Home Categories Thriller Strange records of Thailand

Chapter 8 Chapter 6 The Grass Ghost

Strange records of Thailand 羊行屮 13891Words 2018-03-22
In Thai legends, Gu is also known as head drop technique, commonly known as "grass ghost", which only attaches itself to women to harm others.Those so-called voodoo women are called "grass hags". The places where "grass hags" live are usually places where fierce spirits and evil spirits gather.In Thailand, ordinary people dare not enter such villages, but there are also some "grass ghosts" who come to the city and live in the darkest streets, commonly known as "ghost streets". The teaching method of Chiang Mai University is similar to that of many universities in China. In addition to the compulsory courses, students also have their own elective courses. The teaching places are independent and coherent large classrooms.The students will sit in the classroom on time every day, and the teacher will respectfully salute each other with the students, which is different from that in China.

College students in China, after more than ten years of purgatory study life, will involuntarily breathe a sigh of relief after being admitted to university (except for a few who are obsessed with study and poor families rely on study to find their way out), and start to have a colorful and even depraved life. College indulgence.Sleep until the sun rises every day, open sleepy eyes, make instant noodles randomly, continue to play online games, or post boring posts in various forums, fight desperately with others for their idols, or just calmly dress up, go shopping and shake WeChat A one-night stand, looking forward to meeting a tall, handsome and rich man who will change Cinderella's fate from then on.

Only in the few days before the exam, the brightly lit windows of the dormitory building showed the correctness of "hugging the Buddha's feet". In Thailand, a country with an underdeveloped economy and extreme differences between the rich and the poor, being admitted to university means that students from poor families will get rid of the fate of playing muay thai, joining the underworld, becoming transvestites, and joining drug mercenaries in the Golden Triangle.As long as you study hard and graduate successfully, you can get a job in a government department, or find a company that suits your development with a college diploma.

In terms of respecting knowledge and respecting college students, Thailand seems to be doing much better than domestic ones, and the so-called "graduation means unemployment" will never happen. That day, as usual, I went to class with a bag full of books and books on my back. When I met a familiar classmate, I folded my hands and bowed slightly, with a smile on my face.It was midsummer at this time, and the hot weather swayed the subtropical sunshine, which made my skin scorching hot. Before I got to the classroom, my forehead was densely covered with a thin layer of sweat. I don't know why, but now I especially like to bask in the sun in hot weather, it seems that this kind of heat can make me feel the vitality of life...

When I came to the classroom, the teacher was already waiting there early, drawing a diagram of the human body structure meticulously on the blackboard.I came to the usual place and sat down (95% of the people in Thailand believe in Buddhism, this belief makes everyone’s words and deeds very rhythmic, such as the seats in the classroom, everyone is almost fixed, rarely Seat grabbing occurs). The teacher is Du Wang, who is a personal anatomy teacher. Today is a theoretical class. I heard that the practical class will be held in a few days.Thinking of the naked corpses and mutilated hands and feet soaked in formalin tanks, the slightly whitish internal organs floating in it like strange creatures, and when you open the lid, you will smell the pungent formaldehyde and the stench of corpses, I can't help but look forward to some fear.

Du Wang has finished drawing the human body structure and is explaining to us one by one. The students are taking notes quietly, for fear of missing every little detail. "Teacher," a girl stood up shyly in the row in front of me, "I...I'm not feeling well, and I want to go back to the dormitory to rest." Du Wang asked with concern: "Pa Qi, is there anything wrong?" Patu's body shook a little, he sneezed twice, and said apologetically, "Maybe I have a cold, just rest and rest. Teacher, I'm sorry, it has affected your class." Du Wang nodded and asked, "Is there anyone living with her? Send her back to see a doctor."

This sentence made most of the students in the classroom laugh.Although the students who came to the class were only medical students, although they were not proficient in pathology, they could basically handle common colds. Du Wang also felt that this sentence was a little funny, so he smiled at us embarrassedly.The girl sitting next to Pachu also packed her things and walked out of the classroom with Pachu. I noticed that Pachu seemed a little dizzy and couldn't stand upright. When he walked out of the classroom, he almost leaned on the girl.This little episode did not attract the attention of the students, but I vaguely saw that there seemed to be a bruise on Patu's bronzed arms.The bluish-purple trace slowly expanded, and many tentacles protruded from an irregular circle, extending long thin lines to all directions, and small protrusions grew from the circle, like A spider!

I was startled, why did such a realistic spider shape appear on Patu's arm? In addition to me, there was another sharp gaze withdrawn from Pa Teng, and I found that Du Wang was looking at Pa Teng's back with a solemn expression.He also noticed that I found a strange mark on Pachi, and stared at me for a long time, as if trying to see through something. I had a cold war for no reason! Duwang's cold eyes reminded me of a person I thought I had forgotten: Charun! "Plop!" There was a sound of someone falling behind me.I hurriedly looked back, and saw a boy lying on the ground with a livid complexion, with dark green foam spitting out of his mouth, and a purple-blue mark of a scorpion suddenly appeared on his neck!

The students in the classroom suddenly panicked, and hurriedly picked up the boy and sent him to the school's infirmary.And more people began to sneeze non-stop, with tears and snot flowing uncontrollably. Everyone began to appear a terrible purple color, and traces of grotesque bugs appeared faintly on their skin exposed outside their clothes. . This is like a terrible virus, spreading rapidly.Everyone in the classroom started to sneeze, fainted, and a few seemed to be unable to bear the extreme cold, as if lying naked in the snow, curled up and shivering, and twitched unconsciously. There was chaos in the classroom, the girls began to scream in fear, the boys rushed to run out, and some people knelt on the ground with fearful faces, folded their hands, and prayed something in Thai, which I didn't understand at all.

