Qiao Ming was swimming that night, and it turned out to be a tragedy.

Lu Yaodong came to the third floor and went to the pool to have a look. It's incredible!There was a man floating face down in the water motionless, wearing briefs, a swimming cap and goggles.Lu Yaodong yelled and called the staff of the club to rescue him. It was indeed Qiao Ming. His face was livid and his breathing and heartbeat were gone. The ambulance came quickly and gave him artificial respiration along the way. , Injecting adrenaline hormone, but it didn't work, and it was hopeless to wait until the hospital to rescue him. That night, there were five staff members in the clubhouse, one on the ground floor, two on the second floor, and two on the third floor. Logically speaking, they should have discovered an accident in the swimming pool in time, but they slipped into the ping-pong room to play. They scolded the pair of treasures and fired them. Unfortunately, Qiao Ming's life was irretrievable.

Afterwards, the police from the police station asked Du Yaofeng and learned that Qiao Ming liked to drink a glass of red wine when he was working, saying that it could stimulate his mind. Qiao Ming even praised the taste as soon as he drank it. The wine was stored in oak barrels, exuding the mellow aroma of oak. If Qiao Ming was driving on the road and was stopped by the traffic police for an alcohol test, he would definitely be fined, but no police would stop him in the swimming pool.A glass of low-alcohol red wine is nothing to a normal person, but it may be fatal to a person with heart disease and swimming.Just imagine, Qiao Ming was swimming and suddenly felt uncomfortable in his heart. He struggled a few times in the water and choked on a few sips of water. Anyone who has choked on water knows that once drowning, it will be dangerous if no one rescues him, and it will come quickly. , just a few seconds, quicker than taking a bullet.The deepest part of the swimming pool is 2 meters. Those who can swim just need to step on the bottom of the pool lightly with their feet, and their bodies will emerge from the water. But that is for normal people, and it is not so easy for a person who has a heart attack.

This was the doctor's judgment, and the police had no objection. The grieving mother and daughter Du Yaofeng accepted the result and were cremated without an autopsy. "Do you think there is something wrong with that bottle of red wine?" Ah Hu asked tentatively. Nuonuo didn't nod or shake her head. Nuonuo read a mystery novel by American writer Ed. Mcbain called "Eighty million eyes" (eighty million pairs of eyes). He said that a star host had a heart attack when he was doing a program on a TV station. In front of the camera.After an autopsy, the police found that the deceased died of poisoning. What killed him was a drug called "claw", which, like digitalis, was used to treat heart disease, but cleat was highly toxic. , only one milligram can kill a person, and few people have used it.

The murderer was the deceased's personal doctor. He secretly tampered with the vitamin capsules that the show host took every day, poured out the powder, and poured the horns into it. The show host habitually swallowed the capsules before going on camera. Died after a few minutes. The private doctor has long conspired with the host's wife to commit adultery. After the husband dies, the wife will receive a large amount of compensation from the insurance company. After listening to this narration, Ah Hu felt that the matter was a bit serious, so he leaned forward and asked sharply: "Does your father usually take capsules?"

Capsules were popular in the 1970s and 1980s. Nowadays, most medicines use film-coated tablets, and only cephalosporin antibiotics still use capsules. Nuonuo has read medical books that digitalis is also toxic, and its fatal dose is about 2.5 grams, but there is one thing, digitalis is added to glucose intravenously, not taken orally. Someone must have added something to the red wine... Nuonuo judged so. The red wine was placed in the small wine cabinet in the study room, and there were several bottles of Remy Martin wine. Qiao Ming rarely drank it. If he could enter the study room and put medicine in the red wine, who else would it be except his mother?

It seems that it was a mistake not to do an autopsy. At that time, Nuonuo was immersed in grief. When he thought of his father lying on the cold dissecting table, his belly was cut by a scalpel, and the internal organs were taken out one by one and placed on a stainless steel plate... Thinking of this cruel scene, Nuonuo couldn't hold back her tears. She didn't want her father to suffer this kind of torture after death. Since her mother said that there was no need for an autopsy, she could just listen to her mother. The remaining half bottle of red wine was dumped by Du Yaofeng. It seemed completely correct to dump such a bottle of red wine that caused the accident at the time, but after analyzing it now, Du Yaofeng seems to have destroyed the criminal evidence.

"Is your father insured?" Ah Hu asked again. There is insurance, life insurance, accidental injury insurance, a total of more than 200,000 claims have been settled, and they are all handed over to the bank to repay the housing loan.If it doesn't seem worthwhile to murder your own husband for this little money, then the insurance amount in the mystery novel is 7.5 million US dollars. Ah Hu scratched his head, and asked obliquely: "Does your mommy have that... extramarital affair?" This is another topic that Nuonuo wanted to talk about. When the break time came, Nuonuo was going back to work at the counter, so the first meeting ended.

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