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Chapter 23 Chapter 23 Big investment and big money

Hangzhou is more than a thousand kilometers away from Shaanxi, and it takes fifteen to six hours to drive on the highway. Williams and Xue Wenbin took a car, accompanied by two bodyguards brought from abroad.Tang Ze still drove his own Cayenne with Lin Moran and Huayuxuan, and a commercial vehicle behind him.Although everyone knows that flying is more comfortable, but because of the things in the car that are not known to outsiders, they have to give up. Because everyone was impatient, no one said that they wanted to rest at night. Fortunately, many people can drive and drive in rotation, and it is not very hard.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, the convoy drove into Weinan City, Shaanxi Province.Tang Ze had already contacted his friends. A Land Rover was waiting at the exit of the toll booth. When he saw their convoy, he flashed his headlights twice and slowly led the way. The friend Tang Ze wants to invest in is definitely not an ordinary person. This person is Zhao Yan, the only son of a large local company in Shaanxi.The two are college classmates, and their friendship is quite deep. Although Zhao Yan was very puzzled by the fact that a jewelry maker at home traveled across half of China to invest and travel in Shaanxi, but as a buddy, he still expressed great enthusiasm for him coming to his land, and by the way, he also expressed his enthusiasm for him. Lin Moran, Hua Yuxuan and Williams who brought them expressed their warm welcome.Seeing so many people, he embraced Tang Ze and said in a low voice, "Hey, if you want to invest, you won't be able to bring so many people. Don't you get enough money? You can't do it. If you don't get enough money, you can find me. Let's The cooperation between the two will not lead to finding a foreigner. Let me tell you, Pucheng County is now a historical protection area, and foreign investment is not introduced at all, unless the foreigner has made a particularly outstanding contribution, otherwise it will not be considered at all. "

"I know, I know." Tang Ze smiled, "It's just me, it has nothing to do with that person, this matter is not what you think. But it's hard to say now, I will explain to you later." "Really?" Zhao Yan was dubious. "It's more real than pearls." Tang Ze swore seriously, "When did I cheat you?" Zhao Yan twitched the corners of his mouth, "It's hard to say. Are you cheating on me very rarely? I asked you to ask me for a phone number of a school girl before, but you always wanted to leave even if you asked for it." Tang Ze laughed, "That's not cheating, it's because there are too many beauties around you who don't care about your studies, brother, it's for your own good."

The two made jokes, and Williams watched from the sidelines, deeply feeling that it was the right thing to cooperate with someone like Tang Ze.With a wide network of people, strong relationships, and abundant funds, if it weren't for this, many things would not be so simple to progress. It was too late that day, and everyone was tired after sitting in the car all day.So they didn't say much, just ate something casually, and each of them washed and rested. The next morning, Zhao Yan drove to the hotel to pick them up, and also found two local people, intending to take them to the site for inspection.

Because there are Jinsu Mountain and Tailing Mausoleum in Pucheng County, tourism has been well developed.Zhao Yan listened carefully to Tang Ze's plan, and looked at the area he marked on the map.Although I think it may not be feasible, I still studied it carefully with the local tour guide and took them there. According to Tang Ze, a friend of his came to Tailing touring a while ago, but he didn't join the tour group and he got lost while walking on the mountain.While asking for help, he found his way. On the way, he passed some deserted mountain villages and undeveloped primitive mountains. He felt that the scenery was very good, and compared with those places that had been developed, he had a different flavor.

It just so happened that Tang Ze had some conflicts with his family these days. He didn't want to inherit the jewelry company and wanted to find something to do by himself, so he came over to have a field trip.I want to find a novelty-hunting project in those deep mountains and old forests, such as jungle exploration or ancient village tracking, to attract young people who like to seek excitement. Zhao Yan touched his chin. He felt that Tang Ze was still the same as before. When he opened his eyes and told nonsense, his expression was very serious, just like the truth. However, apart from Zhao Yan, who knew Tang Ze very well, the two local guides he invited were fooled into doing it right.The local people have tasted the sweetness of tourism development in recent years, and they also have a special enthusiasm for foreign investors.What's more, being an acquaintance of Zhao Yan is a guarantee of credibility.