But not long after, almost everyone fainted on the ground! Only two people were not affected, me and Duwang! Vaguely, I seem to hear someone shout: "Grass ghost!" A piercing siren sounded from outside the classroom, and a few strangely dressed people entered in unison.The reason why I say this is because these people are wearing black suits and black sunglasses, which reminds me of "Men in Black" played by Will Smith. Could this be the mysterious organization Chen Changping mentioned? But what made me feel very embarrassed was that the group of men in black turned a blind eye to me. After exchanging a few words with Du Wang, they began to organize people to carry the fainted people out.

Until everyone evacuated, Du Wang followed the man in black, and no one paid any attention to me. I can't help but look down at my body, there is no invisibility... Then why do those people seem to be unable to see me?With this question in mind, I walked out of the classroom. It was class time. There were not many students in the school, and the campus was empty. Except for the students who were carried away, everything seemed to have happened. There are enough oddities in me, and I seem to have grown immune to them.When I got back to the dormitory, before I opened the door, I could smell the tangy fragrance coming from the room! The strong aroma of beef is mixed with the fragrance of noodles, and what's even better is that I actually smelled the aroma of chopped green onions.Who is so well versed in its mysteries, knowing that chopped green onions must be added to make it enjoyable? good!The taste of Master Kong instant noodles! Who else but him must be sprinkled with green onion when cooking instant noodles? my best friend! moon cake! Moon Wuhua! I hurriedly opened the door and went in, only to see a thin young man squatting in front of the pot, under which was an alcohol stove, spitting blue flames.The noodle cake is slowly spreading out and getting bigger little by little. Put the seasoning into it and stir it a few times with chopsticks. Suddenly, a scent pervades the air.He took two eggs and tapped them lightly on the edge of the pot twice, the eggs cracked a gap.Then touch it with both hands, and all the egg yolk and egg white flow into the pot.Immediately, I stirred the pot with chopsticks, and the instant noodle cakes scattered, all the seasonings were dissolved in the water, and red bubbles floated on the surface of the boiling water. There was a sound of "gudu" from the pot, and the bedroom was filled with a white fragrance. The skinny boy carefully tore apart the dried vegetable packets, seasoning packets, and hot sauce packets and poured them into the pot. The dry ingredients spread out, forming a colorful picture. I saw small bubbles appearing on the outermost circle of the bottom of the pot. After a while, water splashed in the center of the bottom of the pot, and the rich fragrance permeated the whole room.Looking at the pot again, there are bright yellow noodles, bright red spicy soup, and green scallions. This is a must-have delicacy in a university dormitory-instant noodles that can make you cry when you stay up all night reviewing! "Moon cake! Where the hell have you gone!" I twitched my index finger when the pot of instant noodles hooked me, and I groped around looking for chopsticks, only to find an old man lying on the bed. The old man half-closed his slender eyes, had a few sparse beards on his slightly pointed chin, his gray hair was combed back neatly, but his nose was straight and straight, humming a song that was very popular in the late 90s The saliva song "Sad Pacific". Mooncake glanced at me and smiled, carefully picked up the instant noodles and put them into a bowl, and respectfully brought them to the old man: "Master, you have dinner." I suddenly felt dizzy - Master? !meal? !Did you encounter a cosmic wormhole on the plane and travel to ancient times and come back by chance? The old man Da Dao Jin Ma got up and sat down, took the bowl politely, reached into the bowl with both hands, scooped up the instant noodles and ate them until his mouth was full of greasy food, then wiped out a bottle of Erguotou from his pocket, and drank half of the bottle with his back! I was so anxious seeing that, I wished my tongue would be flooded with saliva.Mooncake stood respectfully with her hands on her legs: "Master, do you think this smell is okay?" The old man drank the noodle soup upside down, smashed his mouth, picked out a piece of shredded meat from between his teeth, and threw it into his mouth to chew. After a while, he said: "The real delicacy also pays attention to the five elements. Matching! Hong Qigong, an outstanding gourmet master of the beggar gang, once said that a good dish must have a lot of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. This bowl of noodles has both water, fire, and gold, but the firewood and the earthen stove are missing. It’s hard not to miss this taste!” Moon Cake