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Chapter 21 Chapter 21 Map Treasure

Under these five gaps, five lever-like wooden strips are respectively connected. When the five wooden strips are pressed at the same time, the lock that is connected to the wooden block in the center will be touched, thereby causing the Luban box to disintegrate.To make a Luban box, it is not a success to be able to put the pieces together, but it is a success to be able to untie it from the keyhole. When Lin Moran let out a long sigh of relief, there was a crash, and the box that was originally like a copper wall and iron wall without a single gap instantly fell apart.Among the messy pieces of wood, there is a piece of pale yellow brocade.Williams reached for it and spread it out on the table, admiringly.

"It's really as good as new. It's amazing." Williams looked at the pale yellow silk in front of him with admiration and disbelief.On the back of the silk is a five-clawed golden dragon embroidered with gold thread, and on the front is a map. Hua Yuxuan stroked his chin and said, "Chinese culture is extensive and profound, with a long history, and the wisdom of the working people is endless. Speaking of which, I have never believed that Luban boxes are as old as new, but I really didn't expect it to be true." Lin Moran picked up a piece of wood, looked at it carefully and said, "It may be that the inside of the box is coated with special animal liquid or plant liquid, or a mixed liquid. I always think that Chinese medicine is very magical. The plants and animals in the world really have a lot of abilities that we don't know about."

Lin Moran was not at all afraid that Williams would take the box for testing, as nothing could be tested in this box.But nothing can be tested, it doesn't mean there is nothing.It can only show that modern technology is not developed enough, or that the ancients were too clever. If Williams took it for X-rays and found that the box could transmit light, that would be an explanation.Maybe after the box is opened, all the effects will disappear, or the things inside the box that block X-rays will evaporate in the air like alcohol. In short, Williams now feels that the Luban box is magical, so no matter what happens, he can find a good reason. The word "miracle" can explain everything, and there is no need for others to say more.

Everyone felt that Lin Moran's deduction was reasonable, but this is not the focus of the discussion now, so they put it aside after saying a few words casually. The Luban box is just a box, although it is also a treasure, but what makes it valuable is the map in the box.This is a very simple map, not even a map in the strict sense.But if you think about it, if this is just a place that Li Longji wants to tell Concubine Yang, and it is not intended to be handed down for generations, then there is no need for a map to be so formal, just a word.It may be that this place is more complicated, and the pictures and texts are just for the sake of insurance.

The winding mountains are outlined in ink on the map. Although it is only a few simple strokes, a dragon shape can be seen.There is no way to verify the starting point of the dragon body, and the road map is marked from north to south.Along the way, I marked a few places that everyone has never heard of. I think it was the name of the Tang Dynasty. From the Tang Dynasty to the present, a history of more than a thousand years has passed, and in a thousand years, the sea has changed and the times have changed.Some particularly famous places may still retain their original names, but most places have changed countless names through the dynasties.However, a small part of the original names has been preserved, and most of them have been dissipated in the long river of history, so it is reasonable for these place names to be unheard of by everyone.

However, on the position of the dragon head, the words "Jinsu Mountain" are marked.But anyone who is familiar with the history of the Tang Dynasty will never be unfamiliar with these three words. "Sure enough, it's here." Hua Yuxuan pointed at the map with his finger and said, "I've been thinking that Li Longji's mausoleum is in Jinsu Mountain. It won't be too far from this place. Even if he is the emperor, he can't do whatever he wants. It is basically impossible to build two mausoleums, one south and one north. But if they are in the same place, while building a formal mausoleum However, it is not difficult to secretly command his subordinates to build another tomb for accompanying burials."

Jinsu Mountain is where Li Longji's Tailing Mausoleum is located.According to historical records, in the seventeenth year of Kaiyuan, Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty visited the bridge mausoleum to Jinsu Mountain. Seeing that the mountain had the momentum of a dragon and a phoenix, he said to the left and right: "I will be buried here after a thousand years." Set up a mountain mausoleum. Tailing Xuangong was built in the abdomen of Jinsu Mountain Zhiyang.This mountain is the golden vein of Wulong Mountain, with an altitude of 716 meters, and there are broken stones in the shape of golden millet.Its mountain system stretches from southwest to northeast. There are many peaks, and the shape of the mountains is undulating.

Next to the words "Jinsu Mountain", another line diverges in the southwest direction, and the end point of the line falls in a place called Lansu Township.On the entire instruction map drawn in black, only this place has a little bit of cinnabar.The cinnabar is a little red, and it will last forever, just like the lover's eyebrows, full of worries, that will last for a thousand years. "Well, Lansu Township." Hua Yuxuan frowned and pondered: "Is there such a place in Jinsu Mountain? I've never heard of it. I've lived and learned. Has any of you heard of it?"