After thinking for a while, one of the guides said: "I've never heard of Lansu Township, but there are too many large and small villages in Jinsu Mountain, some still have people, and some have no one. There are many villages with several names, and generally everyone calls them common names, and those nicknames and aliases are only known to the elderly in the village, let alone outsiders. " What he said made Williams and the others nod their heads straight, guessing that this is what they are encountering now.I don't know which era the nickname of Lansu Township was, so it is reasonable that it has been lost.

The guides of tourist attractions are naturally no strangers to foreigners, but they are more impressed by a foreigner who has no barriers to communication and can speak Chinese so fluently.Therefore, he also showed great enthusiasm, patting his chest and expressing that as long as this place exists in Jinsu Mountain, he must find it out for him. The car drove all the way into the mountains. At the beginning, there was a straight road, but after turning a few turns, there was no road.The motorcade stopped halfway up the mountain, and the guide got out of the car to look at it first and said: "The car can only drive here, and the rest can only be walked. There are many trees on the mountain and the road is narrow. Neither donkeys nor horses can ride. I don't know how fast you can walk." I'm not used to walking. Two old gentlemen..."

Seeing that Tang Ze and Lin Moran were both young and strong, the guide felt that there was no problem.It's just that Huayuxuan is a bit old, and Williams doesn't seem to be young anymore. I'm afraid they won't be able to make it down.This is not a developed scenic spot. If you are tired from walking, you can't even find a sedan chair. "No problem." Hua Yuxuan waved his hand very boldly, "Don't look at my age, maybe I can climb mountains better than these young people. Young people nowadays lack exercise." Everyone laughed, Huayuxuan was indeed growing strong.Although it is undeniable that he is an elderly person, he is not old at all.

Fearing that they would spend the night in the village if they couldn't find all the places in one day, everyone also brought simple luggage.The two bodyguards following Tang Ze carried two big bags as if they didn't weigh much. The two guides are very familiar with this area, according to Tang Ze's vague explanation, after trekking the mountain road for three hours, they met the first village.This is indeed a rather dilapidated village, the whole village is lifeless.At a glance, those dilapidated houses have not been lived in for many years. After walking around the village, I finally found a family with smoke rising from the kitchen.Everyone almost had the feeling of seeing an oasis in the desert for a moment, and some couldn't wait to walk over there.

It may be that the room was dark so the door was not closed, but the guide pushed it forward and it creaked open.An old lady with white hair came out of it. The old lady seemed to be in her seventies, and when she saw a group of people standing outside her room, she didn't show any surprise at all. Instead, she sized them up and said confidently, "You guys are here to play at Jinsu Mountain, right?" , how did you get lost and come to this place. There is nothing to see here, you have to go forward." Everyone suddenly realized that although there are more tours and group tours nowadays, there are also many self-guided tours, and even more wandering around.The old lady lived in this place, and she was afraid that she would see wandering, lost, and lost people every few days. "Old man," the guide hurried up and said, "We are here to see the surrounding environment of Jinsu Mountain, and we want to invest in tourism projects." "Still developing?" Although the old lady is old, she has sharp ears, eyes and quick thinking. "I have developed so much, isn't it enough? Hey, the environment in the mountains used to be so good, but now I don't want to live there, I want to go out run." The old lady was muttering, Lin Moran followed and said: "Old man, do you live here alone? We walked around just now, but we didn't see anyone. Is it too hard for you to live alone?" "I don't live here, I also live outside." But all old people like young, good-looking, and talking boys, and the old lady is no exception. She always smiles a little more when talking to Lin Moran, "These days Today is the old man's memorial day, I will stay with him for a few days, and my son will come to pick me up tomorrow. Fortunately, you all came by coincidence, otherwise we wouldn't be able to touch anyone." Lin Moran let out an "oh" and said again: "Old man, what is the name of your village? I haven't even seen a name." "There are so many names in this village." The old lady pointed to the south of the village, "Did you see that big stone? It is