nodded thoughtfully, and the old man looked like "a child can be taught". Hong Qigong? ! I feel more and more that the atmosphere is weird: "Moon...moon cake, dare I ask what's going on?" Moon Cake brushed the thin long hair on her forehead, and smiled, showing her white and neat teeth: "Pumpkin, this is our master." I really feel like my brain is going to explode!This thing is scarier than anything I've ever experienced!Not only does the mooncake look like it has been brainwashed, but it also somehow brought me a master! "Old man Wu Mingzhe, this is your senior brother Yue Wuhua. Nan Xiaolou, hurry up and pay homage when you see master and senior brother." The old man adjusted his greasy clothes, straightened his back and sat solemnly.What's even more hateful is that the moon cakes even put on a look of peace of mind waiting for me to pay homage. I pinched myself desperately, it hurt.This is not a dream! No no no, this must be a dream! "I was worried that I wouldn't be able to seal your red pupils, but I didn't expect them to be sealed by mistake." Wu Mingzhe scratched his shiny back and said carelessly. I was taken aback: "How do you know?" "After you got into a car accident, Master and I rushed to the hospital immediately. You recovered so quickly, thanks to Master's silver needle crossing point, which opened the blocked blood vessels." Mooncake Interface explained. "It's a trivial matter. It's nothing to do something for my apprentice." Wu Mingzhe obviously enjoyed hearing this sentence. Mooncake's slightly upturned mouth had a half-smile smile, and I suddenly understood: "Mooncake, you mean I got into a car accident, you know?" Moon Cake nodded and before he could speak, I grabbed his collar and said, "Why did you run away after knowing that I had a car accident? You fucking know how much I've been through! I was almost hanged in Chiang Mai by a chrysalis." Temple, I almost turned into a snake, I..." Moon Cake's expression was a little awkward and embarrassed, and I was so angry that I wanted to punch his handsome face a few times. "Sage, don't worry..." Wu Mingzhe crossed Erlang's legs, took out a box of General Bai, and distributed one to each of us, "I finally found you, how could I be willing to let you die so easily?" This sentence made me inexplicably feel a chill, I just felt the "swish" chill on my spine, and I lit a cigarette and took a deep breath (Thailand is a Buddhist country, and smoking and alcohol are relatively prohibited. Therefore, the main products sold in the market are Foreign cigarettes, L&M, Marlboro, 555, Dunhill and other brands. I have never caught a cold from foreign cigarettes, and I have been looking forward to smoking General Bai for a long time).Immediately, I felt that my whole body was light and light, and my whole body was comfortable, and my anger was much less. "It stands to reason that someone from the Ministry of Human Ghosts should pick you up!" Wu Mingzhe blew a smoke ring and drank a mouthful of Erguotou, "Wuhua and I arrived in Thailand a day late, and we learned that you were in a car accident. Let's see if there is nothing serious. I went to check the place where the incident happened, and there seemed to be traces of using Gu, so I stayed for a few more days, but found no clues. When I came back, I learned from Chen Changping, the old bald donkey, that this year's battle of Buddha Gu was advanced. Now, you have nothing to do, so you simply took Wuhua special training." "Make it up, keep making it up." I flicked the cigarette ash angrily, turned my head and ignored this crazy old man.But Moon Cake added a sentence: "Pumpkin, it's really like this." "Get out!" I actually believed it in my heart, but it was even more unbalanced! If it is true as this old man with a big back said, why would you be able to receive special training with Yue Wuhua, but I escaped death in Thailand!What's the point! "Master said that you were born with red pupils. This kind of person is unique. You will encounter all kinds of strange things that ordinary people will not encounter. You must stimulate your potential through personal experience. Special training is useless." Moon cake touched Nose whispered. "Master, when will you give me a copy of "The Tathagata God's Palm" to practice? Is ten yuan enough for a copy?" I thought of the days when I came to Thailand, one after another, and almost killed me every time. , and I didn't see my small universe explode, and my combat power exploded. It's no wonder I can believe this! "What happened to Zha Lun was really unexpected." Wu Mingzhe blushed, "I didn't expect Thailand's foreign affairs organization to be so unreliable that they would arrange you to share a room with the descendants of the Snake Gu tribe of the Human Ghost Division. But fortunately, sages are good people and the sky is good, turning bad luck into good fortune, and it seems that they have done a lot of meritorious deeds in their previous lives." "Your ancestral grave is emitting