Hua Yuxuan looked at everyone with an incredulous expression.He studied the history of the Tang Dynasty, and naturally had a thorough research on the Tailing Mausoleum, so he was surprised that a place name he didn't know appeared on Jinsu Mountain. What made Huayuxuan feel a little more at ease was that everyone shook their heads together after a while of deep thinking. Tang Ze is one of those normal people whose knowledge of history only comes from the history textbooks in school. He doesn't even bother to think about such professional things. He directly turns on the computer and searches on Baidu and Sohu, but still finds nothing.

Lin Moran sighed: "It's been more than a thousand years since Li Longji. Maybe Lansu Township has changed its name now, or it doesn't exist at all. Talking about it on paper is not the way." "Yes." Williams agreed: "What Mr. Lin said is very reasonable. I think we should go there, ask the local people, and take a look at the local history. Maybe there will be some special gains. .” Although Williams hasn't been to China for some years, that's what he did back then.He didn't sit on the bustling street and shout to collect antiques, but wandered around in the mountains and fields.From those remote villages, he has indeed gained a lot.

"Okay, then let's take a trip." Tang Ze made a final decision, "I can leave at any time, Mr. Williams, do you have anything to prepare?" Williams has always been a decision maker, and he was like this decades ago. Even though the situation is not as good as before, he is still a decision maker. Others can only obey orders, and there is no room for bargaining.Now when I first heard that Tang Ze had made the next decision, I was still a little uncomfortable for a while, and said in a daze, "Oh, oh, I don't have anything to prepare, I can leave at any time." "Okay." Tang Ze said, "I'll tidy up the things here a little bit, and contact some friends over there. If so many of us enter the mountain rashly, the locals will definitely pay attention. We need a place like investment inspection The class name is justified for a good reason." "Yes, yes, Mr. Tang is considerate." Williams thought for a while and said, "However, I have also studied Jinsu Mountain, which is a place mainly for tourism, and it seems that there are no special specialties. " "I will be responsible for solving this." Tang Ze said: "Since Jinsu Mountain is developed for tourism, it can't be easier to handle. If there are special products for sale, we can continue to develop tourism. Those places that are easy to develop are already full of tourists. Weaving, just so we can go deep, to places where there are no people, to..." Tang Ze clicked on the red dot on the photo, "Go here." Hua Yuxuan was not very interested in listening to the two talking about investment and so on.Originally, he was only interested in historical research, but now his whole energy is attracted by the map he took out of the Luban box.Seeing the two talking endlessly at this moment, he interjected: "Talk about these things slowly, my old man doesn't understand, I'm going to study this map to see if I can find new clues." "Mr. Hua, I'll be with you." Lin Moran hurriedly said, "I don't know much about business, and I can learn something by studying maps with you." There is nothing to study on a map drawn by Huayuxuan himself, but Lin Moran felt that it would be tiring to stay here and deal with Williams.This kind of thing should be left to Tang Ze who is used to socializing.Look at his enthusiastic appearance, he almost wrote the words "I'm sincere" on his face. Tang Ze had no objection to this. Seeing that Huayuxuan was about to leave, he said a few words about hard work, Mr. Hua, but after hearing this, Williams frowned slightly, hesitated and said, "Mr. Hua... ..." "What's wrong?" Hua Yuxuan looked expectant, "Did Mr. Williams suddenly remember something?" "No, it's not..." Williams felt a little embarrassed, and paused, "I wonder if this map should be on me." Huayuxuan was a little unhappy, and he didn't hide his dissatisfaction and said: "Mr. Williams thinks he has a deeper research on it?" "Mr. Williams didn't mean that." Tang Ze saw that it was going to be bad, and hurriedly smoothed things over, "Mr. Williams is also eager to study. Mr. Hua, don't think that Mr. Williams is a foreigner, but because he is interested in Tang He is particularly interested in Tang Dynasty, so he also has a very deep understanding of Tang history. The interest is understandable." Hearing that there are like-minded hobbies, Hua Yuxuan nodded, and his complexion improved a little.After thinking for a while, he said, "I'll leave that for you to see first. I'll take two photos and go. It's not easy for Mr. Williams to come to China from such a long distance. China is a country of hospitality." Williams nodded his thanks again and again, feeling a little strange to himself.It stands to reason that the Luban box belongs to him, and the map in the Luban box should also belong to him, but why does it feel like he borrowed it from Huayuxuan now? Before Williams could figure it out, Hua Yuxuan had directed Lin Moran to take a few photos of the map at 360 degrees.Although it is not as good as the original picture, it is absolutely clear. It is enough to study the name of the line. "That's it, I'll go