said that the stone was there when the world was created, so this village used to be called Nanshi Village. I don't know where it came. Civil officials thought the name was too vulgar, and said that the stone looked like a phoenix, so they renamed it Fengshi Village, and later..." The old lady counted out five or six names for a long time, and the people who heard them all had big heads. Tang Ze couldn't help but ask: "Why does this village have so many names? Are all the villages here like this? This is too inconvenient. " "Oh, you young man is not as smart as my old man." The old lady belittled Tang Ze without hesitation, "We still have big names, nicknames, and nicknames. Why don't we allow the village to have more names?" Lin Moran pushed Tang Ze aside and smiled, "He doesn't understand. We've never heard of a village with so many names. Old man, you really know a lot." The old man liked the sweet-mouthed and good-looking guy even more. He looked back at a group of people and said, "You guys have come from the mountain. You have been walking for a long time. Come on, let's go into the house and have a rest and have a cup of tea. It's all boiled with spring water from the mountain." You can’t drink the tea outside.” "I can't trouble you, I can't trouble you." Lin Moran said repeatedly: "Old man, we actually want to find a place called 'Lansu Township', have you heard of it?" "Lansu Township." The old lady tilted her head and thought for a long time and slapped her thigh, "Oh, you are talking about Nansu Township, right? That village is a bit far away. It used to be the poorest village here, and it probably doesn't exist now. People. If you walk south along the mountain road, you will have to walk for about three or four hours, and you will see a sign like a stone tablet with the name of the village on it. And the village is easy to recognize. When you enter the village, there is a sign like A small temple like an earth temple, neither fish nor fowl, it is said that it is a relic of some dynasty, and it is under special protection." Although the old lady tried her best to communicate with them in Mandarin, there were inevitably some local accents in Mandarin. At first glance, the pronunciation of "Nan" and "Lan" sounded similar.Tang Ze had a sudden realization expression, "Maybe Nansu Township is Lansu Township." "It's possible." Hua Yuxuan nodded several times and said, "It's very possible. The small temple that looks like an earth temple but is not an earth temple also looks like a post station structure in the Tang Dynasty. Let's go Let's see." The old lady still wanted to keep them for a while, so she didn't say much since everyone was in a hurry. She brought them some local wild fruits, pointed them in the direction, and sent them away. As soon as everyone left, the old lady turned around and entered the house, opened the door of the inner room, and made an OK gesture to the people inside.Although there are still creases with a smile on his face, he is obviously not as old as before. Faster than the old lady imagined, after Lin Moran and the others walked on the mountain for three hours, they turned around a rock and finally saw a stone tablet. This stele is not a historic site, it was erected six years ago, it just says that there are ancient Tang Dynasty architectural relics here, and it is set as a protected area. Behind the sign is Nansu Township, which everyone has searched thousands of Baidu. It is indeed a more desolate village than Nanshi Village. There is no one, only a few messy and dilapidated houses left. As soon as they arrived in Nansu Township, everyone began to divide their labor and get busy. Professionals like Hua Yuxuan and Lin Moran naturally began to investigate and identify the authenticity from the building at the gate of the village that looked like a station and looked like an earth temple.Williams didn't know what he was looking at, and wandered around. And Tang Ze pulled Zhao Yan aside, as if he wanted to develop tourism, he muttered about investment.I don't know what he said. When Williams passed by occasionally, he seemed embarrassed to see him. Although I got up early, because I spent too much time on the road, it was impossible to go out that day.Moreover, after Lin Moran and Hua Yuxuan confirmed that the inn was really a ruin of the Tang Dynasty, and that Nansu Township was probably the Lansu Township they were looking for, they wished they could just stay here and never go back. . Fortunately, they were already mentally prepared to spend the night in the wild, and now they were neither hot nor cold, and there was no inconvenience for a group of big men.I lit a fire to boil water and ate dry food. One guide even used the local method to kill two hares from the forest and roast them. The food was pretty good. There are limited tents, so there are two people in one tent. Tang Ze found