green smoke!" I retorted not to be outdone, wishing I could slap him all over the place. The expression on Moon Cake's face became more and more complicated, and the two thick sword eyebrows frowned and stretched together, and finally couldn't help laughing, "haha" laughed: "Master, I just said that Pumpkin is a stubborn person, look for the deadly nine-headed cow Can't pull it back." "Yue Wuhua!" I had already smoked the cigarette to the filter, "If it were me, do you think this is reliable? Let me ask you, why is your phone always turned off!" Mooncake smiled "hehe", and Wu Mingzhe also laughed.I looked at this and that, and felt that the relationship between these two people seemed very abnormal. "Xiantu, it's the first time I see you as a teacher. There is no greeting ceremony. Here is this for you." Wu Mingzhe took out a square thing and threw it over, and I quickly reached out to catch it. I didn't expect such a thin transparent object the size of a cigarette case to be so heavy, at least five or six catties.I didn't hold it firmly, and fell to the ground with my wrist directly, making a crisp sound. I feel distressed for a while, if this is something valuable, if it is broken, I will lose a lot of money.Fortunately, the object looked quite solid, and there was a shining streamer on the ground, like a piece of transparent glass. I picked it up and fiddled with it in my hand. The more I looked at it, the more it looked like a crystal ornament, and I couldn't see any tricks.Suddenly, the object exploded instantly, showing many pictures on it, including my headshot, personal information, and domestic mobile phone number. This process lasted for about a few seconds, and the dazzling pictures made me dizzy, and finally it was frozen into a shape similar to the screen of a smart phone. "This will be your dedicated mobile phone from now on." Moon Cake took out an identical one and fiddled with it, "This Xuanyu mobile phone can maintain the strongest signal anywhere, and you can surf the Internet at any time, and you can browse Weibo and chat on QQ without any problem. Android and IOS dual systems, and there are many functions that I don’t bother to explain, anyway, the mobile phone has all the functions, and there are many functions that you can’t imagine, let’s experience it slowly.” The moon cake looked like a mobile phone salesman. I looked at the nondescript thing in my hand and couldn't laugh or cry: "Grandpa Yue, is it the sun that gives it energy?" "No!" Wu Mingzhe finally stood up and handed me something, and I noticed that he was not much taller than me (I am 1.86 meters tall), "This is a charger! Because it has too many functions, it consumes a lot of power. The battery is big, remember to charge it at any time.” "Master, since I have met my junior and the experience is over, should I drag my junior's number from the blacklist?" Moon Cake swiped her finger on the phone. Ya actually blocked me! I said no matter how I called, I couldn't get through! "Stop talking nonsense, the two apprentices will solve the grass ghost incident with you!" Wu Mingzhe waved his hand, carefully straightened his back, and walked out of the door with his hands behind his back. Grass ghost? I just thought of the strange thing just now. Moreover, I actually believed what Wu Mingzhe and Moon Cake said.It's just that there are still some doubts that need to be understood slowly. I didn't know at the time that when Mooncake and I followed this old man named Wu Mingzhe out of the dormitory door, a sacred and heavy name was imprinted in my belief! In the later years of my strange experience, my fate has always been inextricably linked with these two words. That year, I got to know moon cakes. That year, we met Master. that year-- Eldar! Moon Cake and I followed Wu Mingzhe on one left and one on the right. Thais are generally short, with an average height of about 1.7 meters. Three people with a height of 1.8 meters walking on the streets of Chiang Mai can be regarded as a sight, attracting many people. They all looked sideways. Wu Mingzhe wore a pair of baggy beach pants, a plaid shirt, and a pair of flip flops. When he saw a beautiful woman, his eyes lit up and he waved hello hurriedly.I just feel that the old face is hot, which is really embarrassing.Moon Cake shrugged, indicating that she was used to it. "Wuhua, before we arrive, let's talk about our spiritual race with my younger brother." Wu Mingzhe shook his shoulders, and then looked at the little girl selling fruit on the street. This is the first time I heard the name "Spirit Race", but I still cursed in my heart: old bastard! Moon Cake habitually touched her nose: "Pumpkin, we Spirit Race..." "Who is with you!" I kept holding my breath because of the car accident, and naturally I didn't have anything good to say. "Can you be normal? Don't be like a woman, she has a very small belly." Moon Cake was also angry. "I have a small belly? My father-in-law, you have to go through the