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Strange records of Thailand

Strange records of Thailand


  • Thriller

  • 1970-01-01Published
  • 165809

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Chapter 1 foreword

Strange records of Thailand 羊行屮 321Words 2018-03-22
I used to study in Thailand for a year as an exchange student.During this year, I have experienced countless horrible and weird things, completely overthrowing the atheism I once firmly believed in.Why does Thailand believe in Buddhism?Why has Thailand always been inseparably associated with snakes?What exactly is a head drop?Is Gu Mantong really made from dead babies?In the bottles and jars placed in many temples, is it the incense oil for worship...or corpse oil? My experience may be able to find the answer! In the dead of night, these terrible memories penetrated into my brain like evil spirits, tingling my nerves and making me unable to sleep!I could only stare at the pale computer screen and type each word on the keyboard.

Everything I wrote may be just my hallucination, or it may be real, I can't define it.Because I don't know if it's a coincidence or fate that I'm an exchange student! Perhaps, there is a pair of invisible hands manipulating my life in the dark! This is just the beginning of my weird life! this is only-- start!
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