back first. Xiao Lin, let's go." Hua Yuxuan was quite satisfied with today's harvest, and waved to Lin Moran complacently. Although Williams felt a little awkward in his heart, he couldn't find any words to refute.Now he and Tang Ze have agreed to cooperate. Hua Yuxuan is the appraiser invited by Tang Ze. He has no reason not to let him take the map.And even if he wanted to regret it now, it would be too late if he didn't want to cooperate with Tang Ze. You used someone else's golden flower tin, and you want to take it apart after you get it?There are no such good things in this world, and Tang Ze is not a vegetarian. Williams looked at the two men standing behind Tang Ze, and then glanced at Xue Wenbin. He felt that they were not of the same class at all, and absolutely incomparable.He has dealt with rich people in China before, and also dealt with the underworld in China, but he has never dealt with people like Tang Ze who are both rich and seem to eat black and white. At this moment, he can't help but feel that Some weak. However, Williams comforted himself that it was a silent compromise that Huayuxuan did not take the map.Now everyone is on the same boat, although he can't leave Tang Ze behind, Tang Ze can't leave him either.Not to mention, as long as this matter is revealed, Tang Ze will not only find nothing, but also involve himself in it, maybe even the Tang family will also be involved in it, he will definitely not take this risk. What's more, I have no one now, and I underestimated Tang Ze before.It happens that there is still time, but it is necessary to find a few available people.The person who brought back the Luban box for him last night was very nice. It doesn't matter if the price is high, as long as it is worth the price. Williams thought about it for a while and remained silent, but as soon as Hua Yuxuan came out of the room, he couldn't wait to say: "Mr. Tang, what's the matter with this old Mr. Hua? Does he know our plan?" Tang Ze pretended to be afraid that Huayuxuan hadn't gone far, and suppressed his voice, "I know part of it." "Which part?" Williams was a little worried.What they are doing now is illegal. If they are exposed, it will be terrible.But Tang Ze's calm appearance made him feel that there must be something else going on in this matter, not what he was worried about. "The part he wants to care about." Tang Ze said: "Mr. Hua is a scholar. He has devoted his whole life to studying Tang history, especially Li Longji. For him, knowing that there is such a huge treasure house right under his nose But I can’t see it, what a cruel thing. So I persuaded Mr. Hua that we took out the treasure together and dedicated it to the country.” Williams let out an "oh", feeling that something was wrong.Dedicated to the country?He has traveled thousands of miles to contribute money and efforts, but he is not here to be a selfless international friend. Tang Ze waved his hand as a signal to be calm, and continued: "Of course, if we really find the treasure, we can donate part of it to the country. The mysterious mausoleum of the Tailing Mausoleum is not a bank safe, and no one will check with us how many treasures we have taken out. It is our freedom to hand over a few pieces. Mr. Williams, if the treasure is really what we think, a few pieces are worth a lot if you take them out, you won't even have such a small profit Are you willing to give up?" "No, no, that's not what I meant." Williams shook his head, "It's just that Huayuxuan seems to be a very shrewd person, I'm afraid he's not that easy to deceive, and why would he agree to our private digging?" "Hua Lao agreed to our private excavation because I gave a very good reason." Tang Ze smiled slightly, "Nowadays, many places know where the ancient tomb is but are not allowed to excavate, because they are afraid that the technology is immature and cannot be excavated. Protection, on the contrary, will bring irreversible damage to the cultural relics, and become a regret for the ages. But in fact, the same, how do you know that the cultural relics will not be damaged in the ground, and maybe a little more cultural relics can be rescued if they can be seen again one day earlier. Mr. Hua is a An enlightened person, as soon as I say it, he will understand." "He actually believed your words?" Williams was a little unbelievable, "Mr. Tang, it seems that your reputation is very good, and your reputation is also very good." "No, no, it's not me who has a good reputation." Tang Ze smiled slyly, "It's my assistant Xiao Lin who has a good reputation. He's just a young man. different." Tang Ze and Williams had a good chat in the conference room, and Lin Moran couldn't help but sneezed when he returned to the room. Hua Yuxuan returned to the room with a serious face, patted Lin Moran on the shoulder and said, "Fortunately, Xiao Tang is not a bad boy." Hua Yuxuan's words were a little out of character, but Lin Moran understood it immediately, and said with a smile: "If he does bad things, he may not have such good luck. Luck is sometimes related to character. It's also related." There is righteousness in the world, and if you do good deeds, you will naturally have noble people to help you, and it will naturally go smoothly. The two chatted and laughed, and Hua Yuxuan went to contact Sheng Guoqiang to continue discussing