experience during my time in Thailand! If it weren't for the fate of the young master, I would have failed many times. You don't even know that you are in Thailand. What kind of brother! "I poured beans out of a bamboo tube. Moon Cake's face was a little uneasy: "You don't say a few words and no one will treat you as dumb! We, the Spirit Race, are just the three of us so far." I almost spit out another mouthful of old blood: this is the "Taoyuan three sworn brothers", and I haven't made enough mahjong table yet!There are one hundred singles and eight generals in Shuibo Liangshan! "The main task of the Lingzu is to subjugate demons, that is, to catch ghosts, and to deal with some mysterious events and cases." Moon Cake saw that I wanted to sarcasm, and said in a series before me, "I just met Master I also thought it was nonsense at the time, and then I followed him to solve a few things before I believed it. In fact, every country has a mysterious organization that is responsible for this kind of incident. Once it is really difficult, it will ask Master to help. In the past few months I have been receiving special training, and I will tell you the process in detail later, anyway, you just believe what I said. Don’t you think Master looks familiar, he is the tavern that has no money to pay the bill, we paid him and clamored to accept it The one where we two are disciples." I was sweating profusely when I heard it, what the hell is going on!I said how familiar this old prostitute looks, and after a long time of trouble, he is an old alcoholic who owes money and does not pay back. "Wuhua, focus on the key points." Wu Mingzhe interjected. "Pumpkin, look." Mooncake stretched out her hand, and a ball of white flame emerged from the palm of her hand, sometimes changing into a lotus shape, sometimes turning into a crescent moon. I saw Lie Xinxi: "What is this?" Moon Cake folded her palms together, feeling a little proud: "This is spiritual energy, used to catch ghosts." I was so envious in my heart: "That is to say, I can also learn this, and have developed aura?" "This..." Moon Cake looked at me a little embarrassed. "Xiaolou, your innate physique is different from ordinary people, and you don't have the conditions to practice spiritual energy. Otherwise, how could I leave you alone to take Wuhua special training." Wu Mingzhe suddenly turned around and stopped, squinting his eyes with a half-smile. I was not paying attention, and almost bumped into him, and I was so angry when I heard this sentence!I can't even practice spiritual energy, so what kind of spirit clan do I join?Isn't this coaxing me to play? Wu Mingzhe took out two books from his arms, and I stuffed them into my hands casually: "But you can learn from the content of these two books. Don't be envious of Wuhua, everyone has different talents, and skills lie in essence rather than miscellaneous. If you thoroughly understand these two books, you will benefit from them throughout your life." I picked up those two books and looked at them—"Tokyo Hot Set Map" and "Aoi Sora's Photo", and my hands and feet were suddenly cold, like five thunderbolts. "Ahem...haha, as a teacher, I met a book seller by chance yesterday. Seeing that he was in rags, he was really pitiful, so I bought two copies of Relief and Relief. We Spirit Race must adopt a kind-hearted attitude towards others. I took this book by mistake. These two books." Wu Mingzhe raised his hand, and the two books in my hand flew over as if they had grown wings, and then two ancient linear books flew over. "Heaven and Earth Phantom Formation"! "Extraordinary Eight Meridians Handbook"! I put the book on my waist casually, thinking a little about the two books that were taken back.It was these two books on my waist that saved me and moon cakes countless times in my future experience, but how could I have thought of it at the time. Talking and chatting like this, I walked several streets without knowing it, until I felt that my eyes went dark, and I felt like I fell into the night suddenly. I looked up at the sky, the sun was still hot, but the alley in front of me was extremely dark, with bursts of gloomy air. "Moon cake, for the convenience of your future entry into the world, I sealed your red pupils with spiritual power, but you should be able to feel the difference in this alley! It's like you can see unclean things when you have red pupils." Wu Mingzhe took out a few wooden nails from his pocket, and handed them to Mooncake, "This is your talent." I can hardly stand still! How did he know the secret of my red pupils?How does he know that I can see unclean things?This secret has troubled me for many, many years! "When you came by plane, someone from the Human and Ghost Department should pick you up. Have you met on the plane, men and women?" Wu Mingzhe handed me a string of bracelets after dividing the wooden pegs, "Everyone in our Spirit Clan You must have something like this to gather spiritual energy, and