Williams when everyone had already gone to bed at night. Ever since Williams entered the village, he felt a little indescribable, a little excited, a little thoughtful. When he saw Tang Ze, he quickly stood up, "Mr. Tang." "Mr. Williams, you haven't rested yet. Excuse me." Tang Ze smiled, but the smile was a little forced. Williams had some bad feelings vaguely in his heart and said, "Didn't sleep, didn't sleep, what's the matter with Mr. Tang?" "About investment." Tang Ze said, "I just talked with my friend about investing in Pucheng County, and he said it was troublesome." "Why? They don't want money?" Williams paused. Although he hasn't set foot in China these years, he also knows that investment is a welcome thing.Today's China is an open country, and welcomes visitors from all over the world in an open way. Everyone is welcome to create wealth here and drive the common development of social economy.Some people's investment is a matter of benefiting others and self, and it is also an achievement of the local government. How could it be unpopular. "No, it's not that you don't want money, it's that you don't want small money." Tang Ze said: "Before us, about ten days ago, there was a cultural group that took a fancy to the resources of Jinsu Mountain and was already negotiating with the government about investment. They invested The scope is very large, almost all the undeveloped areas here are included, and a place like a Tang Dynasty history exhibition base is to be built. This is internal information, and my classmate found out that if we want to use this area It is not impossible to grab the place and find someone to find a relationship, but the amount we invest can only be more than them, not less than them, at least equal. Otherwise, there is no way to operate, and now the government affairs are transparent. Even if the above want to favor, You can’t be too overtly partial.” Williams looked serious, "How much did you invest there?" "One billion." Tang Ze opened his mouth and announced a number without any fuss, "It's still the first phase of investment. Qihang Culture Communication Investment Company, have you heard of it? A listed company, it is said that the market value is tens of billions .” "Well... I have heard of it." Williams said: "It is indeed a company with very strong capital. I often hear the name of this company in the UK." "Then our plan has to be postponed." Tang Ze said: "Mr. Williams, since everyone cooperates, I might as well say frankly that this is too much money. Baolin Jewelry can take it out, but I can't take it out." .My expectation was only within 50 million.” 50 million is more than enough to invest in a small outdoor adventure line. Although Tang Ze is a rich second generation, but before the first generation abdicated, he was only a second generation, and there were two elder brothers in his family, so he couldn't say what he said in the Tang family.He has 50 million funds in his hand, which is already very remarkable. He said that he can't spend more, and Williams also believes it. "It's really troublesome." Williams murmured: "This money is a bit too much. How could Qihang Culture suddenly be interested in this place?" Tang Zedao: "According to my classmates, it's because they recently invested in several Tang Dynasty-themed film and television dramas, and they all sold very well, so they want to develop a Tang Dynasty-themed scenic spot. Including museums, location bases, and even There is a virtual small city to experience the Tang Dynasty, if calculated in this way, the investment of one billion is really not much, and it can be earned back.” "Yes, there is no problem with this." Williams said very depressedly: "The only problem is that they shouldn't appear at this time." Tang Ze smiled wryly, "I just said that our trip was too smooth, so the difficulty is here. Mr. Williams, I thought about it for a long time just now. If it is one or two million, I can still think of a way. If it is one billion, I will There is really nothing we can do. I suggest that we wait. Because the archaeologists surveyed this mountain at the time and determined that there are no ancient tombs, so after this project is completed, we can find another reason to enter the mountain. Not recently, this paragraph Time Qihang Culture will definitely have someone to go to the mountain to investigate, if we dig inside it is too conspicuous, if there is trouble, something big will happen." Williams was silent.He knew that Tang Ze's method was very practical and pertinent, and it was the best method at present, but such a large-scale project would take eight years or ten years to complete, and it could not be completed overnight. Ten years, Tang Ze in his twenties can afford to wait, but he in his sixties cannot afford to wait. Williams was silent for a while and said, "Let me think about it." "Okay." Tang Ze also knew