the local arrangements.Lin Moran received a strange call. The caller was from an unfamiliar number. After connecting, a clear and young female voice rang out: "Mr. Lin, hello, do you remember me? I'm Meng Yuting." Lin Moran smiled and said, "Xiao Meng, it's you, who can't remember such a beautiful girl." This is the lively and beautiful little nurse from Suping Hospital. When Lin Moran was in a hurry to chase after Wang Kun in the hotel, he had left his number on her mobile phone.Although Lin Moran has reached the age of starting a family, he will inevitably have a good impression of young, beautiful and good-natured girls, but recently he is too busy to think about these things, so when he received Meng Yuting's call, he was stunned for a moment.Of course, I couldn't help feeling complacent. Could it be that my charm is so great now that the little girl fell in love with him at first sight and couldn't help but contact him? Without waiting for Lin Moran to get intoxicated, Meng Yuting smiled over there and said, "Mr. Lin, excuse me, I called you to ask, do you have contact with Wang Kun?" "Wang Kun?" Lin Moran was taken aback, "What's wrong with Wang Kun, is it Wang Feng's illness..." "Oh, no, no." Meng Yuting said, "Wang Feng's condition has been stable for the past two days, but Wang Kun is gone." "Wang Kun is missing?" Lin Moran repeated meaninglessly, "What does it mean that Wang Kun is missing?" "It's just that Wang Kun is missing." Meng Yuting said: "This morning, Sanmin Hospital called us and asked if there was any other contact information for Wang Kun, saying that he was staying in the hospital every day to take care of his son, but yesterday afternoon Suddenly disappeared. Because the hospital will arrange nurses for patients like Wang Feng, so I didn't care at first, but he hasn't come yet today, the phone can't be reached, and Wang Feng doesn't know anything, which is very unusual." "This is indeed too unusual." Lin Moran also said, "Even if he has something urgent, he won't just leave without saying anything. Isn't he worried about Wang Feng?" Lin Moran suddenly thought of his father.However, I was a healthy person with strong hands-on ability back then, who was absolutely capable of self-reliance.But Wang Feng was different. If Wang Kun left like this, it would be very difficult for Wang Feng to survive. Lin Moran thought of the missing Wu Xin again, and felt ominous in his heart.Although there is no connection between them, somehow it feels the same. Sensing Lin Moran's silence here, Meng Yuting asked on the other side: "Mr. Lin, Mr. Lin, are you listening?" "Yes, I'm listening." Lin Moran came back to his senses and hurriedly said: "But I only have his mobile phone number, and I don't have any other contact information. If... If I can't find him again, I suggest calling the police." If one is missing, followed by another, things are by no means so simple.And Lin Moran thought of one thing in common between the two of them, that is, they both have golden flowers. Meng Yuting was taken aback by Lin Moran's call to the police, but after thinking about it, she said, "Okay, I see. If there is news about him, please ask him to contact the hospital as soon as possible." Lin Moran answered "Okay" and hung up the phone, his mind was still wandering, his shoulder was slapped suddenly, and he almost jumped up in fright. Tang Ze came back at some point, seeing his astonished expression, he was also taken aback: "I'll just slap you, why are you so nervous?" Lin Moran shook his head: "It's okay, I was not mentally prepared, I was taken aback, you are back, where is Williams?" "Sent away." Tang Ze said: "I roughly said that everything will be discussed in detail after I go there. By the way, do you have the number of Sanmin Hospital? I will contact Wang Kun for Wang Feng to go abroad for surgery." Yes, I want to talk to him. But his phone can't be connected, maybe it's out of power and turned off. " Lin Moran's eyes darkened and he said to himself: "It's not that the power was turned off, he's missing." Tang Ze almost choked out, "What did you say?" "He disappeared." Lin Moran rubbed his forehead, "Do you think it's weird, and I think it's weird too. Wu Xin is missing, and Wang Kun is also missing. Do you think there is a relationship between the two? Although Jin Basil doesn't have the Pharaoh's curse like the pyramids, but I always feel like someone's laying something out while we're digging Williams." Lin Moran had no evidence, but he felt a little uneasy all the time in his heart.Especially after seeing a man who looked like his father that day, the uneasiness became even stronger. Tang Ze was tired after talking with Williams all morning. He sat down on the sofa beside him, closed his eyes and said, "Speaking of which, I also feel that things are weird recently, but it seems to be going well." Tang Ze didn't know what he was talking about, so he closed his eyes and sat up again, "Wang Kun is missing, so what about Wang Feng? I heard last time that his condition won't be stable for a long time. What's more, in the hospital in the United States, I I got in touch after looking for some connections, if I delay the quota and get rejected, I don’t know how long I’ll have to wait.” Lin Moran resolutely called Meng Yuting and told her to call the police. Maybe Wang Kun