this string of agate rosary bracelets is something you must wear in the future." I took the string of bracelets, and the sixteen round agates showed a faint blue light, and brought them to my wrist. The cool touch refreshed me, and there seemed to be silk threads flowing in the blood in my body. "In Thai legends, Gu is also known as the technique of lowering the head, commonly known as 'grass ghost', which only attaches itself to women to harm others. Those so-called women who have Gu are called 'grass ghosts'. "According to "Yongsui Hall Chronicles Volume 6", the eyes of the real Gu mother-in-law are like cinnabar, and there are red, green, blue and yellow stripes on the belly, arms and back; The basin of water is in the middle of the hall, and when no one is there, spit the Gu worms into the basin to drink water; a real Gu woman can do magic in the mountains, or put pennies on the clouds to dance for dragons, or put a cloak in the sky to make birds fly If not, it is false. After all the real Gu women are killed, if their abdomens are cut open, there must be Gu worms inside. "Generally speaking, Gu skills are only passed on among women. For example, if a Gu woman has three women, one of them must practice Gu. It is also passed on to other women. For example, a woman goes to the Gu Po's house to learn female redness, and the Gu Po In the phase, it is possible to cast a spell secretly, and suddenly say to the woman inadvertently on a certain day: "You have it!" The woman will have symptoms after returning home. Learning voodoo is a condition of exchange, and if you don't learn it, you won't be able to recover from your illness. Because everything is done in secret, outsiders have no way of knowing the details of the rituals and incantations taught. "In the conceptual world of Gu, there are snake Gu, frog Gu, ant Gu, caterpillar Gu, sparrow Gu, turtle Gu, etc. Gu has multiplied in people who have Gu. The Gu master himself (the Gu master) attacks and asks for food, and the Gu master feels uncomfortable, so he releases the Gu to harm others." After Wu Mingzhe said these words to the two of us, he waved his hands: "Go! Catch the idiot!" In every city, there will be some unremarkable streets.The evil seeds of drugs, prostitution, robbery, rape, and murder are bred unscrupulously in these streets. Sociologists call this phenomenon the "Samimos effect". There is a very classic sentence in the book that explains this phenomenon: "Living with good people is like entering the house of Lanzhi, and if you don't smell its fragrance for a long time, you will be with it. Living with evil people is like entering an abalone's place, and you will not be there for a long time." Smell its smell, and melt with it." In fact, the reason for this phenomenon is that such streets are generally located in the northwest corner of the city where the yin is the heaviest.If there is no special Feng Shui treatment for this orientation when the city is built, it will become a place where evil spirits breed.All pedestrians who pass by such streets will unconsciously feel fear and feel cool all over their bodies.Residents living inside will be invaded by evil spirits, have evil thoughts in their hearts, and become various criminals. It is such a street that Wu Mingzhe brought us here! Wu Mingzhe walked in the front, and the three of them formed the shape of "pin" in the middle of the street.Although I have been in Chiang Mai for a while, I seldom leave the campus. In my impression, Chiang Mai is a place where modernization and the atmosphere of the old city combine.And such a street scene is completely unimaginable to me.The dark and humid air smelled of decaying animal corpses. The street was full of stinking garbage. Half-foot-sized mice scurried around. Many skinny children were scavenging for expired food in the garbage. A pair of empty eyes are wide open, looking at us blankly. A few little girls with heavy make-up and scantily clad leaned against the wall, about fifteen or sixteen years old, clasped their hands and smiled coquettishly at us pretending to be sophisticated.Not far away, a young man with dyed hair like a pheasant's tail and densely tattooed arms was looking at us viciously.One of them staggered up to us, shaking his arms, and pulled out a switchblade. "Look at it as a teacher." Wu Mingzhe put down these words, and greeted him proudly, "Sawadika!" The young man was taken aback for a moment, then looked back at his companions, and laughed wildly "haha". My heart moved, and I vaguely saw a faint shadow emerging from the top of the head behind the young man, and quickly slipped back.Moon Cake let out a cold snort, and a ball of white light shot out from her hand, and also went up to meet her. I was a little scared at first, Wu Mingzhe didn't seem very reliable, but he seemed to have some skills.And the moon cakes can emit aura. With these two helpers, I'm afraid of a bird! So he also straightened his chest and kept up with the team with