that the news was a big blow to Williams, so he nodded and left. Lin Moran was waiting for him in the tent, and when he saw him coming in, he raised his eyebrows with a questioning expression on his face. Tang Ze raised the corners of his lips and smiled and said in a low voice: "A person like Williams, might he watch such a fortune slip away before his eyes? I won't participate, maybe he is quite happy. Wait until tomorrow Let's give him a little more motivation, it will be fine, and we don't need to interfere in the rest of the matter." It was night, and Williams tossed and turned in the tent, unable to fall asleep.He found his own connections and called the people in Shaanxi who could talk to him to ask for news, and it turned out to be exactly what Tang Ze said.After Williams hung up the phone, he sat for a long time without making up his mind.One billion, this amount is also a very large amount for Williams, but it is not impossible to take it out, but if it is taken out, the family will be wiped out.Not to mention nothing left, maybe I have to borrow some.Even though he wanted to develop this treasure very much, he had to think about it. He didn't think it was a trap, but thought that if he couldn't find anything, it would be a waste of water from the bamboo basket.And it's not that everything will be fine once the billion is taken out, it's just a direct investment, and there must be places to spend money later. Xue Wenbin and Williams shared a tent, so they didn't intervene because they couldn't help. After tossing and turning in the tent for most of the night, Williams really couldn't fall asleep. Looking through the tent and looking at the stars outside, Williams got out to get a breath. Because this mountain is a tourist attraction after all, people often come and go, so there are no large animals, let alone bandits, so there is no need for night watchmen.The bonfire has also been extinguished. Williams took out his phone and looked at it, it was three in the morning.The moon is bright and the stars are sparse, except for the chirping of insects and birds, the mountains are silent.He took a few deep breaths of fresh air and looked up at the starry sky. This China hand really felt a little poetic. After walking a few steps in the open space, his eyes fell on the small temple at the entrance of the village.This look turned out to be a bit tricky for Williams. Williams looked at the map taken out of the Luban box over and over again, and could almost memorize all the lines on it.When Shou saw the small temple just now, he felt that there seemed to be some similar patterns in the patterns of the bricks and tiles.At this moment, Williams only felt that his heart was beating very hard. He looked back at the silent camp and walked over lightly. Pattern is a kind of magical thing. In a mess, if you don't understand it, it may be a meaningless pattern.But if you understand, you can extend a lot of deep meaning. Under the bright moonlight, Williams saw the overlapping lines on the map in the well-protected historic sites. He couldn't help but sigh deeply. The ancient Chinese were really smart. One map guides two places. And this map turned out to be hidden in the pattern of bricks and tiles.If it weren't for the coincidence bestowed by God, who would have thought of it. Williams returned to the tent at dawn, with something bulging in his pocket.Back in the tent, regardless of Xue Wenbin's surprised gaze, he made a long-distance call and told his family to prepare money to invest in a big project in China. Xue Wenbin was about to ask why, when he heard some commotion outside, and everyone was getting up one after another.Williams made a silent movement, and handed the things in his pocket to Xue Wenbin.Xue Wenbin took it over and took a look, his hands trembled, and he couldn't believe his eyes. This thing with the smell of earth and some morning dew vapor turned out to be an incomplete golden comb back.Although it is only half of it, the pattern of swan geese holding branches can still be seen, and the carving has typical characteristics of the Tang Dynasty. Like Williams, Xue Wenbin is an old expert in the antique circle. As long as he is not too popular, he can tell the real thing and the fake one at a glance. Xue Wenbin tremblingly looked at the things and dared not speak. He nodded to Williams, and then shook his head again.Not only was this thing real, it was something he had never seen before. Williams and Xue Wenbin, two people who have been in the antique circle for most of their lives, have seen a lot of things together. If it has been circulated in the market or introduced in books, it is impossible not to know. .Not to mention that Williams has been studying Tang history for more than ten years, and he is confident that there will be no Tang Dynasty antiquities that he has never seen before. Naturally, he would