was involved in an incident, but they didn't know it yet. Although the police may not be able to find people, such as Wu Xin, his whereabouts are still unknown.But in any case, calling the police is better than waiting. When Lin Moran was on the phone, Tang Ze interjected: "If Wang Kun is not found, I will find someone to take Wang Feng there, so Wang Feng can rest assured." Lin Moran glanced at Tang Ze in surprise, and said exactly what he said, but after hearing that, he paused and said, "There is one more strange thing." "What's wrong?" Lin Moran felt that his heart was a little overloaded recently, strange things happened one after another, more than what he had encountered in the past twenty years. "I have to pay the fee this morning. Because I couldn't find Wang Kun, the doctor went to ask Wang Feng." Meng Yuting said, "Wang Feng also has some money, but not much, it's a passbook. I happened to accompany him at Sanmin Hospital Withdraw money, and guess what, he has more than five million in his account." "Wang Kun should have five million in him. Mr. Tang asked him to buy something..." After a pause, Lin Moran also felt strange, "Why is the money in Wang Feng's passbook?" "I don't know." Meng Yuting responded, then lowered her voice and said in a low voice: "We asked the bank to check, and the money was remitted from Wang Kun's account yesterday. Guess it's Wang Kun who knew what was going to happen?" What happened, so I transferred the money to my son’s account. This is the cost of Wang Feng’s surgery, if there is no money, there will be no cure for his illness.” "Hey, I don't know either." Lin Moran felt a deep sense of powerlessness, thought for a while and said, "Call the police, don't worry about this matter, let the police deal with it. As for Wang Feng, you can ask him, The procedures in the United States have been completed. Even if Wang Kun can’t find anyone for a while, Mr. Tang can send someone to take him there and make arrangements for him. Your life is your own, and you can do whatever you want after the illness is cured. But if he can't be strong himself, no one can help him." In this matter, Lin Moran feels that he has experienced it, and there are many things that he has no choice but to face with strength.Although Wang Feng has been in poor health since he was a child, and his personality may be relatively weak, but now fate has opened a hunting net forcefully, and you can either break out or fall.Others can only lend a helping hand to help you, but they cannot live for you. Meng Yuting was silent for a moment and answered "Yes", promising to notify Lin Moran immediately if there was any new news. After hanging up the phone, the two were silent for a while, then Lin Moran suddenly remembered something, "By the way, do you still remember when you came to me and said that someone introduced you? I've always been curious, who is this person?" "Oh, this man." Tang Ze scratched his head, "Do you know what my major is?" "I really don't know." Lin Moran frowned, thinking about what major the rich second generation should study, and it would be fine if they could spend money. Probably Lin Moran's expression was too naked, Tang Ze expressed his contempt without hesitation, and then said: "I am a computer major, such as programming, so basically I cannot do without a computer. Many friends We also got to know each other through the internet.” Lin Moran had a strange expression on his face, "And then? Don't tell me you met a master online." "Basically." Tang Ze said, "I met him on an antique forum, and we've chatted for several years. I think he's very capable, and he has an inexplicable sense of intimacy. Maybe it's your customer, and he introduced you to mine." "What's your name?" Lin Moran thought for a while, "I don't surf the Internet very much, but I only know a few people online. If you tell me, I might know." "I don't know what the real name is." Tang Ze said: "The name on the forum is the ancient affairs of the deserted village. It is a name with a feeling. In fact, it is a bit exaggerated to say that he introduced it, because for a while, I felt that he was chattering and a little curious. , so I went to his homepage and looked, although he set a password, but I still cracked it. Don’t look at me like that, I’m not a hacker, just because I’m too curious, and then I looked at his homepage When I got some news about you, I thought you were amazing, so I went looking for you." "News about me?" Lin Moran was even more surprised, "What news?" "There are quite a lot." Tang Ze said: "But there is nothing special, just some things you do. For example, one day you received something, sold something, and then what you did well and where you need to improve. It's quite strange to say, you said this person will not be your opponent, why collect these things?" Listening to Tang Ze's words, Lin Moran only felt a gust of cold wind blowing through his heart.There is a person who is secretly paying attention to him, and he is neither a national idol nor a cute girl, so he doesn't think this is his fan. And that name, Huangcun... Although there are so many online names that cannot be explained too much, this name pricks Lin Moran's heart like a needle.That barren, bloody dreamland flashed before his eyes again.
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