a sullen face and a stern look.But I still stood silently behind the two of them, it is always good to be careful in everything. The young man laughed more and more exaggeratedly, his mouth was wide open, almost to the root of his ears, and there were still half black strips on his blue-black teeth.I looked carefully, and my stomach turned for a while, it was half a mouse's tail! "Wuhua, Xiaolou, look at his mouth." Wu Mingzhe pointed to the young man and said, "Ordinary people don't open their mouths so wide. If they did, it must be a ghost who escaped from the Hungry Ghost Dao and possessed a mortal. Hungry Ghost Sentient beings in the Tao are born from wombs, and each womb will give birth to hundreds of ghosts. The causes and conditions for being born in the hungry ghost world, in addition to the common unwholesome karma, are also particularly related to the karma of not being willing to give alms to others, stealing, or not helping others. The lifespan of living beings in this path is uncertain, and some hungry ghosts can live for tens of thousands of years, long-term suffering from the pain and retribution caused by unwholesome karma. After walking in the rivers and lakes, when encountering people who eat food voraciously and eat fast, laugh It looks like it has a big mouth, so you must pay more attention." This scene is very funny, Wu Mingzhe is like a university professor, using a pointer to light human specimens to teach us.The devil looked at Wu Mingzhe inexplicably. From his open mouth, I saw a small round head protruding from his throat.The moon cake was crisp, and the aura in his hand soared to a length of more than a foot, and he stabbed at the devil without saying a word. The devil didn't dodge, and let the aura penetrate into his stomach.I thought to myself: So this thing is nothing more than that.Although I feel a little cruel, but think about it, if you are merciful when dealing with ghosts, wouldn't you be making life difficult for yourself? "Wuhua!" Wu Mingzhe roared, "Quickly take back the spiritual energy!" Before the moon cake could react, I also found out that something was wrong!I saw that the ghost not only didn't feel any pain, but seemed to be very useful. As the belly became more and more swollen, the aura of the moon cake gradually dimmed, and finally disappeared, completely submerged in the ghost's belly. The devil smashed his mouth, his stomach looked like a pregnant woman who was seven or eight months pregnant, it was bulging, and he opened his mouth and laughed.The young people behind him also leaned forward and backward with laughter.I saw the same few faint shadows emerging from their heads, but the shapes were different. Moon Cake's face was as white as a piece of paper, and he was clutching his chest and seemed about to be unable to stand up, so I quickly supported him.The group of young people laughed "hehe" and surrounded us in a circle. I saw a strange change in their original face.The mouth of the ghost who swallowed the aura of the mooncake opened wider and wider, and the corners of the mouth stretched all the way to the back of his head. Behind his mouth full of sharp teeth, there was a dense row of broken teeth.The face of the young man on the left side of the devil turned blue, his forehead was split open, and a vertical eye protruded. "Patta" broke away from his forehead, connected by a fleshy thread, and fell on the tip of his nose, spinning non-stop... Moon Cake snorted and struggled to stand up, but I could tell that his hands had no strength.Seeing the group of youths possessed by ghosts getting closer and closer, I couldn't help shouting: "Old man, are you just saying that you don't want to practice fake moves?" Wu Mingzhe's eyes lit up, and he pointed at the group of people happily: "I am worried about not being able to find living ghosts for the teacher, so you can feel the same way. It's great that so many come here this time! nightmare……" He even pointed to these ghosts and called them by name one by one. Moon cake listened carefully, nodding thoughtfully along with each ghost Wu Mingzhe pointed to. I felt like a fool watching old madmen perform. Wu Mingzhe turned around and introduced all the ghosts before he clapped his hands and said beamingly, "Have you all remembered?" Mooncake nodded and I shook my head. "Then..." Wu Mingzhe suddenly put away his smile, his whole body crackled like beans, and countless lightning-like halos burst out from his body and wrapped around his arms, "The next thing you have to remember is how to kill These ghosts do not harm the lives of ordinary people!" The group of ghosts has surrounded us to the smallest area, or opened their mouths wide or stretched out their hands to catch Wu Mingzhe! "Crash!" Wu Mingzhe shot out with a thunderclap! The dazzling white light followed Wu Mingzhe's hands, and he punched the devil's big mouth with a blow, and a puff of gray gas spewed out from his neck, gradually forming a human shape.Another