not have thought that this is actually an antique that Sheng Guoqiang has collected and that outsiders have never seen before. . The voice outside the tent had grown louder, and the two of them put away their things and went out without saying much. Tang Ze nodded when he saw Williams, and said with some concern: "I think Mr. Williams didn't sleep well last night, and his complexion is not very good." Williams smiled reluctantly, but it was not like the forced smile last night, but to cover up the excitement in his heart. "Yes, I thought a lot last night." Williams said, "I plan to invest in what Mr. Tang said." Tang Ze was taken aback, "One billion?" "Yes." William said calmly: "Although it is a bit too much, I can still take it out. And after careful consideration last night, I think this piece of natural scenery is very good, and it would be a waste to artificially circle it. So I put forward such an idea, instead of doing large-scale development, only a small part of it will be developed, so as to create a stronger historical atmosphere, for example, to build a museum, I can donate part of the exhibits.” Others invested one billion, and you also invested one billion, so you may not be able to gain the upper hand.But if you can put forward a more constructive opinion and make a greater contribution, then naturally you are the more important party. Donating to a museum is not something ordinary people can do.For a city that pays attention to historical development, nature is the top priority. Tang Ze burst into laughter in his heart, but the expression on his face was very deep, and there was some displeasure. Now they are in a cooperative relationship. If they contribute money together or advance and retreat together, they can talk about it in the future.But in this situation, Williams decides to invest alone, where does that leave him? However, Williams is a veteran in trading, and one can guess what he means from Tang Ze's expression.Although he may not be willing in his heart, he said very straightforwardly on the surface: "Believe me, Mr. Tang, even if it is inconvenient for you to participate in the later investment, I will not let you down." Tang Ze seemed to have struggled psychologically for a long time before his face softened a little, and he said slowly: "That's good, Mr. Williams, you can rest assured that you will pay as much as you want, the Tang family has always been in business. The rules will not embarrass you." Williams smiled and shook hands with Tang Ze. Since Tang Ze didn't have the money to participate in the later stage of the investment, he couldn't ask for a 50-50 split.But he was an indispensable hero in the early stage, so Williams cannot do without him for this money.He is not a beggar on the side of the road, nor is he a punk like Xue Wenbin, nor is he something that can be dismissed. Williams felt a little distressed when he thought about the number that might be transferred to Tang Ze's account, but he felt it was worth it when he thought about the endless treasures that were about to be mined.As long as Tang Ze took his money, he would keep his mouth shut. The money not only made him feel comfortable, but also made him feel at ease. Williams and Tang Ze knew it well. Although the others were also listening, they couldn't understand the key points, so they didn't think much about it.Everyone packed up their luggage and prepared to go down the mountain. While packing up, Tang Ze's phone rang. He picked it up and looked with a surprised expression, then answered the phone, "Brother." After all, Tang Ze and his two brothers grew up together, so they must have a good relationship. Brother Tang Ze's voice on the phone was extremely anxious, "Third brother, where are you? Do you know where Dad is?" "Where did Dad go?" Tang Ze was taken aback, "What do you mean?" "Dad is missing." Brother Tang Ze's voice was loud, obviously unable to control his emotions, "He went out last night and has not come back. He didn't bring his bodyguard or mobile phone. I was on a business trip. I changed the itinerary temporarily, otherwise I would not have found it." Tang Ze only felt his mind go blank, and a terrible thought came to him.In fact, Tang Benzhong knew everything, but he made such a false appearance just to comfort himself, to keep himself from being distracted, or to distract himself. When Tang Ze answered the phone, Lin Moran was standing beside him, and the voice was quite loud, so he could hear it clearly.Seeing that Tang Ze had a bad expression at this time, he took the phone from his hand and said simply: "Mr. Tang, I'm Mr. Tang's assistant, we'll go back right away." After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone and dragged Tang Ze down. None of Wang Kun, Wu Xin, and Tang Ben was missing, and the broken link was connected again.
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