fist punched Yan's stomach, sunk in deeply, and when he stretched out again, he was holding a maggot-like gray figure in his hand, which was scorched by the white light "squeaking", and disappeared in a flash!Punching his fists into his ears, Shura squeezed out a few traces of Yin Qi from his ears... Wu Mingzhe kept yelling: "Bloom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" The youths who were possessed by evil spirits lay on the ground in disarray, and there were several human-shaped Yin Qi, screaming piercingly, wanting to escape! "Awesome!" Wu Mingzhe put his hands together in a lotus shape, and a holy white light immediately covered a five-meter radius, and all the Yin energy struggled to disappear in the white light... Everything happened so suddenly, the laughing old man in front of me was like a demon god, proudly looking down on the domain where he did whatever he wanted! "Wuhua, remember!" Wu Mingzhe shouted loudly and boldly, "A person must be called three, and a hand must be called a fist! Everything must be modest and prudent, and you must not act rashly without knowing the opponent's strength like just now! It is impossible to be a teacher for a lifetime保护你,灵族只有我们区区三人,世间邪鬼恶人无数!所以,你要有冷静地傲视一切的觉悟!” “我记住了!”月饼在我怀里振奋地喊道! 吴铭哲这句话,影响了月饼一生! 从那一刻,月饼成了最有名的猎鬼人! “晓楼,到现在你还不肯喊我一声师父么?”这个老人静静地站在我面前,慈祥地笑着。 我心中涌起一团热火,烫的血液几乎要沸腾,眼泪不自觉的流了出来! "Master!" 直到这一刻,我才真正相信了灵族的存在! 从此,灵族这个神圣的名字深深地烙印在我的信仰中! 这一刻,我成为了灵族传人! 师父又“哈哈”一笑,白光收回体内,又变成了一个猥琐老头的模样。他擤了把鼻涕,走到被鬼子附身的青年跟前,抓起他的衣服抹了两把,又对着青年胸口恶狠狠地“崩”了十多下! 青年好像刚恢复神智,嘴里那排细密的小牙也不见了,还没弄明白怎么回事,就被眼前这个老头一顿暴捶,立刻又昏死过去。 “师父,是他体内的阴气没有除干净?”月饼问道。 师父又踹了青年几脚,才恶狠狠地骂道:“当然不是,就是单纯看这个小兔崽子不顺眼!居然还扎耳洞!” 我目瞪口呆的看着,好像有点后悔刚才的决定…… 街边卖春少女、垃圾堆里捡吃的小孩们早已经尖叫着逃散了,只剩下躺在地上“哼哼唧唧”青年们。 师父掏出烟点了根,刚抽了一口,皱着眉仰头抽了抽鼻子,好像在闻着什么。 我和月饼还没反应过来,师父吼道:“退后!”接着,他的脸上,更有一种十分庄严的神情,双手向上略举了一举,就扯去那件花格子衬衫!在他的背上,分明纹着一条穿云破雾的黑龙! 从街巷深处,走出来三个奇装异服的人,类似于苗族、壮族之类的服装。当他们走进我的视野,我禁不住冒了一身冷汗! 左首的胖子腰际围着的一条蠕动着的彩色“腰带”。腰扣的地方,探出蛇头,吐着信子。蛇身上的鳞,黄绿交错,且闪闪生光。蛇眼更是闪耀着诡秘绝伦绿黝黝光芒。右首的瘦子裸露着胸膛,只看见皮肤在细细碎碎的动着。等看仔细了,才发祥那是一群油嘟嘟的白蛆,相互拥挤着形成骷髅形。 在他们中间的是一个苍老的女人!那个女人我曾经有过一面之缘,正是因为乍仑而死的洪森的母亲! 在她的脖子上,有一团血红色的斑块。看上去就像是把肉挖掉,剩下了一个洞,留着一汪永不凝结的血一样,而且在不停地扩大缩小,就像是心脏的跳动。 我缓缓吸了一口气,隐约猜到这次学校里学生晕倒事件的缘由了。 “异事组织?”洪森母亲问道。 师父不屑地哼道:“灵族!” (当时都是用泰语对话的,这段时间我的泰语进步神速,所以能听懂。) “灵族?”洪森母亲略有些吃惊,“中国的灵族怎么会这么快就来?” “碰巧而已。”师父抖着肩膀,“蛊族?草鬼婆?” “人鬼部!”胖子回道。 师父的反应出乎意料的强烈:“你们人鬼部怎么能从万毒森林里出来?那个诅咒解除了么?” “哼!这个你不需要知道。”胖子抖了抖腰,那条怪蛇落地,竖直了身子,探着头对着师父吐着信子,做出了随时攻击的状态。 师父似乎在思索着什么,对身前的怪蛇浑不在意,半晌才说道:“既然是人鬼部,历次佛蛊之战都对佛门有帮助,那就不是外人,把学校里的蛊术撤了吧。” “撤了?我的儿子死了,谁能让他活过来我就撤了。” 洪森母亲厉声尖叫着,脖子上的心形血迹越跳越快! “那是意外。”师父低声说道。 “意外!我儿子的死是意外?” 洪森母亲面色狰狞忽又冷笑道“我下的血蛊,只有一个办法可以撤掉!那么多人为洪森陪葬,也值了!” “难道仇恨真的可以让人鬼部做这种事情?”我们站在师父身后,看不见他的表情,只能听出他的声音里带着悲怆。 “如果死的是你的儿子,你会怎么做!”洪森母亲呼哨一声,怪蛇身子一曲,像根弹簧射向师父,缠住他的胳膊,张口咬下! 殷红的鲜血瞬间变黑,蛇牙上有剧毒! 洪森母亲冷笑着:“怎么不还手?你以为这样我就会放过你么?” 瘦子身上的白蛆长出窄窄的翅膀飞起,发出“嗡嗡”的声音,也扑在师父身上。 师父全身剧烈地抖动着,背后的黑龙纹身更加浓黑,几乎要滴出墨来。 “师父!”我和月饼同时喊道。 月饼一挥手,脸又变得煞白,硬是从手里挤出一条细长的灵气,比刚才那根灵气剑小了不是一点半点,这可能是他体内最后的灵气。 “你们谁都不要过来!”师父转身对我们吼道!那条怪蛇已经在咬了好几口,整条手臂乌黑,白蛆则在胸前聚集,正撕咬着皮肉往身体里钻。 师父皱着眉头,颤声说道:“当年日本鬼子侵略中国时,人鬼部对灵族有过大恩大德,自此灵族立下誓言,终生不得与人鬼部为敌。我只求一件事,我这两个徒弟刚入门不久,我死后希望你们放过他们俩。” 我心里暗骂师父迂腐,这都什么时候了,还守着这种清规戒律!当下也顾不得许多,我冲了过去,伸手对着怪蛇的七寸抓去。没想到那条怪蛇异常灵活,躲开我的手,扭头对着我咬过来!我根本来不及躲闪,眼看怪蛇尖锐的毒牙就要刺进我的皮肤,一道灵光闪过,齐刷刷地削掉了怪蛇的牙齿。 胖子痛呼一声,左手的食指和中指从指甲部分断掉…… “我,月无华,”月饼翻转灵剑,剑气没入腹中复又抽出,“今日立誓,退出灵族!南瓜,快走!我来战!” “月饼!”我从未像现在这样,痛恨自己什么都不会,师父和最好的朋友在绝境之中,我却什么也不能做! 我是一个孤儿,从小因为一双红瞳被伙伴们嘲笑。我经常能看见稀奇古怪的东西却又不能对别人说,如果说出来我肯定会被当成疯子。时间久了,我变得自闭、敏感、多疑,我不相信有什么友情,也不相信有谁会真正的帮助我。但是今天,站在我面前的两个男人让我相信了! 人性本善! “你们俩不是对手!都走!”师父身上白光闪现,白蛆被烧掉了一大半。 洪森母亲阴测测笑着:“灵族这么快就忘记誓言了?” 师父神色一颓,白光消褪,瞬间苍老了不少! 我心里凄凉,刚才还英姿勃发的师父,却在短短几秒钟之内被成了背负着沉重誓言,忍受毒蛇万虫噬咬,毫无还手之力的普通老头! 自古良将如美人,不许人间见白头! 月饼深吸一口气,“哇”地吐出口鲜血,细细窄窄的灵剑又暴涨半尺,揉身向洪森母亲刺去。 “嘭!”在灵剑距离洪森母亲三尺的距离,像是有一面透明的墙,把灵剑阻挡、弯曲、粉碎!月饼收势不住,也撞了上去,又被反弹回来。 “你们谁都跑不了啊!”洪森母亲枯瘦的双手举向天空,像火焰般舞动着。 一阵凌厉的风声从脑后响起,擦着我的耳朵飞向前方,凛冽的风气刮得面颊生疼。“嗖!嗖!”又是两道风声飞过,快若闪电的几团白光飞向那三个人,从额头直直插进,后脑嘭出一团混合着脑浆的鲜血,“啵”的一声,就像是被踩爆的西瓜发出的声响,三个人仰天倒下! 插在额头的是三把雪亮的匕首,直接没入刀柄,还在兀自晃个不停。 这突如其来的变故让我几乎喘不过气,那三具尸体看上去好像还在微微抽搐…… 就这么死了? it's over? 师父胳膊上的怪蛇已经耷拉下脑袋,成片的白蛆皮屑一样洒落着。 “老吴,平时挺桀骜不驯的一个人,没想到骨子里这么迂腐。”熟悉的声音从巷口传来,我回头看去,见到了一个无论如何也想不到的人。 他怎么会在这里出现? ! “你们异事组每次都来的这么晚。”师父点着肩膀上的穴道,蛇毒没有向上蔓延,倒是整条胳膊肿得更厉害。 师父又摸出一柄匕首,划破指尖,一脸便秘用力的表情,黑血顺着伤口滴了出来。 站在巷口的是人体解剖学老师——都旺,他身边还有一人,高高的个子,细碎的金色长发,高挺的鼻梁映衬的那双浅蓝色眼睛更加深邃,略有些方的下巴如同希腊神像般刚毅,只是眼神中时不时透出孩童般的天真迷茫。 “这次算来得早的了。”都旺扶了扶眼镜,“要不你们灵族在泰国全军覆没,这个责任我可担不起。” “你们泰国异事组吃干饭的么?”师父脸色很不好看,“这三个是人鬼部的!怎么混到城市里来的?人鬼部是不是出了大事?” 都旺这才收起无所谓的样子,几乎是跑到尸体前观察着:“人鬼部?不可能啊!按照契约,每十年才能派出一名精英参加'佛蛊之战',违背了蛊誓,全部都会死掉!” “人鬼部一定出了大事!”师父语气越来越微弱,靠着墙壁颓萎地坐下,竟然昏了过去。 都旺连忙喊着金发年轻人:“杰克!快来帮忙!送他去医院。” 杰克力气不小,把师父往肩上一扛,飞奔出巷子。都旺扔给我们拉一张名片:“你们俩按照这个地址找过去,待会儿见!” 月饼灵气消耗殆尽,再加上刚才脱离师门刺了自己一剑,看来也受伤不轻。我急忙喊道:“为什么不带着我们一起去!” “我们骑的摩托!”都旺早跑没影了,巷口传来摩托的发动声。 我哭笑不得,异事组怎么也这么不靠谱! “月饼,你怎么样了!”我想去扶月饼。 谁料月饼对我眨眨眼睛,没事人一样站了起来,就是看上去有些虚弱。 我疑惑地看着月饼的腹部,没有什么刺伤,这是怎么回事? “南瓜,我怎么会傻到刺自己一剑?”月饼拍了拍肚子,“灵剑还没到的时候,我就把灵气收住了。” (泰国清迈有一条非常有名的老街,之所以名气大并不是因为这条街上有悠久的历史、丰富的人文或者令人垂涎的美食。大多数人都进这条街,都会奇怪的迷路甚至晕眩,最典型的例子是印度一个少女,误入此街昏迷,在医院醒来后,居然张嘴说出了奇怪的语言,泰国语言学家进行了分析研究,发现她说得竟然是早已失传的泰国古语。而少女对进入那条街所发生的一切一无所知。亚洲最大的国家某著名影视歌三栖明星,在泰国游玩搜集素材时也进过这条街,没多久就在如日中天的成就中选择了自杀!)
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